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43 Cards in this Set

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What are the three separate memory systems in the Multistore Memory?
1. sensory
2. short term
3. long term
What is the difference between declarative and non-declarative?
declarative- can be recalled

non-declarative- not accessible
Although this is one memory system, what are the three ways we encode in the Levels of Processing model?
1. structural
2. phonemic
3. semantic
Define each way of encoding for the Levels of Processing model.
1. structural- how it looks
2. phonemic- how it sounds
3. semantic- what it means
What is the basic processing of memory (in order)
Define encoding
it is the information that is taken in
Define storage
preserving the encoded information
Define retrieval
accessing the information
What are the two models of memory?
1. Multi-store model
2. Levels of Processing model
What does the Multi-store model propose?
That there are three different, separate memory systems. Those memory systems are sensory, short term and long term
What is the duration of time the sensory memory system has?
1/4 of a second
Our working memory- what you are doing at any given moment is your _____ ____ _____.
short term memory
In short term memory, what can you do to make the information last longer?
If there is a distraction, how much time can it take for the information to decay in short term memory?
15-30 seconds
What is the capacity for short term memory?
5-9 items
How can the capacity of a person's short term memory be increased?
a person can use the skill known as "chunking"
With _____, information goes from short term memory to long term memory
What is so special about long term memory?
1. it is permanent
2. there is no limit of amount of information
Information is not guaranteed to be put into long term memory unless this is used-
elaborative rehearsal
What are the two categories of long term memory?
1. declarative
2. non-declarative
What are the two types of memory under declarative memory?
1. Episodic
2. Semantic
Define Episodic
personal memory system
Define Semantic
general knowledge
What does the levels of processing model propose?
That there is one single memory system that also proposes three different ways of encoding information- 1. structural 2. phonemic 3. semantic
What is the deepest way to encode information (more likely to remember the information)
semantic encoding
What are the 4 theories people have to forgetting?
1. Ineffective encoding
2. Retrieval failure
3. Decay Theory
4. Interference Theory
What does the ineffective encoding theory state?
when information is learned in an inferior way (example- studying while music is playing, studying while tired, etc.)
What does the retrieval failure theory state?
When someone processes the information in a meaningful way, yet the information cannot be retrieved.
What does the Decay Theory state?
When the information weakens over a period of time
What does the interference Theory state?
When we forget because old and new theories conflict with one another
What are the two types of interference in the interference theory?
1. proactive- when old memories interfere with new memories

2. retroactive- when new memories interfere with old memories
What is the definition of verbal mnemonics?
the use of letters, phrases or stories to remember information
What are the two types of visual mnemonics?
1. Loci- associating words to be remembered with physical locations

2. Pegword- using numbers and rhymes to associate with words to be remembered
What is the definition of retention?
The act of keeping information in one's memory
What is the definition of attention?
The ability of power to concentrate mentally
What type of processing leads to better retention?
deep processing
What type of encoding involves deciding how information may be personally related to someone?
self-referent encoding
What involves linking other stimulus to other information?
What is a schema?
a diagram or a plan
Semantic networks would best be associated with what storage location?
long term memory
Brief (a fraction of a second) would best be a associated with what storage location?
sensory memory
Phonemic Sensory Loops would best be associated with what storage location?
short term memory
Flashbulb memories would be best associated with what storage location?
long term memories