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15 Cards in this Set

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This is an unpleasant emotional state where we feel that something bad is about to happen. people often become anxious when they are in stressful situations, and this anxiety tends to be accompanied by physiological arousal.
This is a measure of how much can be held in memory. It is measured in terms of bits of information such as numbers of digits. STM has a very limited capacity (less than 7 'chunks' of information) whereas LTM has potentially unlimited capacity.
Central Executive
Monitors and coordinates all other mental functions in working memory.
Miller proposed that the capacity of STM can be enhanced by grouping sets of digits or letters into meaningful unit or 'chunks'.
A measure of how long a memory lasts before it is no longer available. STM has a very limited duration (a memory in STM doesn't last long), whereas LTM has potentially unlimited duration. A memory in LTM could, theoretically, last for the whole of a person's life.
The way information is changed so that it can be stored in memory. Information enters the brain via the senses. It is then stored in various forms, such as visual codes (like a picture), acoustic forms (sounds), or a semantic form (the meaning of the experience). STM - acoustically, LTM - semantically.
Episodic Buffer
Receives input from many sources, temporarily stores this information, and then integrates it in order to construct a mental episode of what is being experienced right now.
Eyewitness Testimony (EWT)
The evidence provided in court by a person who witnessed a crime, with a view to identifying the perpetrator of the crime. the accuracy of eyewitness recall may be affected during initial encoding, subsequent storage and eventual retrieval.
Leading (Misleading) question
A question that, either by its form or by its content, suggests to the witness what naswer is desired or leads him to the desired answer.
Long-term memory
Your memory for events that have happened in the past. This lasts anywhere from 2 minutes to 100 years. The long-term memory store has potentially unlimited duration and capacity.
Phonological Loop
Encodes speech sounds in working memory, typically involving maintenance rehearsal (repeating the words over and over again). This is why this component of working memory is referred to as the 'loop'.
Sensory store/memory
This is the information at the senses - information collected by you eyes, ears, mose, fingers, and so on. Information is retained for a very brief period by the sensory registers. We are only able to hold accurate images of sensory information momentarily (less than half a second). The capacity of sensory memory is very large. The method of encoding depends on the sense organ involved, e.g visual for the eyes or acoustic for the ears.
Short-term memory
Your memory for immediate events. Short-term memories last for a very short time and disappear unless they are rehearsed. The short-term memory store has limited duration and limited capacity. This type of memory is sometimes referred to as working memory because it is used in comprehending language, solving problems, and so on. It is related to long-term memory in several fundamental ways.
Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad
Encodes visual information in terms of separate objects as well as the arrangement of these objects in one's visual field.
Word-length Effect
The observation that people remember lists of short words better than lists of long words.