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132 Cards in this Set

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MSM - who was it by?

Atkinson and shiffrin

MSM - list components

Sensory register —attention—> STM , LTM

MSM - how is Info lost from sensory register?


MSM - how is info lost from STM


MSM - how is info lost from LTM

Retrieval failure

MSM - key points about the model

Travels in a linear fashion

Each store is unitary

Each store can function on its own

Sensory register : encoding, capacity, duration, forgetting

Encoding : modality specific

Capacity: unlimited

Duration: limited (0.5s)

Forgetting: decay

MSM - STM encoding, capacity, duration, forgetting

Encoding: acoustically

Capacity: magic miller 7+- 2

Duration: 18-30 sec

Forgetting: displacement

MSM - LTM encoding, capacity, duration, forgetting

Encoding: semantically

Capacity: unlimited

Duration: unlimited

Forgetting: retrieval failure

MSM - research: types of encoding

Baddeley and hitch

4 groups asked to learn a list of words either sounding similar, different, similar meanings or different meanings

Findings: info encoded acoustically in STM

info encoded semantically in LTM

MSM - research: duration of STM

Peterson and Peterson

Given trigrams then asked to count backwards for a certain amount of time then recall the trigrams

Findings: duration of STM is approx 20 secs

MSM - research: distinct stores in memory

GLanzer and Cunitz

List of words presented for 1-2 seconds then asked to recall

Findings: words at beginning and end were remembered

MSM evaluation : strengths


Supporting experimental research, glanzer and cunitz, Peterson and Peterson. Makes valid suggestions


Supporting evidence from case studies, case of HM, lost large portion of brain, Lost LTM but stm was fine. Model valid in claiming unitary stores

MSM evaluation: weakness


Methodological flaws, low in ecological validity and mundane realism. Model is invalid


Contradictory case studies, Clive wearing lost LTM but procedural memory intact. Not separate stores so invalid

Long term memory - types

Episodic - personal diary, life events, emotions (EXPLICIT)

Procedural - muscle memory, how to do things (IMPLICIT)

Semantic - general IQ, facts shared by everyone (EXPLICIT)

Long term memory - types

Episodic - personal diary, life events, emotions (EXPLICIT)

Procedural - muscle memory, how to do things (IMPLICIT)

Semantic - general IQ, facts shared by everyone (EXPLICIT)

Long term memory - evaluation strengths


Evidence from brain scans support LTM; pet scans show diff parts of the brain are active when diff parts of the LTM are. Episodic - hippocampus, semantic - temporal lobe , procedural - cerebellum. Valid

2: case studies of amnesiacs support. Clive wearing - episodic and semantic memory ruined, procedural intact.

Long term memory evaluation weaknesses

Lacks core features of a science

Case studies are idiographic and focus on a unique individual and can’t be generalised. Not valid

WMM - who was it by?

Baddeley and hitch

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - episodic buffer

Extra temp storage system

Limited capacity

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - episodic buffer

Extra temp storage system

Limited capacity

WMM - research: testing dual processing


Pps had to track a light whilst either completing a verbal or visual task

Findings showed pps found it harder to complete the visual task showing it was using the same part of WMM

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - episodic buffer

Extra temp storage system

Limited capacity

WMM - research: testing dual processing


Pps had to track a light whilst either completing a verbal or visual task

Findings showed pps found it harder to complete the visual task showing it was using the same part of WMM

WMM - research: duration of phonological loop


Visually shown words either short or multi syllable then asked to recall

Findings showed a word length effect (shorter = easier to recall)

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - episodic buffer

Extra temp storage system

Limited capacity

WMM - research: testing dual processing


Pps had to track a light whilst either completing a verbal or visual task

Findings showed pps found it harder to complete the visual task showing it was using the same part of WMM

WMM - research: duration of phonological loop


Visually shown words either short or multi syllable then asked to recall

Findings showed a word length effect (shorter = easier to recall)

WMM - research: dual tasks


FMRI scans when pps were completing two tasks

Findings showed increased brain activity

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - episodic buffer

Extra temp storage system

Limited capacity

WMM - research: testing dual processing


Pps had to track a light whilst either completing a verbal or visual task

Findings showed pps found it harder to complete the visual task showing it was using the same part of WMM

WMM - research: duration of phonological loop


Visually shown words either short or multi syllable then asked to recall

Findings showed a word length effect (shorter = easier to recall)

WMM - research: dual tasks


FMRI scans when pps were completing two tasks

Findings showed increased brain activity

WMM - evaluation strengths


Supporting experimental research; baddeley dual processing, baddeley duration of PL, increases validity


Support from case studies of amnesiacs. KF motorbike crash accident - STM was damaged with visual info but verbal info was fine. Supports idea of separate PL and VS

WMM - list components

Central executive

Episodic buffer

Phonological loop (articulatory control, phonological store)

Visuospatial sketchpad

Long term memory

WMM - central executive

Control centre

Directs attention to tasks

Makes decisions

Limited capacity

WMM - Phonological loop

Auditory information

Limited capacity

AC: speech production, converts written material

PS: holds verbal info in speech form

WMM - visuospatial sketchpad

Manipulation, planning and understand visual info

Limited capacity

Visual cache: stores visual data

Inner scribe: arrangement of objects

WMM - episodic buffer

Extra temp storage system

Limited capacity

WMM - research: testing dual processing


Pps had to track a light whilst either completing a verbal or visual task

Findings showed pps found it harder to complete the visual task showing it was using the same part of WMM

WMM - research: duration of phonological loop


Visually shown words either short or multi syllable then asked to recall

Findings showed a word length effect (shorter = easier to recall)

WMM - research: dual tasks


FMRI scans when pps were completing two tasks

Findings showed increased brain activity

WMM - evaluation strengths


Supporting experimental research; baddeley dual processing, baddeley duration of PL, increases validity


Support from case studies of amnesiacs. KF motorbike crash accident - STM was damaged with visual info but verbal info was fine. Supports idea of separate PL and VS

WMM - evaluation weakness


methodologically flawed, uses lab experiments which lack ecological validity, and case studies which are idiographic. May be invalid


Lacking core feature of a science, case studies are idiographic and can’t be generalised. Not valid

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference theory- proactive def

Cannot learn a new task due to a previously learnt task

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference theory- proactive def

Cannot learn a new task due to a previously learnt task

Interference theory - retroactive def

Forgetting an old task/info due to learning a new one

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference theory- proactive def

Cannot learn a new task due to a previously learnt task

Interference theory - retroactive def

Forgetting an old task/info due to learning a new one

Interference theory research: type of material

Mcgeogh and McDonald

Had to learn a list of words, then given a new list to learn (either synonyms, antonyms, nonsense, unrelated numbers or control)

Findings showed number of words recalled depended on how similar the words were

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference theory- proactive def

Cannot learn a new task due to a previously learnt task

Interference theory - retroactive def

Forgetting an old task/info due to learning a new one

Interference theory research: type of material

Mcgeogh and McDonald

Had to learn a list of words, then given a new list to learn (either synonyms, antonyms, nonsense, unrelated numbers or control)

Findings showed number of words recalled depended on how similar the words were

Interference theory - research: retro interference in real life

Baddeley and hitch

Rugby players asked to list all the games they had played

Recall depended not on how long ago the games were but how many games they had played

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference theory- proactive def

Cannot learn a new task due to a previously learnt task

Interference theory - retroactive def

Forgetting an old task/info due to learning a new one

Interference theory research: type of material

Mcgeogh and McDonald

Had to learn a list of words, then given a new list to learn (either synonyms, antonyms, nonsense, unrelated numbers or control)

Findings showed number of words recalled depended on how similar the words were

Interference theory - research: retro interference in real life

Baddeley and hitch

Rugby players asked to list all the games they had played

Recall depended not on how long ago the games were but how many games they had played

Interference theory - evaluation strengths


Supported by experimental research, e.g Mcgeogh and McDonald, Baddeley and hitch. Adds validity


Evidence is scientific, lab experiments mean high validity and control. Cause and effect can be established

Interference forgetting - def

When info of a similar format interrupts our ability of recalling something

Interference theory- proactive def

Cannot learn a new task due to a previously learnt task

Interference theory - retroactive def

Forgetting an old task/info due to learning a new one

Interference theory research: type of material

Mcgeogh and McDonald

Had to learn a list of words, then given a new list to learn (either synonyms, antonyms, nonsense, unrelated numbers or control)

Findings showed number of words recalled depended on how similar the words were

Interference theory - research: retro interference in real life

Baddeley and hitch

Rugby players asked to list all the games they had played

Recall depended not on how long ago the games were but how many games they had played

Interference theory - evaluation strengths


Supported by experimental research, e.g Mcgeogh and McDonald, Baddeley and hitch. Adds validity


Evidence is scientific, lab experiments mean high validity and control. Cause and effect can be established

Interference theory evaluation weaknesses


Lacks mundane realism, doesn’t reflect how memory is used in everyday life. Not valid


Incomplete, only explains some cases of forgetting. Relatively unimportant

Retrieval failure

Cue dependent forgetting

Absence of cues

Retrieval failure - meaningful cues


Links to the info

Forgetting likely to occur if cues at retrieval are different to cues at encoding

Retrieval failure - meaningful cues


Links to the info

Forgetting likely to occur if cues at retrieval are different to cues at encoding

Retrieval failure Context dependent cues

Location weather etc

Forgetting likely to occur when location is different at time of retrieval compared to time at encoding

Retrieval failure - meaningful cues


Links to the info

Forgetting likely to occur if cues at retrieval are different to cues at encoding

Retrieval failure Context dependent cues

Location weather etc

Forgetting likely to occur when location is different at time of retrieval compared to time at encoding

Retrieval failure - State dependent cues

Mental emotional state

Forgetting likely to occur if mental state is different at encoding to retrieval

Retrieval failure research : semantic cues

Tulving and pearl stone

Word list go remember, then asked to recall

Group 1: free recall

Group 2: had categories

Group with categories remembered more

Retrieval failure - research: state dependent cues


Medical students asked to learn a list of words either sober or drunk

Asked to recall either sober or drunk

Retrieval failure evaluation strengths


Supported by evidence, tulving and pearl stone, goodwin adds validity


Evidence relies on lab experiments. High control so can establish cause and effect

Retrieval failure evaluation weaknesses


Lacks mundane realism, lists aren’t representative of how memory is used

EWT - key points

Misleading questions given to eye witnesses

Post event discussion can distort memory

EWT - key points

Misleading questions given to eye witnesses

Post event discussion can distort memory

EWT - research : loftus and Palmer

Leading Qs about car accident

More violent the verb higher speed prediction

Post event discussion research: gabbert

Two people would watch a crime video from diff perspectives. Control group did not discuss. One group did discuss. Those who discussed reported 71% incorrect info

EWT evaluation strengths


high in reliability, research uses lab experiments eg standardised procedures so replicable


Practical applications, can earn justice systems and led to development of cognitive interview

EWT - evaluation weakness


Research is low in ecological validity, watching a video clip is artificial so not generalisable


Contradictory findings

Yuille and cutshall: interviewed witnesses to real life robbery 4 months after. We’re all given misleading QS but all were accurate

Anxiety research: christianson and hubinette

110 real witnesses analysed. Some were onlookers some directly threatened. Those with highest anxiety had best recall

Anxiety research : Johnson and Scott

Waiting room; argument and bloody knife or pen

Pps then shown photos and asked to identify

Pen had better accuracy

Anxiety research : Johnson and Scott

Waiting room; argument and bloody knife or pen

Pps then shown photos and asked to identify

Pen had better accuracy

Anxiety - evaluation strengths


Christianson and hubinette has high ecological validity. Anxiety wasn’t artificial so can be generalised

Anxiety research : Johnson and Scott

Waiting room; argument and bloody knife or pen

Pps then shown photos and asked to identify

Pen had better accuracy

Anxiety - evaluation strengths


Christianson and hubinette has high ecological validity. Anxiety wasn’t artificial so can be generalised

Anxiety Evaluation weakness


christianson and hubinette was a natural experiment so no cause and effect


Individual differences, neuroticism means lower levels of accuracy emotional sensitivity may affect this


Johnson and Scott

May be testing surprise rather than anxiety

Cognitive interview

Minimises distortion

Listen to witness

Open ended qs

Avoid interrupting

Cognitive interview

Minimises distortion

Listen to witness

Open ended qs

Avoid interrupting

Cognitive interview : components

Report everything

Context reinstatement

Change order

Change perspective

Cognitive interview evaluation strengths


Supporting evidence

Guiselman - pps shown a video of crime then either asked question in standard or cognitive interview or through hypnosis. Cognitive was best

Cognitive interview evaluation strengths


Supporting evidence

Guiselman - pps shown a video of crime then either asked question in standard or cognitive interview or through hypnosis. Cognitive was best

Cognitive interview evaluation weaknesses


Practical problems, time consuming police need specialist training


Not all techniques were viewed favourably, some may be incorrect and cause confusion