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218 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What are known risk factors for cardiogenic shock (4)?
Ischemic Event
pg 385
Causes of Cardiogenic Shock (5)?
AMI, RV infarct, depressed cardiac contractility, Obstruction to forward flow (valve stenosis or tamponade), Regurge
pg 385
Cardiogenic shock is characterized by ___ and ___.
hypoperfusion and hypotension
pg 386
___ % of cardiogenic shock after AMI is caused by mechanical complications.
pg 386
What lab markers are specific for cardiogenic shock?
None; but cardiac enzymes, lactate, lytes, mag, LFTs, and BNP are needed
pg 386
ED care for cardiogenic shock is temporizing, what is the treatment of choice?
revascularization by cardiac cath or surgical intervention
pg 387
When is Positive Pressure Ventilation recommended in cardiogenic shock?
If pt is stable and cooperative, but it does decrease preload and worsens hyoptension
pg 388
In AMI, ___ and ___ should be given unless there is an absolute contraindication.
ASA and Heparin
pg 388
T/F: BB should be given to pts w/ acute ST elevation MI or NSTEMI who are in cardiogenic shock, or who are at risk for cardio shock.
False- Should NOT
pg 388
What are 4 inotropic meds you can use in cardiogenic shock?
Dopamine, Dobutamine, Norepi, Milrinone
pg 388
Which method is preferred in AMI cardiogenic shock for definitive txmt; thrombolytics or cath lab?
Cardiac cath is definitive
pg 388
What were the results from the SHOCK trial for 3 and 6 yr survival rates?
Early revascularization had higher survival rates than medical stabilization
pg 388
Which murmur with syncope will appear well at rest but is at risk for a catastrophic event.
Aortic Stenosis
pg 415
What is required in pt's with valvular dz or prosthetic valves before procedures?
pg 415
What is the most common cause of mitral stenosis?
Rheumatic Heart Dz
pg 415
What is seen on the EKG of mitral stenosis?
Biphasic or notched P waves and right axis deviation due to progressive left atrial enlargement.
pg 416
What are the most common causes of mitral regurge?
AMI, ischemia, MVP, or collagen-vascular dz
pg 417
What is acute mitral regurge's pathophysiology?
papillary muscle or chordae tendineae
pg 417
In severe mitral regurge, how should a pt be treated?
optimize hemodynamics, tx pulm edema w/ O2, nitrates, diuretics, and intubate for resp failure
pg 418
What is the classic triad of Aortic Stenosis?
dyspnea, chest pain, and syncope
pg 418
Syncope in the setting of exertion or a systolic murmur should raise the possibility of ____.
Aortic Stenosis
pg 419
What is a late peaking systolic murmur at right sternal border w/ radiation to the carotids?
Aortic Stenosis
pg 419
What do symptomatic Aortic Stenosis pt's require for txmt?
valve replacement, 75% die w/in 3yrs w/o surgery
pg 419
What are the most common causes of Aortic Stenosis?
Infective Endocarditis, aortic dissection at the root, and blunt chest trauma
pg 419
What is an Austin Flint murmur and what is it related to?
murmur in the left lateral decub at apex, associated w/ aortic regurg
pg 420
54yo homeless M c/o fever, swelling of the leg and belly x 3 days. Admits to IV drug use. 84/64, 18, 110, 103.1 92%. Exam soft, blowing holosystolic murmur along left lower border, +JVD, and HSM. What are your concerned for?
Tricuspid Regurg 2/2 infective endocarditis
pg 421
T/F: Prosthetic valves are more durable with lower failure rates, but have higher risk for thromboembolic events.
False: Mechanical valves
pg 421
When is a heart valve replacement pt at the greatest risk for embolism?
3 months postoperative
pg 421
How long do mechanical heart valve pt's need to be anticoagulated?
pg 421
Acute onset of __, ___, and ___ may be associated with mech valve failure, tearing of bioprosthesis, or a large clot obstructing a valve.
Resp distress, pulm edema, and cardiogenic shock
pg 422
56yo F with mech mitral valve replacement 12 months ago c/o SOB, cough, and dizziness. Exam reveals quiet S1 and S2. What do you suspect?
Valve dysfunction, since mech valves have loud clicking sound
pg 422
Heart vavle replacements are anticoagulated to INR btwn 2-3 and 2.5-3.5. If severe bleeding is suspected how do you treated?
FFP (hold Vit K due to overcorrection leading to thromboembolism)
pg 422
What is the definition of cardiomyopathy?
dz that alters cardiac structure, function, or electrical properities
pg 423
Cardiomyopathies are broken down into primary and secondary. What are some examples of Primary?
Primary - Genetic (hypertrophic, conduction dz), Mixed (dilated and restrictive), and Aquired
pg 423
Cardiomyopathies are broken down into primary and secondary. What are some examples of Secondary?
Secondary - Toxin (ETOH, cocaine, methamphetamines), Infiltrative (amyloidosis), Storage (hemochromatosis), and Metabolic
pg 423
What is the second leading cause of death among adolescents and the leading cause of sudden death in athletes?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopthy
pg 423
This cardiomyopathy is the most common, has diminished cardiac output, and normal wall thickness.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy
pg 424
What two medications have proven to improve survival in dilated cardiomyopathy pts?
BB and ACE-I
pg 424
17yo AAM c/o chest pain, DOE, and syncope while playing bball game. Has uncle that died of massive heart attack. What are you concerned for?
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopthy (HOCM)
pg 425
What type of heart condition has a murmur accentuated by valsalva, standing after squatting and is quieted with squatting?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and MVP
pg 425
What should you do with the pt with exercise intolerance, CP, and a murmur?
echo, admission and cardiology eval
pg 426
T/F: Syncope in pt with HOCM may preceed sudden cardiac death.
pg 426
54yo F c/o DOE, cough, JVD and bilat pitting edema. Normal CXR. No cardiac hx. What heart dz can mimic CHF?
Restrictive cardiomyopathy presents like CHF without the cardiomegaly
pg 426
What other diagnosis must be r/o when considering restrictive cardiomyopathy and why?
Constrictive Pericarditis b/c it can be surgically corrected
pg 426
What is the most important and common physical exam finding in pericarditis?
Pericardial friction rub
pg 426
How does CP present in pericarditis?
More severe in the supine position and relieved with sitting up and leaning forward.
pg 427
What type of EKG changes will you see early in pericarditis?
ST and T wave changes globally
pg 427
Differentiating pericarditis from ____ is a common problem and can be difficult when only a single 12-lead EKG is done.
early repolarization
pg 427
If the ST amplitude to T wave amplitude ratio is > __%, acute pericarditis is likely.
25% or 0.25
pg 427
What are some EKG findings in late Stage 3 Pericarditis?
ST normalization and T wave inversion
pg 427
65yo M c/o dyspnea at rest and exertion. Denies CP. VS: 98/88, 124, 18, 95%, 99.1. +JVD, distant heart sounds. EKG is low voltage otherwise normal. What is the concern for?
Cardiac Tamponade
pg 429
A value of ___mmHg usually seperates true tamponade from lesser restricted cardiac filling problems.
pg 429
__ ___ is not diagnostic of cardiac tamponade and may be noted in other cardiopulmonary processes.
Pulsus Paradoxus
pg 429
What are the three most common causes of cardiac tamponade?
Metastatic malignancy (40%)
Acute idiopathic (15%)
Uremia (10%)
pg 429
What other EKG finding may be present with cardiac tamponade?
Electrical Alternans
(variation of the R to R amplitude)
pg 430
How should you initially treat cardiac tamponade in order to increase cardiac output?
volume expansion (500-1000cc of NS)
pg 430
How can you differentiate restrictive pericarditis from CHF on exam?
Kussmaul sign (inspiratory neck vein distention) rare in CHF
pg 430
What are the 3 types of aneurysms?
True (all layers), pseudo (partly vessel wall), and mycotic (infxn of the wall)
pg 453
An AAA is defined as __cm or greater and repair is indicated for __cm or greater.
3cm and 5cm
pg 454
What is the most common presenting symptom in AAA?
back or abdominal pain (sudden and severe)
pg 454
What are Cullen and Grey Turner signs and what do they indicate?
Cullen - ecchymosis around the umbilicus
Grey-Turner - flank ecchymosis
indicates AAA rupture
pg 454
At what size are AAA more likely to rupture?
pg 454
All symptomatic AAA require _____ or transfer of the pt to an institution capable of ____.
emergency surgical consult, emergency repair
pg 456
What is the best txmt for AAA with HTN?
BB, Esmolol
pg 456
What is the most common peripheral aneurysm?
pg 457
Describe symptoms for a femoral/ iliac artery aneurysm.
pulsatile mass in the groin or upper thigh, scrotal hematoma, or acute limb ischemia
pg 457
Describe symptoms for a hepatic artery aneurysm.
Quinke Triad - jaundice, biliary colic, and upper GI bleed)
pg 457
Describe symptoms for a splenic artery aneurysm.
left upper quad pain, undifferentiated shock, or intra-abdominal hemorrhage
pg 457
Describe symptoms for a subclavian/ innominate artery aneurysms.
upper limb ischemia,
pg 457
Describe symptoms for a anastomotic aneurysm.
may occur in aortic, iliac, or femoral artery (may erode in to intestine)
pg 457
What does the presence of myoglobinemia, renal failure, and peripheral muscle infacrtction indicated after with an occlusive arterial dz?
Reperfusion Injury
pg 458
Why are drug users at risk for arterial occlusive dz?
injection drug users result in local vasospasm
pg 458
What are the 6 P's of acute limb ischemia?
pain, pallor, paralysis, pulselessness, paresthesias, and polar
pg 458
Two uncommon presentations of DVTs are painful blue inflammation of the limb or white inflammation of the limb are?
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens and phlegmasia alba dolens
pg 460
What is a normal ABI, what does higer and lower than normal indicate?
Normal 0.91-1.3, >1.3- vascular calcification, <0.91- chronic obstructive arterial dz
pg 461
A difference of __ mmHG or more btwn any two adjacent levels accurately localizes the site of obstruction for segmental pressures.
pg 462
At what anatomical level does Duplex US lose it's effectiveness?
below the popliteal
pg 462
What 5 interventions are useful for the ED txmt of acute limb ischemia?
Heparin 80units/kg bolus, 18units/kg/h, ASA 81mg, Dependent positioning, Pain control, Environmental protection
pg 462
Percutantous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) and revascularization is recommended < __ days for thrombolysis in the limb.
<14 days
pg 462
Priorities in the evaluation of hemoptysis are (4):
1) Ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation
2) confirming a pulmonary source
3) Attempting to identifying the cause of hemoptysis
4) appropriate disposition
pg 473
The most common causes of hemoptysis in children are (3)?
cystic fibrosis, foreign body, and congenital heart disease
pg 473
What are the most common causes of hemoptysis in adults (6)?
1. bronchitis, 2. PNA, 3. lung abscess, 4. TB, 5. lung CA, 6. bronchiectasis
pg 474
How does brisk hemoptysis typically kill a pt?
fills the anatomic dead space in the airway and asphyxiates rather than exanguinates
pg 474
Mild hemoptysis is <__mL of blood in 24hrs, moderate is __ to __mL in 24hrs, and massive is >__mL in 24hrs.
< 20mL, 20-600mL, and > 600mL
pg 474
What is a better measure of hemoptysis in the ED?
speckled blood in sputum, gross hemoptysis, or massive hemoptysis interferring with ventilation
pg 474
Pt w/ massive hemoptysis on warfarin should get ___ w/o waiting for coag studies.
pg 476
What is the % risk of neoplasm for a smoker with mild hemoptysis and a normal CXR?
pg 476
How do you differentiate btwn common cold cough and bronchitis?
Common cold has postnasal drip and throat clearing
pg 476
What is the most common cause of bronchitis?
respiratory viruses (flu,parainflu, RSV, coronavirus, adenovirus, rhinovirus)
pg 477
Most common cause of the common cold?
pg 477
What are three known causes of bacterial bronchitis?
Bordetella pertusis, Mycoplasma, and Chlamydophilia
pg 478
URIs are indistinguishable from bronchitis, however, cough will last __ days in bronchitis and PFTs may be abnormal.
5 days (can persist up to 20days)
pg 478
How do you r/o PNA on clinical grounds (5)?
All 5 must be met: 1) HR >100, 2) RR >24, 3) T>100.4, 4) CXR shows consolidation
5) Age >64yo
pg 478
T/F: Acute bronchitis is primarily a bacterial illness and rountine txmt w/ abx is indicated.
False: mainly viral and no abx indicated
pg 479
What should H5N1 (Avian flu) be tx'd with?
Oseltamivir 7-10 days
pg 479
What does the Amer Coll of Chest Phys say about abx, antitussives, mucolytics, and bronchodilators in bronchitis?
abx- no
antitussives - yes
mucolytics - no
bronchodilators - yes, if wheezing
pg 479
What is an empyema?
pus in the pleural space
pg 491
What are the diagnostic criteria for empyema?
Aspiration of grossly purulent material on thorocentesis and, + culture, glucose <40, pH <7.1, or LDH >1000
pg 492
What is the txmt of choice for empyema?
Zosyn 3.375 - 4.5g q 6 hrs or
Imipemem 0.5-1.0g IV q 6 hrs
pg 492
Where do lung abscess typically occur?
basal segments or posterior upper segments
pg 492
How should you tx a lung abscess?
Medical management is successful 70-90% with clindamycin 600mg IV and metronidazole
pg 494
___ ___ is the slow growing aerobic rod that has acid fast properties responsible for TB infxns.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
pg 494
What is a Ghon complex in relation to TB?
area of primary scarring and calcification associated w/ hilar lymphadenopathy
pg 495
What are Rich foci in relation to TB?
similar to Ghon complexes in the lungs, but these involve the CNS
pg 495
How useful is the CXR in r/o TB?
no cavitations and no apical infiltrate yield NPV of 97%
pg 495
What is the most common way to detect exposure to TB?
The Mantoux skin test
pg 496
When should a ED provider initiate TB meds?
should not unless directed to by provider who will monitor and follow pt
pg 498
What is the HIV+ pt's risk of TB compared to the regular population?
pg 498
If you are considering the dx of TB you should offer __ testing, which may provide early dx and txmt.
HIV testing
pg 498
What is multidrug resistant TB (MDR-TB)?
resistance to at aleast INF and RIF
pg 498
How long are oral medications given for MDR-TB?
pg 499
What is Miliary TB?
dz that results from widespread hematogenous spread
pg 499
What are some controls to reduce the transmission of TB in the ED?
High airflow w/ exhaust
High-efficancy filters
UV germicidal irradiation
Neg pressure rooms
pg 499
What is the most common risk factor for spontaneous pneumothorax?
pg 500
If there is a questionable PTX on standard CXR, what is another CXR that could help?
Lateral decub CXR
pg 500
What does the Amer Coll of Chest Phys describe as a small PTX?
< 3cm from thoracic apex to lung
pg 502
What determines the PTX pt's treatment options?
pt's clinical status
pg 502
What are the criteria for a stable pt with a PTX?
RR <24, No dyspnea at rest, HR 60-120, Normal BP, O2 >90%, and absence of hemothorax
pg 502
What does giving O2 to a PTX do?
increases pleural air resorption 3-4x faster than w/o
pg 503
What should pt's with unresolved PTX avoid?
Flying and diving
pg 504
Name some hypercoaguable states.
Thrombocytopenia, Polycythemia Vera, Antiphopholipid snydrome, CA, Factor V Laden, Protein C and S deficiency
pg 1462
What is a normal platelet count?
pg 1462
What is a normal bleeding time?
2.5 - 10minutes
pg 1462
What is primary hemostasis?
platelet interaction w/ the vascular subendothelium that results in formation of platelet plug. pg 1462
How do you measure secondary hemostasis?
PT, aPTT, INR, Fibrinogen Level
What is secondary hemostasis?
"coagulation cascade", the activated coagulation proteins that strengthen the platelet plug
pg 1464
What is Factor V Leiden deficiency?
genetic disruption of Protein C from binding and inhibiting Factor Va, leading to hypercoaguable state. pg 1464
What is virchow's triad?
hypercoagulability, venosis stasis, and endothelial injury
pg 1470
What is antithrombin and what two anticoagulation drugs affect it?
Antithrombin - protein that inhibits the function of IXa, Xa and thrombin. Heparin and Lovenox work by increasing the rate of antithrombin
pg 1470
How does Protein C work?
Protein C cleaves Factor Va and VIIIa (intrinsic and extrinsic pathways) and it Vit K dependent
pg 1470
How does Protein S work?
It increases the inhibitory properities of Protein C by 20 fold
pg 1470
What is the most prevalent hypercoagulable disorder?
Factor V Leiden mutation (Activated Protein C resistance) 5% of white in US
pg 1471
If a pt develops warfarin-induced skin necrosis, what clotting disorder should they be evaluated for?
Protein C and S deficiency
pg 1472
This clotting disorder is also know as "sticky blood syndrome" and is seen in women w/ multiple preg losses, DVTs, livedo reticularis, microthrombi.
Antiphospholipid syndrome
pg 1473
What is a typical presentation of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)?
5-15days after start of heparin, thrombosis, MI, stroke, >50% drop in platelets
pg 1474
T/F: People with sickle cell trait are more likely to present early in life with vascular obstructive crisis.
False: TRAIT have normal life span and are usually asymptomatic
pg 1481
What is the initial management of sickle cell pts in vaso-occlusive pain crisis?
aggressive pain management, hydration, search for cause and complications
pg 1481
T/F: A common practice is to develop a broad assessment and txmt protocol for sickle cell crisis pt's who frequently come to ED.
False: plan should be individualized
pg 1482
What some common presentations of sickle cell crisis?
Bone pain, Acute Chest Syndrome (leading cause of death), Abdominal crisis (liver/ gbag), GU system (kidney infarct/ priapism) pg 1484
What organism in sickle cell dz are you concerned for causing osteomyelitis?
pg 1485
What is a normal H/H for a sickle cell pt?
Hemoglobin - 6-9
Hematocrit -18-27
pg 1485
What organisms are sickle cell pt's particularly at risk for and why?
Encapsulated organisms (H. Flu and S. Pneumo) due to functional asplenia
pg 1485
What are the Thalassemias?
group of hereditary disorders caused by defective synthesis of globin chains leading to defective hemoglobin. pg 1486
Which thalassemia will present with microcytosis, basophilic stippling, hypochromia on smear, and elevated HbA levels?
Beta-Thalassemias (minor)
pg 1487
What is the most common enzymopathy of RBCs?
pg 1487
How does G6PD affect the RBCs?
the deficient G6P does not clean up oxidative metabolites, which then damage RBC membranes leading to hemolysis in the spleen. pg 1487
What is a serious complication of G6PD in the neonate?
Neonatal jaundice, elevated bilirubin induces neurotoxicity
pg 1488
24yo c/o fatigue, dizziness, and ab pain. VS: 132/88, 110, 18, 99.1, 99%. Exam: jaundice, pallor, and spleen enlargement. What is the concern?
Hemolytic Anemia
pg 1488
What is the difference btwn spherocytes and schistocytes?
Spherocytes - intravascular hemolysis
Schistocytes - extravascular hemolysis
pg 1489
What are two classic microangiopathic snydromes?
Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) and Hemolyticuremic Syndrome (HUS)
pg 1490
How do TTP and DIC differ?
TTP does not involve fibrin, therefore coagulation studies will be normal
pg 1491
What microangiopathic snydrome occurs about 1 week into a case of infectious diarrhea, often bloody w/o fever?
Hemolyticuremic Syndrome, 2/2 Shiga toxin producing E. coli
pg 1491
Which prosthetic heart valve most often results in macrovascular hemolysis?
Mitral Valve replacement
pg 1492
Local tumor effects on the airway: what size ET is recommended for intubation?
5-0 to 6-0.
pg 1509
Where is the most common location for neoplastic mets in the spinal cord?
Thoracic spine
pg 1509
73yo M c/o LBP, weakness and numbness in the lower ext. Pt w/ hx of prostate CA. What is the concern and txmt?
Metastic dx causing Malignant Spinal Cord Syndrome, txmt: decadron 10mg IV and imaging, pg 1510
Malignant spinal cord compression is considered a _____ emergency.
pg 1510
63yo F c/o facial swelling and cough x 3 weeks. Hx of small cell cancer treated with chemo 5 yrs ago. + bilat JVD and swollen neck. What is the concern?
Superior Vena Cava syndrome
pg 1511
What 3 CAs are most related to hypercalcemia?
Breast, Lung, Multiple Myeloma
pg 1512
Clinical sx of __ are related to the rate of rise in the serum calcium level.
pg 1512
Slow increases in serum calcium levels may be ___ until reaching high levels.
pg 1512
What drug is no longer recommended routinely for the tx of hypercalcemia due to malignancy?
pg 1512
68yo M arrival EMS, confusion, lethargy and seizure at home. VS: 142/88, 78, 16, 98.9 100% on 2L. Family reports poor appetite, nausea, fatigue. Hx of bronchogenic cancer and chemo x 1 month. Labs WNL except chem: 120/4.5-110/28-10/.07<160. What is the concern?
SIADH - suspect in CA pts with normovolemic hyponatremia
pg 1512
What is the mainstay of txmt for SIADH in the CA pt?
water restriction
pg 1512
T/F: The constellation of hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, and hypotension despite volume and vasoconstrictors is adrenal insufficiency.
False: Hyperkalemia
pg 1512
What is the most lifethreatening cause related to tumor lysis syndrome?
hyperkalemia - aggresive IVF, Beta agon, NaBicarb, glucose, insulin, calcium
pg 1513
What is the definition of absolute and severe neutropenia and what does it indicate?
An absolute neutraphil count (ANC) < 1000/mm3, severe is <500/mm3 and indicates weakened immunity
pg 1513
When are you most likely to see a CA pt at risk for neutropenia?
5-10 days after chemo, chemo is the most common cause
pg 1513
7yo M w/ AML, treated with chemo has temp of 103.1. What three areas need careful inspection on exam?
3 areas- oral cavity, the perianal area, and entry sites of catheters, pg 1513
___ examination is contraindicated in the neutropenic pt and should be w/ held until ___ administration.
digital rectal exam, antibiotic admin.
pg 1513
Who should you consult with when a febrile CA pt presents?
their oncologist
pg 1513
What is the main type of bacteria that are found on blood cultures of febrile CA pts?
Gram + 60-70%
Thromboembolism is the second leading cause of death in CA pts. How does anticoagulation differ from nonCA pts?
It doesn't. Do not appear at increased risk for related bleeding.
pg 1515
What two medications are black box warnings for rapid tranquilization if a pt is known or suspected to have prolonged QT?
The Butyrophenones - Haloperidol and Droperidol
pg 1952
When is medication induced QTc prolongation considered significant?
pg 1953
T/F: QTc prolongation does not directly correlate w/ the clinical risk of dysrhythmias or torsades de pointes.
pg 1953
Which antipsychotics are more specific to dopamine receptors and have fewer adverse effects, typical or atypicals?
pg 1953
The FDA has black box warnings on atypical antipyschs for off label use in managing agitation and psychosis in what pt?
elderly w/ dementia
pg 1953
What is the most common side effect to antipsych meds and how do you treat?
Dystonic Rxns (msc spasms of neck, face, back)
Txmt: Benztropine 1mg BID-QID, or Benadryl 25mg TID
pg 1954
This reaction to neuroleptic drugs includes rigidity, fever, autonomic instability (tachy, diaphoresis), and confusion and has a mortality rate of 20%.
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
pg 1954
The abrupt cessation of __ after long term use is associated with w/drawal syndrome similar to ETOH, including restlessness, tachycard, tremors, HTN, seizures.
pg 1955
T/F: Parenteral benzo's are ineffective for flumazenil induced withdrawal seizures.
pg 1955
What the two major side effects seen with heterocyclic antidepressants (big pic)?
Anticholinergic (hot, dry, red, urinary retention) and Cardiovascular (prolong QT)effects, pg 1956
Tyramine containing foods are contraindicated when taking MAO-Is. What are some?
beer,aged cheese, wine, pickled herring, yeasts, chopped liver, yogurt, sour cream, fava beans, pg 1957
Why are BB contraindicated in MAO-I overdose?
may intensify vasoconstriction and worsen HTN
pg 1957
When MAO-Is are combined with ___ a variety of adverse effects can occur; HoTn, HTN, fever, neuromuscular irritability.
Meperidine (Demoral)
pg 1957
Which antidepressant is well tolerated, low side effects, and used for obesity and smoking cessation?
Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
pg 1957
For the dx of panic disorder, the attacks must not be accounted for by ____ or ____.
another pyschiatric or medical disorder
pg 1962
What must you try to identify in pt's who present w/ psychiatric complaints or panic attacks?
domestic violence and sexual abuse
pg 1963
Panic disorder is a diagnosis of ___.
pg 1963
What class is considered the drug of choice in depression due to it's side effect profile and safety?
pg 1964
When are benzo's indicated for panic disorder or depression?
short term relief, SSRIs and CBT are txmt of choice
pg 1964
What two things must be r/o in order to diagnose Conversion Disorder?
Organica medical problem and psychological problems
pg 1965
Substance abuse is defined as?
1/4 must be met
1. failure to fullfill obligation
2. recurrent use which is physical hazardous
3. recurrent legal problems
4. continued use despite social/ personal problems
pg 1967
90% of these occur w/ in the first 48hrs of an alcoholic's last drink.
alcohol withdrawal seizures
pg 1968
CIWA max score is 67, what is the target goal to reduce and maintain the score range?
0-7 range
pg 1969
Long acting benzo's (diazepam) decrease alcoholic withdrawal seizures by what %?
93% (from 8% chance to 0.5% chance of suffering seizure)
pg 1969
What medication should not be given to a pt who has used heroin in the past 24hrs b/c it will precipitate withdrawal?
pg 1971
What is the best route to give Beprenorphine for opioid withdrawal?
Sublingual (SL), IV has resulted in fatal overdose
What does C.A.G.E. stand for in relation to alcohol screening?
C- cut down use
A- annoyed people w/ drinking
G- felt guilty about use
E- eye opener
pg 1972
What are the four key elements for principle of intervention (aka brief negotiated interview) when discussing drugs of abuse?
1. Establish rapport - trust
2. Provide feedback - express concern
3. Enhance motivation - readiness to change
4. Negotiate and advise - offer resources
pg 1972
Transplant pts with fever can be transplant rejection or true infection, how do you choose which to treat for?
You treat for both until a source can be found
pg 1998
What is obesity and morbid obesity defined as?
Obesity - BMI > 30kg/m2
Morbid Obesity - BMI >40kg/m2
pg 2012
What four problems are obese pt's more at risk for?
Cardiopulm dz
Pregnancy related disorder
pg 2013
What are three common complications from gastric bypass (bariatric) surgery?
anastomotic leak
acute gastric distention
nonsurgical complications (PE, ulcers, dumping syndrome)
pg 2013
What should not be performed if an obese pt complains of gastric distention in the first few days following surgery?
nasogastric tube- risk of disrupting the suture lines. notify surgery
pg 2013
Opioids and benzos are lipophilic, how should they be initially dosed and subsequently dosed in obese pts?
by Total Body Weight initially and then by Ideal Body Weight subsequently
pg 2015
Why do antibiotics need dosage adjustments in obese pts?
decreased tissue perfusion in obese pts results in lower concentrations of abx in skin and soft tissues
pg 2014
What is critical in airway management in obese pts?
Preoxygenation b/c they will desat faster than norma adults
pg 2016
What is order of preference for central line placement in the obese pt?
femoral, subclavian, and int jugular
pg 2016
What is the GRIEV_ING mnemonic for delivering death notification?
G- gather family
R- resources (chaplain)
I- identify self, the deceased
E- educate
V- verify member is dead
_ - give family space
I- inquire questions
N- nuts and bolts (organ donation, personal belongings)
G- give contact info
pg 2019
In a medical examiner case of the deceased what must not be done to the pt?
do not remove resusitative lines
pg 2020
T/F: Emerg provider should render needed emerg txmt even when consent cannot be obtained.
pg 2022
Can a minor consent or refuse txmt w/o parental involvement?
yes if the mature minor sufficiently understands the nature and consequences
pg 2024
According to EMTALA, does a nurse triage meet hospital obligation for a medical screening exam?
pg 2027
Under EMTALA, does stabilization require the underlying medical condition to be resolved?
pg 2027
Under EMTALA, are you required to screen and examine a pt brought in by police for exam?
pg 2029
Terminal events, such as CPR, should or should not be listed as the proximate cause of death?
Should not, they do not indicate the dz process that caused death
pg 2030