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170 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Which esophageal sphincter has a greater resting pressure, upper or lower?
Upper 100mmHg compared to Lower 25mmHg
pg 548
What makes esophageal and chest pain notoriously similar?
The innervation of the heart mirrors the esophagus
pg 548
There are two pathologic groups of dysphagia. What are they and describe them?
Transfer dysphagia- difficulty in initiating a swallow
Transport dysphagia- impared movement of bous
pg 548
If a person c/o dysphagia and states they only have difficulty with swallowing food not liquid, which type is the concern for?
pg 549
45yo M w/ new onset dysphagia, gradual worsening, + weight loss, and supraclavicular lymph nodes. What is the concern for?
Esophageal CA (squamous cell 95%, adenocarcinomas 5%)
pg 549
57yo F with hx of GERD that has recently been improving enough to stop her nexium, but worsening dysphagia with food. What is the concern and txmt?
Esophageal stricture - r/o CA, and dilation
pg 549
62yo M c/o inability to swallow food, worsening halitosis, and feeling of something stuck in his throat. What is the concern?
Zenker's Diverticulum
pg 549
What are the three most common causes of neuromuscular dysphagia?
1) CVA
2) Polymyositis
3) Dermatomyositis
pg 549
What is the most common esophageal dysmotility disorder and txmt?
Achalasia- dilation, medication, inj of botulinum, or surgical myringotomy
pg 550
54yo F c/o sudden onset chest pain, worse after eating, N/V, and having difficulty swallowing. EKG WNL. What is the next step?
Cardiac enzymes, r/o cardiac before esophageal
pg 550
___ is responsible for 10-15% of esophageal perforations, but __ is the most common cause.
Boerhaave syndrome, Iatrogenic
pg 551
T/F: Mediastinal emphysema is commonly detected by exam and radiography in lower esophageal perforations.
False: less commonly detected, but it's absence does not r/o perf
pg 551
This is a full thickness perforation of the esophagus after a sudden rise in pressure. Usually due to cough, vomiting or straining.
Boerhaave's Syndrome
pg 551
A high degree of suspicion is necessary for a child <2yr who refuses to eat, vomiting, gagging, choking, stidor, drooling and neck pain for what and txmt of choice?
Ingested foreign body, emergent endoscopy
pg 552
For distal esophageal objects, __ has been used to relax lower sphincter tone and allow passage of the object.
pg 553
T/F: Success rates of glucagon therapy are high, in the setting of waiting for endoscopy.
False: may be no better than watchful waiting
pg 553
T/F: In the impacted food bolus, the use of proteolytic enzymes (meat tenderizers) to dissolve a meat bolus is contraindictated.
pg 553
Most button batteries should pass within __ hrs and require follow up xrays in __ hrs to ensure passage.
72hrs, 48hrs
pg 553
What does the Amer Soc of Gastro guidelines recommend for removal of an ingested sharp object?
removal by endoscopy while in the stomach or duodenum due to high perf rate (35%)
pg 554
This is the elevated levels of bilirubin in the circulation, leading to bile pigment deposits in the skin, sclerae and mucous membranes.
pg 566
Hyperbilirubinemia can occur for one of three reasons, which are?
overproduction, inadeqate cellular processing, or decreased excretinon of bilirubin
pg 567
What are the most common causes of hepatic jaundice?
viral infection, ingested toxin, and alcohol.
pg 567
How do acute and chronic hepatitis differ in presentation?
Acute - nausea, vomit, RUQ
Chronic- ab pain, distension, abnormal bleeding
pg 568
How are the different Hepatitis viruses transmitted?
A- fecal-oral (improper food handling)
B- sexually transmitted/ needles
C- contaminated bld
D- coinfects with HepB
pg 568
In addition to ___ poisoning, there are a variety of medications, herbals, and dietary supplements that have been associated with acute hepatitis and liver failure.
pg 568
The __ __ is the most lethal of the more than 50 types of mushrooms.
Amanita phalloides "death cap"
pg 569
__ ___ ___ is a subtle yet crucial diagnosis to make because it has a high mortality rate in liver failure pts.
Spontaneous bacterial perotinitis
pg 569
Which type of hepatorenal syndrome is more deadly?
Type 1
pg 570
What is the thought to be the driving factor behind hepatic encephalopathy?
accumulation of nitrogenous waste normally metabolized by the liver
pg 570
What labs are markers for liver function?
ALT, AST, ALP, PT/INR, indirect and direct bilirubin (conj and unconj)
pg 571
What does an increased total and indirect bilirubin signify?
either overwhelming supply of unconjugated bilirubin or injury ot the hepatocytes that damages capacity to conjugate
pg 571
What does a direct and total bilirubin increase signify?
Obstruction preventing secretion (gallstone or biliary atresia)
pg 571
An __ : __ ratio greater than two is common in alcoholic hepatitis b/c alcohol stimulates AST production.
AST:ALT ration
pg 571
Which liver enzyme is more specific for hepatic injury?
ALT, b/c AST is also found in the heart, smooth muscles, kidneys and brain
pg 571
ALP or AP (Alk Phos) is a nonspecific marker that can be increased with biliary obstruction, cholestasis, bone, placenta, intestine, and kidneys. What level elevation indicates gallbladder?
4x normal
pg 571
LDH is a nonspecific liver marker, what can cause elevated LDH and unconjugated bilirubin?
pg 571
T/F: Ammonia serves as a level that reliably correlates with worsening hepatic fxn of the cirrhotic pt.
False: does NOT, more a generalized marker for decline than a useful diagnostic tool
pg 571
In liver dz, __ __is tested for cell count, glucose, protein, Gram staining, and culture to identify bacterial perotinitis.
ascitic fluid
pg 571
A total white count >__ /mm3 or a neurtophil count > __ /mm3 diagnoses spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.
>1000, >250 (low glucose or high protein suggest infection
pg 571
T/F: Urobilinogen and blood on a urine dip stick supports screening for liver dz.
False: blood tinged urine will give false positive urobilinogen
pg 572
What is fever, diffuse ab pain and tenderness in a pt with liver dz and ascities until proven otherwise?
Spontaneous bacterial perotinitis
pg 572
What is the mainstay therapy for hepatic encephalopathy and what is/are dose/ route?
Lactulose 20g PO (in water or carbonated drink) or PR (dilute 300ml of syrup w/ 700ml water, retain enema for 30min)
pg 572
__ needs to be treated if the pt w/ liver dz has uncontrollable bleeding or is scheduled to undergo a procedure w/ potential bleeding.
pg 572
This syndrome occurs as part of the pre/eclampsia spectrum in pregnant women, typically third trimester. HA, malaise, N/V, HTN, RUQ pain.
HELLP snydrome
Hemolyosis, Elevated LFTs, Low Platelets
pg 573
What is the difinitive txmt for HELLP syndrome?
delivery of the fetus
Travelers outside the US, present with ab pain, N/V/D or fever are at risk for liver dz by parasite, particulary ___.
schistosomiasis (waterborne parasite invades the portal venules.
pg 573
T/F: Removal of liquid contents is useful in cases of GI bleeding, but not all pts w/ GI bleeding require NG aspiration.
pg 601
Which type of UGIB does not require NG aspiration?
Slow rates of bleeding, such as coffee ground emesis or blood-streaked emesis
pg 602
What three types of pt's would benefit from NG aspiration?
1)GI bleed w/ hematemesis
2)Massive rectal bleeding & hemodynamic instability
3) SBO
pg 602
When passing the NG tube what does coughing, inability to speak indicate?
trachea placement
pg 602
Which method is preferred for removal of pill fragments from the stomach, NG or OG?
Oralgastric lavage w/in 1 hr, large bore than NG tube
pg 603
Endoscopy, octreotide, and somatostatin has decreased the use of __ for esophageal varices bleeding.
Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
(esophageal balloon)
pg 603
What are some risks of large volume therapeutic paracentesis?
hyponatremia, renal impairment, and encephalopathy
pg 604
If a pt has __ or __, correct dificiency before paracentesis.
coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia
pg 604
If a feeding tube falls out, most tracks mature after __ - __ weeks, and should not be attempted to replace before then.
2 - 3 weeks
pg 605
If unable to replace the J or G- tube, what shoud be done and how do you confirm placement?
next tube size smaller then 20-30ml of water soluble contrast (gastrografin) w/ supine ab xray in 1-2min
pg 605
If a Foley cath is used to replace a feeding tube, the balloon SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be inflated?
pg 605
What are the 5 W's of post surgical fevers?
Wind (PNA), Water (UTI), Wound (infx), Walking (DVT), and Wonder Drugs (drug fever or pseudomembranous colitis)
pg 606
The ___ should be informed about all postoperative wound complications.
operative surgeon
pg 607
This postop complication is difficult to distinguish from wound infx, is painful and has wound drainage. Cultures are negative.
pg 608
Wounds associated with entering the ___, ___, or ___ tracts have higher risks of infxn.
respiratory, GI, or GU tracts
pg 608
56yo DMII M presents 2 days after hernia repair with extreme ab pain, 166/98, 112, 22, 99.9. No erythema or drainage over surgical site. Pain out of proportion to exam. CT shows fascial thickening, gas trackings, and focal fluid collections. Concern and txmt?
Necrotizing fasciitis - triple abx therapy (PCN or Cephalosporin + Aminogly + Clindamycin
pg 608
Postop day 4, watery, bloody diarrhea with crampy ab pain. Concern is for what, how to dx, and treat?
Clostridium difficile, tissue sample is gold standard but usually found with stool culture, Metronidazole
pg 608
Any operation in to the peritoneal cavity can cause __, a function obstruction.
pg 609
Small bowel fnx returns after __hrs and colonic fxn after __ - __ days after ab surgery.
24hrs and 3-5 days
pg 609
A common complication after __ gastric bypass surgery is dumping syndrome.
pg 610
Pt's presenting soon after cholecystectomy w/ pain, pancreatitis, and jaundice may have a retained ___.
pg 610
Most common causes of rhabdo are (10)?
1) ETOH/ drugs (80%), 2) meds, 3) msc dz, 4) trauma, 5) neuroleptic malign sny, 6)seizures, 7) immobility, 8) infx, 9) exercise, 10) heat injury pg 622
What are the two most common infectious agents responsible for rhabdo?
Influenza overall, Legionella (bacterial cause)
pg 622
What is the common terminal event, pathophys, that results in increased intracellular Ca+ and muslce necrosis in rhabdo?
disruption of the ATP-ase pump and calcium transport
pg 623
What is the most sensitive lab for detecting muscle injury relating to rhabdo?
elevated CK above 5x normal
pg 623
Why is a urine dipstick not helpful in dx of rhabdo?
urine dip stick does not differ btwn myoglobin and hemoglobin and RBCs.
suspect if dip shows RBCs but micro has none
pg 623
Once the pt is in the ED, what is the treatment of choice for rhabdo?
aggressive IVF rehydration for 24-72hrs and electrolyte management
pg 624
What is the infusion and urine output goals for rhabdo txmt?
IVF - 2.5mL/kg/hr
UOP - 2mL/kg/hr
pg 624
T/F: Calcium should be replaced early in the txmt of rhabdo pts with hypocalcemia.
False: Calcium is intracellularly shifted and will diffuse extracellularly once IVF are given
pg 624
This is a common painful urological emergency characterized by sudden inability to pass urine with pelvic distension.
Acute Urinary Retention
pg 640
Sympathetic innervation, responsible for control of lower urinary tract, originates from __ to __ vertebrae.
T10 to L2
pg 640
What is the most common cause of acute urinary retention in men?
pg 641
What both treats and helps diagnose acute urinary retention?
bladder catheter
pg 641
When should you consult with urology for acute urinary retention?
event caused by urethral stricture, meatal stenosis, urethral injury, prostate CA, acute prostitis, uro postop complications pg 642
When should the urethral cath be placed in an acute urinary retention pt s/p urological procedure.
After the urologist is called
pg 642
If failure to pass uretheral cath several times what is the next step in the acute urinary retention pt?
suprapubic cath
pg 642
What alpha blocker has been found to improve urine output in acute urinary retention pts?
alfuzosin 10mg qd
pg 642
What are some causes of acute urinary retention?
obstructive, infectious, meds, neurogenic, traumatic, psych
pg 644
Feelings of urgency or bladder spasms can be treated with?
Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
pg 645
What is absolutely necessary when discharging a pt with acute urinary retention with a Foley cath and leg bag?
instructions for emptying the leg bag
pg 645
What are two serious complications of lithotripsy that cause severe flank pain, HoTn, and syncope and what is txmt?
Perinephric and renal hematomas, call uro for possible embolization and nephrectomy
pg 657
What is Steinstrasse when refering to postlithortipsy?
"street of stones" dispersal of stone fragments that can become lodged causing pain, N/V and possible infx
pg 657
67yo M s/p TURP c/o difficulty urinating and passing clots. What is the txmt and if failure next step?
irrigate the bladder via foley, if fails to clear bleeding or obstruction call urology
pg 657
Prolonged irrigation of the bladder requires monitoring what?
serum electrolytes to asses for hyponatremia
pg 657
What are most catheters made of?
Latex, but silicone are available for pt's w/ allergies
pg 658
What is the prevelance of bacteruria for long term catheter placement (>30days)?
pg 658
When is it acceptable to treat asymptomatic bacteruria in a pt w/ short term catheter?
if pregnant or undergoing a urologic procedure
pg 658
__ is universal in pt's w/ long term caths, in the absence of symptoms, it should not be used to diagnose UTI.
pg 658
Concern for pyleonephritis in a pt with a cather, fever and UTI on UA should prompt what?
removal of the catheter if feasible or replace catheter if in place >7 days
pg 658
What oral abx are acceptable in catheter associated UTIs in clinically stable pts?
Cipro 500mg BID 10days or Augmentin 875mg BID 10days
pg 68
In a clinically unstable catheter pt with UTI what medications should be given?
Broad spec abx- amp 1g q4-6h + gent 1mg/kg q8h, zosyn 3.375g q 6h, or cipro 400mg q12h
pg 658
An obstucted catheter can lead to infx stones, bladder trauma, and clots. What are some txmt options?
repeated bladder irrigations, methenamine, removal of cath if all else fails
pg 659
How can the urethra be injured during catheter placement?
if the retention balloon is inflated in the urethra
pg 660
In an uncircumcised male, you must make sure to do what after catheter placement?
ensure the foreskin is repositioned after catheter placement
pg 660
Never introduce a urethral urinary drainage cath through an ___ urinary sphincter.
pg 662
Diagnosis of infection should be made on evidence of symptomatic infection based on __, __ pain, change in chronic symptoms or positive ___.
fever, flank pain, positive culture
pg 663
The percent of women receiving prenatal care in the 1st trimester is ___ and the precentage of women with late or no prenatal care has ___.
decreased, increased
pg 690
What must be r/o in every women of child bearing age, despite chief complaint?
pg 691
What does G7P 5-1-1-5 mean?
7 pregnancies
5 deliveries
1- preterm
1- abortion
5 - living
pg 691
The normal fetal heart rate is __ to __ bpm.
pg 692
T/F: A positive serum quant or qualitative HCG confirms a normal intrauterine pregnancy.
False: A sinlge positive serum HCG plus ultrasound can confirm
pg 692
How many weeks can you estimate a women is when the fundus is palpated at the umbilicus?
pg 693
Serum HCGs can detect concentrations as low as __ to __ mIU/mL.
pg 693
What is the analgesic of choice in pregnancy?
pg 694
Names some signs/symptoms in pregnancy thta need prompt evaluation (10)?
1. change in fetal movement
2. fever, chills 3. refractory emesis, 4. visual changes 5. ab pain, 6. significant HA 7. anasarca 8. dysuria 9.vag bld 10. abnormal vag d/c pg 694
Which type of vaccines are contraindicated in pregnant pts?
live virus vaccines
pg 694
Can tetnus toxoid alone or in combination with diphtheria toxoid be given during pregnancy?
pg 694
Which sugar substitute is metabolized to phenylalanine, which in high concentrations can cause fetal damage?
pg 695
What are some uterotonic medications that can be given?
Oxytocin 10units IM, Misoprostol 1000mcg PR once, Carboprost 250mcg IM q 15-90min (2mg max)
pg 704
What some tocolytic agents that can be give to pregnant pts to supress contractions?
Terbutaline 0.25mg SC q 30min (4 dose max), ampicillin, or erythromycin
pg 704
What are the antihypertensive's of choice in pregnancy?
Hydralazine 5mg IV q 20min, Labetalol 20mg IV doubled q10min (max 80mg bolus or 220mg), pg 704
What are the preferred anticonvulsants during pregnancy?
Magnesium sulfate 4-6g IV loading over 15min, w/ 2g/h infusion, Phenytoin 10-15mg/kg, pg 704
What is Nagele's rule for estimating the date of delivery?
first day of LMP subtract 3 months and add 7 days
pg 704
What should be immediately monitored in a pt presenting in active labor?
materal and fetal vital signs
pg 704
A ___ fetal heart tone is an indicator of fetal distress and an emergent obstetric consult.
pg 704
What should be done before speculum exam in a pregnant, vaginal bleeder?
ultrasound to r/o placenta previa
pg 704
If rupture of membranes is suspected, should a sterile speculum exam and/or a digital exam be done?
Yes - speculum
No - digital
pg 705
It is particularly important to __ digital exams in the preterm pt in whom prolonged gestation is desired.
pg 705
What is a fully dilated cervix in cm?
pg 705
What position is preferable in the pregnant pt after examination?
left lateral decub to avoid compression of venous return
pg 705
What happens when amnotic fluid is placed on nitrazine paper?
turns dark blue to due pH of 7.0-7.4. vag fluid normally 4.5-5.5
pg 705
What is another method to confirm rupture of membranes, other than nitrazine paper?
ferning, sodium chloride crystals on slide
pg 705
What else must be checked for in the amnotic fluid?
meconium (thick, greenish brown fluid)
pg 705
Rupture of fluid prior to delivery is premature rupture of membrabenes. What is it called < 37weeks?
preterm, premature ruputre of membranes.
pg 705
Prolonged fetal bradycardia (<110bpm) lasting > __min is indication for C-section.
pg 706
T/F: If the fetal head is visible during contractions or the cervix is fully dilated and effaced the pt must be rushed to obstetrics for delivery.
Fasle- have obstetrics rush to ED
pg 706
There is insufficient evidence, but when should an episiotomy be used (2)?
1. expedite delivery due to fetal distress
2. shoulder dystocia
pg 706
What is the preferred method to clear meconium in a newborn with a depressed condition?
intubation and suction
pg 706
Why must you control the infant during delivery?
so it's not dropped...retarded bold statement
pg 707
The umbilical cord is double clamped __cm from the umbilicus and transected with sterile scissors.
pg 707
When should APGAR scores be calculated and what is normal?
APGAR at 1 and 5 min, 7-10 pts is normal
pg 708
What is the APGAR for a newborn with arms and legs moving, 110bpm, coughing and pulling away, bluish hands, slow breathing?
A- 1pt (limited movement)
P- 2pts (>100bpm)
G- 2pts (irritability)
A- 1pt (normal, except extrem)
R- 1pt (slow, irreg)
pg 708
T/F: If the umbilical cord is prolapsed before delivery you must attempt to reduce the cord b/c it is life-threatening to the fetus.
False: never attempt to reduce the cord. attempt to lift fetal body part that is compressing cord and transport for surgery, hand in place
pg 708
What is the McRoberts maneuver and when should it be used?
legs sharply flexed up to the abdomen, in the lithotomy position while applying suprapubic pressure. Used for shoulder dystocia
pg 708
If the McRoberts and suprapubic pressure fail to dislodge fetal shoulder, what can be attempted next?
Woods corkscrew maneuver.
pg 709
What is the main point to remember in cases of breech presentation?
keep hands away and let delivery happen spontaneously.
pg 709
What two breech positions are considered not safe for delivery and why?
footling and incomplete breech due to possibility of cord prolapse or incomplete cervical dilation
pg 709
Survival of the newborn increases for each week completed from 21 week (__%) to 25 weeks (__%).
0% to 75%
pg 709
What are the top 3 causes of vaginitis in women?
1. bacterial vaginosis
2. candidiasis
3. trichomoniasis
pg 711
34yo F c/o thin, whitish vaginal d/c with foul odor x 4 days. You suspect BV. What location do you collect from and how do you confirm?
Sample from side wall of vagina, confirm >20% clue cells, positive whiff test
pg 711,12
Sampling from the ___ ___ may yield inaccurate results b/c semen, bld, medications, and mucus can alter the pH.
posterior fornix
pg 711
What are the txmt options for bacterial vaginosis infxn?
Metronidazole 500mg BID x 7days, or Clindamycin cream 2% one applicator nightly x 7 days, pg 713
What is the most common symptom of vaginal candida infxn's in women?
Vaginal pruritis
pg 713
How do you diagnose and treat vaginal candida?
d/c thick cottage cheese, pseudohyphae on slides
Txmt: Clotrimazole, Miconazole,Nystatin, or Fluconazole, pg 713,14
T/F: Regarding Candida infx, single dose treatment with oral fluconazole is as effective as topical treatments but cannot be used in pregnancy.
pg 714
This vaginal infx is associated with preterm delivery, low birth weights, PID, herpes, HPV, and HIV.
Trichomonas vaginitis
pg 714
How do you dx and tx trichomonas?
microscopy = motile trichomonads, or rapid antigen test
txmt - Metronidazole 2g PO x 1, or 500mg BID x 7days
pg 714
22yo F c/o bumps in the groin that are painful and hard. Denies fever, chills, vag d/c or bleeding. What is the concern for and txmt?
Bartholin gland cyst/ abscess
txmt: incision and drainage if well formed abscess, otherwise broad spec abx, pain meds and warm compresses, pg 716
What is the most common location for breast CA to appear?
upper outer quadrant
pg 720
What is the abnormal d/c of milky substance called and due to?
Galactorrhea - due to elevated prolactin levels
What needs to be done in a female c/o galactorrhea and blurry vision?
MRI or CT head for mass
pg 721
T/F: Pueperal mastitis is an infx of the areola, usually caused by staph, and is an indication to stop breast feeding until improved.
False: breast emptying and hand washing are treatments and there is no need to routinely stop breastfeeding
pg 721
T/F: Treatment options for mastitis are incision and drainage, pain meds, and abx.
False: Mastitis is an inflammatory response and lacks fluid collection unlike abscesses. No I&D indicated, pg 722
56yo F returns to ED after diagnosis of mastitis 3 days prior. She was told to return if pain meds and Keflex did not improve symptoms. what is the concern for?
Breast CA, requires surgical consult
pg 723
What are the 4 main abx used in breast infxns?
1. Dicloxacillin 250mg, 2. Cephalexin 500mg, 3. Clindamycin 300mg, 4. Bactrim DS, pg 722
A large retroaerolar abscess is seen on ultrasound. What may be required for drainage?
general anesthesia
pg 723
Unilateral bloody nipple d/c in a 24yo F is what?
Breast CA until proven otherwise
pg 724
A palpable breast mass with or without lymphadenopathy, skin uclers, mass fixation, fixed axillary nodes or ipsilateral arm edema should prompt what?
urgent surgical referral
pg 725
What should be cautiously performed or deferred in a female pt undergoing fertility txmt?
the pelvic exam due to possiblity of rupturing large ovarian follicles
pg 726
27yo F c/o extreme ab pain gradually worsening last 2 days. VS: 136/86, 110, 18, 102.1, 97%. She had a salpingectomy 4 days ago. What is the dx until proven otherwise?
bowel injury
pg 726
Differentiate wound disruption, dehiscence and evisceration.
Disruption - breakdown of any layer of the surgical incision
Dehiscence- disruption of all layers
Evisceration- complete breakdown with bowel or omentum protruding
pg 728
Women who are Rh negative require Rh immunoglobulin __ mcg IM, after spontaneous or induced abortion.
300mcg IM
pg 729
23yo F recently underwent US guided oocyte retrieval and now reports 10lbs weight gain in 1 week, ab distension, SOB, and difficulty peeing. what is this rare but life threatening syndrome?
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
pg 730
Why is the bimanual exam contraindicated in females undergoing fertility txmt?
high risk of fragile ovarian rupture or hemorrhage
pg 730