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16 Cards in this Set

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What is Turner's Syndrome

Females are missing an x chomosome

What is Klinefelter's Syndrome

Male has an extra x chromosome

What is the XYY condition

Males have an extra Y chromosome

What is the chromosomal difference between male and females

Male has an X and Y

Females have 2 X's

What are the sources of random variation

Crossing over

Random alignment of chromosomes

Random fertilization

Contrast Mitosis/Meiosis

Mitosis -

Body cells

results diploid

for growth and repair

Genetically identical

Meiosis -

Sex Cells

Results haploid

Genetically different

Used for reproduction

What are both stages of meiosis`

The first split is in 2 which is diploid (2n), it splits again into 4 and they all result haploid (n)

Define Homologous

Having similar traits and characteristics

Define Diploid

Contains 2 sets of chromosomes

Define haploid

Having a single set of chromosomes

Define crossing-over

Chromosomes exchange between homologous chromosomes

Define tetrad

A group or set of 4

Define gene mapping

mapping genes

Define gene linkage

Tendancy for alleles to be inherited together during meiosis phase

Give 2 examples of how genetic engineering can be used for good

Getting rid of diseases

Changing some appearence

Who was Gregor Mendel and what are his 4 major contributions