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79 Cards in this Set

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to threaten
to take off, remove
la almohada
la selva
la colcha
el cuello
el dormitorio
la habitacion
la navidad

la nochebuena

christmas eve
la pelota
el sotano
el tamano
la voz
al cabo de
cuarto de bano
dar vueltas
to circle
hacer caso de
to pat attn to
if si clause states a hypo situation or something that is contrary to the fact or unlikely to happen what tense is used?
when the if clause is cond. the imperfect or past perfect subj is used. the result clause is usually in the cond
when a si clause expresses a simple condition or a sit. that implies the truth, assumumptions, or something contrary to the fact
the si clause depends on the factual or nonfactual nature of the condition
when si means if in the sense of whether, it is always followed by
como si
as if- implies an untrue or hypo situation. always requires the imper or past per subj.
entrar en
entrar a
to enter (into)
preocuparse con

preocuparse de
to be concerned with, worry about
acabar de
to havej ust
acabar con
to put an end to
dar a
to face
dar con
to come upon, meet
pensar de
to think of (have an opinion of)
pensar en
to think of (have one in one's mind)
acostumbrarse a
to get used to
aprender a
to learn to
aydar a
to help to
comenzar a
to begin to
empezar a
to begin to
ensenar a
to teach to
invitar a
to invite to
ir a
to be going to
negarse a
to refuse to
ponerse a
to begin to
prepararse a
to prepare to
volver a
verbs taking a before an inf
acostumbrarse a, aprender a, ayudar a, comenzar a, empezar a, ensenar a, invitar a, ir a, negarse a, ponerse a, prepararse a, volver a
verbs taking a before object
acercarse a, asistir a, dar, a, dirigirse a, entrar a, ir a, llegar a, oler a, responder a, saber a
acercarse a
to approach
asistir a
to attend
dar a
to face
dirigirse a
to go forward
entrar a
to enter
ir a
to go to
llegar a
to arrive at (in)
oler a
to smell of
responder a
to answer
saber a
to taste of
verbs taking con before an infinitive
contrar con, preocuparse con, sonar con
contrar con
to count on
preocuparse con
to be concerned with
sonar con
to dream of
verbs taking con before an object
casarse con, contar con, cumplir con, dar con, encontrarse con, quedarse con, sonar con, tropezar con
casarse con
to marry
contar con
to count on
cumplir con
to fulfill ones oblig toward, to keep.
dar con
to meet, to come upon
encontrarse con
to meet
quedarse con
to keep
sonar con
to dream of
tropezar con
to run across, to come upon
verbs taking de before inf.
acabar de, acodarse de, alegrarse de, dejar de encargarse de, haber de, olvidarse de, preocuparse de, quejarse de, terminar de, trater de
acabar de
to have just
acodarse de
to remember to
alegrarse de
to be happy to
dejar de
to stop
encargarse de
to take charge of
haber de
to have to
olvidarse de
to forget to
preocuparse de
to be concerned aboit
quejarse de
to complain of
terminar de
to finish
trater de
to try to