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21 Cards in this Set

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Ability to judge the distance of objects from the observer and from each other
Depth perception
Older adults make up 11% of the population but account for what % of accidental deaths
What Sensory changes in older adults increase the risks for accidents and injuries
Changes in visual acuity
decreasesed audio acuity
decreased sensitivity of taste and smell.
4 most common causes of accidental deaths in older adults
Falls, burns, poisoning , and auto accidents
What physiological factors increase the risk for falls in older adults
Altered balance
Decreased mobility
decreased flexibility
decreased muscle strength
slowed reaction time
gait changes
difficulty lifting the feet
altered sense of balance
Postural changes
cardiovascular changes resulting in postural hypotension increase the risk of __ and ___ which can lead to falls
decreased cardiac output
decreased O2 supply to brain
6 classes of medication that can contribute to falls
Sedatives antihypertensives
Laws regarding physical restraints
Only to be used when other methods have failed, Least restrictive device, read all manufacturer directions and facility policies.
3 emotional factors that increase the risk for injury
emotional disturbances
preoccupation, or distraction
2 Devices that increase the base of support and improve stability of older adults
quad canes and walkers
because of changes in thermoregulation. Older adults are at increased risk for :
Medication classes increasing the risk for Hyperthernia
diuretics and anticholinegics
Nursing assessment for risk for injury includes
Hx of falls,How often has pt. fallen, how often suffers injuries, vision level? hearing? temp perception? gait or balance impaired? assistive devices? What kind of footwear does the person wear most? Cognitive impairment? forgetfullness? smoking? Medications? Live alone? dizziness or fainting? Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels? can pt. follow directions? Safety hazards in home? storage of chemicals & meds
Nursing goals & outcomes identification for fall risk
decrease in the frequency and severity of injuries. and be able to identify unsafe conditions and behaviors
Nursing Diagnoses for fall risk
risk for falls, risk for injuries, risk for trauma, risk for poisoning
Nursing implementation/ interventions for fall risk
Evaluate for risk of falls, Modify environment to reduce risk, assess environment for hazards , recruit assistance of family members or friends to check on pt. at regular intervals
Hypothermia assessment
body temp? change in temp thru day? Inactive or excessively active? signs/sx of infection. complaints of hot or cold, disease conditions? electrolyte imbalance, alcohol consumption, Medications? Dementia or depression, Financial resources, suitable clothing?
Nursing diagnoses for hyper/hypo thermia
Hypothermia, hyperthermia, risk for imbalanced body temp.
ineffective thermoregulation
Nursing goals/ outcomes for hypo/hyperthermia
maintain core body temp., to verbalize appropriate modifications in dress activity and environment needed to maintain temp
Nursing interventions/implementations for hypo/hyperthermia
Moniter environmental temp, humidity and air movement, Monitor body temp, provide clothing and bed covers suitable for environment, promote adequate food and fluid intake, Monitor activity level,
Prevention of hyperthermia
decrease physical activity during daytime, do heavy chores in early am. or pm, outdoor activities after sun goes down, wear light colored loose fitting clothing, stay out of direct sunlight, bathe or shower several times a day.