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137 Cards in this Set

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acute coronary syndrome

sudden symptoms of unsufficent blood supply to he heart indicating unstable angina or acute MI


ballooning of weakening portion of an arterial wall

angina perctoris

chest pain, which may radiate to the left arm and jaw, that occurs when there is an insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscle


any disturbance or abnormality in the hearts normal rhythmic patter


cardiac arrhythmia characterized by chaotic, rapid electrical impulses.

cardiac arrest

sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation, which requires CPR

cardiac tamponade

acute compression of the heart caused by fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity

coarctation of the aorta

congenital cardiac condition characterized by a narrowing of the aorta

congenital heart disease

heart abnormality present at birth

coronary artery disease

condition that reduces the flow of blood through the coronary arteries

deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

condition of thrombus in a deep vein of the body. usually in the lower extremities

heart failure

inability of the heart to pump enough blood to the body

hypertensive heart disease

disorder of the heart caused by persistent high blood pressure

intermittent claudation

pain and discomfort in calf muscle while walking; a condition seen in peripheral arterial disease


deficient blood flow due to the constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel

mitral valve stenosis

narrowing of the mitral valve from scarring, usually caused by episodes of rheumatic feverq

myocardial infarction (MI)

death (necrosis) of a portion of the myocardium caused by a lack of oxygen

peripheral artery disease

disease of the arteries of the arms and legs, resulting in narrowing or complete obstruction of the artery

rheumatic heart disease

damage to the heart muscle or heart valves caused by one or more episodes of rheumatic fever

varicose veins

distended or tortuous veins usually found in the lower extremities


condition in which there is a reduction in number of erythrocytes


blood clot or foreign material, such as air or fat, that enters the bloodstream and moves until it lodges at another point in the circulation


bleeding disease usually caused by factor VIII deficiency


malignant disease characterized by excessive increase in the abnormal leukocytes formed in blood marrow


condition in which a pathogenic micro-organism, usually bacteria, enter the blood stream, causing a system inflammatory response

hodgkin disease

malignant disorder of the lymphatic tissue characterized by a progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually beginning in the cervical nodes

infectious mononucleois

acute infection caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, characterized by swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, fatigue and fever.

acute leukemia

develops quickly with rapid progression, both adults and children, most common form of cancer in children

chronic leukemia

develops slowly, only present in adults


surgical excision of an aneurysm

atrial fibrillation ablation

procedure in which abnormal cells that trigger afib are destroyed using a device that heats or freezes them

cardiac pacemaker

used to treat abnormal heart rhythms

coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)

surgical technique to bring new blood supply to the heart muscle by detouring around a blocked artery

coronary stent

supportive scaffold device placed in the coronary artery to prevent closure


surgical removal of an embolus or clot

femoropopliteal bypass

alternate route from femoral to popliteal artery

implantable cardiac defib

device implanted on the body that continuously monitors the heart rhythm

intracoronary thrombolytic therapy

injection of medication to dissolve blood clots

percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

(balloon angioplasty)

inflate balloon to force plaque against artery wall

bone marrow aspiration

aspirate a sample of the liquid portion of the bone marrow

bone marrow biopsy

obtain bone marrow for study

bone marrow transplant

infusion of healthy bone marrow cells to a recipient with matching cells

digital subtraction angiography

process of digital radiographic imaging of the blood vessels that "subtracts" or removes structures

doppler ultrasound

study that uses high frequency sound waves for detection of blood flow

exercise stress test

study that evaluates the cardiac function during physical stress

single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)

nuclear medicine scan that visualizes the heart from several different angles,

thallium test

nuclear medicine used to diagnose coronary artery disease

transesophageal echocardium

ultrasound test that examines cardiac function and structure by using an ultrasound probe placed in the esophagus


rhythmic expansion of an artery created by the contraction of the heart, that can be felt by the finger tip

c-reactive protein

blood test to measure the amount of c-reactive protein

creatine phosphokinase

blood test to measure the creatine and


blood test used to measure the amount of homocysteine (high=cardiovascular disease)


blood test to measure the volume of erythrocytes


abnormal vascular sound heard through auscultation, caused by turbulent flow


occurring outside the body


escape of blood from the blood vessel into the tissue


to close tightly

blood dyscrasia

abnormal or pathologic condition of the blood


abnormal growing together of two peritoneal surfaces that normally are seperated


liver disease where gradual destruction of cells and formation of scar tissue

Crohn disease

chronic inflammation of the digestive tract

gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

acid washes back into esophagus


swollen or distended veins in the retcal area


non mechanical obstruction of the intestine, often caused by failure of persistalsis


telescoping of a segment of the intestine


twisting and kinking of the intestine, causing intestinal obstruction


connection created surgically joining two structures, such as blood vessels or bowel segments


cutting of certain branches of the vagus nerve


inflammation of the intestine associated with diarrhea and stomach pain


feeding through a nasogastric tube


vomiting blood


passage of bloody feces


black, tarry stool that contains digested stool


reduced vision in one eye caused by a disused or misuse


blurred vision caused by irregular curvature of the cornea or lens


clouding of the lens of the eye


obstruction of the oil gland of the eyelid


increased intraocular pressure




poor vision at night


yellowish mass on the conjunctiva that may be related to exposure of ultra-violet light, dry climate and dust


thin tissue growing on the cornea from the conjunctiva


condition in which the eyes look different directions


surgical removal of the eyeball


method to remove cataracts in which an ultrasonic needle probe breaks up the lens


normal refractive condition of the eye

intraocular lens

artificial lens implanted within the ye during cataract surgery


agents used to constrict the pupil


agent that dilates the pupil

acoustic neuroma

benign tumor within the internal auditory canal


tumor of a gland that secretes earwax


mass composed of epithelial cells and cholesterol in the middle ear

Meniere disease

chronic disease of the inner ear characterized by a sensation of spinning motion, ringing, aural fullness and fluctuating hearing loss

otitis externa

inflammation of the outer ear

otitis media

inflammation of the middle ear

ankylosing spondylitis

form of athritis that first affects the spine and adjacent structures and causes the a forward bend of the spine


abnormal prominence of the joint at the base of the great toe

carpal tunnel syndrome

common nerve entrapment disorder of the wrist caused by a compression of the median nerve


abnormal benign growth on the surface of the bone


disease in which an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood causes sodium urate crystals

Lyme disease

an infection caused by bacterium carried by deer ticks and transmitted to humans by bites

herniated disk

rupture of the intervertebral disk cartilage

muscular dystrophy

group of hereditary diseases characterized by the degeneration of muscle and weakness

myasthenia gravis

chronic disease where the muscle weakens

Alzheimer disease

disease characterized by early dementia, confusion, loss of recognition of persons or familiar surroundings, restlessness and impaired memory

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig Disease

progressive muscle atrophy caused by degeneration and scarring of neurons along the lateral column of the spinal cord that control muscles

Bell palsy

paralysis of muscles on one side of the face caused by inflammation or compression of the facial nerve

cerebral palsy

condition characterized by the lack of muscle control and partial paralysis, caused by a brain defect or lesion present at birth or shortly after


cognitive impairment characterized by loss of intellectual brain function


recurrent seizures


obstructed CSF, causes impaired brain function

multiple scerosis

chronic degenerative disease characterized by sclerotic patches along the brain and spinal cord

Parkinson disease

chronic degenerative disease of the CNS. Signs and symptoms include resting tremors of the hands and feet


inflammation of sciatic nerve


viral disease that affects the peripheral nerves and causes blisters on the skin that follow course of the affected nerve


the inability to use speech that is distinct and connected because of loss of muscle control after damage to the peripheral or CNS

anorexia nervosa

eating disorder


disorder of learning and behavioral problems characterized by the marked inattention, distractibility


spectrum of mental disorders, the features of which include onset during infancy or childhood

bipolar disorders

major psychological disorder typified by a disturbance of mood


compulsive eating of nonnutritive substances such as ice or clay


any one of a large group of psychotic disorders characterized by gross distortions of reality

addison disease

chronic syndrome resulting fro a deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex

congenital hypothyroidism

absence or atrophy of the thyroid gland

cushing syndrome

excessive production of cortisol (may be caused by a tumor on the pituitary)

diabetes insipidus

decreased secretion of antidiuretic hormone, symptoms include excessive thirst, large amounts of urine, and loss of sodium

diabetes mellitus

disorder of carbohydrate metabolism caused by the under-activity of the islets of Langerhans

graves disease

thyroid gland disorder where there is an increase in the amount of thyroid hormone


condition resulting from the uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, in which the body has an excess of ketones


deficiency of the thyroid hormone thyroxine; a severe form of hyperthyroidism in adults


tumor of the adrenal medulla, which is usually non-malignant and characterized by hyper-tension, headaches, palpitations, diaphoresis, chest pain, and abdominal pain.


condition affecting nerves causing muscle spasms as a result of low amounts of calcium in the blood caused by a deficiency of the parathyroid hormone


condition caused by excessive thyroid hormones


abnormal protrusion of the eyeball


chemical substance secreted by the endocrine gland that is carried in the blood to a target tissue


narrow strip of tissue connecting two larger parts in the body, such as the isthmus that connects the two lobes of the thyroid gland


sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in the living organism