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43 Cards in this Set

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Define Hypoxemia
Low level of oxygen in Blood
Define Hypoxia
Low level of oxygen in Tissue
Define Hypercarbia
Increased Carbon Dioxide in Blood
What drives a healthy person to breathe?
Hypercarbic drive
What drives a COPD pt to breathe?
Hypoxic drive
PPY equation
PPY= PPD x Years smoked
Define Transtracheal Oxygen Therapy
2 Holes in Trachea, Oxygen in trachea directly delivered High flow
Define Asthma
Intermittent reversible airflow obstruction
Asthma only affects the ___, not the ___
airways, alveoli
Name two types of Asthma, and define them
Inflammation-obstructs the inner airway

Hyperresponsiveness- twitching, constricting bronchial smooth muscle causing narrowing of airway from outside
S/S of Asthma
wheezing, diminished breaths, dry and nonproductive cough, increased RR, tachycardia, dyspnea, accessory m. use.

Late s/s: Cyanosis, cant speak, decreased LOC

Chronic s/s: Barrel chest, clubbing
Define Status Asthmaticus
Severe acute airway obstruction that does not respond to usual treatment
What can Status Asthmaticus complicate to?
Cor pulmonale, pneumothorax, respiratory/ cardiac arrest
How do you Tx Status Asthmaticus?
*Magnesium Sulfate (IV systemic bronchodilators most potent), IV fluids, Steroids, epinephrine, Oxygen, possible intubation
Emphysema is a ___ problem
Primary cause of Emphysema
Emphysema is...
Hyperinflation of lungs, causing bullae formation, small airway collapses, airway traps, loss of lung elasticity
Emphysema S/S
barrel chested, pink puffer, tripod breathing, diminished breaths
Define Chronic Bronchitis
Airway problem; Inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles caused by irritants like smoking. Causes vasodilation, congestion, mucosal edema, bronchospasms (Respiratory acidosis)
Chronic Bronchitis S/S
Blue blower, clubbing by long term hypoxia, crackles, rhonchi, wheezing, productive cough, JVD, corpulmonale
COPD pt breathing education includes..
diaphragmatic breathing, pursed lip breathing, positioning
COPD nutrition education includes..
Pt usually thin b/c they rather breathe than eat. So food in high calorie, high protein. Watch Carbs b/c it produces saliva. Easy to chew foods
COPD complications
INFECTION, hypoxemia, respiratory acidosis, HF, cor pulmonale, cardiac dysrhythmias, respiratory failure
Define Sarcoidosis
Multi-system granulomatus disorder, autoimmune, stiff lungs, restrictive, thickened lung tissue, affects interstitium of lungs NOT airway
Obstructive sleep apnea Define, Name risk factors
apnea for 10sec/ 5x per hour; obesity, short neck, smoking, enlarged uvula
obstructive sleep apnea S/S
daytime sleepiness, waking up tired, irritable, personality change, family/loved one notices change in sleep, polysomnography
obstructive sleep apnea Tx
weight loss, positive pressure ventilation CPAP, modafinil (manages daytime sleepyness), Surgical ectomy
S/S of right sided HF
JVD, ascites, peripheral edema, SOB, fatigue, hepatomegaly
Define Pulmonary HTN
vessel constricion resulting in increased vascular resistance
dyspnea, fatigue, S/S of RHF
med- anticoag, Calcium channel blockers to dilate bld vsl, endothelin-receptor antagonists to dilate bld vsl, flowlan to vasodilate, viagra, digoxin, diuretics, lung transplant
Define pneumonia
inflammation in interstitial space, alveoli, bronchioles that leads to hypoxemia and edema of lung tissue, movement of fluid into alveoli causing collapsed alveoli and impaired air exchange.
Types of Pneumonia

community-acquired (common)

S/S of pneumonia
chills, fever, cough, flushed cheeks, anxious expression, pleuritic pain, tachycardia, dyspnea, increased RR, sputum bld tinged rust colored, labored breathing, accessory m. use, SOB, crackles, wheezing, diminished breath sounds

LATE: hypotensive, orthostatic, rapid, weak pulse, hypoxemia, dehydration
TB is...
highly communicable, airborne, M.Tuberculosis, secondary TB is dormant (HIV+), Drug resistants- multiple/ extensive
low grade fever lasting, chest pain, night sweats, lethargy, weight loss, cough w/ bld streaked sputum
PPD >10mm; sputum for acid-fast bacillus is definitive; bld analysis; CXR for ruling out active disease or old lesions- protocal for postive PPD
When is TB no longer contagious?
after 3 consecutive negative sputum negatives
First line TB drug therapy.. four drugs
Isonizaid (INH), Rifampin (RIF), Pyrazinamide (PZA), Ehambutol (EMB)
Flu intervention key
hand washing
Steroids affect WBC and Sugar..how?
Increases it
Oxygen toxicity
>55% for 24hrs destroys tissue
Absorption atelectasis
Nitrogen makes 75% of air. The imbalance of Carbon dioxide and oxygen causes crackles, decreased breath sounds, lung collapse