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57 Cards in this Set

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Defective development of renal tissue that makes the kidney smaller in size. Can be bilateral but usually unilateral. Incidental finding, no treatment.
Congenital absence of an organ, no treatment.
Renal ectopia
Abnormally positioned kidney, diagnosed by IVP or CT. Can be in an abnormal location or malrotated. No treatment.
Horseshoe kidney
Lower poles of kidneys are fused. Diagnosed by KUB, IVP, or CT. No treatment.
Supernumerary kidney
More than two kidneys.
Duplication/ bifid collecting systems
More than one renal pelvis/ ureter. Diagnosed by IVP. No treatment.
Dilated terminal segment of ureter near its insertion in the bladder (sac like formation at UCJ). Diagnosed on IVP. Eventually the renal capsule deteriorates because of pressure.
Acute inflammation of the renal pelvis and renal parenchyma (interstitial tissue between tubules).
Diagnosed by IVP, CT, US, urinalysis.
Treatment of Ureterocele
Surgically removed or stented.
Treatment of pyelonephritis
Antibiotics and percutaneous drainage.
Radiographic appearance of pyelonephritis
Blunting/ clubbing of calyces, large pelvis, squeezed collecting tubules.
Inflammation of the cortex of the renal tissue.
Treatment of glomerularnephritis
Corticosteroids for immune suppression and antibiotics for infection.
Radiographic appearance of glomerularnephritis
Normal to increased kidney size.
The spread of TB to the kidneys can cause an ulcerative, destructive process that occurs in tips of papillae or enlargement of calyces. Diagnosed by KUB, CT, or IVP.
Treatment of TB
Antibiotics/ antivirals, may consider kidney removal. Disrupts filtrations which may lead to kidney failure.
Radiographic appearance of TB
Irregularity and enlargement of calyces, scarring, calcifications.
Inflammation of the urinary bladder, most common in women and children. Bacteria eats away at the mucosal layer of the bladder. Diagnosed by IVP or cystogram.
Cause of cystitis
Spread of bacteria from fecal matter into bladder.
Treatment of cystitis
Antibiotics, decrease trauma to area, increase citric acid intake, hygiene.
Radiographic appearance of cystitis
Irregularity of bladder wall
Thickened wall
Filled with gaseous material
Renal calculi
Calcifications within the urinary system. Diagnosed by KUB, CT, IVU, US.
Formation of renal calculi
Excessive calcium uptake
Decreased fluid intake
Composition of renal calculi
Phosphate (bacterial infection, staghorn calculi)
Uric acid (protein breakdown)
Cystine (radiolucent , looks like air bubble)
Common locations of renal calculi
Points of narrowing (junctions)
Treatments of renal calculi
Pain medication
Stone removal
Nephro lithotripsy
Radiographic appearance of renal calculi
Filling defects
Radioopaque calcium
Possible causes of obstructions of the urinary system
Urinary calculi
Pelvic tumors
Urethral strictures
Enlargement of the prostate
Treatment of urinary system obstructions
Decompression to prevent damage
Percutaneous nephrostomy to demonstrate obstruction and provide drainage
Treat cause of obstruction
Too much fluid in the kidneys (usually due to obstruction) leads to thinning of the cortex due to excessive pressure
Radiographic appearance of hydronephrosis
Dilation of the pelvicalyceal system proximal to obstruction
Cause of hydronephrosis
Ureteral obstruction
Treatment of hydronephrosis
Decrease fluid intake
Renal cyst
Fluid filled sac that can increase pressure on surrounding organs, glands, and vascular structures. Can be divided into chambers or unilocular.
Radiographic appearance of renal cyst
Filling defects
Outlined cortex
Cause of renal cysts
Clogged tubule in capsule
Treatments of renal cysts
Drain - may resolve on its own
If it ruptures, urine is sterile so its OK
Polycystic disease
Inherited disorder in which many cysts cause enlargement of the kidney and renal impairment.
Radiographic appearance of polycystic disease
Multiple enlarged lucent lesions
Hemorrhagic cysts with increased attenuation
Complications of polycystic disease
Pressure to surrounding areas organs, possible berry aneurysms at areas of bifurcations. Liver problems because of pressure.
Treatment options of polycystic disease
Antiinflammatory meds
Pain meds
Controlled fluid/ electrolyte balance
Diet control (salt intake)
Drain some cysts to relieve pressure
Renal carcinoma
Most common malignant renal cancer. Diagnosed by US, CT, MR, biopsy (once capsule is broken there is a higher propensity for spread though!)
Radiographic appearance of renal carcinoma
Unusual bowel patterns
Air defects
Calcifications=cancer 90% of the time
Possible causes of renal carcinoma
May be caused by smoking, chemicals in food, chronic inflammation.
Treatment of renal carcinoma
Radical nephrectomy
Radiation therapy
Prognosis is poor
List common types of renal tumors.
Renal cell carcinoma
Nephroblastoma (Wilms tumor)
Wilm's tumor
Most common abdominal tumor or infancy/ childhood
Radiographic appearance of Wilm's tumor
Large palpable mass
Kidney displacement
Bowel air patterns
Well encapsulated
Grows fast
Treatments of Wilm's tumor
Surgical removal
Stats of a Wilm's tumor
1 in 13000 children affected
More common under age 5
85% cure rate
The younger the child the better the prognosis
Bladder carcinoma
Cancer of the wall of the bladder, more frequent in Caucasian men, smoking is the most significant risk factor.
Radiographic appearance of bladder carcinoma
Calcifications, wall thickening, and masses projecting into the bladder wall.
Treatment of bladder carcinoma
Surgical removal of tumor or removal of bladder and redirection of ureters into lumen.
Renal failure
Rapid deterioration of kidney function. Diagnosed by US usually, blood tests and tomograms as well. IVP is contrainticated.
Cause of renal failure
Obstruction of outflow
Treatment of renal failure
Complications of renal failure
Nervous system: twitching caused by low potassium, high calcium.
Parathyroid hormone: stone formation
Edema: fluid fills interstitial spaces due to back up
CHF: high fluid levels