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76 Cards in this Set

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What is the only hypertension medication that can be given IV (parenteral)?

Enalapril is the only ACE inhibitor that is given IV




It can treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Contraindications: QT prolongation, heart failure, acute MI

Medications that prolonged QT intervals:




* This medication can cause leukopenia and neutropenia which increases the risk of infection.




They can treat schizophrenia. They can also lower the risk of suicidal behavior in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder‘s.

-it is important to have order blood test with this medication.

-inform your provider if you are taking seizure medication. Should be used in caution in patients with seizure disorder.

-inform your provider if you experience increased urination increased thirst increased appetite.

-contact your healthcare provider if you experience any unexplained tiredness, shortness of breath, heavy breathing, chest pain, or heart palpitations. Rare cases can cause myocarditis.

**PTs are at RISK of agranulocytosis aka (low WBC).


-Lipid panel

-Fasting plasma glucose

-Oral glucose tolerance test




-Chemotherapy for cancer


This medication is given to decrease agitation associated with schizophrenia. It is known to cause sedation (not agitation), hypotension, and “EPS” Extrapyramidal symptoms. Nausea may results as a side effect of loxapine.



It can treat mental illness, behavioral disorders, tetanus, Blood Disorders, such as porphyria, and severe nausea and vomiting. It can also reduce anxiety before surgery.

-suppression of emesis

-relief of intractable hiccups

Levodopa, most common side effect?

Common side effect, Delusions.

Treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s like symptoms that may develop after encephalitis (swelling of the brain) or injury to the Nervis system caused by carbon monoxide poisoning or maganese poisoning.



It can treat mental disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.

Used for acute mania in Patients with bipolar disorders.

-High risk of metabolic syndrome effects. Patient teaching should include how to monitor weight gain, diabetes and dyslipidemia.



Hey can treat schizophrenia

Serious but rare adverse effect is convulsions.



It can treat depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and social anxiety disorder.

It is a serotonin-norepinephrine Reuptake inhibitor that is used to treat major depression in the patient.

-Side Effects:

Nausea (will subside)



Tricyclic antidepressant can cause what safety concerns in a patient?

Postural blood pressure.

Postural hypotension, which my cause dizziness in the patient and increase the risk of falls.

What medication can benefit a patient with performance anxiety?


Propranolol and other beta blockers can benefit patients with performance anxiety. When taking 1 to 2 hours before a scheduled performance, beta blockers can reduce symptoms caused by autonomic hyperactivity. example: tremors, sweating, tachycardia, and palpitations.

-This medication will only be used prior to performance activities for the patient not on a daily basis.



Buspirone is an anxiolytic.

Common side effect is Dizziness, nausea, headache, nervousness, lightheadedness, and excitement.

-this medication is a third-generation anxiolytic that has the advantage of being both nonsedating and non-habit-forming.

-Do not drink grapefruit juice while on this medication.

-this medication poses a risk SEIZURES.

-can reduce behavioral symptoms of ADHD.

-This drug is considered a second line drug for ADHD.

This medication lacks the adverse effects associated with tricyclic antidepressants.

Example: Cardiotoxicity and anti-cholinergic effects but does pose a risk for seizures.



Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

It can treat:

Postpartum depression


obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD),

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Premenstrual dysphoric disorders (PMDD)

Social anxiety disorder

Panic disorder

* This medication takes several months to become therapeutic. The nurse needs to encourage the patient during this time as it is very frustrating to take a medication for so long without therapeutic effects.



Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

It can treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


This medication might take up to four weeks for a therapeutic response.

This medication is given by mouth and does not interact with caffeine.

-Liver enzymes need to be checked on this medication.



Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI).

It can treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, and panic disorder.

The nurse identifies which anti-depressants as effective in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?







Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)

It can treat depression.

Normal dosage: 20 mg once daily and increase to a maximum of 40 mg/day.



Brand name: Xanax

It can treat anxiety and panic disorders.

-used for general anxiety disorder.

-when it is time to discontinue this drug, you will have to taper off slowly to prevent with drawl symptoms.

A patient with a panic disorder has started on monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. What information should you include in the teaching plan for a patient?

Rise slowly from sitting to standing position. To prevent dizziness.

Patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Should get what first-line therapy?


-A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medication.

* fluoxetine, Paroxetine, sertraline.

-A serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) medication.




It can treat seizure disorders, such as epilepsy. It can also be used before surgery and medical procedures to relieve anxiety.

-A typical safe dose range for this drug can be 2 to 6 mg/day.

-therapy must be stopped before conception b/c benzos are lipid soluble and cross the placenta, therefore increasing the risk of fetal harm.

-while on this drug mothers cannot breast-feed their babies. This medication is known to pass into breastmilk.

Paroxetine HCI


It is a selective serotonin reuptake in Hibbett her SSRI antidepressant used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder OCD, anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and severe form of pre-menstrual syndrome.

-It can treat social anxiety disorders.

-it is considered a first-line drug for most patients with social anxiety disorder




It can treat insomnia.

Also used for jet lag.


It is a barbiturate, non-selective central nervous system (CNS) depressant which is primarily used as a sedative hypnotic and also an anti-convulsant and some hypnotic dose.

-these drugs have a higher abuse potential. Closely monitor the patient for signs of drug abuse.



Antidote for benzodiazepine receptor antagonist.

-GABA receptor antagonist

They can treat drowsiness caused by sedatives following surgery or drug overdose.

* those patients who are withdrawing from benzodiazepines and are given this drug can cause precipitation withdrawal and onset of seizures.




tricyclic antidepressant

topical anti-histamine.

It can treat depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders in its original form. When applied topically, it can reduce itching caused by atopic dermatitis, and other skin diseases.



It can treat; trouble falling asleep (insomnia).

This medication is a hypnotic non-barbiturate.

*Belongs to a new class of drugs called pyrazolopyrimidines.

-it is indicated for short term management of insomnia.

-it has a rapid onset and short duration of action and therefore is beneficial for initiating sleep but not for maintaining it throughout the night.

-it interacts with the neurotransmitters of GABA.

* A reduced dose of cimetidine should be administered with Zaleplon. Cimetidine is an acid reducer.



CNS stimulant

-schedule II drug

It can treat ADHD and binge-eating disorder.

-it has a low abuse potential than other forms of amphetamines.

-hypertension and tachycardia are side effects of this medication.



CNS stimulant

-schedule IV

It can treat narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder.

-off label uses: jet lag, ADHD

-no physical withdrawal has been reported and no physical dependency has not been reported.

-this medication increases wakefulness in patients with excessive sickness, including those with work shift sleep disorders.

-It acts without disturbing nighttime sleep. It is contra-indicated during pregnancy.

-it can increase heart rate and blood pressure.

-it can cause serious skin reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome


-amphetamines causes the release of dopamine.

-amphetamines inhibit the reuptake of dopamine.

-amphetamines cause the release of norepinephrine.

-amphetamines inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine.

* all these actions take place in the central nervous system in the peripheral nerves.

-it may take several months to reestablish a sleep pattern. After taking this medication.



Cognition-enhancing medication

It can treat ADHD.

-It has a low potential for abuse.

-take for 1 to 3 weeks for maximal response.

-this medication can cause suicidal thinking in children and adolescent.

-it has no potential for abuse because it is a non-stimulant.

This medication is a inhibitor of norepinephrine (NE) re-uptake, and it affects probably are the results of adaptive changes that occur after reuptake blockage, which can be take 1 to 2 weeks.

-therapeutic effects may not be felt for 1 or 2 weeks after beginning therapy.




It can treat ADHD.

And can also treat narcolepsy.

This medication increases alertness because it stimulates the CNS.



I can treat insomnia.

-short duration of action, can be taken late at night without causing a hangover or next day sedation early in the morning.

-it does not help you stay asleep longer or decrease the number of times that you awake during the night. It works by slowing activity in the brain to allow sleep.



-It is a antipsychotic medication.

-It can treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and irritability caused by autism.

-Risperidone is eight antipsychotic often used in conjunction with lithium to help manage symptoms during manic episodes, regardless of whether psychotic symptoms occur. This medication does not elevate mood and is not used during depression episodes.

What patients will be prescribed Lithium?

What is the normal therapeutic range for lithium?

-Lithium is one of the most widely used and studied medications for treating bipolar disorder. Lithium helps reduce the severity and frequency of mania. It may also help relieve or prevent bipolar depression. Study show that lithium can significantly reduce suicide risk.

-Normal therapeutic levels for lithium (0.6 - 1.2)

-Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can increase lithium levels as much as 60% they should not be used in patients taking lithium.

-can also treat: Bulium, Alcholism, Schizophrenia, Glucocorticoid-induces psychosis

*annual test that should be done for a patient taking lithium

-CBC (Leukocytosis can occur)

-renal function tests

-thyroid function test (inhibits iodine into the thyroid)

Normal levels of sodium?

135 - 145 mEq/L


It can treat psychotic disorders. It is also used to control motor tics and verbal tics.

Can treat severe behavior problems such as explosive, aggressive behaviors or hyperactivity in children who cannot be treated with psychotherapy or with other medications.

This medication is a group called conventional antipsychotics.

It works by decreasing abnormal excitement in the brain.

** it is an essential assessment to monitor electrocardiogram ECG for QT intervals.

Name ions that are positively charged

Sodium (Na+)

Calcium (Ca+)

Potassium (K+)

Name ions that are negatively charged.

And what are they called?

Chloride ( Ca-)

Bicarbonate (HCO3-)

They are called anions

What medication will decrease blood pressure by blocking angiotension II receptor sites?


How does Candesartan work in the body?

It is an Angle you tension two receptor blocker and

What can happen with Captopril ACE inhibitor for hypertension and lithium for bipolar dz?

Lithium levels can rise. A pt on both of these meds needs to be monitor regularly lithium levels.

Name two medications that are aldosterone Antagonists.

Eplerenone and Spironolactone

Which subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) from an intracranial aneurysm. What medication would a DR prescribe?

Nimoipine. This is the only dihydropyridine approved for SAH.

Diltiazem is used for?

Contraindicationed in what Patients?

It is A calcium channel blocker and anti-hypertension drug.

It is contraindicated with patients with second-degree atrioventricular blocks

Explain Verapamil.

Verapamil is used to treat both of these old is the magic angina and angina of effort. It slows the ventricular rate in patients with A-flutter, SVT.

-This drug is the first line drug for treatment of hypertension.

-this drug causes constipation. Patients are recommended to increase fluid intake and fiber.

-this medication suppresses the conduction of the the AV node.

-reduces angina efforts in the heart.

-use for cardiac dysrhythmias.

-use for hypertension.

* Increase heart rate &

Increase force of contraction

What type of hypertension medication is given to patients with diabetes and hypertension?

ACE inhibitors.

-ace inhibitors slow the progression of kidney injury in diabetic patients with renal damage.

How Beta Blockers work?

-beta blockers decrease heart rate and contractility.

-beta blockers decrease peripheral vascular resistance.

-beta blockers decrease the release of renin. (Released in the kidneys)

* beta blockers reduce the release of renin by blockage of beta-1 receptors on juxtaglomerular cells in the kidneys, which reduce angiotension II-meditated vasoconstriction, but do not block the actions of Angiotension II directly. Beta blockers increase heart rate and cardiac contractility, decrease peripheral vascular resistance, and decrease the release of renin.

What type of drug class is Losartan in?

What is this medication known to do?

-Angiotensin receptor blocker.

-it is approved for reducing strokes in Patients w/ Left ventricular hypertrophic and hypertension

A pt has a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) from a intracranial aneurysm. Which drug would be sent?



Reduce brain damage caused by bleeding from a burst blood vessel.

How do calcium channel blocker work?

By blocking calcium channels, calcium channel blockers inhibit muscle contraction in the coronary arteries and peripheral artery‘s, resulting in relaxing vascular smooth muscle vasodilation.

Explain the benefits of Ramipril.

And the use of this medication.

-This medication is a ACE inhibitor. ACE stands for angle tension converting enzyme which is found in the kidneys.

-it is used to treat high blood pressure hypertension or congestive heart failure, and to improve survival after a heart attack.

-this medication can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke.

Spironolactone (aldactone)


-it can treat high blood pressure. They can also treat fluid retention Adema and high levels of the hormone aldosterone.

-A female patient might complain of deepening in her voice. this is a side affect because the drug binds to the receptor of the steroid hormones causing this affect.

Amlpdipine (Norvasc)

-This drug is used to treat chest pain (angina) and other conditions caused by coronary artery disease.

-It is also used to treat high blood pressure hypertension.

What medication can be used to lower Digoxin levels?

Digoxin immune Fab antibody fragment

Digoxin toxicity symptoms:

-Vomiting / diarrhea


- Visual Distrubance


The long Half life of amiodarone contributes to which complications?

Liver toxicity

Which structure in the heart is referred to the pacemaker?

Sinoatrial (SA) node

What is the AV node responsible for?

Responsible for transmitting the electrical impulse from the atrial to the ventricles.

What are the His-Purkinje system in charge of?

The purkinje system acts to rapidly conduct electrical excitation to fill the ventricles

Which two drugs interact with amiodarone and should be discontinued?



What is the most serious adverse effect of amiodarone?

Pulmonary toxicity which involves dyspnea and coughing accompanied by damage to the alveoli.

What class of antidysrhythmic is Amiodarone in?

Class III

-Amiodarone which is a class III drug prolongs repolarization in phase 3.

What is a risk for a patient who has developed atrial flutter?


Heart rates are 250-350bpm

Explain Adenosine

Adenosine is an unclassified antidysrhythmic that slows electrical conduction time through the AV node. It Adenosine is an unclassified antidysrhythmic that slows electrical conduction time through the AV node. It commonly causes asystole from me. Of seconds before I Deleigh converting to normal sinus rhythm. Repeat doses may be necessary to achieve desired results.commonly causes asystole from me. Of seconds before I Deleigh converting to normal sinus rhythm. Repeat doses may be necessary to achieve desired results.

A patient with a history of asthma in relations to beta blockers.

Beta blockers must be used cautiously in patients with a history of asthma because the drug induced bronchial-constriction and increases airway resistance, which may further caused dyspnea and wheezing.

Which antilipemic medication reduces serum cholesterol by inhibiting it’s absorption in the small intestines?


How does stimvastatin exert its actions?

By inhibiting the enzyme hydroxymethylglutary-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase

What is the target therapeutic level for anticoagulation aPTT value?

Between 45-70sec

A patient overdosed on warfarin was substance with the nurse administer to reverse the effects of warfarin?


An overdose on warfarin what would be given

Vitamin K

An overdose on heparin what would be given?

Protamine sulfate

A nurse is preparing to administer enoxaparin sodium to a patient for prevention of deep vein thrombosis. Which is an essential nursing intervention?

Administer the medication into a subcutaneous tissue of the of Domino

What is Argatroban?

How is it administered?

It is a blood thinner it can prevent and treat blood clots.

It is given only by intravenous route

What is the normal platelet count range?

150,000 to 450,000

Dabigatran is used for?


It is a blood thinner.

can treat and prevent blood clots reduces the risk of stroke.

The medication must be stored in the manufacture supply bottle this medication is unstable, especially when exposed to moisture, and should be store in its own bottle.