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69 Cards in this Set

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Old Stone

Age: 600,000 - 10,000 BCE

-Homo sapiens (Thinking man)

-- Dog companions

-- Stone weapons and Tools

-Cave Dwellers


New Stone Age - 10,000 BCE


-Human pop in Europe 20,000 by 8500 BCE

Stonehenge (On Salisbury Plain)

-7,00 BCE 1st began

-3,100 BCE Henge built (circular, raised earth plateau inside a ditch)

-2,100 BCE Megaliths (Blue stones set in double circle, 160 massive rocks, each 4 tons from Mtn. in Wales 240 miles away)

-Sarsen stones later added to outer circle weighing 50 tons each from quarry 50 miles away


Land between the rivers (Tigris-Euphrates river system area)

Village culture - Semitic language related to Arabic and Hebreu

Epic of Gilgamesh

2,000 BCE

Poem about search for eternal life

By Akkadian


1st true cities - King & Council

1st western people to create written language


495-406 BCE - Antigone, Oedipus Rex, electra

Part of Greek plays - Drama/Comedy


1st true alphabet

Ramses II


Died at 90

Reestablished imperial frontiers

20,000 Egyptian troop strength


Age: 612 - 539 BCE

King Nebuchanezzar (605-561 BCE)

-Code of Hammurabi - had them burn enemies alive

-587 king sacked Jerusalem and destroyed temple when he invaded Judah

-Art and education similar to Assyrians

-Walled cities

-Numerical system based on 60 - time keeping

-Fell to Persians in 539 BCE

-Divided heavens into 12 signs


-People east of Zagros Mts.

-King Cyrus the great - 559-530 BCE

-Persepolis (capitol)

-538 Cyrus releases Jews to rebuild temple in Jerusalem in 515 BCE

-Benevolent empire - people could worship their own gods, taxes reasonable for all

-Aramaic used for common language

-astrological wise men on magi respected

-Used coin system first invented by Lydians, who they conquered

-Prophet Zoroaster 628-551 BCE

-Zaroastrianism - monothistic - god of light

-holy book called avesta - lead ethical lives & care for others

-end arial sacrifices & polytheism(fight betwn good n evil)

-Evil to hell - believers to paradise


-Northern part of the Aegean Sea at the opening into the Black Sea

-Charged toll to enter black sea, grew tremendously wealthy

-1250 - Trojan war - 10 year siege by the Mycenaeans destroyed the Trojans

Delphic Oracle

Woman who could interpret divine will such as Apollo's


Rule by people

Used by Athens (Cleisthenes)

Polis had earliest forms


-484-420 BCE

the father of history writes "the Histories" about the Persian wars n' the background of the opposing sides


-600 BCE Lyeurgus (semi legendary) introduces the constitution

-South of Athens 1/4 the size

-Gerousia - council of elders (28 advised)

- Ephors ( 5 ran gov.)

- 2 kings - army leaders & chief priests

-Military state huge army

-Each newborn infant examined by elder, if unfit left outside to die

-Boys at 7 turned to state for 13 years of train

-20 year old men went into army n lived in barracks

-Women had independence bcuz of military

-Women very fit n' believed military city

Olympic Games

-First contest at three shrines

--Delphi (Apollo)

--Corinth (Posiedon) --Olympia (Zeus)

-1st Olympic games 776 BCE ( FOOT RACE)

- Soon 7days - 10events - including 200 meter sprint, boxing, wrestling, ect..

-No women could attend.

Mother caught as a man, so everyone had to go in nude.

-Separate women games for Hera

- Ended by Roman emperor Theodius

Peloponnesian Wars

1st - 460-445 BCE - Delian League defeated Sparta and Persian allies - war provoked by Sparta becuz it's concern of power in Athens

2nd - A draw, 421 BCE Peace of Nicias signed

3rd - Fighting continues until Sparta defeated the Athenian fleet n' cut the grain/food supply to Athens - Athens surrenders 404 BCE


-Asked questions to reveal the person's ideas about human values

-"Life w/ out enquiry is not worth living"

-Executed in 399 BC for corrupting youth and inventing new gods, chose to drink Hemlock


-From wealth Athenian family

-Founded the Academy in 387 BCE as an institute for advanced studies in math, physical science, n philosophy

-wrote the republic - dialogue about Socrates

-Platonic Idealism (realism) n Subjectivism


- Plato's pupil - studied at Plato's academy

- 336 BC est. his own academy in Athens - Lyeeum

-Tutored Alexander the Great

-Logic - process by which statements are formed n relate to each other

-6 treaties on logic - Organon

- 4 causes - material, formal, final, & efficient


460-377 BCE

-Father of Modern western medicine

-4 humors (Blood, black bile, yellow bile, & Phlegm)

-the humors had to be kept in balance or a person became more sick

-blood letting to keep the blood from overwhelming the other humors

Jesus of Nazareth

-During Augustus reign 27 BCE-14 CE, baby boy Jesus born 4 BCE

-Maybe in Bethlehem

-Appeared at temple 12 yrs old confounded the Rabis w/ his knowledge

-Began ministry after baptized by John the baptist

-Mary called him Christ-which means the lords appointed messiah

-message of peace, love and care for poor and sufforing

-3 year ministry-became extremely popular

-12 disciplines helped him spread message

-His popularity alarmed Romans and Jewish Leaders

-29 CE Roman gov. Pontius Pilate sentenced him to death for treason

-James moved to Jerusalem n centered preaching there

-Peter began preaching to gentiles who were interested in monotheistic religion

-After dead, kingdom divided into two

--Israel in the north & Judah in the south

Alexander the Great

356 - 323 BCE

-Tutored by Aristotle

-12 yrs. - broke the famous black sterling Fresian & named him Bucephalus

-Road horse into every battle til B died in India 326 BCE

-10 years Alex fought persians 334-324 BCE

-Defeated Persian King Darius II at Issus in Syria

-331 Darius Fled and assasinated by own guards next year

- Died at 32 -323 BCE from Malaria, fever or a wound infection..


100 men

part of government, lawmaking body of Rome-----

The state council of the ancient Roman republic and empire, which shared legislative power with the popular assemblies, administration with the Magistracies, and Judical power with the knights.



-Considered the greatest inventor of antiquity

-studied at Alex & while there he was 1st to determine value of pi - for area of circle

-Catapults, lifting devices, ship hulls

-"On plane Equilibriums" - his work on basic principles of lever

-Solids can be weighed by measuring amount of liquid they displace


Life best lived close to nature, giving up worldly goods


Believed in living in harmony w/ nature, if something terrible happened, you handled yourself


Search for pleasure was the great goal, not food & drink, peace & quiet, a life of moderation

Romulus / Remus

Rumor that these two brothers were thrown into the Tiber River by their uncle so they couldn't threaten his rule

-Farmed found them being suckled by a she-wolf

-Raised them as his sons, when they had grown up, they had a quarrel & Romulus killed Remus

-Romulus 753-715 BCE is considered first king


God father wedding example - He does something for you - you return the favor later on.

-Wealthy man called a patron

-Had many people called clients that he would support w/ money, food, advice, legal help

-clients could be young men from aristocracy, farmers, businessmen, ex slaves, - the clients would owe their patrons political support & occasionally financial support

- Many would gather every morning at the home of the patron n' accompany him to the city center where they would cheer/shout/vote in support

Punic Wars

1st War - 264-241 BCE

(named after the Roman word Punic for Phoeniecian)

-264 BCE Rome & Carthage sent troops to secure island of Sicily and its city of Messana

-Romans built a huge navy and pioneered the naval tactic of lowering a platform on enemy ship that rammed them, & sending soldiers onto the enemy ship for hand to hand combat

-241 BCE Rome won a decisive sea battle, secured a victory and won control of Sicily

2nd War 218-201 BCE

-Began in Spain when the Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca attacked the disputed city of Saguntum

-Romans controlled the sea so Hannibal decided on a land assault over Alps to Rome

-Brought 30k-40k men(including Spanish armies & African Mercenaries) 6,000 horses & about 35 war elephants topped w/ fortified towers and archers

-The Roman legions consisted of 4,000 men w/ 40 companies of 100

-Hannibal arrived w/ this mighty show - several military victories

-Roman legions kept pulling back

-Hannibal met Romans in battle of the Cannae in 216 BCE, 48k Romans & allies slain but didn't surrender

-17 years Hannibal battled up n down Italy

-Roman General named Publicus Cornelius Scipio invaded Spain & North Africa

-Defeated Hannibal in battle


-Slave of Sub Saharan origin

--purchased in diverse & culturally dynamic city of Carthage

-Sold to a senator in Rome who educated him as a free man & later freed him after recognizing his

-Terence added his own created tak & wit to twents work


-Roman orator, poet, lawyer, philosopher

-Famous for his collection of over 900 letters

-Finest writer in Latin during the time period

-called upon by members of the senate to drive a wedge btwn. Anthony n Octavian

-killed w/ more than 300 senators by Anthony & Octavian's guards

Julius Caesar

Grew to power w/ help of literature

-Greatest general and writer

From a venerable noble Roman family

-Gifted writer - commentaries regarding his military exploits

-Crassus died fighting in Asia

In competition w/ Pompey for power

(Pompey murdered in Alex 48 BCE)

-Senate ordered him to return to Rome

-49 BCE ceasar marched his army to Rome n crossed the Rubicon River into the city

-Civil war - both armies battling all over empire

-involved w/ Cleopatra VII in Egypt, had a son

-Returned to Rome 46 BCE

-Cleo followed w/ son

-Dictator for life - aristocratic n unconstitutional rule

-Instituted huge public works programs

-Julian Calendar - 365 days n "leap" year

---Modified in 1582 still used in the west

-Assasinated on March 15, 44 BCE

Pax Romana

A time of peace and prosperity.

Peace that existed between nationalities within the Roman Empire. It was a 200 year period of relative peace ushered in during the reign of Augustus.


Caesar's grandnephew & adopted son

-Declared himself AUGUSTUS OCTAVIAN

-expanded empire

-massive city improvements

-replaced old wooden tenements

-basic fire n police services

-improved city water supple

-Reign reffered to as PAX ROMANA a time of peace n prosperity

formed second triumvirate

Died in 14 CE

Hoplite Phalanx

-Men w/ armor and swords and long spears deep and as wide as the number of troops available, closing them off so cavalry could not penetrate the group

Mystery Religions

Cult of Dionysus & cult of Isis

-worship of the great mother who brought fertility and comfort


A book form of compiling information



Hagia Sophia




Iliad & The Odyssey








The Fertile Crescent






Mosaic Law




Marcus Aurelius










Justin Ian & Theodora





-Brought order to the empire

-Farmed the Tetrarchy- (rule by 4men divided the empire in 4 areas)

-created mobile legions

-curled inflation by freezing wages n prices

-Tetrarchy stepped down in 305 and civil war broke out


-Sole ruler of the empire

-son of Caesar

-330 he built a new city on Greek city Byzantium and called it (Constantinople)

-Rome to far from military engagements on border

-As the capital moved east & Constantine died the Germanic tribes moved in & greeted by allies

-Visigoths invited and treated badly by Romans

-Visigoth and Germanic tribes raided Ital

-Visigoths plundered Rome n left for Spain

Sadducees / Pharisees / Essenes

Four main Jewish groups


-Very strict interpretation of the Torah-1st five books of the bible

-cooperated w/ the Romans as long as they left the temple alone

-Roman emperor Vaspasian's son Titus ordered the temple be destroyed in 70

-Sadducees no longer existed

-Dispora - scatter jews


-Kept themselves from Roman influence

-Strict dietary rules

-Avoided political revolution

-did not center on main temple, you could worship no matter where you were in the world


-Withdrew from the social world & lived in separate communities

-Probably authored the dead sea scrolls

-1947 sheppard found deep cave in Qumran, hundreds of scrolls 250 BCE

-writings completed before 68 BCE when Romans destroyed the community

Benedict & Scholastica (Italian Twins)

From Nursia

-Founded separate monasteries for men and women

-run by abbots and abesses

-stressed work, prayer, education, and regular meals

-not the mortification of the flesh or fasting

-monks and nuns copied the precious classical manuscript from ancient times

St. Patrick


-Kidnapped by Irish raiders and enslaved

-escaped to Britain and became a bishop

-went back to Ireland to covert to pagan Irish

-considered the founder of Irish Christianity

-monastic life was very prevalent and the monks were busy coping the great texts

Muhammad / Koran

570-632 orphan from Mecca

7 kids/widow wife

-turned 40 the angel of Gabriel came to him in a vision and called him to be apostle of his people

-Next 20 yrs - got 114 revelations in Arabic

-Word of Allah - Collected after his death into his Holy Qur'an or Koran

-believe 5 major prophets before him

(Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus)

Islam means "surrender to god"

Muslim means "one who submits'

to convert you simply must say "there is no god but Allah n M is his prophet"

Caliphs- Closest followers

assended from dome in Jerusalem


1. Profession of Faith

2. Prayer 5 times a day

3. Donate to the needy

4. Fasting - Ramadan commemorates the month Allah revealed the Qur'an to M

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca - once in your life called the Haj


Charles the great or Charlemagne

-Warrior-religious leader-prominent intellect

-Carolingian Renaissance term used to describe his reign

-Called upon from Pope Leo the III who was attacked brutally in the streets of Rome

-Came with troops and calmed the city and restored power to the pope

- Christmas day 800- Charlemagne went to

church w/ pope as he rose from prayer and pop crowned him and made him emperor

-First Holy Roman Emperor

-Ruled jointly w/ Byzantine emperor

-Relationship w/ Islamic caliph in Baghdad

-traded gifts and received an elephant which he traveled w/ for 8 years

-Noticed many priests couldn't even read the Litergy properly

-requested priests open schools in towns

no fee but could accept gifts)

-Asked for properly translated books


1st phase - Grammar,rhetoric, logic

2nd phase - arithmetic, music, geometry, astronomy

Carolingian minuscule form of handwriting

Made it much cleaner and spaced out.

Formed the basis for our lower case letter and the type on printing press

Alfred the Great

-Only king to be called "the great"

-From Wessex

-Began consolidation of the kingdom

-Confronted Danish raiders from north by building the first ever Navy (Considered father of the English Navy)

-London sacked by Danes

- w/ 350 ships, Alfred's troops fought a series of battles which led to a peace treaty w/ the Danish King Guthrum in 886

-Northern section from Essex - Yorkshire became the Danelaw to distinguish it from the area where the England law ruled

-Translated various classical texts into old English for his people & initiated the writing of the Anglo-Saxon church

What did Rome do for us?

Wine, Aqueduct, Irrigation system, sanitation, education, public order, safe streets, medicine, roads, peace

5 Pillars

1. Profession of Faith

2. Prayer 5 times a day

3. Donate to the needy

4. Fasting - Ramadan commemorates the month Allah revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca - once in your life-called the Haj