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28 Cards in this Set

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Describe some of the conditions that lead to revival of trade in Europe

Wool, coin money, fixing Roman roads and all roads lead to towns

What factors led to the growth of towns in Europe, and what new social class emerged

The revival of trade led to the growth of towns...cities began to grow along trade routes and artisans to sell products.. Money economy... Middle class grew bc of coin money

The hanseatic league

An association of 80 northern German towns that came together for trade and protection

Describe the importance of charters

A written document that guaranteed town and peoples rights

Charter part2

1) fixed right

2) Preevent lords from seizing land

3) granted freedom to serfs

What is a guild

And association of merchants and artisans that govern a town

Steps to become a guild

1) set prices and wages

2) maintains the standards of quality

3) contained activities of foreigners

4) set a just price

What were some of the dangers of living in the midieval town

Disease, not a safe, fire hazard, threats to war

What are the characteristics of a Romanesque cathedral

Romanesque were arches and domes (thick walls) &Gothic

What are the characteristics of a Gothic cathedral

Taller, brighter, and had flying buttresses

Define vernacular

Every day language of the people

Who challenged the new universities in Europe

The universities were created to prepare people for positions in church and government… Challenged by Thomas Aquinas

Define scholasticism

Uses reason and logic

Who is founder of Islam


What two cities became historically significant to islam

Mecca and Medina

What is the hejira

Muhammad's departure to Medina

List and describe the five pillars of faith

1) belief in one God (Allah)

2) prayer-five times a day facing Kaaba

3) charity-gave aims to poor

4) fasting-during holy month of Ramadah

5) hajj- pilgrimage to Mecca once in a life

What is the Kaaba

Shrine in Mecca

•secrete sign for Islam

What is the Islamic holy book..what language is it written in

Koran... Aerobic

After the battle over the rightful successor to Muhammad what two branches of Islam emerged

Sunni and Shiite

What was the purpose of the first crusade

To take back the holy land

Who called for the all Christian knights to fight to recapture the holy land

The Pope urban the second

The council of Clermont

God wills it

sins will be forgiven

•the 3 G's

What was the result of the first crusade

Took back the holy land

What was the result of the second and third Crusade

Muslims won

•Saladin-leader of the Muslims in the third Crusade

How was the fourth Crusade different from the prior three


Christian versus Christian

What were some of the long term effects of the crusades

Cultured diffusion (math and science)

• increase in trade

• feudalism weakened

• kings came in and gained more power

• antisemitism began to grow (prejudice to Jews)

Where is Germany

Northern europe

Who had the biggest influence

Church/ the pope