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115 Cards in this Set

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Order for solution for 3 problems of surgery

Pain, infection, blood loss

How was the pain of surgery solved


Facts for chloroform (4)

-james Simpson discovered

- John snow found dosage

- Queen Vic made it fashionable

- Hannah greener overdosed

Anaesthetics prior to chloroform

Alcohol, laughing gas

What was the period between Simpson and Lister known as

The dark period of surgery as although patients had no pain, they were now dying of infection and blood loss as surgeries were longer

What was sprayed as an antiseptic

Carbolic acid sprayed as an antiseptic

Problem of carbolic acid

Made surgery slippery

When were blood groups discovered

19th Century

Positive of blood groups discovery

Meant blood transfusions could take place so surgery improved

What was medieval idea on the cause of disease

Miasma a form of bad air

Ideas for causes of black death (3)


Unusual positioning of planets

God's punishment for sins

When was the black death


Facts about black death (3)

½ population of Britain died

Spread in crowded areas

Wages went up

Facts about medieval physicians (4)

Went to university

Very expensive

Diagnosed but rarely treated

Used urine charts and astronomy charts

Facts about apothecary (4)

More popular than physicians

Made potions and remedies

Less expensive than physicians

Used passed down knowledge

What did vesalius disprove of Galen

That the human jawbone was two bones instead of the correct- one

What book did vesalius write and when

1543, fabrica

What did Harvey disprove about Galen and when

Galen thought blood was used up and made in the liver, when it is actually circulated 1628

When was printing press made


Positives of printing press (2)

Medical books no longer have to be censored by church

More people can read and write

Overview of renaissance

New ideas about anatomy but no new ideas about causes of disease

When were microscopes developed

1702 - Anthony Van leeuwenhoek

When was the royal society established


What did leeuwenhoek call microscopic organism


How many mistakes of Galen did vesalius discover


Which religious leader goes against punishment theory (for bubonic plague) and what did he say

Archbishop Zouche of York issued a warning of 'great mortalities, pestilences and infections of the air'.

What did Pare do

made an ointment while treating war wounds, instead of using cauterisation which meant less agony for soldiers

What was pares ointment made of

rose oil, turpentine, egg yolk

Parts of the public health act of 1875 (4)

compulsory medical officers

provision of clean water

sewage drainage

local authorities could knock down slum housing

Why was Ether controversial

it was flammable and irritated the lungs

Why was the chadwick report unsuccessful and when was it

1842, there was a lack of implementing the changes it suggested

Conclusion from industrial period

pasteur, lister and simpson all had big discoveries, but limitation was the government implementing those discoveries

name of report that suggested a national health service

1942, beveridge report

What was the national insurance act

a law passed in 1911 that gave sick pay and unemployment pay

When was penicillin discovered


When was the NHS created


Queen Victoria quote on Chloroform

she gave birth to Prince Leopold and said it was 'delightful beyond measure'

when was the industrial revolution


what was in the Chadwick report

a link between poor living standards and the spread and growth of diseases

What was the theory for disease in the early 18th century

spontaneous generation

When was germ theory published


principles of Pasteur's germ theory (3)

microbes can be killed by heating them

the air contains living micro-organisms

microbes in the air cause decay

For how long was spontaneous generation theory in britain

until the 1870s

what discoveries did Robert Koch have (2)

discovered the bacteria causing anthrax and tuberculosis

identified cholera and proved it was in water supplies

Who first developed vaccines

Edward Jenner

When was Jenner's work for vaccines


Who did Jenner test his theory on

James Phipps

Who discovered penicillin

Alexander Fleming

Who developed the findings of Fleming

Florey and Chain

What enabled the development of penicillin

1942WW2 which caused the US government to fund Florey and Chain

and US drug companies mass produced it

How many soldiers saved by penicillin

one in 7 UK soldiers

Who is credited for the discovery of the human gene

Watson and Crick

when was the human genome project launched


question types

2 features of

how useful

how could you follow up

explain one way ... similar/different

explain why

how far do you agree

first station for chain of evacuation

regimental aid post

Who gave first aid at the Regiment aid post and what was the transportation to there

first aid administered by regimental medical officers and carried there by stretcher bearers

Second stage for chain of evacuation

Dressing station

How were soldiers brought to dressing station

field ambulances as they were carrying a mile back from front line

third stage for chain of evacuation

casualty clearing station

Features of Casualty clearing station (4)

several miles back

well equipped

staffed by doctors and nurses

used triage system

What was developed by CCS

The triage system where life-threatening injuries are prioritised

Stage 4 for chain of evacuation

Base hospitals

Features of base hospitals (4)

located on the coast

many medical staff

some patients sent home by ship

specialised treatments

What was Hippocrates' main ideas

four humours and observation

Sydenham key points (4)

disagreed with 4 humours

classified different diseases

observed symptoms


What did John Harrington do

invented a way to flush away sewage

Florence Nightingale key points

believed in miasma so emphasised cleanliness and hygiene

cut the death rate in Scutari hospital from 42 to 2%

helped during Crimean war 1853-1856

What vaccines did Pasteur develop (3)

Chicken cholera, anthrax, rabies

when was the structure of DNA discovered


who led the Human Genome Project

James Watson

when were the four blood types discovered


What does FANY stand for

First Aid Nursing Yeomanry

what was added to blood to stop it clotting and when

1915 Sodium citrate, and then 1916, citrate glucose= could be stored even longer

What happened at the battle of cambrai

1917, blood stored in preparation for in 'blood depot'

what were Harvey Cushing discoveries (2)

local anaesthetic better than general anaesthetic for brain surgery

he used magnets to remove metal fragments

What did the Thomas Splint do + %

kept leg rigid

survival rate went from 20-82%

type of source for statistical questions

official RAMC records

when was the great plague


ideas about causes of Great Plague

astrology (previous year)

miasma - stinking rubbish

punishment from God

from other people

Royal College of Physicians advice during Great Plague

1. Pray

2. Quarantine

3. Special diet

4. smelling herbs

what was the government action during the great plague (4)

all streets kept clean


carts to collect the dead bodies

large gatherings banned

treatments for black death

confess sins

bleeding and purging

smelling herbs

remedies from apothecaries


main belief for cause of disease 1250-1500

religious explanations



theory of the four humours


why was there a continuation of ideas in the Middle Ages

Churches censorship + love of Galen

lack of alternatives - dissections not allowed

Features of middle ages hospitals

did not treat the sick

offered hospitality

run by nuns

kept clean

pregnant women often not allowed

sharing of beds

renaissance time period


continuity of ideas for renaissance (2)

miasma still believed

remedies and cures

Change in ideas for renaissance (4)

rise of humanism

improved ideas on anatomy

disease came from outside the body

new herbal remedies

what is humanism

idea that God isn't responsible for everything

Example of new remedies during renaissance

yellow herbs to treat jaundice

when did The British Government make Edward Jenner's vaccine compulsory


Continuity of ideas 1700-1900

1700, miasma

Change of ideas 1700-1900

no belief in 4 Humours

spontaneous generation -> germ theory

aseptic surgery


Koch influence

stains for microbes

discovery of microbes that cause diseases (diphtheria)

new method of growing microbes - used by other scientists

Technological factors affecting understanding of the causes of disease 1700-1900 (3)


petri dish

dyes to see bacteria

individuals factors affecting understanding of the causes of disease 1700-1900 (2)

Pasteur - Germ Theory 1861

Koch - proved link between bacteria and disease

institutions factors affecting understanding of the causes of disease 1700-1900 (2)

British government did not help improve understanding as they were hands off until 19th century

they couldn't implement anything as a result of Germ theory

Societal attitudes factors affecting understanding of the causes of disease 1700-1900 (2)

enlightenment in Europe - encouragement to think for yourself

overcrowded cities

hospitals by 1900 features (4)

different wards, separate operating theatre

used antiseptics

a place for treatment

more doctors

what did John Snow do (3)

Realised cholera was effecting people who drank from a street pump

Removed the handle, infections decreased

Made link between sewage water infiltrating water supply

When was the electron microscope developed

1931 and helpful with genetic discoveries

what was the first magic bullet

Salvarsan 606 -syphilis

magic bullet for blood poisoning


what did FANY do (4)

drive ambulances

drove supplies to frontline

mobile bath unit


trench system key points (2)

trenches formed zig-zag to absorb power of artillery

communication trenches linked rows of trenches

example of disease for soldier on the western front (6)

Gas attacks

shell shock

bullet wounds

trench foot

trench fever

head injuries

When were Brodie helmets issued

late 1915

horse drawn carriage + and -

didn't break down

coped well on rough terrain

injured were shaken about

too high influx of injuries

Motorised ambulances + and -

broke down

smoother journey


What did barge + ship ambulances do

took wounded to base hospitals

What method of transportation were there

stretcher bearer

horse drawn ambulances

motorised ambulances

ambulance trains

barge + ship ambulance

reason for public health act 1875

more men could vote

when did Joseph lister first use carbolic acid


when did James Simpson discover chloroform


when was the crimean war
