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957 Cards in this Set

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Next step if elevated anion gap
How would you manage pulmonary edema from systolic heart failure if lasix and nitro didn’t work
Use an inotrope: dobutamine > reduces pre load and forces blood into vasculature
Elevated urine coporphyrins dx
Rotor syndrome
How to tell the difference between gilberts and rotor/dubin johns
Gilberts is unconjugated, rotor/dj are primarily conjugated
When is mitral stenosis valve repaired with ballon
Area of valve <1.5
What is sipple syndrome
MEN 2A triad
MEN2B triad
Skin neuromas
How does amiodarone affect warfarin levels
Increases the levels
Major cause of morbity and death in polycythemia vera
Back pain that is relieved by sitting forward
Spinal stenosis
Severe mitral stenosis with evidence of regurg tx
Valve replacement
Treatment of acute ulcerative colitits
Topical mesalamine derivatives
You are thinking VWF deficinecy but there is no correction with normal plasma
Bernard soulier
What tests will yield normal platelet aggregation in bernarnd soulier
1. ADP
2. Epinephrine
What is the tx in stable WPW
First line : procainamide
Second: amiodarone
How to tell the difference between DIC and TTP
DIC ptt and pt are elevated
Ttp ptt and pt are normal
Abx Tx for diverticulitis
Quinolone with metro
Cheapest way to test for eradication of h pylori
Urea breath
Sun exposed blistering of skin dx:
Porphyria cutanea tardea
Anemia, jaundice, splenomegaly triad dx
Hereditary sphero
Treatment for ttp:
Plasampheresis to remove adams3 antibodies
Anemia, low platelets, shistocytes, normal pt, ptt
Anemia, low platelets, shistocytes, elevated pt, ptt
Anemia, low platelets, no shistocytes, normal pt, ptt 
Non alcoholic woman with pleural effusion and ascites dx
Meigs syndrome
Hepatomegaly, ascites and abdominal pain in a patient with polycythemia vera. Dx?
Budd chiari due to thrombosis of hepatic vein
tinnitus, decreased hearing, and vertigo
tinnitues, decreased hearing vertigo, facial weakness, numbness
acoustic schwanoma
65 y.o.
Dull, persistent abdominal pain with radiation to the back
20 lb weight loss in last three months Decreased appetite
Exam reveals mid epigastric tenderness
Swollen tender calf
Blood glucose 280 mg
pancreatic cancer
why swollen calf >
cancer is hypercoag leading to dvt
58 y.o. woman - Persistent joint aches affecting hands and hips in a asymmetric
distribution. Pain is aggravated by activity. She notes about 10 mins of morning
stiffness relieved by heat and movement
what is the key point >
<10 minutes morning stiffness indicated non inflammatory
21 y.o. man 4 months low back pain that improves with exercise and does not
improve with rest. Also notes posterior thigh pain. What’s the diagnosis?
ankylosing sponylitis
where can the sacroiliac pain be referred to>
posterior thigh
what will xr show:
bamboo spine
key point in ankylosing spondylitis
> pain that gets better with excercise.
what is the best test to order for rheumatoid factor:
anti citriulinated protein (anti cccp)
33 y.o. man presents with recurrent right knee pain and swelling of 4 years
duration. x-ray film shows speckling of the articular cartilage with increased joint
space. Joint tap shows pos birefringent, rhonboidal intracellular crystals. Whats the
what are the 2p's of pseudogout
1. postive bifringent
2. polygon crystals
Older patients > 55, female, fever, anemia, and headaches, next step
ESR THEN corticos if elevated
Adult > 50 years old, Aching & Morning stiffness in neck, shoulders and hip
girdle. No evidence of destructive joint disease. Elevated sed rate. Rheum factor
negative. Diagnosis
polymyalgia rheumatica
key point > hip and shoulder girdle stiffness, RH negative
what vasculitis is pmr associated with:
temporal arteritis
cancer that stains with pap:
squamous cell
peripheral vascular disease, Severe mid abdominal pain 30 mins after eating
mesenteric ischemia
pain out of proportion to exam
mesenteric ischemia
chest pain underwent cardiac cath. 3 Hours later he developed severe mid
abdominal paincomplains of vomiting and diarrhea dx
mesenteric ischemia due to emboli
thumbprint sign of axr indicative of
ischemic colitis
45 y.o.with Chronic myelogenous leukemia develops renal failure after
chemotherapy.UA shows crystals. What is the cause of renal failure?
tumor lysis syndrome
what type of crystals in urine will you see in tumor lysis
uric acid and calcium phosphate
how would you prevent renal failure due to tumor lysis
give allopurinal
Draining sinus underneath chin – dental extraction of an abscess tooth 6 wks ago
what are they famous for >
head and neck infection
20 year old woman c/o dysuria, increased urinary frequency, suprapublic pain.
Dipstick negative for nitrites
staph saprophyticus
20 year old woman c/o dysuria, increased urinary frequency, suprapublic pain.
Dipstick positive for nitrites
e coli
56 y.o. woman whose hobby is gardening Presented with red swelling in right
middlle finger, dx and tx
sporotrichosis, itraconazole
dog bite <24 hours after gets with fever swelling dx
dog bite >24 hours after gets with fever swelling dx
capycytophagia carnivorous
what 4 organisms are present in a human bite
1. Strep
2. Staph
3. Eikenella
4. Fusobacterium
obese pt has hip pain, is able to localize the pain with one finger is is worse when
lying on that side:
trochanteric bursitis
shoulder pain but normal shoulder exam should indicate:
referred pain to shoulder
what does xr show in RA?
Marginal joint erosions
Person has bloody diarrhea and arthritis
Enteropathic arthritis
Treatment of lupus nephritis
High dose corticos
What is the leading cause of death associated with dermatomyositis and
Interstitial lung fibrosis
How would neuromusclular weakness present on pft
Rv  increased
Tlc  increased
fev/fvc  normal
dlco normal
breathing that worsens when sitting up, better when lying down
hepatopulmonary syndrome
what is the pft finding in vocal cord dysfunction
decreased lung volumes
how to tell difference between pneumonia and pleural effusion on exam
tactile fremitus increased in pneumonia
how to distinguish mesenteric ischemia from ischemia colitis
ischemia colitis > due to hypoperfusion > MI or cardiac failure
AMI > emboli and pain out of proportion to exam
best screening test for aperson with cirrhosis for cancer
ultrasound now, AFP later
what two tests confirm primary biliary cirrhosis
1. ama
2. way elevated ALK PHOS
most common skin manifestation of IBS (crohsn or uc)
erythema nodosum
thinking viral meningitis, but high WBC, what organism
meningitis with lp pointing towards bacterial, but hx of rodent exposure
lymphocytic choriomeningitis
coved st in V1, v2, V3
brugada syndrome
how to dx radiation colitis
flexible sigmoidoscopy
person with UC, when doy ou do screening colonoscopy
after 8-10 years
cat scratch fever presentation but swollen painful lymph node
how to calculate A-a gradient;
alveolar - arterial o2
alveolar o2 = FIo2*(Patm-pH2O) aka 150 - (Co2/.8)
arteriolar = the abg O2 level
if person has neurofibromatosis, what other diease is linked to it
what is a side effect of metformin and linezolid , isoniazid
metabolic lactic acidosis
tx for uremia platelet dysfunction
how to dx vwf deficiency:
1. ristocetin assay
2. vwf multimer distribution
Best choice for uncontrolled diabetes in hospitalized pt
Basal and short acting insulin
What combination of drugs reduces the risk of hypoglycemia in a pt on insulin
Basal and short acting combo
What is required for the dx of dka
Blood glucose > 250
Anion gap acidosis
Ketones in urine
Woman has hypothyroid, on levothyroxine, at what level do you want the t4 to be
1.5x normal
Sick person with low TSH and free T3 levels with a free T4 level in the normal to
low-normal range, dx
Sick euthyroid syndrome
Next step
Repeat tsh/t4 in 6 weeks
What should you do with an incidentally found adrenal adenoma
Investigate it always> VMA/MVA/overnight cortisol
What is the best screening test for hyperaldo state
Aldo:renin ratio (normal 20:to one)
Pt has osteoporosis, cant tolerate oral bisphos, what to do next
Iv biphoshonate
One day after sustaining a laceration of the right hand. Temp 3.4 HR 110 RR 20
Intense pain, erythema and edema of upper extremity with epidermal necrosis and
desquamation. What’s the next step?

what is it
surgical exploration

> necrotizing fascitis due to > group a strep
how to tell primary sclerosing cholangitis from primaru biliary cirrhosis
psc - ama negative
pbc -ama postive
25 y.o. woman with recurrent sinopulmonary infection. eceives transfusion for post
partum hemorrhage. and goes into anaphylaxis, dx
iga deficiency
Pt with cirrhosis due to hepatitis C developed worsening jaundice, increased ascites,
encephalopathy and vague right upper quadrant pain. CT reveals presence of a
large tumor mass in the liver. next test to order
what arteries are most commonly involved in htn hemorrhage
dizzyness, facial pain, trouble swallowing, dx
lateral wallenburg syndrome
what is the tx for svt
1. valsalva
2. carotid massage
3. adenosine/verapimil/beta blocker
68 y.o. unexplained falls (loss of balance while walking), vertical gaze palsy
(blurring of vision)
tremor, bradkinesia, rigidity. Diagnosis?
how to tell from parkinsons
no eye involvement in parkinsons
flushing, diarrhea, murmur
carcinoid syndrome
Systolic murmur increased on inspiration. No evidence of pulmonary hypertension.
? Likely diagnosis?
tricuspid regurg
Sickle cell patient who works as a daycare worker. evelops Temp 38.1 C,
palpitations, dizziness, Hb 6.0 g/dL. Howell jolly bodies and absence of reticulocytes.
What is the Diagnosis & likely pathogen?
transient aplastic crisis due to B19 infection
acute illness, infiltrate and cavity in left LOWER LOBE >
anaerobic abscess
28 y.o. IV drug user presents with fever, chills, malaise, nausea, headaches. Exam
reveals loud holosytolic murmur. next step;
1.blood cultures x2
2. echo
3. start antibiotics for endocarditis
non stemi, what antiplatelet to give after
1. aspirin
2. plavix
bp 230/140 , optic disk edema, dipstick positve for protein, tx
first line tx fo r gout
22 y.o. C/O chronic weakness and fatigue. He notes dizziness when he stands up in
the morning. He notes cold intolerance, facial puffiness, coarsening of his hair and
hoarseness. Na 125, K 5.5, Bicarb 25, BUN 22 Glucose 380 and TSH 9.5, Diagnosis?
polyglandular autoimmuine syndrome type 2
what disease is specific to PAS type 1
what disease is specific to PAS type 2
no candida
what age group to suspect pas type 1 and 2
1 > kids
2 > older than kids
Patient with inflammatory bowl disease develops a pustule on his skin that
progresses to an inflammatory ulcer with ulceration, necrosis and
purulence. Diagnosis? What do you expect to find on skin biopsy?
pyoderma gangrenosum
will see neutrophilic infiltrate
A patient with acute myelogenous leukemia whose disease has been stable
developed tender, inflamed papules, plaques and nodules on her arms and legs. She
notes a new lesion occurred at the site of a blood draw. She has also noted
irritation of her eyes. She has also developed fever to 39 degrees. Diagnosis? What
do you expect to find on skin biopsy.
dx is > sweet syndrome
biopsy > neutrophilic infiltrate
Sores on lip and scrotum. Photophobia.
Knee pain.
Elevated Sed Rate
bechet disease
waht is it > vasculitis of all size blood vessels
will invovle:
1. eye ulcers
2. mouth/tongue ulcers
3. genital ulcers
left pupil constricts with light on right, no constriction with light on left, dx
left central retinal artery occlusion
50 y.o. presents with 5 yr history of arthralgias who was suspected of having
rheumatoid arthritis. She now notes progressive dyspnea on exertion. On exam she
has erythematous patches over the knuckles, a mild malar rash andviolaceous discoloration to the eyelids. Crackles at lung bases. There are no joint
deformities. CXR show patchy infiltrates. What antibody do you expect to be in high
anti ribonucleoprotein
its mixed connective tissue disease =
mononucleosis, he asks when he can return to playing. On exam you detect
no splenomegaly. What do you tell him?
4 weeks
what ekg change will you see in a myeloma pt:
qt shortneing due to hypercalcemia
in May a boy scout who went camping in in Oklahoma last week is seen for C/O
fever, severe headache, malaise and nausea and a petechial rash involving palms
and soles.
What test for Dx before Tx?
rocky mountain spotted fever - biopsy

A sheep and Goat farmer in Upstate NY with recent (2 wks ago) good fortune of
several births of lambs and kids presents with a flu like illness, pneumonia and
hepatitis. What zoonotic infection should be considered.
q fever coxiella burnetti
what are the indications for intubation in asthma
1. acidosis
2. hypoxemia
patient is younger than 45 years and has bilateral basilar emphysema, what to look for
what is similar between Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia and idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis
- both are in older patients with no smoking or exposure history
how to tell the difference between COP and IPF
COP  will be more acute, develops over 2 months or so,
- will basically resemble a pneumonia that hasn’t resolved with tx

IPF will be longer course, over months to yerars
Leukocyte/wbc casts indicate what two things
Acute interstitial nephritis
How to tell blood in urine is from glomerular or other sources
Glomerular dysmorphic RBC with casts
Non glomerular  regular RBC, no casts
Workup in non glomerular : cystoscopy
Treatment of hypercalcemia due to sarcoid
Triad of right ventricle MI
. hypotension
2. elevated central venous pressure
3. clear lung fields
what is the tx of right ventricle MI
what type of heart block is associated with lyme
3rd degree
chronic stable angina that gets worsening symptoms tx
increase bb dose
presence of new murmur after MI could be 2 things:
. Acute mitral regurg
2. vsd rupture
treatment of lung abscess
zosyn or unasyn
tx of uncomplicated cystitis in non pregnant woman
tx pyelo in non pregnant woman
when to do ppx for mac in aids and
what to give
<50 , azythromycin
if a person gets recurrent zoster what do you have to look for
sinus bradycardian plus sinus arrests dx
sick sinus syndrome
when should dig be added to chf
when ejection fraction worsens, stage 3 or 4 ny heart with limitations in activity
pt has typical chest pain then develops chf like picture, best dx step
what heart murmur will increase p2
mitral stenosis

why -
increased pulmonary artery pressure
how to dx familial mediterrian fever
periods of 1-3 days of fever with serositis (can be mis dx as appendicitis)
treatment for asymptomatic bacturia in non pregnant woman
treatment for asymptomatic bacturia in pregnant woman
ampicillin or nitro
Highly specific test when negative means what
Rules disease in
Highly sensitive test when postive means what
Rules disease out
What is the probability that a positive test result is a true positive result asking for
Postive predicitive value
Postive LR of 2, 5, 10 increase post test odds by how much
15%,30%,45% respecitively
Negative LR of .5,.2,.1 decrease post test odds by how much
15%,30%,45% respecitively
All pts with hemoptysis should receive
Ct scan
Pt with heavy menstrual bleeding tx
The next step in the evaluation of this patient with secondary amenorrhea after stopping her oral contraceptive pill is
a progestin withdrawal challenge
progestin withdrawal challenge yields no bleeding, next step
ultraasound to assess pevlic anatomy
abnormal uterine bleeding in pt >35 next step
endometrial biopsy
demarcated, eczematous, crusted, erythematous papulovesicular plaques and excoriations that characteristically are pruritic and involve the antecubital and popliteal fossae and flexural wrists.
Atopic dermatitis
itchy, red, edematous, weepy, and crusted, sometimes with vesicles or bullae
alllergic contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis can usually be differentiated from cellulitis by the
presence of pruritus and the absence of fever
itchy Lesions that are erythematous, with dry or greasy scales and crusts
sebhorric dermatitis
Erythema with telangiectasias, pustules, and papules
What infection is erythema multiform associated with
Treatment of acute herpes zoster
oral acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir
elderly pt with htn, which drug to start off on
person found to have bp >160 on two occasions what to start on
2 drugs!! Ace and diurtetic
pt with fevers of unknown origin, low cd4 for a while, hv to check for what
how: marrow biopsy
sausage veins on fundoscopic exam, increased plasma cells in marrow dx
person gets transfusion, then develops hypoxemia and respiratory distress, dx
transfusion related acute lung injury
how is trali different form transfusion rx ==>
no hypoxemia in a regular transfusion rxn
what is the tx for dvt in pregnancy
heparin until 6 weeks post partum
sustained v tac without symptoms tx
1. Amio
2. lidocaine
sustained v tact with symptoms tx
synchronized cardiovert
what type of insulin to give in dka
when do you give k in dka
when less than 5.3 and HAVE URINATED
why do you give dextrose in dka
to prevent cerebral edema
person has mi, 4 weeks later develops jvd, ascites, shortness of breath, dx
left ventricle aneurysm
tx of right ventricle mi
what are the following in primary hypognonadism
LH: increased
FSH: increased
Total testosterone: decreased
Free testosterone; decreased
Sex hormone binding globulin: increased
Hexagonal crystals in ua indicate:
next test if cysteine crystals in urine
Cyanide nitroprusside test
Atypical lymphocytes seen in skin biopsy
1. Sezary
2. mycosis fungoides
jvd, hepatomegaly, ascites, lvh with low voltage
tx of primary amyloidosis
steroids and lenolidomide
transfusion, fever, no hemolysis, dx
non allergic transfusion rxt
due to what:
cytokines in transfused blood
transfusion, fever, hemolysis, what type of hypersensitivity
type 2
flu or mono like picture, rash two days later, have to look for what
what is hiv ppx <200 and for what
Bactrim or, atovaqunoe, dapsone for PCP
Hiv ppx <100 and for what
Bactrim, or atovaqunoe, dapsone for toxo
Hiv <50
Azithromycin for mac
Tx for familial mediterrranean fever and to prevent what
tx of uncomplicated cystitis in non pregnant woman
tx pyelo in non pregnant woman
treatment of ascaris lumbricosides
Treatment of chemotherapy related nausea 3 things:
1. Zofran
2. dexamethasone
3. fosaprepitant
what is the best test to identify enterameoba histolytica
serology not stool
best dx test for crohns
COLONOSCOPy not sigmoidoscopy (terminal ileum is reached by colonoscopy)
Person with gerd develops trouble swallowing due to what
Esophageal stricture
Best dx test to confirm ebv
Heterophil antibody
What are the indications for cabg
1. Left main
2. triple vessel
3. two vessel and diabetic
why are patients with nephrotic syndrome at increased risk for heptic vein thrombosis
loss of antithrombin 3 in urine
is raloxifen safe in hypercoag pts
no ==>it increases risk
pt with cd4 <50 who develops shock, hypotension, hyponatremia, hypokalemia, dx
adrenal insufficiency due to CMV, MAC, or Kaposi
in a person with pe, when is lmw heparin and unfractionated used
lmw ==>uncomplicated
unfacrtionates ==>unstable pts
how to tell the difference between pbc and psc if no anti mitochrondrial antibody result is given==>
look for signs of associated symptoms
pbc ==>sjogresn ==>dry eyes, dry mouth artificial tears, xanthomas
psc ==>ulcerative colitis ==>bloody diarrhea, weight loss, erythema nodosum
fever, cough, non bloody watery diarrhea dx
tx of legionella and when started
ceftriaxone and azithromycin
empirically before culture comes back
once diagnosed legionella tx:
erythromycin or doxy
microcytic anemia, normal rdw, normal iron
microcytic anemia, high rdw
iron def
necrotic pancreas tx:
1. Antibiotics -imipenem/carbapenum
2. bowel rest
if necrotic pancreas doenst improve with rest and abx
aspirate the pancreas to rule out superinfection
low sodium, high potassium , low bicarb, high bun dx
treatment of cll based on stage
stage 0 ==> none
stage 1 ==> none
stage 2-4 ==>fludarabine
immunosuppressed person, trouble swallowing, endoscopy shows white plaques
immunosuppressed person, trouble swallowing, endo shows shallow ulcer with volcano
immunosuppressed person, trouble swallowing, endo shows deep ulcer
what does foamy macrophages on lung biopsy dx
amiodarone toxicity
B12 in urine after schilling dx
Dietary deficiency (able to taken up to be excreted in urine)
What do you do first in suspected temporal arteritis, prednisone or esr
Bad Side effect of ptu and methimazole
Agranulocytosis (decreased all 3 cell lines)
Positive ppd in at risk group (physician) next step
Isoniazid and b6 for 9 months
What is barter syndrome and tx
Congentical loop diuretic
Nsaid and spironolactone
Person is taking dig and has ekg depression, next step
Echo to look for evidence of ischemia
Pt with non tender palpable mass that is likely cancer, next step
AAA is suspected, next dx step
Ultrasound not CT
when can abd us not be used to rule out aortic dissection
Initial management with aortic dissection pt with htn
Person has early morning pre breakfast glucose level, next step
Check at 3am
Echo with thickened wall and speckled pattern
Calcified non enhancing cystic lesions on brain dx and tx
Treatment to prevent meningeal relapse in ALL in kids
Mtx ppx
Tx of itp

if severe:
Ivig or rhogam
What is the ddx for pancytopenia:
1. Leukemia
2. aplastic anemia
3. b12 deficiency
4. myelofibrosis
older person with elevated wbc with predominant lymphocytes dx
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
next step if a person has a positive fecal blood test
small incidental nodule in non smoker follow up
small incidental nodule in high risk
ct in 12 months
when do we stop screening for prostate cancer
tx for mets prostate ca
when do you do colposcopy
1. Ascus
2. positive hpv for 16 or 18
how to tell the difference between squamous and melanoma
squamous is scaly
dark blue or berry like lesion on skin
nodular melanoma
rapid growth on skin with nodular crater
How to tell the difference between vfw deficiency and hemophilia a
Bleeding time
Bleeding time is normal in ==>hemophilia a
Vfw ==>increased
Common cause of cardo pulmonary disease in sickle cell
Pulmonary htn
Acute treatment in a sickler with acute chest syndrome
Red cell exchange
Slow rising carotid pulse dx
Aortic stenosis
Best diagnostic test for any heart valve issue
Coronary angio
Recurrent uti’s with stone, what is dx
Proteus or pseudomonas
Diabetic with foul smelling otorrhea, red mass lesion in external canal, dx and organsism
Malignant external otitis, pseudomonas
Pt has hyperPTH, gets adenoma removed, week later has decreased ca, dx
Hungry bone syndrome
What is the treatment of aspergillus
Goal for mitral valve replacement INR
thinking alport, first dx test
skin biopsy
3 causes of nighttime chronic cough
1 asthma
2. gerd
3. post nasal drip
current tx for hcv
peg interferon and ribavirin
tx for oral thrush
swish and spit nystatin
azole troche
oral azole
platelet count over one million dx
- can be primary (jak) or secondary as a reactive measure
fixed split s2, young female, right BBB suggests
atrial septal defect
paradoxical or reverse splitting of S2, what 2 conditions
aortic stenosis
post mi, decreased ekg voltage, equalization of chambers dx
cardiac tamponade
jvd, hypotension, clear lung fields
triad of right heart MI
increased S one heart sound
mitral stenosis
how to calculate vent settting for copd
7 times weight in kilo
how does scleroderma lead to diarrhea
dysmotility leads to buildup of bacteria and osmotic diarrhea
how often to do pap in low risk
every 3 years
steps in the tx of heart failure
what will pulmonary cath show in pericarditis and tamponade
equlaization of pressure in all 4 chambers (all are about the same)
most common organisms to cause copd exacerbations
h flu
person post chemo has low neutrophils next step
observe no treatment
perosn post chemo has low neutros and develops fever, tx
main complication of radioactive iodine tx
mass on finger that does not transilluminate and drains fluid
tophaceous gout
person has mi, then develops jvd, rales/wheezing, no murmur, dx
chf from mi
perosn has mi, then gets jvd,clear lungs, pulsus paradoxicus dx
cardaic tamponade
ameobic abcess tx
at what age should dm be screened for
at what age in men and women should lipids be checked
35, 45 respectively
how to tell the difference between partially treated bacterial meningitis from aseptic
cell count
partially treated bacterial: 20,000
aseptic: only about 2,000
both will have : lymphocyte predominance
what is the preferred agent and alternative for malaria ppx in africa
mefloquine is first choice
second is doxy
what is malaria ppx in caribbean
as soon as dx of hyperthyroid is made, what should the pt be started on
beta blocker
what do you treat a person with previous staph infections and now suspecting mrsa pneumonia
first line tx of hus
first line tx for ttp
person with upper gi bleed but no source can be identified
dieulafoy lesion
most common presentation of hocm
best initial treatment of kidney stone
fluids and pain control
do you give warfarin in HIT
arteriopgraphy shows tortuous pattern of arterioles and pt is smoker, dx
thromboangitis obliterans
initial management of all sarcomas
surgery to remove
high leuk alk phos dx
leukemoid reaction
person undergoes surgery, then develops asymtpomatic jaundice, next step
nothing, its post op cholestasis
most sensitive tests for pheochromocytomas
from best to worst
plasma metanephrines
urinary metanephrines
urinary vma
how to calculate saag
serum minus ascites albumin
what tendon is involved in tennis elbow
extensor carpi radialis brevis
any patient with suspected silicosis should have what ruled out
onion skinning of biliary duct dx
mononuclear PERIDUCTAL infiltrate
mitral regurg pharm tx, 3 things
reduce preload by: diurtetic
reduce afterload: ace
ionotrope: dig
what is the ekg finding in PE
fixed split s2 could be due to what 2 things
1. ASD
what injfection can cuase RBBB
red crusted scaly rash
bowing of long bone, dx
adrenal mass, labs and workup negative, next step
depends on size
>4 -surgery
<4: observe
bloody diarrhea with day care
waxing and waning lymph nodes dx
follicular lymphpoma
blue sclera
osteogenesis imperfecta
low platelets, ezcema, recurrent infections
wiskott aldrich
dipstick positive, high ldh, no red cells in urine, dx
most common deficiency in bypass
person has pe, platelts drop week later dx
howell jolly bodies mean what
what is polyglanular syndrome type 1 triad
hypo PTH
mouth candida
waht is polyglandular syndrome type 2 triad
adrenal insuffiency
no mouth candida
nodules at needle stick called what
what 3 diseases get pathergy
1. bechets
2. pyoderma gangrenosum
3. sweet syndrome
cherry red spot on fundus
central retinal artery occlusion
what drugs are avoided in glaucoma
1. anticholinergics: tca, anti h
2. beta agonists
what associations are there with restless leg
1. iron deficiency
2. ckd
3. dm
treatment of pulmonary hypertension
calcium channel blocker
solitary vesicle and punched out lesions dx
kaposi varicellaform eruption
hypertension with adrenal mass, should make you think of what 2 conditions
person has elevated alk phos, normal ggt next step
bone scan for increased turnover like pagets
person has elevated alk phos, elevated ggt, next step
abd ultrasound
diarrhea, red eruption on skin, mouth ulcer, increased thirst, increased urination, dx
how to treat htn in scleroderma pt
firm, red, cord like structures in leg that come and go, dx
migratory thrombophlebitis in pancreatic cancer
what heart findings will you see in pulmonary htn
right atrial enlargement
right ventricle enlargement
flattening of septa
drug of choice to treat aspiration pneumonia
someone who has been exposed to hep a next step
bloody vomiting , normal upper gi series likely dx
mallory weiss tear
AIDS patient develops a scaling, oily erythema involving eyebrows, nasolabial folds and chest. Diagnosis?
sebhorric keratosis
55 y.o. man with progressive renal failure (Bun 100, Creatinine 10) presents with burning sensation and pain of the lower extremities. Exam reveals loss of position and vibration sense in the toes and decreased Achilles reflexes bilaterally. Hct 36%. MCV 94. Diagnosis?
uremic neuropathy
50 y.o. evaluated in the ED after twisting his knee while skiing. X-ray show increased bone density, cortical thickening, bowing and over growth.
elastic skin, hypermobile joints, thin skin
ehlors danlos
30 yo. is seen because of his urine becoming pink and recent DVT. Evaluation reveals HgB 11, indirect bilirubin of 1.1, total 1.5. UA shows dip stick Positive for blood,
0 RBC, LDH 400. combs is negative. What Test next?
osmotic fragility looking for pnh
tx for reactive arthritis
treatment of suspected bacterial meningits
amp if less than one month or >50yrs
tx of uncomplicated ebv
nsaids or tylenol
chronic vomiting will produce what pH condition
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
what is the most common and worst s/e of azt
most common - myopathy and gi
worst - leukopenia/macrocytic anemia
how to tell the difference between graves and exogenous thyroid admin
raiu - radioactive iodine uptake
graves: increased
factitious: decreased
how long to treat uti in men
7 days
initial tx of aml
ara c
a rubacin: either dauno/ida
how to tell the difference between cryptosporidium and cmv and mac diarrhea in aids pt
crytosporidum: non bloody, acid fast
cmv: bloody
mac: dx if nothing else is positive
what drugs must be stopped prior to ekg stress test
ones that lower HR
Beta blockers
calcium channel blockers
when do you do stress echo instead of ekg
left bundle branch block
baseline st elevations/depressions
curretnly on dig
more oxygen in right ventricle than right atra post mi dx
septal rupture
acute severe hypotension post mi
free wall rupture/tamponade
systolic mitral regurg murmur, peristent st elevations one month later post mi, dx
left ventricle aneurysm
canon a waves indicate
atria and ventricle no synchronized
canon a waves can be due to
3rd degree heart block
v fib
ten weeks post mi, low grade fever, pleuritic chest pain dx
young person, develops chf picture dx
mycocaditis, prolly coxasckie
how to tell the difference between chf and primary pulmonary htn
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
pulmonary htn: normal pcwp
chf: increased pcwp
pleural effusion, transudative, low glucose
rheumatoid arthritis
pleural effusion, transudative, high lymphocytes
pleural effusion, transudative, bloody
pe or cancer (cancer can be transudative sometimes)
how to define complicated pleural effusion
grams stain postive or culture positive
PH less than 7.2
glucose less than 60
how to determine if pleural effusion is transudative or exudative
PRotein .5
LDH .6
LDH <2/3 of normal serum: transudative
copd patient comes in with new onsent clubbing, next step and probable dx
chest x ray looking for cancer
dx: hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
nodule in upper lobe with egg shell calcifications
reticulonodular plaques in lower lobes
important referral in pt with sarcoid
hearing loss, increased hat size
what antibody is positive in autoimmune hepatitis
anti smooth muscle
who gets chemoprophylaxis in known tb exposure
kids less than 4
strep bovis bacteremia next step
hiv pt, seizure, rbc's in lp, aura next step
start acyclovir for HSV
hiv, person starts developing focal neuro signs mimicking MS, best dx step
biopsy for PML
Absolute neutrophil count less than 500 and fever, dx
neutropenic fever
most common cause of fever in neutropenic
mucositis from NORMAL gi flora
most common bugs in neutropenic fever
what is first line tx for neutropenic fever
3rd gen cephalo
what drug is added to empiric tx for neutropenic fever if there is a port present
vanco for staph coverage
if neutropenic fever pt doesnt not improve within 5 days of empiric therapy, what is next step
amphotericin for suspected fungal cause
metabolic alkalosis with increased urine chloride >20, hypertensive
conn syndrome
metabolic alkalosis with increased urine chloride >20, normotensive
metabolic alkalosis with decreased urine chloride <20
ng suction
most common cause of the rta
type one: lithium
two: myeloma
four: diabetes
treatment for the rta
one: oral bicarb and potassium
two: thiazide and k
four: fludrocortisone
enveloped shaped crystals on ua
ethylene glycol
what type of stone with alkaline pee
struvite (mg po4 ammonia)
family hx of stones, what type
cysteine (cannot abs cysteine)
nephrotic pt with flank pain dx
renal vein thrombosis
mcc nephrotic in adult
nephrotic plus iv drug use
neprhotic, chronic hepatitis, low complement
membrano proliferative
first clotting factor depleted in liver failure
therefore what test will increase first
initial step in multifocal atrial tacy workup
o2 stats
first test to order in pt with suspected acromelgaly
somatomedin c aka igf one
pt presents with cholelithiasis but only abnomality found is dilated bile duct, next step and likley dx
sphincter of oddi dysfunction
pt has itp, no evidence of bleeding, when to start steroids
less than 30,000
how to treat hyper PO4
oral calcium acetate and carbonate
birbeck granules pathomneumonic for
eosoinophlic granulomatosis also called histiocytosis x
arthritis plus nail pitting or nail changes
psoriatic arthritis
next step when aortic stenosis is found
first line tx for hepatic encephalopathy
zoster tx
anti viral plus desipramine (tca)
severe allergic rhinitis that doesnt respond to antihistamines
ten day of steroid
what murmur is present in aortic dissection
aortic regurg
treatment of wegners
treatment of CAP in comorbid patients
ceftriaxone and azythro
what are the risks for squamous cell Ca in esophagus other than smoking and alcohol
lye ingestion
what is TLC and DLco in asthma
TLC: increased
DLco: normal
next step if positive stress test
what is tx for hepatorenal
pigmented macrophages in colon on colonoscopy
chronic laxative use: melanosis coli
drug that is most effective at reducing mortality in MI
what valve abnormailty is associte with coart
aortic stenois (bicuspid aortic)
otherwise healthy immigrant with new onset seizure next step
head ct for neurocystercosis
person is taking EPO for CKD, hb/hct increases, then starts to decrease, next step
stop epo
treat underlying cause (eg infection)
treatment of 2nd degree av block
treatment of 3rd degree av block
axr doesnt show stone, but ct does, what type of stone and treatment
uric acid,
oral hydration, pain killers, potassium citrate
air in renal parenchyma,
dx, what is organism, and who is susceptible
emphesematous pyelonephritis
e coli
person has super therapeutic INR and has cranial bleed, next step
transfuse FFP
asthmatic with pulsus paradoxicus, next step
CD8 and diffuse
autoantibodies and perifascilar
treatment of iga nephropathy
ace inhibitors
in patient with diabetes what is goal cholesterol
<one hundred
treatment of fibromyalgia
first: tricyclics
next: nsaid
plus: exercise
next step in blood in stool in pts less than 45, greater than 45
<45: anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy
>45: colonoscopy
person has raynauds and positive nail fold microscopy, what are the at risk for
mixed connective tissue disease
varicies in mid esophagus and facial edema
svc syndrome
varicies in distal esophagus and stomach
portal htn
what bug and what is the tx of peritoneal dialsysis infection
keflex and ceftazidime
is malaria in brazil resistant or non
what is the tx of strep pneumo meningitis in order
first: dexamthasone
next: vanco
next: ceftriaxone
gram negative rod, looks like safety pin, bipolar wright stain
yersinia pestis
thickening of stomach folds, hypoproteinemia
menetriers disease
brain mass with tail
huge dilation of intrahepatic dcuts
caroli disease
difference between lepromatous and tuberculoid leprosy
lepromatous: good immune function, will have granulomas and postive AFB

tb: no granuloma, poor immune
what electrolyte is deficient in alcholics and what other deficiency will it cause
Mg, will cause hypoCa due to it being needed for PTH
how to tell the difference between PCP and strep pnuemo in aids
PCP: interstitial pneumonia, chronic, cough for a while, no f/c/s

strep pneumo: lobar pneumonia, acute, much sicker, f/c/s
pseudohyphal mycelia and budding yeast dx
person has recurrent candida infections, what do yuo have to rule out
DM first, then HIV
palpable mass in abd, flank pain,, hematuria dx
renal cell carcinoma
HTN, flank pain, hematuria dx
multiple skin cancers in sun exposed area
xeroderma pigmentosa
tx for pericarditis
fever, bone pain, effusion, conjunctival hemorrahge dx
next step in a person with barrets and has
no dysplasia
low grade
no dysplasia: enod every 3 years
low: 6-twelve months
high: surgery
bleomycin side effect
pulmonary fibrosis
busulfan side effect
pulmonary fibrosis
vincristine/vinblastine side effect
peripheral neuropathy
cyclophosphamide side effect
hemorragic cystitis
cisplatin side effects
renal failure
what do you have to check before starting doxo
ejection fraction
anti histone antibodies
drug induced lupus
anti jo antibodies
initial management of anemia of chronic disease
treat underlying cause
acd is initially treated but fails to improve what is next step and goal Hb
treatment of CAP that needs hospitlaization
quinolone: levo or moxi
ceftriaxone plus azythromycin
Rugae of stomach are hypertrophied and look like brain gyri
menetriers disease
sideroblastic anemia
hereditary spherocytosis
burr cells
pk deficiency
heinz bodies, bite cells,
sickle cell
basophilic stippling in lead
auer rod in PML/AML
smudge cell in CLL
reed sternburg cell in hodgkin lymphoma
microcytic anemia, increased iron, increased ferritin
sideroblastic anemia
6 month old with growth failure, hepatospleno, bony deformities
B major thalessemia
1. Hemolytic anemia
2. Pancytopenia
3. Venous thrombosis
what is osteitis derformans also called
pagets disease
how to tell the difference between osteopenia, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia
osteoporosis: decreased bone matrix and mineralization,
Lab values in osteoporosis: normal
osteomalacia: normal bone matrix, decreased mineralization,
lab values in osteomalacia: abnormal
most common cancer to affect non smoker
normal calcium, decreased phosphate, normal PTH, increased alk phos, normal ggt, dx
hypophosphatemic rickets
bradycardia alternating tacy, with a fib or a flutter
dx and tx
sick sinus syndrome
ventricular pacemaker
resting ekg shows st depressions, next step
stress echo NOT excercise
waht is the first test to do if suspecting ZES
serum gastrin
when is a secretin test done
to differentiate between gastrin secreting conditions
- secretin should suppress gastrin normally, in ZES it does not lower the level
tx of papillary muscle rupture after mi
emergency surgery
best initial test in acs workup in person with previous MI or LBBB
fever, stridor, unwillingness to move neck, trouble swalloing, drooling, next dx step and dx
lateral neck xr
retropharyngeal abcess
iv drug user, enlarged kidneys, nephrotic
amyloid kidney
rash, conjunctival hemorrhage, watery diarrhea, muscle aches, fever, dx
toxic shock syndrome
how do ocp's affect endometrial and ovarian cancer risk
decrease both
tx of acute gout attack in renal insuficinecy
- have to avoid using indomethiacin or colchicine
which anti tb drug causes anemia, what type andhow
causes B6 deficiency leading to sideroblastic anemia
if person has hypothyroid and macrocytic anemia, what do you have to think of as the cause of anemia
autoimmune - has a high association with hashimotos hypothyroid
what is the tx of paget
workup of thyroid nodules
first step: TSH
if TSH low: do scintiography
if tsh normal or high: FNA
best thing to reduce breast cancer risk
tamoxifen therapy
what is the inheritance of G6PD
x linked recessive
what is the inheritance of PK deficiency
autosomal recessive
what is sickle cell inheritance
autosomal recessive
what is inhertance of NF one
autosomal dominant
what is inheritance of CF
autosomal recessive
tay sachs and niemann picks inheritance
autosomal recessive
air in wall of gallbladder, crepitus on exam
dx and tx
emphysematous cholecystitis
cipro, metro and surgery
orange colored tonsils
tangiers disease
mutliple angiokeratomas on lower half of body
fabry disease
grey brown pigmentation of forehead, hands, pretibial region
intubation then black stool dx
stress gastritis
retinal pigmentation, osteomas, colonic polyps, skin cysts dx
gardeners syndrome (FAP)
colon cancer, cns cancer dx
turcot syndrome
what is the oral tx of onchomycosis
if suspecting SLE, what is the first initial antibody test to do
anti nuclear antibody (ANA)
cd22 or cd11 positive
hairy cell
first test to order for EBV and best test for EBV
IgM to VCA
treatment of asymptomatic hereditary spherocytosis
next step in cholecystitis workup if us is non diagnostic
hida scan
positive drop test dx
supraspinatus tear
nstemi, treated with all the appropriate drug, continues to have chest pain, next step
person presents asymptiomatically with elevated lft's, what is dx
non alcoholic steatohepatitis
what is the association iwth non alcoholic steatohepatitis
metaboloc syndrome
what is the response to ristocetin and adp in:
bernarnd soulier
ristocetin: no response
ADP: no response

bernard soulier
ristocetin: none
ADP: aggregation

ristocetin: aggregation
ADP: none
treatment for perosn with MI due to volume/blood loss
treatment of fap once polyps form
total proctocolectomy
tx with specific abx of ascending cholangitis
ceftriaxone and metron
elective sphincterotomy 72 hours later
treatment of graves disease versus thryoid adenoma
graves: radioactive iodine ablation
thyroid adenoma: beta blocker, ptu or methi then ablation
how to prevent tumor lysis syndrome
allopurinol or rasburicase
best initial test if suspecting RAS
treatment of asymptomatic aortic stenosis
ace or arb
cardiogenic shock tx
inotropes like dobutamine
increased range of motion in joint, redness, erythema, diabetic dx
charcot joint
new onset ascites in woman, must make you think of what dx
ovarian cancer
pregnant woman develops intense ithcing and increasing bili, next step
deliver fetus since the increasing bili is toxic to it
tingling of butt and butt pain, worsned by sitting down and bicyle ride, no low back pain, dx
piriformis syndrome
if there was low abck pain : sciatica
next step in evaluating person with HOCM after trans thoracic echo
24 hour holter
what type of testicular tumor is in an older man with signs of feminization
leydig (makes lots of androgens)
next step if new onset heart failure and chest pain
loud P2 indicates
increased pulmonary artery pressure or mitral stenosis
what are FSH, LH and FSH/LH ratio in premature ovarian failure
fsh: increased
LH: increased
fsh/lh: >1
presence of bilirubin in urine indicates what type
conjugated (able to be excreted, unconjugated not)
how to tell the difference between breastfeeding failure jaundice and breast milk jaundice
breastfeeing failure: will not be making enough wet diapers

breast milk: will be essentially normal but has jaundice
what are the initial steps in esophageal varicies bleed
first: fluids
next: octreotide
next: ceftriaxone abx ppx
treatment of basic physiologic profile <4
immediate delivery if >26 weeks
treatment of bartonella
what is the step wise approach for the treatment of ascites
first: salt and fluid restriction
next: spironolactone
next: furosemide
next: tap the ascites
person has circumfrential burn, steps in management
first: escarotomy
next: abx
if no relief: fasciotomy
mobile cavitary lung lesion with hemoptysis
biggest risk of asymptomatic bacturia in pregnant pt
pyelo leading to pre term birth
baby hasnt moved in two days, no heart sounds on doppler, next step
real time ultrasound
management of preterm labor at:
24-34 weeks
first: steroids
next: tocolysis to help get to 34 weeks
which one is not covered in a membrane, gastrochesis or omphalocele
fever, drooling, muffled voice, trouble swallowing, thumb sign on lateral xr
fever, drooling, muffled voice, trouble swallowing, widened vertebral spacing on lateral xr
retropharyngeal abscess
solitary lytic bone lesion with hypercalcemia in peds pt
langerhans histocytosis
40yo woman, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, enlarged symmetrical uterus
40yo woman, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, enlarged asymmetrical uterus
leomyoma (fibroid)
what vaccines should HIV get
yearly flu
strep pneumo
HAV if men have sex with men

normal guidelines for: HPV, tDap, H flu
first line management for idiopathic intracranial hypertension
acetozolamine +/- furosemide
what 2 infections can cause flaccid paralysis
(lmn lesion)
west nile
most common causes of bacterial meningitis in these age groups:
1month -2yr
0-1month: GBS, e coli, listeria
1month -2yr: S pneumo, neisseria
2-18yr: Neisseria, pneumo
18-60: pneumo, neisseria
60+: pneumo:, listeria, neiseria
treatment of meningitis in these age groups:
1month -2yr
0-1month: amp/gent, amp/ceftriaxone,
1month -2yr: ceftriaxone (maybe add vanco)
2-18yr: vanco, ceftriaxone, dexa
18-60: vanco, ceftriaxone, dexa
60+: ampicillin, ceftriaxone, dexa
TB meningitis: 4 drug regimen
where is lesion if have:
eyes looking toward lesion
where is lesion if have:
eyes look away
where is lesion if have:
upward gaze paralysis
superior colliculus
(parinaud syndrome)
where is lesion if have:
poor repetition
arcuate fasiculus
where is lesion if have:
cerebellar vermis
where is lesion if have:
agraphia and acalculia
dominant parietal lobe
what is the ppx for unvaccinated children exposed to Hib
rifampin (same as neisseria)
kid, hypoglycemia, encephalopahty, recent illness, dx
reye syndrome
- hypoglycemia due to hepatic dysfunction
suspecting a viral encephalitis, where would you see swelling in the brain
dx, encephalitis with:
skin lesions, aura
dx, encephalitis with:
parotid swelling
dx, encephalitis with:
flaccid paralysis and maculopapular rash
west nile
what is the managemnt of brain abscess
1. abx
3. drainage
young female with migraine with aura, what should she NOT be on
oral contraceptives
increases risk of stroke
1. Contralateral lower limb hemiparesis
2. Contralateral loss of proprioception
3. Ipsilateral tongue deviation
medial medullary syndrome
what is medial medullary syndrome due to
what tracts are involved in
what tracts are spared
anterior spinal artery occlusion
- LATERAL corticospinal (so lower limbs)
- Medial lemniscus carrying dorsal column
- Hypoglossal nerve

areas spared: spinothalamic
what is lateral wallenburg due to
what area is involved
what deficits
- PICA occlusion from vertebral
- lateral medulla

- hoarsness/dysphagia (nucleous ambiguous)
- vomiting vertigo
- horners
- loss of P&T to face
what is lateral pontine syndrome due to
what area is involved
what deficits
occlusion of AICA
- lateral pons

- FACIAL paralysis, decreased tearing (CN7 nucleus)
- hearing loss (CN8)
- horners
- n/v/vertigo
facial weakness, dyarthria, dysphagia, weakness of one hand dx
dysarthria clumsy hand syndrome
- type of lacunar stroke
one sided full body weakness, combination of cranial nerve deficits dx
basilar artery stroke
what type of brain bleed gets seizure ppx
parenchymal bleeds
what 2 diseases most commonly cause NPH
sub arachnoid
chronic meningitis
increased afp on quad screen, think of what 2 defects and what 2 conditions
most common: inaccurate age
neural tube

could also be: multiple gestations
decreased afp on quad screen
down syndrome and turner
the Rb gene mutation predisposes you to what two conditions
indications for cea
symptomatic >60%
asymtomatic >80%
biconvex lens hematoma
crescent shaped hematoma
treatment for tourette
first line:

best overall:
what are the three most common causes of neonatal respiratory distress and what are they due to
transient tacypnea of newborn
- all the mucus hasnt been cleared yet

neonatal respiratory distress
- deficient surfactant

persistent pulmonary HTN
-persistant shunting through pfo and pda in post term infants
how to tell persistent pulmonary htn, respiratory distress and transient tacypnea from each other
PP HTN: clear lung fields
RDS: ground glass opacities
TTNB: linear perihilar streaking
first line tx for pin worm
bilious vomiting in first days of life ddx
biliary atresia
necrotizing enterocolitis
what heart defects are associated with down
complete AV canal - most common
what GI defects are associated with down
biliary atresia
hirschprungs disease
imperforate anus
mcc of asymptomatic vaginal discharge
orthostatic hypotension, impotence, rigidty, tremor, dx
shy drager
painful third semester bleeding dx
abrupto placenta
non painful third trimester bleeding
placenta previa
symmetrical arthritis involving wrist, mcp, pip, goes away after 20 min, no esr elevation, dx
parvovirus arthirtis
broad/waxy casts dx
chronic renal failure
ppx for cat bites
sudden loss of vision and floaters
vitreous hemorrhage
what causes the physiologic changes associated with pregnancy
HIV pt, painless vision loss, fluffy granular lesions around vessels
HIV, painful vision loss, keratitis
first line tx for endometritis
clindamycin and gent
what are the three most common cdv anomalies in turner
biscupid aortic (most common)
coarct (#2)
aortic root dilation (#3)
how to tel the difference between legg calves perthes and SCFE
legg: kids <10 and chronic pain
SCFE: fat teens, >10 and insiduous pain
what arrythmia does dig cause
Atrial tacy with AV block
next test if elevated AFP
when is amniocentesis done
after 16 weeks
abnormal quad screen
women >35
when can cvs be done
earlier than amnio
10-12 weeks
-has greater risk than amnio
Normal breast, absent uterus/blind vagina, normal ovaries, normal axillary hair
mullerian agenesis
normal breast = estrogen present
normal axillary hair = androgens present
ovaries present: NOT a mullerian structure
Normal breast, absent uterus/blind vagina, no axillary/pubic hair, dx and complication
dx: androgen insensitivity
complication: testicular cancer
ddx of early post partum bleeding and how to tell apart
1. Uterine atony – boggy uterus seen
2. Genital tract laceration - firm uterus yet bleeding
3. Uterine inversion – something sticking out of cervix
4. Placental accrete or retained placenta
what cell type makes surfactant
type 2 pneumocytes
when is quad screen done
16-18 weeks
when is gbs screened for
36 weeks
increased nuchal translucency what 3 things
hear defect
when does surfactant production begin
24 weeks
how does bp change in pregnancy
decreases in first 2 trimesters, normalizes in third
- therefore any HTN is abnormal
how are RV, FRC, and ERV, and minute ventilation changed in pregnancy
RV: decreased
FRC: decreased
ERV: decreased
(all due to diaphram being pushed up)
minute vent: increased (due to increased TIDAL volume, not RR)
how much weight should a woman gain in pregnacy if bmi:
<20: 35lbs
25-35: 25lbs
>35: 15lbs
increased inhibin A
down syndrome or turner
how to tell tri 21 from tri 18
21: increased
18: decreased
what other condition will have the same quad screen values as down
what cardiac defect is seen in diabetic moms
transpostion of great vessels
epileptic woman gets pregnant, what to do with meds
keep same anticonvulsants
-give folic acid and vitamin K in last trimester
first line tx for hyperemesis gravidarum
B6 pyridoxine
how is normal n/v in pregnancy distinguished from hyperemesis
weight loss >5%
ketones in urine
how are migraines treated in pregnancy
cant use any of the first line stuff
ace/arb teratogen effect
pulmonary hypoplasia
due to: renal agenesis
aminoglycoside teratogen
hearing loss
CBZ teratogen
FINGERNAIL hypoplasia
neural tube
facial abnormalities
Diazepam teratogoen
cleft palate
DES teratogen
clear cell adeno in vagina and cervix
retinoids teratogen
CNS defect
microtia ==> underdeveloped ear
thalidomide teratogen
limb shortening
sulfa drugs teratogen
kernicterus/bile issues
neural tube
hydrocephalous, intracranial calcifications, chorioretinitis in newborn dx
hepatospleno, hemolytic anemia, jaundice, blood tinged nasal secretions in newborn dx
deafness, cataracts, cardiac malformations, blueberry muffin rash in newborn
what cardiac abnormalities will be seen in rubella
pulmonary artery stenosis
unilateral hearing loss, microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, chorioretintis in newborn
conjunctivitis in newborn:
2-5 days
>5 days
<24 hrs; chemical from silver nitrate
2-5 days: gonococcal
>5 days: chlamydia
encephalitis, pneumonia, choroioretinitis, scarring on skin in newborn, dx and tx
VZV immune globin
scarrring will be in dermatomal pattern
hydrops fetalis cause
parvo b19
what indications are for gbs ppx
- if gbs is detected at 36 weeks
- gbs bacturia
- hx of gbs in previous birth
- prolonged rupture of membrane
all pregnant women should be screened for what infections
blunting of calyces and scarring on IVP dx
chronic pyelo
how to treat anorexia and cachexia due to cancer
progesterone analogs like:
megestrol acetate
elevation of alk phos in elderly and no symptoms, dx
decreased FEV/FVC ratio, normal DLCO
what 2 conditions
chronic bronchitis
big round cyst with daughter cyst
who is at risk and dx
sheep farmers
anterior shoulder dislocations can damage what nerve
one sided sensory loss with increased pain to touch, where was stroke
strongest risk factor for stroke
what is the only contraindication to rotavirus vaccine
prior hx of intussception
us of kid shows abdominal circumference <10% for gestational age dx
most common causes of symmetric and asymmetric iugr
symmetric: congenital infection, chromosomal
assymmetric: poor maternal health (more common than symmetric)
what is oligohydramnios associated with in
third trimester
first: spontaneous abortion
appears in second: renal abnormalities
appears in third: premature rupture of membranes
treatment of polyhydramnios
<32 weeks
>32 weeks
<32 weeks: indomethiacin + amnioreduction
>32 weeks: amnioreduction
treatment of premature rupture of membranes:
<32 weeks
- steroids
- tocolysis for 48 hours
- Penicillin ABX ppx
treatment of premature rupture of membranes:
32-34 weeks
depends on fetal lung maturity
- check amniotic fluid
- give steroids
- tocolysis
- ABX ppx

if mature:
- induce labor
- ABX ppx
how is fetal lung maturity determined
- L:S ratio >2
- presence of PG
treatment of premature rupture of membranes:
>34 weeks
- induce labor
- abx ppx
what are the signs of mag tox
first: loss of DTR
next: resp failure/pulmonary effusion
last: cardiac failure
what is the surveillance for multiple gestations
- weekly f/u starting at 24 weeks
- weekly non stress tests at 36
what is considered a reactive fetal stress test
2 or more 15bpm accels for at least 15 sec
whqt are the steps in a non reassuring fetal HR
1. O2, turn off pitocin, left lateral decubitus
2. give terbutaline
3. correct maternal hypotension (epidural commonly causes)
4. Vaginal exam
5. Fetal scalp electrode
dx, due to, tx
dx, due to, tx
dx: early decel
due to: head compressrion
tx: none
dx, due to, tx
dx, due to, tx
dx: late decel
due to: uteroplacental insufficiency, hypoxia
tx: prompt delivery
dx, due to, tx
dx, due to, tx
dx: variable decel
due to: cord compression
tx: change mothers position
sinusoidal fetal heart rhythm due to
definition and time to complete:
stage 1, latent phase
def: start of contractions to 4cm
time to complete:
nulli: 20 hours
mutli: 14 hours
definition and time to complete:
stage 1, active
def: 4-10cm
>12 hours
nulli: 1.2/hour dilation
multi: 1.5/hour dilation
definition and time to complete:
stage 2
def: 10cm to delivery
nulli: <2 or 3 with epi
multi: <1 or 2 with epi
definition and time to complete:
stage 3
def: delivery until passage f placenta
time: 30 minutes
what is arrest of descent
prolonged stage 2
treatment of uterine hyperstimulation
terbutaline to slow conractions
when are cephalic maneuvers offered for breech presenation
36 weeks
what is the most common type of breech presentation
Frank: feet to face
what is the definition of post partum bleeding
vaginal: >500ml
c section: >1 liter
treatment of post partum bleeding
first: uterine massage
next: oxytocin
if not stopped: methergine or prostaglandin
if all else fails: embolization/ligation/hysterectomy
when to supect endometritis
fever post partum
uterine tenderness
foul smelling lochia
when can ocp's be started up after bitth
6 weeks due to dvt risk
hypoxia, shock, dic, immediately post partum dx
what types of hyaditform moles exist and what are their genotypes
complete: 46
incomplete: 69
how to tell complete and incomplete moles apart
HCG: much higher in complete
fetal parts: found in incomplete
preeclampsia, hyperemesis, or hyperthyroidism: complete
when to suspected molar pregnancy
- pre ecclampsia in first half of pregnancy
- hyperemeis gravid
- hyperthyroid
- B HCG higher than expected for age
when to suspect choriocarcinoma
- post partum bleeding past 6 weeks
- HCG levels do not do down or increases after delivery
grape like vesicles coming from vagina dx
molar pregnancy
workup of single pulmonary nodule in :
high risk
low: serial ct
intermediate: <1 cm: serial ct
intermediate: >1 cm: PET scan then broch
high: resection
how to tell the type of murmur in down sydrome
AV canal: systolic regurg with loud S2
ASD: fixed split S2
VSD: holosystolic
young woman, pain with climbing or going down stairs dx
patello femoral
treatment of pericarditis in renal failure
kid with absent thymic shadow, tons of weird infections, dx
when should birth weight double
4 month
when should birth weight triple
12 mo
when should birth weight quadruple
abnormal growth from birth should suggest
prenatal cause
normal weight at birth then starts to decline should suggest
post natal cause
consistently low normal growth suggests
genetic short stature
when is first dose of HBV given
right after birth
when does toilet training begin
2-3 yr
when can infant start eating solid food
when can infant drink whole milk
1 year
how may DTaP vaccines in total by 6yo
how many HiB by 18mo
when can a child tie shoe laces
next step if single umbilical artery
renal ultrasound
difference between caput succedaneum and cephalohematoma
caput cross sutures
next step if newborn female has bloody or white vaginal dishcharge
nonthing, normal
spider webbbing or marbling of newborn skin,
dx and tx
dx: cutis marmorata
tx: none
yellow pustules with red base with eosinophils on it on newborn
dx and tx
erythema toxicum
leave alone
intense reddening on gravity dependent side, blanching on opposite in newborn
dx and tx
harlequin color change
leave alone
bluish discoloration over buttoks and base of spine in newborn
dx and tx
mongolian spot
how to tell neonatal acne from infantile acne
neonatal - occurs around 3 weeks
infantile - 3 months
superficial pustules overlying hyperpigmented macules in newborn
transient neontal pustular melanosis
when is a child most at risk for sids
2-4 months
what to suspect when anterior fontanelle isnt closed by 2 years
1. down
2. achondroplasia
3. rickets
4. hypothyroid
5. increased ICP
soft occipital bone like ping pong ball classic for
white gray spots with red base on buccal mucosa, rash that starts on behind ears and spreads dx
rubeola measles
lymphadenopathy then rash that starts on face and spreads
rubella german measles
oral vesicles on mouth and tongue, with rash
ddx for desquamating of hands and feet
1. scarlet fever
2. kawasaki
3. TSS
high fever, kid is acting normal, bulging anterior fontanella, then develops rash
roseola HHV6
fever and mouth ulcers that keep reappearing every month dx
periodic fever apthous ulcer pharyngitis and adenitis
what kids need a workup for UTI
any boy
girls <3
febrile UTI
what is the workup for a child with UTI
renal US
respiratory quotient >1 means
excess carbs in diet
fever, severe, morning headaches, focal neuro signs dx
brain abscess
should dystocia with clavicle irregularity
fractured clavicle
shoulder dystocia with crepitus over upper arm and irregularity
humerus fracture
shoulder dystocia with ptosis and miosis
klumpke palsy
c8, t1
shoulder dystocia, intact grasp reflex, decreased bicep and moro
erb duchenne palsy
battery is found in kids:
distal to esophagus
e: endoscopic removal
distal: wait for it to pass and f/u with xr
hammer toes, ataxia, dysarthia, frequent falls, scoliosis
friedrichs ataxia
what are the leading causes of death in friedrichs ataxia
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
respiratory complications
the more precise a study is the ____ the confidence interval
"dimorphic" (2 sizes of RBC on smear), normal iron studies, dx
sideroblastic anermia
mosaic pattern of lamellar bone
what is the cause of the edema in a person with bilateral wheezes, jvd, no pulmonary edema, peripheral edema, ascites
pulmonary artery HTN
recurrent otitis media, pneumonia, diarrhea, no viral or fungal infections, no B cells on peripheral smear, dx
Brutons Agamma globulinemia
no thymic shadow ddx
kid with daily fevers, rash, arthritis, anemia, leukocytosis dx
if a child has a TE fistula what else do you have to look for
Vertebral Abnormalities
Anal Imperforation
TE Fistula
Renal Anomalies
treatment of kawasaki disease
male with features of turner syndrome
noonan syndrome
situs inversus, chronic sinusitis, otitis media
kartagener syndrome
painless rectal bleeding in early childhood, how to dx
technetium scan
infant between 4-10 months with colicky abd pain, normal behavior when pain goes away
bloody diarrhea + cns features
poor smooth pursuit of target with eyes, ataxia, rash on face, increased AFP
Ataxia telangiectasia
NBT test stays yellow dx
chronic granulomatous disease
albinism, recurrent skin infections, recurrent respiratory infections, giant cytoplasmic granules in MNs
chediak higashi disease
delayed separation of umbilicus
leukocyte adhesion deficiency
young kid with recurrent infections, doughy skin, two sets of teeth
Jobs Hyper Ig E syndrome
hypopigmented macules on woods lamps, leathery skin thickening, at risk for what tumors
brain hamartomas
renal angiolipomas
lactic acidosis, hepatosplenomegaly, severe fasting hypoglycemia, increased glycogen in liver dx
von gierke
cardiomegaly, diaphragm weakness on young kid
hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, normal lactate in kid
painful muscle cramps in young kid with excercise
vitamin or mineral deficiency:
increased RBC fragility
vit E
vitamin or mineral deficiency:
dermatitis, glossitis, cheilosis
B vitamins
dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia
Niacin B3
headache and extraocular muscle palsies
cavernous sinus thrombosis
drug that causes gingival hyperplasia as side effect
what type of seizure has hallucinations, deja vu, and post ictal confusion
complex partial
what type of seizure has spike and wave pattern on eeg
treatment of serotonin syndrome
1. stop drug
2. supportive
3. cyproheptadine
treatment of TCA overdose
sodium bicarb
what are contraindications to buproprion
1. seizure
2. alcoholics
3. eating disorders
depression with poor appetite tx
pt has sexual dysfunction from ssri, what is tx
switch to buprioprion
treatment of nephrogenic DI from lithium
how are phobias treated
how to distinguish amphetamine intox from heroin withdraw
heroin withdraw: patients appear agitated amphetamine: have psychotic sx
Anxiety, auditory hallucinations, tremors, n/v withdrawing from what
what are the 3 possible pharm tx for nms
1. Dantrolene
2. bromocryptine
3. amantadine
Nausea, vomiting, abd pain, muscle and joint aches, pupillary dilation
Heroin withdraw
first degree relatives of bipolar have what % of getting it
treatment of atypical depression
phenelezine (MAOi)
what drugs increase lithium levels
person is being treated for depression, stops his med then feels depressed 2 days later what drug was he on
What part of the brain is wrong in tourettes
Basal ganglia
what other disorders are these drugs used for:
imipramine: enuresis
deipramine: OCD
torticolis or clenched jaw after starting new drug
dx and tx
dx: acute dystonia
1. Benztropine
2. Diphenhydramine
treatment of parkinsons symptoms after starting drug
drug side effect of Feelings of restlessness, pacing, “engine inside me”
dx and tx
dx: akasthesia
Short term tx: Benzos
Long term tx: Propranolol
lip smacking, excess blinking, writhing movements of mouth months after starting new drug
dx and tx
dx: tardive dyskinesia
Tx: Benzos, beta blockers
Which two antipsychotics are weight neutral:
1. Aripiprazole
2. Ziprasodone
which two antipsychotics cause weight gain
What side effects are seen with clozapine
1. Prolonged QT
2. Agranulocytosis
3. Hyper PRL
4. myocarditis
5. seizures
6. most anticholinergic
7. bad metabolic
which anti convulsant causes kidney stones
who gets pertussis ppx for fourteen days
everyone reguardless of immunization status
hepatomegaly and inflammation and destruction of medium sized bile ducts
person with first unprovoked seizure, they will get what
- either CT without or MRI
workup of primary amenorrhea
Pelvic US
- If no uterus: Karyotype and Testosterone
- If uterus: FSH
FSH high: Karyotype
FSH low: pituitary MRI
throat infection, given amoxicillin/penicillin then develops rash
von gierkes deficient in what
g6p enzyme
pt has spleen removed, what to give afterwards
daily penicillin ppx for 5 yrs after
child who still has persistent ear discharge weeks after being treated
treatment of symptomatic and asymptomatic sarcoid
asymptomatic: should go away on own
symptomatic: steroids
prior to what year to pts need to be screened for both hbv and hcv if they received a blood transfusion,
only hcv?
sickler with drop in Hb, but no rise in retic count, dx and tx
aplastic crisis
tx: transfusions
how is aplastic crisis different from aplastic anemia
aplastic crisis: only hb is down
aplastic anemia: pancytopenia
fever, chest pain, infiltrates on cxr in sickler, dx
acute chest syndrome
what is the bug that causes endocarditis after urinary procedures
what endocrine issues will be associated with depression
high cortisol - will not be suppressed by dexa
treatment of depression with psychotic features
most common complication of supracondylar fracture
brachial artery injury
how to tell reactive arthritis from gonococcal
reactive: has mouth ulcers, eye involvment
gonococcal: rash, fever
ddx of delayed passage of meconium
hirchsprungs disease
kid with webbed neck, short stature, cleft lip, shielded chest, macrocytic anemia, no retics being made, normal platelets, normal leukocytes
diamond blackfan anemia
- key is only decreased hb, normal plt and leuks
tick bite, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes dz
tick bite, rash, jaundice, dark urine, hemolysis
person making illegal drugs develops parkinsons, dx
MPTP poisoning
unilateral progressive motor weakness, intact sensation, fasiculations
what are the C's of HD
CAG repeat
Caudate and Putamen Atrophy
AcH decrease
GABA decrease

treatment of HD
block dopamine with antipsychotics
central vision loss, loss of eye aduction with nystagmus in other, eye pain
- optic neuritis
best test to dx MS
dx of MG
edrophonium tensilon test
postive AcH antibodies
bilateral facial paralysis ddx
tx for bells palsy
eye care
symmetric muscle weakness, decreased reflexes, intact sensation dx
what finding is seen on LP for GBS
increased protein, normal WBC
called: albumino cytological dissociation
how to dx GBS
all pts with MG require what imaging
CT chest for thymoma
most common brain tumors in adults
MGM Studios
1. Mets
2. GBM
3. Meningioma
4. Schwannoma
Most common brain tumors in kids
next step in dx workup if brain cancer found
full body scan for other primary malignancy
treatment of hemiballismus
block dopamine: Haloperidol
obese person, hypersomnolent, polycythemia, facial redness, peripheral edema dx
pickwickian syndrome
polycythema and redness from: hypoxemia
peripheral edema from: PULMONARY HTN***
treatment of restless leg syndrome
coma large non reactive pupils dx
uncal herniation/epidural bleed
coma small reactive pupils
thalamic involvement
coma pinpoint pupils
opioids, excessive cholinergic
coma, eyes move toward water on caloric
intact midbrain
coma, eyes do not move with caloric
CN 7 and 8 gone
coma eyes nystagmus with caloric
person is faking
coma, decorticate positioning
above red nucleus, cortical involvement
coma, decerebrate
beloe red nucleus by midbrain
lesion of optic chiasm
homonymous hemianopsia
lesion of optic tract
bitemporal hemianopsia
temporal lobe lesion causes what visual defect
upper quadrantopia
optic radiation to lingual gyrus lesion
upper quadrantopia
optic radiation to cuneus lesion
lower quadrantopia
parietal lobe lesion causes what visual field defect
lower quadrantopia
occipital lobe lesion causes what visual field defect
homonymous hemianopsia with macular sparing
pink eye with:
upper respiratory cough
what are inflammatory and autoimmune causes of uveitis
inlamm: UC and Crohns
AI: JRA, psoriatic, Ankylosing, Reactive arthritis
peripheral vision loss with floaters dx
inflamed hard, dilated, non reactive pupil dx
close angle glaucoma
bilateral central vision loss
macular degeneration
painless loss of vision like a curtain pulled down with floaters
retinal detachment
flame hemorrhages, AV nicking, cotton wool spots dx
hemorrhages and microaneurysms with yellow exudates on fundoscopy
painful swollen ear with white discharge, red ear canal, normal TM
polymyxin or neomycin
treatment of meniere
anticholinergics, anti Histamine
non tender, unilateral eyelid swelling dx
tender, red swellling at eyelid margin
red swollen eyelid margins and dandruff on lashes
- painless progressive decrease in vision
- trouble driving at night
- terrible glare from sunlight or headlights
how is orbital cellulitis different from periorbital
orbital has:
- bulging eye (proptosis)
- limitation of eye movement
- painful eye movement
- decreased vision
what is the treatment for orbital cellutitis
large reddish vesicles on TM dx
bullous maryngitis
what is tx and what causes bullousmaryngitis
gray white pearly lesion in ear dx
sudden vertigo, nausea vomiting, normal hearing
- symptoms peak at 24hours
vestibular neuritis
vertigo, nausea vomiting, decreased hearing
brain tumor with calcifications and fried egg in BG or Thalamus
tumor in 4th ventricle, solid
tumor in 4th ventricle, solid and cystic
what can be used to treat parkinsons tremor early on in disease
what is amantidine good for in PD tx
increased dopa so helps rigidity, movement
falls, parkinsons, limitations of upgaze dx
head trauma, vertigo, tinnitus hearing loss
labyrinth concussion
patient hears "pop" in ear after sneezing, then develops vertigo dx
perilymph fistula
vertigo and fullness of ear sensation
- bilateral weakness
- Arreflexia
- cant move eyes
- Ataxic giat
miller fisher GBS variant
- Teen with symmetric slow progressive distal muscle atrophy of legs and feet
and has
1. Hammer toes
2. pes cavus
charcot marie tooth
- Most common inherited polyneuropathy
person with MG starts treatment, then develops trouble breathing, dx and next step
Dx: MG crisis
1. Stop pyridostigmine
2. Intubate
3. Steroids/IVIG/Plasma exchange
Pupil is normal and reactive to light, but palsy of ocular muscles, dx
Diabetes causing vascular issue
pt cant look up, pupils constrict more to accomodation than light, dx and due to what
- pineal tumor
what vaccines do alcoholics need
treatment of intermittent explosive disorder
mood stabilizers
- lithium, cbz, valproate
treatment for anorexia
delirium + increased BP + papilledema
malignant HTN
delirium + tacy + tremor + thyromegaly
dementia + tremor + abnormal lfts
person cannot remember traumatic event such as getting raped but can remember long term memoeries
dissociative amnesia
person found who cannot remember their identity and found in different location
dissociative fugue
Persistent or recurrent experiences of being detached from ones body
depersonalization disorder
What symptoms indicate dt instead of withdraw
1. Autonomic instablility
2. visual hallucinations
3. delirium
1. Fatigue/sleep alot
2. depression
3. constricted pupils
4. vivid dreams
cocaine withdraw
treatment of viral myocarditis
who is at risk for herpetic whitlow
dentist/healthccare worker
who is at risk for a felon
2 biggest risks for neonatal respiratory distress
diabetic mother
treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis
ORAL erythromycin
ptx despite having chest tube in
tracheobronchial rupture
newborn is intially fine, at about one month develops diarrhea, failure to thrive, thrush, eczema dx
treatment of kleptomania
what type of organ failure should metformin not be given


bilateral deafness newborn what infection
treatment of actinomycosis
treatment of nocardia
how to tell drug allergy vs rash from ebv
drug allergy: appears minutes after
EBV: 24 hours after
how to distinguish between somogyi effect from dawn effect
2am glucose level
what is the treatment for dawn phenomenon and somogyi effect
dawn: increase evening NPH
somogyi effect:
1. decrease evening NPH
2. change NPH to before bed
3. eat snack before bed
best diabetic tx choice in pts with renal failure
diabetic tx with side effects of pancreatitis
(GLP1 agonists)
treatment of diabetic neuropathy
1. gabapentin
2. pregabalin
3. duloxetine
how is diabetic gastroparesis DX
gastric emptying studying with barium
tx of diabetic gastroparesis
1. erythromycin
2. metoclopramide
3. cisapride
complications from thyroid surgery
1. recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
2. hypocalcemia from PTH damage
when do you perform surgical PTH removal of adenoma
if any one of the following:
1. Ca >1 above normal
2. Creatinine decreased >30%
3. Age <50
4. Symptomatic
5. T score <-2.5
what is the treatment of of hyper PTH due to renal disease
1. Hyper PO4: gets protein (PO4) restriction
2. Calcium carbonate to bind PO4
3. Vitamin D analog like calcitriol
first line tx in prolactinoma
what is the first s/s to appear in hyper PRL
women: infertility, amenorrhea
men: decreased libido, impotence
steps in tx of GH adenoma
first: resection
if cannot be done: octreotide
if this doesnt work: cabergoline
next step if person has empty sella syndrome
if asymptomatic: reassurance that there is still tissue
sx: replace hormones
what should diabetics do before and during exercise
check blood sugar
- turn down pump if they are on one
what pancreatic cells make insulin
Beta cells
how to tell HHS from DKA
- no acidosis
- no ketones
- only Type 2 diabetics
fever, painful neck mass, increased HR, heat intolerance dx
subacute/de quervain thyroiditis
person gets ct scan, develops, tacycardia, heat intolerance, diarrhea, sweating, anxiety, tremor, dx
contrast induced hyperthyroidism
what drugs can induce hyperthyroid
1. amiodarone
2. contrast with iodine
shortneing of 4th and 5th digits
albright hereditary osteodystrophy (pseudo hypo PTH)
what is death due to in acromegaly
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
how are FSH/LH replaced in hypopituitarism
PULSATILE leuoprolide
treatment of cortisol producing tumor if unresectable
1. Ketoconazole
2. metyrapone==> blocks cortisol synthesis
treatment of hyper aldo due to hyperplasia
what is the presentation of 21oh deficiency in:
blood pressure
females: virilization
males: none
bp: hypotensive
K: High
what is the presentation of 11oh deficiency in:
females: virilization
males: none
bp: HTN
K: low
what is the presentation of 17oh deficiency in
females: lacks secondary sex characteristics
males: ambiguous genitalia
bp: HTN
k: low
how to tell secondary adrenal insufficiency from primary
skin: no hyperpigment in secondary
K: normal in secondary, high in primary
what diseases are associated with pheos
what are the cardiac manifestations of hyperCa
1. Hypertension
2. QT shortening
what are the renal manifestations of hyper Ca
1. Nephrogenic DI ==>polyuria, polydipsia
2. Kidney stones
If hypercalcemic and PTH level is low, what is the dx
what to suspect when a person gets rapidly decreasing ca, mg, phosphate weeks after getting parathyroid removed?
Hungry bones syndrome
Due to ==>increased osteoblast activity
Amyloid Deposit in pancreas, which type of DM
type 2
leukcyte infiltrate in pancreas, which type of DM
type 1
what med will not work / should not be given once a T2DM requires insulin
if suspecting prolactinoma, what is first test to do
basal fasting prolactin levels
Test to diagnose ACTH deficiency
test to dx GH deficiency
Fixed, rocklike painless goiter, hoarseness
reidels thyroiditis
fibrous tissue infiltrate found in thryoid, dx
reidels thyroiditis
treatment of thyroid storm
First thing to give ==> antithyroid (PTU, methimazole)
Next ==>iodine ==>why ==>inhibits hormone release
Next ==>propranolol
Next ==>dexamethaxone ==>why ==> inhibits hormone release
Giant cell granulomas on thryoid biopsy
de quervains
pain between third and fourth toes, clicking sound, who is at risk
dx: morton neuroma
acute unilateral lymphadenitis in kid can be due to what 2 organsims
what do transplant pts receive as abx ppx
older woman, vulvar itching, fused labia, likely dx and next step
lichen sclerosus
woman is found to have ascus, what is next step depending on age
<25: repeat pap in one year
>25: HPV tsting
child with fever, conjunctivitis, rash, lip swelling dx
kid with hypopigmented spots, aplastic anemia, bent thumbs, pounding in ears dx
fanconi anemia
hallmark findings of nec on axr
intramural air
air in portal veins