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13 Cards in this Set

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Acetaminophen (pg 112 in davis's drug guide)
Tylenol (antipyretic/non-narcotic analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: Relief of mild-moderate pain,↓ fever

Action: Blocks enzyme cyclooxygenase which blocks prostaglandin production and interferes with pain impulses in PNS. Acts on temperature regulating center of the hypothalamus inhibiting synthesis of prostaglandins

Common SE: Rash, uticaria, Hepatic failure, Hepotoxicity

RN considerations: alcohol use ↑ risk of hepatotoxicity, monitor liver function before and after therapy, kidney function with long term therapy, differences in liquid dosing concentrations
ibuprofen (p. 688)
Motrin (NSAID, antipyretic, non-opioid analgesic, antirheumatic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ pain and inflammation, ↓ fever

Action: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis

Common SE: HA, constipation, dyspnea, N/V

RN Considerations: Assess for the following; rhinitis, asthma, uticaria, skin rash d/t possible severe reaction of Steve Johnson’s syndrome or Toxic epidermal necrolysis, sx of bleeding, renal and liver function
Naproxen Sodium (p. 900)
Aleve (NSAID, non-opioid analgesic, antipyretic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ fever, pain, and suppress inflammation

Action: Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis

Common SE: dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, HA, constipation, dyspnea

RN Considerations: Assess for rhinitis, asthma, uticaria d/t ↑ risk for hypersensitivity, sx of bleeding, renal and liver function
celecoxib (p. 290)
Celebrex (antirheumatic, NSAID, Cox-2 inhibitor, analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ pain and inflammation caused by arthritis, ↓ # of colorectal polyps, ↓ pain

Action: Inhibit enzyme Cox -2 which is required for prostaglandin synthesis

Common SE: (in dug guide none listed as common) can cause dizziness, HA, insomnia, edema, nausea, ABD pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence

RN Considerations: Assess; joints before therapy, rash, liver function
DO NOT GIVE if allergies to sulfonamides, NSAIDS or ASA,
codeine (p. 351)
Paveral (allergy, cold, cough remedies, anti-tussive, opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect:↓ severity of pain, suppress cough reflex, relief of diarrhea

Action: Binds to opioid receptors in CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing generalized CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, hypotension, constipation, nausea

RN Considerations: Assess; pain, VS focused on resp d/t depression, bowel function, dependence/tolerance, cough, labs (↑ amylase/lipase)
oxycodone (p. 966)
Oxycontin (opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ pain

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, respiratory depression

RN Considerations: Breakthrough pain, VS (focus on resp d/t depression), physical & psychological dependence, bowel function, liver enzymes (↑ amylase/lipase)
hydrocodone (p. 675)
Hycodan (allergy, cold, anti-tussive, opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ severity of moderate pain, suppress cough reflex

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, respiratory depression, dizziness, hypotension, dyspepsia, nausea

RN Considerations: Assess VS, bowel function, pain before and after, dependence/tolerance, cough, liver enzymes (↑ amylase/lipase) extreme caution when used with MAOIs
morphine sulfate (p. 880)
ms Contin (opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ severity of pain

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, respiratory depression, hypotension

RN Considerations: Assess VS, bowel function, pain before and after, dependence/tolerance, liver enzymes (↑ amylase/lipase) extreme caution when used with MAOIs
meperidine (p. 820)
Demerol (opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ severity of pain

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, respiratory depression, hypotension, N/V

RN Considerations: Assess VS, bowel function, pain before and after, dependence/tolerance, chronic pain – may need ↑ dose, closely monitor peds/elderly population, liver enzymes (↑ amylase/lipase) DO NOT USE with MAOIs
methadone (p. 831)
Methadose (opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ severity of pain, suppression of withdrawal sx during detox and maintenance from heroin/opioids

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, hypotension

RN Considerations: Assess VS, bowel function, pain before and after, dependence/tolerance, additional opioid use in pts on maintenance, opioid detox s/s, heart dz, liver enzymes (↑ amylase/lipase) Extreme caution with MAOIs
hydromorphone (p. 677)
Dilaudid (allergy, cold, anti-tussive opioid analgesic)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ in moderate to severe pain, suppression of cough

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression, suppress cough reflex via direct central action

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, hypotension

RN Considerations: Assess VS, bowel function, pain before and after, breakthrough pain, dependence/tolerance, cough, extreme caution with MAOIs
fentanyl (p. 570)
Deragesic (brand name for transdermal route – opioid analgesic, anesthetic adjuvant)

Therapeutic Effect: ↓ severity of chronic pain

Action: Binds to opiate receptors in the CNS, alters perception & response to painful stimuli while producing general CNS depression

Common SE: Confusion, sedation, constipation, anorexia, N/V, diaphoresis, dry mouth

RN Considerations: Assess VS, bowel function, pain before and after, dependence/tolerance, liver enzymes (↑ amylase/lipase), extreme caution with MAOIs
naloxone (p. 898)
Narcan (antidote for opioids)

Therapeutic Effect: reversal of sx of opioid excess

Action: competitively binds to opiate receptors blocking effects of opioids including CNS & resp depression without producing any agonist opioid effects

Common SE: None listed

RN Considerations: Assess; VS, ECG, every 4 hrs, pain, opioid withdrawal sx, lack of significant improvement indicates dz process