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82 Cards in this Set

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S. saprophyticus
Catalase +
Coagulase -
Gram + cocci
Resistant to Novobiocin

Dz: Honeymoon Cystitis
(UTI's in newly sexually active females)
S. epidermidis
Catalase +, Coagulase -
Gram + cocci
Novobiocin sensitive
Biofilm producer

Infections of catheters/shunts
Subacute endocarditis in IV drug abusers
Staph aureus
Catalase +, Coagulase +
Gram + cocci in clusters

Gastroenteritis: 2-6h onset
-salty foods, custards
-picnic foods

Acute infective endocarditis

Toxic Shock Syndrome
-desquamating rash (palms and soles), fever, hypotension

Bullous impetigo
Pneumonia: nosocomial, typical, acute (salmon colored sputum)

Osteomyelitis: #1 cause unless sickle cell dz
Streptococcus pyogenes
(Group A streptococcus)
Catalase -, B hemolytic
Bacitracin sensitive
Gram + cocci

M12 strains of M-protein

Pharyngitis: abrupt onset, tonsillar abscesses

Scarlet fever: blanching, sandpaper rash, strawberry tongue

Impetigo: honey crusted lesions (children)
Strep pyogenes
(group A)
Rheumatic fever
-after streptococcal pharyngitis
- increase ASO titer
Strep pyogenes (group A)
M12 serotype
Acute glomerulonephritis
-after streptococcal skin or throat infection
-HTN, edema, smoky urine
Streptococcus agalectiae
(group B strep)
Gram +, Catalase -,
B hemolytic, CAMP test +
Bacitracin resistant

Located in the human vagina in 15-20% of women

Neonatal meningitis and septicema: #1 cause, esp in prolonged labors
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Gram + lancet shaped diplocci, Catalase -
Alpha hemolytic
Soluble in bile, Optochin sens.

major virulence factor: polysaccharide capsule
IgA protease

Most common cause of typical pneumonia
-rusty colored sputum

Most common cause of meningitis in adults
-many PMNs, decreased glucose, increased protein in CSF

Most common cause of otitis media and sinusitis in kids
Rust: S. pneumoniae

Current jelly: K. pneumoniae

Salmon color: S. aureus

Elderly smoker:
Legionella pneumophilus

Rust Colored Sputum

Current Jelly Sputum

Salmon colored Sputum

Elderly smoker
S. pneumoniae vaccines
Pediatrics: pneumococcal capsular vaccine (hapten)
-conjugated to diphteria toxin (carrier)

Adult: pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
Viridans Streptococci
Gram +, Catalase -
alpha hemolytic,
optochin resistant
bile insoluble

Normal flora in human oropharynx

Dextran (biofilm) mediated adherence

Plaque and dental carries

Subacute bacterial endocarditis
-preexisting damage to heart valves
-follows dental work
-splinter hemorrhages
Enterococcus faecalis/faecium
Gram +, Catalase -
hydrolyzes esculin (black colonies)

Reservoir: human colon, urethra +/- female genital tract

Urinary/biliary tract infections
-elderly male

Subacute bacterial endocarditis
-elderly males following GI/GU surgery, preexisting heart valve damage

Elderly male with prostate prob
Bacillus anthracis
Gram +, spore forming
Aerobic rods

Capsule is polypeptide
(poly-D- glutamate)

Contact with animal hides or postal worker

Eschar: black necrotic lesion with red ring

Life threatening pneumonia
-mediastinal widening
-vasculature dissolves
Bacillus cereus

Rapid-onset gastroenteritis
-non bloody
-fried rice, Chinese restaurant
Clostridium tetani
Large G+, spore forming rods

Dirty puncture wound
Rigid paralysis
-blocks release of inhibitory neurons in spinal synpase
Linear, 1 cm deep cut, without devitalized tissue or major contamination

Less than 6hrs old

Vaccine if no hx
Vaccine if more than 10yrs since last booster
Wound management:
Not Tetanus Prone
Blunt/missile, burn, frostbite, any wound >6hrs old

Not completed primary or no hx of vaccine: Vaccine + TIG

Vaccine if more than 5yrs since last booster
Wound management:
Tetaus Prone
Clostridium botulinum
G+, spore forming rods

Coded for my a prophage

Absorbed by gut, blocks release of ACh --> flaccid paralysis

Home canned alkaline veggies
Vacum packed fish

Infants: honey (child becomes less active)
Clostridium perfringens
Large G+ spore forming rods
Anaerobic: "stormy fermentation" in milk media
Double zone of hemolysis

Alpha toxin is a lecithinase
Identified by Nagler rxn

Gas Gangrene
-contaminated wound
-fever, tachycardia, tense tissue (edema, gas)

Food Poisoning
-reheated meat dishes
-noninflammatory diarrhea
Clostridium difficile
Part of normal flora in human colon/GI tract

Abx associated (clindamycin) diarrhea, colitis or pseudomembranous colitis (yellow plaques on colon)

Hospitalized pt on abx that develops colitis or diarrhea

Tx: metronidazole
Listeria monocytogenes
G+ rods, tumbling motility
facultative intracellular
B hemolytic, cold growth

Listeriolysin O: pathogenesis

Foodborne-- deli meats, unpasteruzied milk products
-cold growth: soft cheese, cabbage, **goat milk/cheese

Can cross placenta: granulomatosis infantisepticum

Most common cause of meningitis in renal transplant pts and adults with cancer

3rd most common cause of neonatal septicemia and meningitis
Corynebacterium diphteriae
G+, aerobic, club shaped rod
black colonies on tellurite med.
Toxin producing strains have B-prophage

Non-invasive organism
-inhibits protein synthesis by adding ADP-ribose to eEF-2

Dirty gray pseudomembrane in oropharynx --> obstruction
-profuse bleeding if dislodged

Diphtheria: Bull neck, myocarditis, nerve palsy
-must be unvaccinated

Elek test to document toxin
Actinomyces israelli
Anaerobic, non-acid fast
G+ branching rods

Endogenous transmission
-gingival crevices and female genital tract (normal flora)

Pt with mycetoma (draining abscess) on jaw line or spread from IUD

Solitary brain abscess

Sulfur granules in pus
G+ branching rods, aerobic
Partially acid fast

Reservoir: soil and dust

Cavitary bronchopulmonary dz

Multiple foci brain abscesses
Neisseria meningitidis
G-, kidney bean shaped diplococci
Large capsule
Ferments maltose

Virulence factors:
-polysaccharide capsule
-IgA protease

-abrupt onset, petechial rash
-can lead to waterhouse-friderischsen syndrome

Dx: latex agglutination

Vaccine: Y, W-135, C and A
prophylaxi of close contacts: rifampin
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
G-, kidney bean shaped diplococci

-pili (most important)
-IgA protease
-invades mucosal surfaces

males: urethritis
females: endocervicitis
Infants: ophthalmia (leads to blindness if untreated)

G- dipplococcus in neutrophils
Thayer-Martin medium
Moraxella catarrhalis
G- diplococcus

normal upper respiratory tract flora

Causes otitis media
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
G- rod, oxidase +, aerobic
Blue-green pigment, fruity odor
Slime layer

Exotoxin A ADP ribosylates eEF-2 inhibitin protein synthesis (like diphtheria)

Liver is primary target

Burn infection: blue green pus
Typical pneumonia: CGD/CF
-recurrent pneumonias in CF
UTI-catherized pts
Legionella pneumophilia
Fastidious- requires increased iron and cysteine

Elderly smoker, heavy drinkiner or immunosuppresed
Exposure to aerosols of water
-air conditioning, common shower facilities

Atypical pneumonia

Francisella tularensis
Small G- rod

Hunter with ulceroglandular dz, atypical pneumnoia or GI disease


Exposure to rabbits, deer, ticks (Dermacentor)
Bordetella pertussis
G- small rods, aerobic
mucuosal surface pathogen
toxins damage resp. epithel.
-adenyalte cyclase toxin
-tracheal cytotoxin
-Pertussis toxin

unvaccinated child (immigrant family or religious objections)
cough with inspiratory "whoop"
G- aerobic rods

Pt with acute septicemia

Exposure to animals or unpasteruzied dariy

California/Texas, travel to Mexico
Campylobacter jejuni
G-, curved rods with polar flagella ("gull's wings")
Oxidase +
Microaerophilic, grows at 42C

Low infectious dose

Pt with inflammatory diarrhea
-#1 cause of bacterial diarrhea in the US

Guillain-Barre syndrome
-serotype O:19
Helicobacter pylori
G-, spiral bacilli w/ flagella
Microaerophilic, grows at 37C
Urease +

Pt with gastritis, ulcers, stomach cancer
-**Type I carcinogen**

Dx: breath test
Vibrio cholerae
G- curved rod with polar flagella
Oxidase +
Growth on alkaline media

Requires high dose

Rice water stools
-tremendous fluid loss

**Natural disasters**
Cholera enterotoxcin
ADP ribosylates (Gs alpha) activating adenylate cyclase-> increased cAMP -> efflux of Cl and H20
G- rods, facultative anerobes
Ferment glucose
Cytochrome C oxidase -
reduce nitrates --> nitrites
Catalase +

Lactose fermenters (colored colonies) on MacConkey

-O= cell envelope
-H= flagellar
-K= capsular polysaccharide antigen
-Vi= Salmonella capsular antigen
Mycobacterium characteristics
Acid fast rod with waxy cell wall
Obligate aerobe
No outer membrane
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Auramine rhodamine staining bacilli (fluorescent apple green)
Acid fast
Produces niacin and a heat sensitive catalase

-sulfatides inhibit phagosome-lyosome fusion
-Cord factor inhibits leukocyte migration (the more cord factor the more pathogenic the strain)
-Tuberculin (surface protein) causes delayed hypersensitivity and cell mediate immunity

High risk pt (HIV +)
Chronic cough, weight loss
Ghon complex
Positive PPD test
M. avium-intracellulare
AIDs pt, cancer, chronic lung disease
Nonchromogen (produces no pigment)

AIDS pts start prophylaxis when CD4 <50
-macrolide + ethambutol
M. scrofulaceum
Solitary cervical lymph node in kids
Scotochromogen (produces dark pigment)
Tx: surgery
M. marinum
"Fish tank granuloma"
tropical fish enthusiasts with cutaneous granulomas
Photochromogen (produces pigment after light exposure)
Mycobacterium leprae
Acid fast rods in punch biopsy
Obligate intracellular parasite

Optimal growth at less than body temp.

Immigrant pt with sensory loss in extremities
Strong CMI (TH1)
Lepromin test +
Low # of organisms in tissue

Damage from the immune response --> granuloma formation --> loss of sensation

Few lesions
nerve enlargement
Tuberculoid form of Leprosy
Weak CMI (TH2)
Lepromin test -
high # of organisms in tissue

nerve damage from overgrowth of bacteria in cells

Numerous lesions becoming nodular
Leonine facies
Lepromatous form of Leprosy
Escheria Genus Characteristics
Gram - rods
Ferment lactose
E. coli
Gram - rod
facultative anaerobe
Oxidase -
Lactose fermenter
Traveler's diarrhea

LT: heat labile toxin stimulates adenylate cyclase by ADP ribosylation of Gs

ST: stimulates guanylate cyclase

Capsule impedes phagocytosis
colonizing factor adhesins bind to mucosa
2nd most common cuase of infantile diarrhea

Adheres to M cells causing rearrangment of actin and effacement of brush border microvilli
EHEC (O157:H7)
H= hamburger

Verotoxin: Shigella like toxin

No fever, no PMNs, blood in stool, nonfermenters of sorbitol (colorless colonies on MacConkeys)

Most common in children <5

Abx increase risk of HUS
Frimbriae produce "stacked brick like" biolfilm

Enterotoxin EAST
I= inflammatory

Invades large bowel
Inflammatory diarrhea (with blood and pus)
E.coli and UTI's
Most common cause of UTI
pathogenesis: motility

clinical clues: G- bacilli >10/\5 CFU/ml
E. coli and Neonatal septicemia/meningitis
2nd most common cause of neonatal septicemia/meningitis

Pathogenesis: capsule (K1)
E. coli and septicemia
Indwelling IV lines, cytotoxic drugs damage intestinal mucosa and allowe escape

Pathogenesis: endotoxin
Klebsiella pneumoniae
G- rods with large polysaccharide capule
Lactose fermenter

Elderly pt with atypical pneumonia: currant jelly sputum

UTI- catheter associated
G- rods, nonmotile
nonlactose fermenter
do NOT produce H2S

Pt with acute bloody diarrhea and fever

Shigellae invade M cells
-causes shallowe ulcers of mucosa

Few organisms required (extremely acid resistant)

Fever, diarrhea (1st watery then bloody)

**proper sanitation
Yersinia pestis
Small G- rod
facultative intracellular parasite
Coagulase +

US desert southwest: rodents

Envelope antigen (F-1) inhibits phagocytosis

Bubonic plaque
-rapidly increasing fever
-regional buboes

Pneumonic Plague
-highly contagious
Yersinia enterocolitica
G- bacilli, nonlactose fermenter
non H2S producer
Motile-25C, nonmotile-37C

Unpasteurized milk, pork
Northern climates

Multiplies in the cold

Pt with inflammatory diarrhea or pseudoappendicitis
G- rod
Swarming motility
Non-lactose fermenter
Urease +

Kidney stones (staghorn)

Pt with UTI or septicemia

To prevent promptly remove urinary catheters

Weil-Felix test
Salmonella enterica
Subspecies typhi
G- rods, highly motile
non-lactose fermenting
Produce H2S
sensitive to acid

Human carriers (gallbladder)

Typhoid fever:
infections begin in the ileocecal region
At 1 wk: 80% have + blood cultures, 25% have rose spots
By week 3: 85% of stool cultures are +

Resistant to macrophage killing due to defensins

Widal test
Salmonella enteria
Subspecies other than typhi
G- bacilli, motile
Non-lactose fermenters
produce H2S

Invades mucosa in ileocecal region --> increase PG --> increase cAMP --> diarrhea
Reservoir: chickens and turtles

Dx: Widal Test

Enterocolitis- 2nd most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis
-inflammatory follows ingestion of poulty products or handling reptiles

Osteomyelitis- sickle cell dz
Haemophilus influenzae
G- rod, encapsulated
requires factors X and V

Polysaccharide capsule (type b capsule is polyribotol phosphate)
IgA protease

Epidemic in UNvaccinated children ages 3mo-2yrs

Otitis media

Dx: latex particle agglutination
IgA Protease
Strep pneumo
H. influenzae
Haemophilus ducreyi
Soft, painful chancre

Open lesions increase transmission of HIV

Culture on chocolate agar
G- pleomorphic rods
Catalase and Oxidase -

Bacterial vaginosis
-follows abx or menses

-pH >4.5
-clue cells (epithelial cells covered with bacteria)
-Whiff test (fishy smell)
Pasteurella multocida
Small G- rod

Patient with animal (cat) bite
Bartonella henselae
G- rods
Cat/dog scratches

Cat scratch fever
Bacillary angiomatosis (AIDS)
Bacteroides fragilis
G- rod, anaerobic
Modified LPS with reduced activity

Reservoir: human colon
Transmission: endogenous

Pt with abdominal trauma, emergency abdominal surgery

Septicemia, peritonitis, abscess

Tx: Metronidazole

prevention: prophylactic abx
Borrelia burgdorferi
Large spirochete, G-

Transmitted by Ixodes (deer) tick
#1 tickborne dz in US

Pt with influenza like sx and erythema migrans
Spring/summer seasons
NE, MW, West coast

later: neuro, cardiac, arthritis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Obligate intracellular
-can't make ATP

Infective form: elementary body
Active form: replicating reticulate body

STDs: Serotypes D-K
-most common bacterial STD in US

Lymphogranuloma venereum
-Serotypes L1-3

-leading cause of preventable infectious blindess
-Serotypes A-C

Infants: inclusion conjunctivitis, pneumonia

Dx: cytoplasmic inclusions
- purluent/mucoid

- frothy yellow-green, malodorous

-cottage cheese like

-thin, greyish fluid, malodorous
STD Discharge

Chlamydia pneumoniae
Potential association with atherosclerosis

Reservoir: human resp. tract

infects smooth muscle

Atypical "walking" pneumonia

Sputum with intracytoplasmic inclusions
Chlamydia psittaci
Reservoir: birds, parrots

Atypical Pneumonia
Rickettsia rickettsii
Obligate intracellular
produced limited ATP

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
-transmitted by Dermacentor ticks
-Reservoir: small wild rodents and dogs
-Prevalent on East coast
-Spring/summer months

Rash: starts on ankles and wrists and then spreads to trunk, palms, soles and face

Weil-Felix +
G- bacilli
Obligate intracellular

morulae-- mulberry like structures inside infected cells

Pt with influenza like sx, no rash, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia

Same geographic area as lyme disease
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Urease +
Non gram staining

Adult pt with urethritis, prostatitis, renal calculi

Alkaline urine
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Extracellular, tiny
No cell wall
Membrane contains cholesterol

Inhibits ciliary action
produces hydrogen peroxide, superoxide radicals and cytolytic enzymes that destroy the resp epithelium leading to a bad, hacking cough

Most common atypical pneumonia in young adults
-walking pneumonia

Mulberry shaped colonies on sterol containing media

+ cold agglutinins
Treponema pallidum
Spirochetes, G-
Visualized by dark field or fluorescent Ab

Trasmitted sexually and crosses placenta

Dz characterized by endarteritis resulting in lesions
Stages of Syphilis
1- nontender chancre with indurated edges
-dark field or fluorescent microscopy

2- maculopapular (copper colored) rash including plams and soles, condylomata lata
-serology nonsepcific and specific both positive

3- Gummas in CNS and CV

Congenital- babies of IV drug users
-notched teeth (hutchinsons)
-signs of secondary syphilis
Diagnosis of Syphilis
Nontreponemal Ab
-Ab binds to cardiolipin
-very sensitive in 1 and 2 syphilis
-not specific
-confirm with FTA-ABS

Specific tests for treponemal Ab
-earliest Ab bind to spirochetes
Jarisch Herxheimer rxn
May occur during tx of any of the spirochete diseases

Starts w/in 24hrs of abx
increase in temp, decrease in BP, rigors, leukopenia