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121 Cards in this Set

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oss/e or/ i
bone marrow
synovial membrane or synovial fluid
pertaining to formation of
a normal projection on the surface of a bone that serves as attachments for muscles and tendons
loss/ absence of mobility in a joint due to disease, an injury, or a surgical procedure
crooked, bent, stiff
poin in a joint
stiffness of the joints
inflammation of a bursa (typically caused by repetitive movements)
show-growing benign tumor derived from cartilage cells
abnormal softening of the cartilage
hallux valgus
bunion, ,abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe
dislocation (of bone from its joint)
inflammation of the synovial membrane that results in swelling and pain
gouty arthritis
gout, type of arthritis associated with the formation of uric acid crystals in the joint as the result of hyperunricemia
theumatoid arthritis
also known as RA, is an autoimmune disorder. In contrast to osteoarthritis, the symptoms are generalized and usually more severe. In RA, the synovial membranes are inflamed and thicken. Other tissues are also attacked causing the joints to become swollen, painful, and immobile.
ankylosing spondylitis
a form of rheumatoid arthritis characterized by progressive stiffening of the spine caused by fusion of the vertebral bodies.
herniated disk
also known as a ruptured disk, is a rupture of the intervertebral disk that results in pressure on spinal nerve roots
low back pain
diseased condition
inflammation of the vertebrae
forward mvement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebra on the vertebra below it or on the sacrum
degenerative condition of the vertebrae
spina bifida
congenital defect occurs during early pregnancy in which teh spinal canal fails to close around the spinal cord
humpback spine
swayback spine
benign growth on the surface of a bone
Paget's disease or osteitis deformans
a disease of unknown cause that is characterized by extensive bone destruction followed by abnormal bone repair. As the disease progresses, the bones become deformed and weakened and may bend or break easily.
inflammation of the periosteum
is caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiencies in early childhood, results in demineralized bones and related deformities
Talipes or clubfoot
congenital deformity in which the foot may be turned outward or inward
Ewing's sarcoma, orEwing's family of tumors
a group of cancers that most frequently affects children or adolescents. A sarcoma is a malignant tumor of connective tissue and in Ewing's sarcoma they usually occur in the diaphyses in the arms and legs and then may spread rapidly to other body sites
a malignant tumor composed of cells derived from hemopoietic (blood-forming) tissues of the bone marrow. Myeloma is usually progressive, may cause pathologic fractures, and is often fatal
Vertebral crush fractures, also known as compression fractures of the spine,
occur when one or more of the vertebrae become so weak that they collapse spontaneously or under minimal stress. This results in pain, loss of height, and development of the spinal curvature known as dowager’s hump. These changes in the spine cause the loss of height, crowding of the internal organs, and reduced lung capacity
Colles' fracture or fractured wrist
a fracture of the lower end of the radius. This occurs when a person tries to break a fall by landing on his hands and the trauma causes the weakened bone to break
osteoporotic hip fracture
broken hip - can occur spontaneously or as the result of a fall. Complications from these fractures may result in death or the loss of function, mobility, and independence
greenstick fracture
incompletel fracture
closed fracture, or simple or complete fracture
bone is broken but no open wound in the skin
Open fracture or compound fracture
bone is broken and there is an open wound in the skin
comminuted fracture
bone is splintered or crushed
compression fracture
bone is pressed together
spiral fracture
bone has been twisted apart
stress fracture
a small crack in bones (from chronic excessive impact)
fot ambolus
may form when a long bone is fractured and fat cells from yellow bone marroware released into the blood. (An embolus is any foreign matter circulating in the blood that may become lodged and block the blood vessel.)
crackling sensation that is felt and heard when the ends of a broken bone move together
bulging deposit around the area of the break. the tissue eventually becomes bone
surgical puncture of the hoint space to remove synovial fluid for analysis
Bone density testing (BDT)
several radiation tests to determine bone density
bone marrow biopsy (BMB)
performed by inserting a sharp needle into the hipbone or sternum and removing bone marrow cells. This is performed as a diagnostic test to determine why blood cells are abnormal. This is also performed to find a donor match for a bone marrow transplant.
bone scan
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
Dual x-ray absorptionmetry (DXA)
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
Ultrasonic bone density testing (bone sonometer)
uses sound waves to take measurements of the heel bone. This is a screening test for osteoposoris or other conditions causing a loss of bone mass. If the test indicates risks, more definitive testing is indicated
NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
to control pain and reduce inflammation and swelling. eg. Aspirin
drawback: thin blood and attack the stomach lining
controls pain without NSAIDs side effects; does not reduce inflammation and swelling
bone marrow biopsy (BMB)
performed by inserting a sharp needle into the hipbone or sternum and removing bone marrow cells. This is performed as a diagnostic test to determine why blood cells are abnormal. This is also performed to find a donor match for a bone marrow transplant.
bone scan
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
reduces or relieves fever
Dual x-ray absorptionmetry (DXA)
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
COX-2 inhibitors
control pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis while greatly reducing the side effects of NSAIDs. These medications are named for the two cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes that are associated with arthritic pain and inflammation.
Ultrasonic bone density testing (bone sonometer)
uses sound waves to take measurements of the heel bone. This is a screening test for osteoposoris or other conditions causing a loss of bone mass. If the test indicates risks, more definitive testing is indicated
bone marrow biopsy (BMB)
performed by inserting a sharp needle into the hipbone or sternum and removing bone marrow cells. This is performed as a diagnostic test to determine why blood cells are abnormal. This is also performed to find a donor match for a bone marrow transplant.
autologous transplant
originating within an individual
NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
to control pain and reduce inflammation and swelling. eg. Aspirin
drawback: thin blood and attack the stomach lining
bone scan
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
originating within another
Dual x-ray absorptionmetry (DXA)
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
controls pain without NSAIDs side effects; does not reduce inflammation and swelling
reduces or relieves fever
Ultrasonic bone density testing (bone sonometer)
uses sound waves to take measurements of the heel bone. This is a screening test for osteoposoris or other conditions causing a loss of bone mass. If the test indicates risks, more definitive testing is indicated
NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
to control pain and reduce inflammation and swelling. eg. Aspirin
drawback: thin blood and attack the stomach lining
COX-2 inhibitors
control pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis while greatly reducing the side effects of NSAIDs. These medications are named for the two cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes that are associated with arthritic pain and inflammation.
controls pain without NSAIDs side effects; does not reduce inflammation and swelling
autologous transplant
originating within an individual
reduces or relieves fever
originating within another
COX-2 inhibitors
control pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis while greatly reducing the side effects of NSAIDs. These medications are named for the two cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes that are associated with arthritic pain and inflammation.
autologous transplant
originating within an individual
originating within another
bone marrow biopsy (BMB)
performed by inserting a sharp needle into the hipbone or sternum and removing bone marrow cells. This is performed as a diagnostic test to determine why blood cells are abnormal. This is also performed to find a donor match for a bone marrow transplant.
bone scan
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
Dual x-ray absorptionmetry (DXA)
use of nuclear medicine to detect bone cancer and osteomyelitis before these pathologies become visible on traditional radiographs.
Ultrasonic bone density testing (bone sonometer)
uses sound waves to take measurements of the heel bone. This is a screening test for osteoposoris or other conditions causing a loss of bone mass. If the test indicates risks, more definitive testing is indicated
NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
to control pain and reduce inflammation and swelling. eg. Aspirin
drawback: thin blood and attack the stomach lining
controls pain without NSAIDs side effects; does not reduce inflammation and swelling
reduces or relieves fever
COX-2 inhibitors
control pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis while greatly reducing the side effects of NSAIDs. These medications are named for the two cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes that are associated with arthritic pain and inflammation.
autologous transplant
originating within an individual
originating within another
cord blood
collected immediately after birth, is a rich source of stem cells and has the potential of being an alternative to bone marrow transplants.
arthroscopic surgery
the treatment of the interior of a joint, such as the removal of torn cartilage, with the use of an arthroscope and instruments inserted through small incisions.
arthrodesis, or fusion or surgical ankylosis
surgical procedure to stiffen a joint or join spinal vertebrae
surgical lossening of an ankylosed joint
breaking down or destruction
Total knee replacement
partial knee replacement
total hip replacement. two components. thigh component (metal shaft fitted into the femur with a metal ball at he top end) ball fits into a blastic lined cup-shaped socket that replaces the acetabulum within the hipbone
revision surgery
replacement of a worn or failed implant
surgical removal of an intervertebral disk
percutaneous diskectomy
a thin tube is inserted through the skin of the back to suction out the ruptured disk or to vaporize it with a laser
surgical removal of a lamina from a vertebra
spinal fusion
a technique to immobilize part of the spine by joining together (fusing) two or more vertebrae. This may be performed with a diskectomy or laminectomy
bone flap
surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity
to break
the attempted realignment of the bone involved in a fracture or joint dislocation. Also known as closed reduction, the affected bone is returned to its normal anatomic alignment by application of manually applied forces and then is usually immobilized to maintain the realigned position
a pulling force exerted on a limb in a distal direction in an effort to return the bone or joint to normal alignment
immobilization / stabilization
holding sturing or fastening the bone in a fixed position with a strapping or a cast
external fixation
fracture treatment procedure in which pins are placed through the soft tissues and bone so that an external appliance can be used to hold the pieces of bone firmly in place during healing. When healing is complete the appliance is removed
internal fixation
is also known as open reduction internal fixation (ORIF), is a fracture treatment procedure in which pins or a plate are placed directly into the bone to hold the broken pieces in place. This form of fixation is not usually removed after the fracture has healed