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40 Cards in this Set

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Anisocytosis (an-ih-soh-sigh-TOH-sis)
aniso = unequal
cyt/o = cell
-osis = condition
An abnormal condition of the blood characterized by red blood cells of variable and abnormal size.
Allergen (AL-er-jin)
a substance that can produce a hypersensitive reaction in the body.
Aplastic Anemia (ah-PLAST-ik, an-NEE-mee-ah)
plast/o = formation, development
-ic = pertaining to
an- = without
-emia = blood condition
an inadequacy of the formed blood elements (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).
Anaphylaxis (ana-ah-fih-LAK-sis)
an exaggerated, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen.
Anemia (an-NEE-mee-ah)
an- = without
-emia = blood condition
a condition in which there is a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood to levels below the normal range, resulting in deficiency of oxygen being delivered to the cells.
Albumin (al-BEW-min)
a plasma protein. In blood, albumin helps maintain blood volume and blood pressure.
Antibody (AN-tih-bod-ee)
a substance produced by the body in response to bacteria, viruses, or other foreign substances.
Antigen (AN-tih-jen)
a substance, usually a protein, that causes the formation of an antibody and reacts specifically with that antibody.
medication that blocks the development, growth, or proliferation of malignant cells.
Coagulation (koh-ag-yoo-LAY-shun)
the process of transforming a liquid into a solid, especially of the blood.
Electrophoresis (ee-lek-troh-for-EE-sis)
electr/o- = electrical; electricity
-phoresis = transmission
The movement of charged suspended particles through a liquid medium in response to changes in an electric field.
Eosinophil (ee-oh-SIN-oh-fill)
eosin/o = red, rosy
a granulocytic, bilobed leukocyte somewhat larger than a neutrophil characterized by large numbers of course, refractile, cytoplasmic granules that stain with the acid dye eosin.
Autoimmunity Disease
Chronic, disabling diseases caused by the abnormal production of antibodies against normal body tissues.
Erythremia (her-rih-THREE-mee-ah)
erythr/o = red
-emia = blood condition
an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells.
Erythroblast (eh-RITH-roh-blast)
erythr/o = red
-blast = immature cell
an immature red blood cell.
Erythrocyte (eh-rith-roh-sight)
erythr/o = red
-cyte = cell
a cell that contains hemoglobin and can carry oxygen to the body. A mature red blood cell.
Erythropoiesis (eh-rith-roh-poy-EE-sis)
erythr/o = red
-poiesis = formation
the process of red blood cell production.
Fibrinogen (fih-BRIN-oh-jen)
a plasma protein converted into fibrin by thrombin in the presence of calcium ions.
Granulocyte (GRAN-yew-loh-sight)
granul/o = granules
-cyte = cell
a type of leukocyte characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic.
Hemochromatosis (hee-moh-kroh-mah-TOH-sis)
hem/o = blood
chromate/o = color
-osis = condition
a rare iron metabolism disease characterized by iron deposits throughout the body, usually as a complication of one of the hemolytic anemia.
Hematology (hee-mah-TALL-oh-jee)
hemat/o = blood
-logy = the study of
the scientific study of blood and blood-forming tissues.
Hemolysis (hee-MALL-ih-sis)
hem/o = blood
-lysis = destruction or detachment
the breakdown of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin that occurs normally at the end of the life span of a red cell.
Hemorrhage (HEM-eh-rij)
hem/o = blood
-rrhage = excessive flow or discharge
a loss of a large amount of blood in a short period of time, either externally or internally.
Hemostasis (hee-moh-STAY-sis)
Hem/o = blood
-stasis = stopping or controlling
the termination of bleeding by mechanical or chemical means or by the complex coagulation process of the body, consisting of vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, and thrombin and fibrin synthesis.
Hyperalbuminemia (high-per-al-byoo-mih-NEE-mee-ah)
hyper = excessive
albumin/o = protein
-emia = blood condition
an increased level of albumin in the blood.
Hyperlipemia (high-per-lip-EE-mee-ah)
hyper = excessive
lip/o = fat
-emia = blood condition
an excessive level of blood fats.
Leukocyte (LOO-koh-sight)
leuk/o = white
cyt/o = cell
a white blood cell, one of the formed elements of the circulating blood system.
Leukocytopenia (loo-koh-sigh-toh-PEE-nee-ah)
leuk/o = white
cyt/o = cell
-penia = decrease in; deficiency
an abnormal decrease in number of white blood cells to fewer than 5,000 cells per cubic millimeter.
Leukemia (ALL, AML, CML)
leuk/o = white
-emia = blood condition
an excessive uncontrolled increase of immature white blood cells in the blood eventually leading to infection, anemia, and thrombocytopenia (decreased number of platelets).
Megakaryocyte (meg-ah-KAIR-ee-oh-sight)
mega- = large
kary/o = nucleus
-cyte = cell
an extremely large bone marrow cell.
Monocyte (MON-oh-sight) – a large mononuclear leukocyte.
mono- = one
-cyte = cell
a large mononuclear leukocyte.
Multiple myeloma (MULL-tih-pl my-eh-LOH-mah)
myel/o = bone marrow, spinal code
-oma = tumor
a malignant plasma cell neoplasm, multiple myeloma causes an increase in the number of both mature and immature plasma cells, which often entirely replace the bone marrow and destroy the skeletal structure.
Myeloid (MY-eh-loyd)
myel/o = bone marrow, spinal cord
-oid = resembling
of or pertaining to the bone marrow or the spinal cord.
Pancytopenia (pan-sigh-toh-PEE-nee-ah)
pan- = all
cyt/o = cell
-penia = deficiency
a marked reduction in the number of the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Phagocyte (***-oo-sight)
phag/o = ingesting, to eat
-cyto = cell
a large white blood cell that can destroy substances such as cell debris, dust, pollen, and pathogens by the process of phagocytosis.
Polycythemia vera (pol-ee-sigh-THEE-mee-ah VAIR-ah)
poly- = many, much, excessive
-cythemia = condition involving cells of the blood
an abnormal increase in the number of red blood cells, granulocytes, and thrombocytes, leading to an increase in blood volume and viscosity (thickness).
Purpura (PURR-pew-rah)
purpur/o = purple
-a = noun ending
a collection of blood beneath the skin in the form of pinpoint hemorrhages appearing as red-purple skin discolorations.
Splenomegaly (splee-noh-MEG-ah-lee)
spleen/o = spleen
-megaly = enlargement
an abnormal enlargement of the spleen.
Thrombocyte (THROM-boh-sight)
thromb/o = clot
-cyte = cell
a clotting cell; a platelet
Thrombus (THROM-bus)
thromb/o = clot
-us = noun ending
a blood clot