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102 Cards in this Set

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condition in which the bones become more porous, brittle, and fragile and more likely to fracture



decreased calcification of bone

(osteo)(myel)(it is)

(bone)(bone marrow)(inflammation)

inflammation of bone tissue


(bone)(abnormal softness)

soft, flexible bones lacking in calcium (rickets)

Old English- to twist

disease due to Vitamin D deficiency, producing soft, flexible bones



condition w/ abnormal, early conversion of cartilage into bone, leading to dwarfism



malignant tumor originating in connective tissue

(osteo)(gen)(ic) sarcoma


malignant tumor originating in bone-producing cells1

(osteo)(genesis) (imperfecta)

(bone)(creation) (Latin- unfinished)

inherited condition when bone formation is incomplete, leading to fragile, easily broken bones


(bone)(immature cell)

a bone-forming cell



a bone-maintaining cell


(variant of ad, into)(line)(resulting state)

having a structure in its correct position relative to others


(backward)(lead)(action, condition)

restore a structure to its normal position


(break into)(p.t.)

a fracture in which the bone is broken into pieces



when the 2 bony ends of the fracture fail to heal together correctly



total failure of healing of a fracture

(patho)(log)(ic) (fract)(ure)

(disease)(to study)(p.t.) (to break)(result of)

fracture occurring at a site already weakened by a disease process, such as cancer


(to swing)(end of whip)

symptoms caused by sudden, uncontrolled extension and flexion of the neck, often in an automobile accident

Latin- spinal joint

one of the bones of the spinal column


Latin- spine

vertebral column or a short projection from a bone



p.t. the neck region

Latin- loin

the region of the back and sides b/w the ribs and pelvis


Latin- sacred

segment of the vertebral column that forms part of the pelvis


Greek- coccyx

small tailbone at the lowest end of the vertebral column





an abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column

p.t./suffering from scoliosis



a normal posterior curve of the spine that can be exaggerated in disease

Greek- skull

the upper part of the skull that encloses and protects the brain



the 2 bones forming the sidewalls and root of the cranium


(back of the head)(p.t)

the back of the skull



bone that forms part of the base and sides of the skull



wedge-shaped bone at the base of the skull



bone that forms the back of the nose and encloses numerous air cells

Latin- jawbone

upper jawbone, containing right and left maxillary sinuses



bone that forms the hard palate and parts of the nose and orbits


French- yoke

bone that forms the prominence of the cheek



lacrimal bone forms part of the medial wall of the orbit

Latin- jaw

lower jaw bone

(temporo)(mandibul)(ar) joint--- TMJ


the joint b/w the temporal bone and the mandible

Latin- shoulder blade

Latin- collarbone

curved bone that forms the anterior part of the pectoral girdle


Greek- tip of the shoulder

lateral end of the scapula, extending over the shoulder joint



joint b/w the acromion and the clavicle


(joint)(composed of)



2 separate bones have formed a joint

a joint


Latin- shoulder

single bone of the upper arm

(pector)(al) (girdle)

(chest)(pt) (Old English- encircle)

incomplete bony ring that attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton



completely out of joint



an incomplete dislocation when some contact b/w the joint surfaces remain

Latin- pulley

smooth articular surface of bone on which another glides


Latin- elbow, arm

the medial and larger bone of the forearm


(small head)(small structure)

a small head or rounded extremity of a bone

Latin- spoke of a wheel

the forearm bone on the thumb side

prone (Latin- lying down)


(bend down)(action)

process of lying face down or of turning a hand or foot surface down

supine (Latin- bend backward)


(bend backwards)(action)

process of lying face upward or of turning a hand or foot facing up
Colles fracture

Abraham Colles- Irish surgeon (1773-1801)

fracture of the distal radius at the wrist

carpus (Greek- wrist)


(wrist bone)(p.t)


(after)(wrist bones)(p.t)

the 8 carpal bones of the wrist

p.t the wrist

the 5 bones b/w the carpus and the fingers


Latin- bone of finger/toe

one of the bones of the digits


(after, subsequent to)(bones of the wrist)(phalanx)(p.t)

the joints b/w the metacarpal bones and the phalanges



chronic inflammatory disease of joints



inflammation of a joint(s)
Heberden node

William Hererden- English physician (1710-1801)

bony lump on the terminal phalanx of the fingers in osteoarthritis


(a flow)(condition


(a flow)(pt)

(rheumat)(oid) arthritis

(a flow)(resembling)

pain in various parts of the musculoskeletal system

systemic disease affecting many joints


Greek- eponymous

a procedure or a diagnosis w/ a name derived from the name of the person who discovered it


Greek- grow together

2 bones joined by fibrocartilage

pubis (Latin- pubis)



alternative name for the pubic bone

pt the pubic bone


Latin- basin

basin-shaped ring of bones, ligaments, and muscles at the base of the spine

(sacro)(ili)(ac) joint


the joint b/w the sacrum and the ilium

Latin- groin

large wing-shaped bone at the upper and posterior part of the pelvis


Greek- hip

lower and posterior part of the hipbone


Latin- vinegar cup

the cup-shaped cavity of the hip bone that receives the head of the femur to form the hip joint


Latin- thigh

the thigh bone


(radiation/x-ray)(study of)

study of medical imaging

Old English- to fasten

appliance to support a part of the body in the correct position


(joint)(to fuse together)

fixation or stiffening of a joint by surgery


Greek- separation

separation of normally joined parts


Latin: lip-shaped

cartilage that forms a rim around the socket of the hip joint


(w/out)(blood vessel)(pt)

w/out a blood supply

Greek- death

pathologic death of cells or tissue


(joint)(reshaping by surgery)

surgery to repair, as far as possible, the function of a joint


Greek- addition

an artificial part to remedy a defect in the body



situated at the side, often to bypass an obstruction

Latin- cross

shaped like a cross, in this case, the 2 internal ligaments of the knee joint cross over each other to form an "x"


Greek- crescent

disc of cartilage b/w the bones of a joint


Latin- large shinbone

the larger bone of the lower leg


Latin- small plate

thin, circular bone in front of the knee joint, embedded in the patellar tendon


Latin- clasp or buckle

the smaller of the 2 bones of the lower leg


(joint)(instrument to examine visually)


(joint)(the process of using an instrument to examine visually)

endoscope used to examine the interior of a joint

visual examination of the interior of a joint



flexion of a limb or part beyond the normal limits


(crescent, meniscus)(surgical excision)

excision of all or part of a meniscus



in front of the patella

bursa (Latin- purse)



a closed sac containing synovial fluid

inflammation of a bursa



inflammation of a tendon



aspiration of fluid from a joint


(joint)(process of recording)

x-ray of a joint taken after the injection of a contrast medium into the joint



the removal of injured or necrotic tissue

Latin- heel bone

the tarsal bone that articulates w/ the tibia to form the ankle joint

tarsus (Latin- ankle)



the collection of 7 bones in the foot that form the ankle and instep

Latin- the heel

bone of the tarsus that forms the heel



5 parallel bones of the foot b/w the tarsus and the phalanges





the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and injuries of the foot

practitioner of podiatry


French- bump

a swelling at the base of the big toe

(hallux) (valgus)

(big toe)(turn out)

deviation of the big toe toward the medial side of the foot
Pott fracture

Percival Pott- London (1714-1788)

fracture of the lower end of the fibula, often w/ fracture of the tibial malleolus