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119 Cards in this Set

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(life)(process of measuring)


(life)(skilled in measuring)

the study of numeric data based on biologic observations

skilled in biometry


(conjunctiv)(itis) (PINK EYE)


inner lining of eyelids

inflammation of the conjunctiva


Latin- web, tunic

the central, transparent part of the outer coat of the eye covering the iris and pupil



(naso)(lacrim)(al) (duct)

(nose)(tear)(pt) (to lead)

pt tears and the tear apparatus

passage from the lacrimal sac to the nose


(eye)(study of)


(eye)(one who studies)

diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eye

medical specialist in ophthalmology




Latin- circle

the bony socket that holds the eyeball

pt tissues around the orbit



fear of the light b/c it hurts the eyes



a substance that has the capacity to inhibit the growth of or to destroy bacteria and other microorganisms






(eyelid)(surgical repair)

inflammation of the eyelid

drooping of the upper eyelid

surgical repair of the eyelid


Latin- touch closely

infection can be transmitted from person to person or from a person to a surface to a person


(together)(touch)(composed of)



to cause the presence of an infectious agent to be on any surface

the presence of an infectious agent on any surface


Latin- stye in the eye

abscess in an eyelash follicle


Greek- paralysis

partial paralysis


Greek- drooping

sinking down of the upper eyelid or an organ


(pus)(abounding in)

showing or containing a lot of pus




(toward)(adjust)(pt/composed of)



the act of adjusting something to make it fit the needs

to adapt to meet a need

pt accommodation



failure or incomplete development of the pathways of vision to the brain





turning the eye inward toward the nose

turning the eye outward away from the nose

extrinsic (Latin- on the outer side)

intrinsic (Latin- on the inner side)

any muscle located entirely on the outside of the structure under consideration

any muscle located entirely w/in the structure under consideration



pt the eye


(vision)(skilled in measurement)


(vision)(process of measuring)

someone skilled in the measurement of vision but who can't treat eye diseases or prescribe medication

the profession of the measurement of vision



3D vision


(squint)(take action)

turning of an eye away from its normal position


(w/out)(blood vessel)(pt)

w/out a blood supply





become or make narrow

a narrowed portion of a structure




Latin- dilate

to perform or undergo dilation

stretching or enlarging an opening or a structure


Greek- diaphragm of the eye

colored portion of the eye w/ the pupil in its center


Latin- lentil shape

transparent refractive structure behind the iris


(old man)(sight)

difficulty in nearsighted vision occurring in middle and old age

Latin- pupil

the opening in the center of the iris that allows light to reach the lens




Latin- break up

bend or change direction of a ray of light

the bending of light


Latin- net

light-sensitive innermost layer of the eyeball




Greek- hard

fibrous outer covering of the eyeball and the white of the eye

inflammation of the sclera


Greek- membrane

region of the retina and uvea

(fovea) (central)(is)

(Latin- a pit) (center)(pt)

small pit in the center of the macula that has the highest visual acuity

(macula) (lutea)

(Latin- small spot) (Latin- yellow)

yellowish spot on the back of the retina; contains the fovea

Greek- eye

pt the eye or vision


(light)(receive)(that which does something)

a photoreceptor cell receives light and converts it into electrical impulses




Latin- vascular layer

middle coat of the eyeball; includes the iris, ciliary body and choroid

inflammation of the uvea

visual acuity

Latin- sharpen

sharpness and clearness of vision



inability to focus light rays that enter the eye in different planes

Latin- arched

having a hollowed surface


Latin- vaulted

a surface that is evenly curved outward


Latin- hole

an opening through a structure



able to see distant objects but unable to see close objects

in situ

Latin- in its original place

in the correct place



cuts and shapes the cornea


(cornea)(surgical incision)

incision in the cornea


(to blink)(sight)

able to see close objects but unable to see distant objects



diverging in all directions from any given center

Latin- to break down

complete or partial opacity of the lens



dye that produces a vivid green color under a blue light to diagnose corneal abrasions and foreign bodies


(lens opacity)(mass/tumor)

increased intraocual pressure



pt the inside of the eye

(ophthalm)(ia) (neo)(nat)(orum)

(eye)(condition) (new)(born)(function of)

conjunctivitis of the newborn



when light produces pain in the eye




Latin- to defile

condition that is unclean, impure, and a danger to health

substance that makes an environment unclean or impure


(blood vessel)(process of recording)


(blood vessel)(a record)

radiography of vessels after injection of contrast material

radiogram obtained after injection of radiopaque material into blood vessels

laser (surg)(ery)

(operate)(process of)

LASER- light amplification by simulated emission of radiation

use of a concentrated, intense narrow beam of electromagnetic radiation for surgery


(eye)(instrument for viewing)


(eye)(to view)

instrument for viewing the retina

the process of viewing the retina



using light to form a clot


(retina)(immature cells)(tumor)



malignant neoplasm of primitive retinal cells

degenerative disease of the retina



(fundus)(to examine)

Latin- bottom

part farthest from the opening of a hollow organ

examination of the fundus of the eye

Ishihara color system

test for color vision defects

Jaeger reading cards

type of different sizes for testing near vision


(external boundaries)(pt)

peripheral (vis)(ion)


pt the periphery or external boundaries

ability to see objects as they come into the outer edges of the visual field

Snellen letter chart

test for acuity of distant vision




(pressure)(process of measuring)

instrument for determining intraocular pressure

the measurement of intraocular pressure

medication that is an analgesic and antipyretic

Latin-- sharp

disease of sudden onset



on 2 sides


Greek- time

a persistent, long term disease


Latin- pouring out

collection of fluid that has escaped from blood vessels into a cavity or tissues

(ot)(itis) (media)

(ear)(inflammation) (middle)

inflammation of the inner ear




(ear)(study of)



medical specialist in diseases of the ear

diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the ear

ear, nose, throat medical specialist



(hearing)(study of)



Latin- hearing

pt hearing or the organs of hearing

study of hearing disorders

specialist in evaluation of hearing function


Latin- ear

the shell-like external ear


Latin- wax

waxy secretion of glands of the external ear





scoop-shaped instrument for scraping or removal of new growths

the use of a curette


Latin- driven in

immovably wedged, as w/ earwax blocking the external canal


(to water)(process)

use of water to remove wax from the external ear canal

Latin- go through

passage or channel; also the external opening of a passage


(ear)(instrument for viewing)


(ear)(to examine)

instrument for examining the ear

examination of the ear


Latin- wing

another name for auricle



medication applied to the skin to obtain a local effect



pt the tympanic membrane or tympanic cavity



single mass of lymphoid tissue in the midline at the back of the throat
Eustachian tube

tube that connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx

Latin- anvil

middle one of the 3 ossicles in the middle ear


Latin- hammer

outer one of the 3 ossicles in the middle ear



small bony protrusion immediately behind the ear



region of the pharynx at the back of the nose and above the soft palate



a small bone, particularly relating to the 3 bones in the middle ear


Latin- stirrup

inner(medial) one of the 3 ossicles of the middle ear



yellow, waxy tumor arising in the middle ear

Greek- catarrh

viral inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose


(tympanic membrane)(surgical incision)

incision in the tympanic membrane


(ear)(hard)(abnormal condition)

hardening at the junction of the stapes and oval window that causes loss of hearing



(bore through)(action)

Latin- to bore through

punctured w/ 1 or more holes

a hole through the wall of a structure


Greek- addition

manufactured substitute for a missing or diseased part of the body


(eardrum)(new opening)

surgically created new opening in the tympanic membrane to allow fluid to drain from the middle ear



instrument to measure hearing



pt the base of a structure


Latin- snail shell

an intricate combination of passages, used to describe the inner ear

conductive hearing loss

Latin- to lead

hearing loss caused by lesions in the outer ear or middle ear


Latin- to plant

to insert material into tissues



(inner ear)(inflammation)

Greek- labyrinth

the inner ear

inflammation of the inner ear

Rinne test

test for conductive hearing loss

(sensori)(neur)(al) hearing loss


hearing loss causes by lesions of the inner ear or the auditory nerve
Weber test

test for sensorineural hearing loss


Latin- two-handled bottle

dilated portion of a canal or duct

(crista) (ampull)(aris)

(crest) (bottle-shaped)(pt)

mound of hair cells and gelatinous material in the ampulla of a semicircular canal



being evenly balanced
Meniere disease

disorder of the inner ear w/ acute attacks of tinnitis, vertigo, and hearing loss



a calcium particle in the vestibule of the inner ear



occurring in sharp, spasmodic episodes

persistent ringing, whistling, clicking, or booming noise in the ear

Latin- dizziness

sensation of spinning or whirling


Latin- entrance chamber

space at the entrance to a canal