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162 Cards in this Set

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What is the main goal of a Negative Feedback System?

Diminish the Difference

(thermostat: match the set and actual temperature)
When does baroreceptor firing increase, when BP is low or high?
BP high

(more firing with higher BP)

What is the main goal with positive feedback system?

Excentuate the change
What are the effectors of maintenance of blood glucose levels?
insulin/ glucagon

negative feedback system
What is the purpose of an effector?
to bring about a change
What unit is missing from positive feedback compared to negative feedback?
a controller

sensor directly affects the effector
What is an example of a positive feedback system?
LH surge during a menstrual cycle

estrogen is the effector and ovaries are the sensors
What is the downfall of a feedforward system?
no back pathway
What is the purpose of feedforward system?
respond in anticipation of a disturbance
What are two methods for movement of molecules?
bulk flow
What is needed for bulk flow?

List 2 examples
Driving Force

Lungs - air movement
Heart - blood movement
Factors that determine membrane permeability
-lipid solubility
Factors of Rate of diffusion
Area available
Concentration Difference
Lipid solubility (size and charge)
Frick's Law
rate of diffusion is proportional to concentration difference

J = P.A. (C1-C2)
net rate of membrane transport = permeability coefficient* concentration difference
Secondary active transport
co-transport with Na+ ions

(symport or antiport)
How does a parietal cell utilize channels, transporters and pumps?
transports Cl from the blood to the stomach lumen and H+ with utilization of the bicarbonate ion
What does the drug omeprazole inhibit?
H+/K+ ATPase in the parietal cell
(inhibiting H+ secretion into the stomach lumen)
3 diseases from disordered cell membrane transport
1. hexo-malabsorption
2. cystic Fibrosis (lung consolidation)
3. diabetes insipidus (unable to reabsorbe H2O)
Amount and % of total body water
42 L
Amount and % of Intracellular water
Amount and % of interstital/ lymph water
Amount and % of plasma water
Amount and % of extracellular water
What is unique about transcellular water
contained within an epithelial layer

(ex. cerebrospinal fluid, ocular fluid, joint fluid)
Equation for Volume distribution
V distribution = (m. of indicator injected - m. of indicator lost)/ concentration in plasma
Equation for mass of indicator excreted (lost)
mass of indicator excreted = urine volume*indicator concentration in urine
Indicator for total body water
antipyrine, D2O, HTO
Indicator for plasma H2O
Evans blue, I-Albumin
Indicator for extracellular H2O (PW & ISW)
Impermeate ions (overestimate H2O)

Inert sugars (underestimate H2O)
Determine intracellular Fluid Volume
total body water - extracellular body water
Determine interstitial fluid volume
extracellular body water - plasma water
effective osmolality with regard to a reference solution
Adrenal Insufficiency
decrease in aldosterone -> decrease in Na reabsorption

Hyposmotic volume contration

(loss of Na and water, but kidneys excrete more Na than water)
Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone

Hyposmotic Volume Expansion

too much ADH secreted -> not much urine, instead reabsorbing lots of H2O
Sweating, fever, diabetes insipidus
Hyperosmotic volume contraction
High NaCl intake
Hyperosmotic volume expansion
Isomotic volume contraction
Isotonic NaCl infusion
Isosmotic volume expansion
4 responses to decrease in blood volume
1. inc. RAAS
2. inc. sympathetic outflow (SNS)
3. inc. Arginine vasopressin AVP... ADH
4. dec. atria natriutetic peptide (ANP)

->all reabsorb sodium
Ways to regulate ECF osmolality
1. release of AVP or ADH
2. trigger thirst
Ion movement depends on ______ ______ and ______ _____
electrical gradient and concentration gradient
What 2 factors constitute the net 'driving force'?
Concentration gradient and electrical gradient
How does the Nernst Potential relate to the driving force
Nernst Potential is where there is ZERO driving force
Nernst Equation
Eion = 61/z * log[ion]o/[ion]i
[K+] inside and outside of cell
[K+]inside = 140mM
[K+]outside = 5mM
[Na+] inside and outside of cell
[Na+]inside = 10mM
[Na+]outside = 140mM
[Ca2+] inside and outside of cell
[Ca2+]inside = 0.0001mM
[Ca2+]outside = 1mM
[Cl-] inside and outside of cell
[Cl-]inside = 20mM
[Cl-]outside = 116mM
Equilibrium potential (Ek)
Equilibrium potential for sodium (Ena)
+70 mV
Equilibrium potential for calcium (Eca)
+122 mV
Equilibrium potential for chloride (Ecl)
-47 mV
What causes a membrane to be selectively permeable to a specific ion
an open channel
A membrane at rest is most permeable to _____ ions
K+ (potassium)
2 factors that determine membrane potential
1. Nernst Potential
2. Permeabilities
What does the Goldman- Hodgkin-Katz equation determine
membrane potential (Em)
How permeable is Cl- in neurons and skeletal muscle cell
neurons -> negligible permeability
skeletal m. cell -> significant
What structure maintains the membrane potential?
Na+/K+ ATPase
depolarize membrane potential

increase sodium channel inactiviation -> inexcitability

increase concentration gradient
Excitable cells
nerves and all three muscle types
Start and stop of action potential duration
start: threshold
stop:upon return to resting potential (before hyperpolarize phase)
What produces an electrical current
flow of ions across a membrane
g(Na) > g(K)
ion conductance for upstroke of AP
g(Na) = g(K)
conductance at the peak of an AP
g(Na) < g(K)
conductance for the downstroke of an AP
What causes the threshold?
voltage-gated Na+ channels
Na+ channels open in a fast, _______ feedback process
To initiate an AP, the resting ____ efflux must be overcome

potassium moving out tries to keep the cell negative

reduced excitability -> muscle weakness
Hypoparathyroidism/ Chronic Renal Failure

increased excitability -> spontanous m. twitching
What happens to the sodium driving force at the peak of an AP?
Where in the AP is the inactivation gate closed?
peak and downstroke of an AP
Where in an AP is the activation gate open?
upstroke and peak of an AP
What explains the refractory period?
recovery from inactivation
___________ can increase Na+ channel inactivation and cause inexcitability
What 2 channels contribute to the cell K+ efflux
inward rectifier - open at negative potentials (resting)

Voltage gated - open at depolarized potentials (causes repolarization)
What does a smaller K+ current do to the AP duration
makes it longer
What happens to a passive current as it passes down an excitable cell?
magnitude of current decreases due to leakiness
Passive current spreak triggers ____ ____ _______
action potential regeneration
What affects how far a current spreads passively?
the extent of leakiness
length or space constant
measure of the leakiness of a cell

(37% of initial voltage)
What does increasing the radius do to the internal resistance?
decreases the internal resistance
large space constant = _____ ______ velocity
faster conduction
What does myelination do?
increases membrane resistance -> reducing leakiness
2 types of synapses
electrical and chemical
What is needed at an electrical synapse?
direct connection - connexon make a gap junction
What 3 things possess gap junctions
neurons, cardiac myocytes, and smooth muscle
What does ischemia do to gap junctions?
gap junction become uncoupled/ closed
What would decreasing the pH and increasing the intracellular [Ca2+] do to a gap junction?
cause it to close
What causes an increase in [Ca2+] within the terminal of an axon?
opening of voltage gated calcium channels due to depolarization caused by open sodium channels
What does the drug SSRI affect?
neurotransmitter reuptake channel on the pre-synaptic axon
Difference between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors?
ionotropic receptor is permeable to ions upon ligand binding

metabotropic receptor is a G coupled receptor, slower response
Which neurotransmitter produces effect through both ionotropic and metabotropic receptors?
Nicotinic receptor
ionotropic receptor
Muscarinic receptor
metabotropic receptor
What movement of ions cause an inhibitory postsynaptic respose?
Cl- ions in
K+ ions out
parasympathetic Neurotransmitter
Nitric oxide
parasympathetic Neurotransmitter
sympathetic neurotransmitter
sympathetic neurotransmitter
3 Neurotransmitters found in the brain
2 excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters
2 inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitters
Where does neuromuscular transmission occur?
motor end plate
motor neuron
1 motor axon with corresponding muscle fibers it innervates
What is the neurotransmitter and receptor at the neuromuscular junction
receptor: nicotinic ACh receptor

neurotransmitter: acetylcholine
End plate potential (EPP)
results in muscle fiber upon motor nerve stimulation and can possibly lead to an AP
What determine the magnitude of an EPP
dependent upon the extent of ACh release
What make up the end plate current?
mixture of Na+(in) and K+(out) => net flow of ions
What terminates an EPP
degradation of ACh by acetylcholinesterase
How is ACh resynthesized?
choline is transported back into the nerve terminal via Na+/choline symport -> then choline is connected to acetyl group via choline-acetyl transferase
Myasthenia Gravis
autoimmune disease affecting ACh receptors

(antibodies that block ACh receptors)
treatment: Neostigmine - block AChesterase
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
autoimmune disease that attacks presynaptic Ca2+ channels

-> decreasing ACh release
Cobra Venom
paralysis via blocking nicotinic ACh receptors
synaptotagmin - calcium sensor
synaptobrevin - intertwine
How does Botulinum toxin reduce vesicle release
cleave SNARE proteins

unable to dock vesicles
How does Tetanus toxin reduce vesicle release
cleaving synaptobrevin

unable to dock vesicle
How does tetanus toxin reduce vesicle release?
cleaves synaptobrevin -> vesicle unable to dock
How does tetanus toxin cause 'lock jaw'?
inhibits vesicle release in the inhibitory internueron -> motor axon active all of the time
Spatial Summation
postsynaptic potentials sum when they collide within the soma

different inputs that fire at the same time
Temporal Summation
rapid EPSPs from a single input that sum if close enough in time
Synaptic Facilitation
increase in EPSP magnitude caused by repetitive synaptic transmission
Skeletal m.: velocity, duration, fatigability
rapid velocity
relatively long duration
variable fatigability
Cardiac m.: velocity, duration, fatigability
rapid velocity
short duration
no fatigue
Smooth m.: velocity, duration, fatigability
slow velocity
long duration
no fatigue
no axon is needed for initiation
A Band
entire myosin molecule
I Band
only actin, including Z line
H Band
only myosin, including M line
What does Myosin Light chain kinase do?
phosphorylates myosin -> allowing myosin to bind to actin
Where does the triad fall in skeletal m.?
along A-I junction
Where does the Dyad fall in cardiac m.?
along the Z line
What do Ryanodine receptors (RyR) span?
t-tubule and SR
Dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR)
Ca2+ voltage gated channels within the t-tubule
__ DHPR : ___ RyR in skeletal and cardiac m.
2:1 in skeletal m.
1:~4 in cardiac m.
How does Ca2+ cause contraction
by binding to Troponin C
3 ways of removing Ca2+ from the cell
1. SERCA pump
2. Na-Ca exchanger
3. Ca-ATPase
Malignant Hyperthermia
mutation that prevents termination of Calcium release by high [Ca]
How is contractile force increased in a single skeletal muscle fiber?
increase twich frequency
How is contractile force increased in whole skeletal muscle?
increase number of motor units
How is contractile force increased in cardiac muscle?
increase [Ca] in cytosol from SR
What do Golgi Tendon Organs sense?
What do muscle spindles sense?
Afferent neuron of GTOs
Afferent neurons of Muscle Spindles
II and Ia
Myotatic (Stretch) Reflex
muscle stretch triggers contraction of the stretched muscle
Major players in control of posture
muscle spindles and stretch reflex
Inverse Myotatic Reflex
muscle tension triggers muscle relaxation
Flexor Reflex
produces coordinated responses in ipsilateral and contralateral limbs
Importance of Muscle Spindles
sense muscle length
-stretch reflex
-position sense
2 Main types of Smooth Muscle
1. Single Unit (phasic)
2. Multi-unit (tonic and fine control)
Smooth m. in the bladder
well coupled, 1 functional unit
smooth m. in blood vessels
less coupling, lots of small units
Difference in cross-bridges in smooth m. compared to skeletal m.
smooth m. cross bridges have a longer attachment time due to lower contration velocity and more force/ cross-bridge
2 examples of tonic smooth muscle
spincter and blood vessels
2 examples of phasic smooth m.
intestines and bladder
What is the electrical activity of phasic smooth m.?
action potentials
electrical activity of tonic smooth m.?
graded changes in Em or Independent of Em
Myosin Light Chain Phosphatase
dephosphorylates myosin causing relaxation