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21 Cards in this Set

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Treatment for adult/adolescent patients with abdominal pain
1. Maintain airway

2. If lungs are clear (no CHF) and signs of dehydration or poor pefusion, IV access with 250 mL infusion up to 1L to maintain perfusion.

3. Zofran 8mg for nausea or vomiting

4. Base contact for further stabilization, if required

5. Transport to appropriate PRC

Signs of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm include:
1. Sudden onset abdominal, back or flank pain

2. Shock

3. Bradycardia or tachycardia

4. Pulsating mass, loss of distal pulses are not always observed

Risk factors for AAA disruption include:
1. Male

2. >50 years old

3. History of hypertension

4. Known AAA

5. Family history of AAA

6. Coronary artery disease or other vascular disease

ALS SO for anaphylaxis with respiratory distress, severe wheezing or hypotension:
Epi 1:1,000 0.3mg SQ

1. Absent palpable pulses or impending airway obstruction:
*Epi 1:10,000 0.1-0.3mg slow IV or IO
*Diphenhydramine 25mg IV or IO

2. Hypotension, BP <90 systolic or weak pulses
*IV access with 250mL bolus infusion, repeat up to 1L

3. Wheezing:
*Albuterol 5mg nebulized continuous
*Further orders, contact Base
*ALS escort to nearest appropriate PRC, Base contact if no response or condition worsens

ALS SO for altered LOC
1. Protect airway

2. Cardiac monitor w/rhythm strip

3. Pulse Ox (<95% = high flow O2)

4. Hypotension/signs of poor perfusion; establish IV access and infuse 250mL normal saline bolus up to 1 liter.

5. Blood glucose anaylsis, treat if <80

6. Respiratory depression (rate <12/minute) give Narcan IV 1mg every three minutes or IM/IN 2 mg every three minutes

7. ALS escort to appropriate PRC

SO for respiratory distress with:
Bilateral basilar rales, suspected CHF or pumlonary edema
- If systolic BP >100, administer Nitro 0.4mg SL, may repeat twice if BP remains >100

- If systolic BP >150, administer Nitro 0.8mg SL, may repeat twice if BP remains >150.

- If BP drops from >150, but remains >100, repeat Nitro with 0.4 MgSL dosing

- CPAP if available and not contraindicated

- 12-lead ECG, contact Base for CVRC if acute MI

- ALS excort to appropriate PRC

SO for respiratory distress with:
Wheezes, suspected asthma or other forms of bronchospasm, including COPD
-High flow O2 if SpO2 <95%; 2L by cannula for COPD

- Albuterol 5mg nebulized continuous

- CPAP if available and not contraindicated

- For severe wheezing consistent with asthma, not responding to albuterol or CPAP administer:
Epi 0.3mg SQ (1:1,000), hold if history of cardiac disease or age >40 years

ALS escort to appropriate PRC

Contact Base for further patient stabilization orders

Respiratory distress is defined as
Labored breathing, rapid respiratory rate (>26/minute), a patient complaint of difficulty breathing or inability to "get enough air"

Signs of respiratory distress include:
1. Breathing with use of accessory muscles including abdominal breathing

2. Cyanosis, particulary of lips and facial area

3. Audible noises of breathing, including rhonchi, rales and wheezes

ALS SO for seizure/convulsion for on-going seizure activity:
1. Turn to side, protect airway and suction when necessary

2. Midazolam 5mg if IV establish or 5mg IN or IM, may repeat 5mg IV or 5mg IN/IM one time for continued seizure activity 3 minutes after initial dose or for recurrent seizure

3. Monitor SpO2 and apply O2 if less than 95%

ALS SO for seizure activity with Pulse Ox <95%
High flow O2 by mask

ALS SO for seizure activity with blood glucose <80
Treat with Dextrose 50mL IV

ALS SO for shock (symptomatic hypotension)
1. Cardiac Monitor: 12-lead for chest pain or shortness of breath

2. Pulse Ox: high flow O2 if <95%

3. Establish venous access: consider IO if IV in unattainable

4. For signs of poor perfusion infuse 250mL Normal Saline up to 1L to maintain adequate perfusion

5. If rales noted: suspect cardiogenic shock and contact Base for orders

6. If patient require further stabilization: contact Base

7. ALS escort to appropriate PRC

Septic shock should be suspected when:
1. Younger or older in age

2. Debilitated and bedridden individuals

3. Immune system deficiency (such as cancer or HIV)

Signs of septic shock:
1. Fever, may be evident but not in all cases

2. Altered mental status that commonly presents as a slow response to the environment

3. Hypoxic (O2 saturation <95%) with rapid respiratory rates

4. Vital signs are often within normal parameters

5. Base contact is needed.

ALS SO for suspected stimulant intoxication:
1. Assist ventilation with BVM and suction airway

2. Pulse Ox: high flow if <95%

3. Obtain blood glucose: administer dextrose if <80

4. If agitated and a danger, sedate with Midazolam 5mg IM or IV, no repeat.

5. Monitor for respiratory adequacy via visual monitoring and pulse ox

6. Monitor for hyperthermia: initiate cooling measures if necessary

ALS SO for suspected extrapyramidal reaction:
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25mg IM or IV

List the criteria FOR ischemic stroke triage to a SNRC.
Patient must meet ALL of the following criteria with BS over 80:
1. No seizure prior to or during the call.
2. Last seen well time less than 7 hours.
3. GCS 10 or greater.
4. Arm drift or facial droop.
List the criteria for hemmorhagic stroke triage to a SNRC.
History of a sudden, severe headache and ANY of the following symptoms:
1. Vomiting (repeated).
2. Neuro deficit.
3. Altered mental status.
4. Elevated BP (diastolic above 100mmHg)
Describe SO for excited delerium.
1. Pulse Ox and O2 if hypoxia.
2. Cardiac monitor and document rhythm.
3. IV fluid bolus up to 1 liter.
4. Correct hypoglycemia.
5. Midazolam 5mg IM/IV for agitation interfering with loading and transport.
Describe SO treatment of nausea and vomiting with signs of dehydration.
1. IV fluid bolus up to 1 liter.
2. Zofran 8mg ODT
3. ALS Escort to PRC