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30 Cards in this Set

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Which cranial nerves have the nuclei for ocular motion?
What 2 nuclei are associated with CN III?
-Oculomotor Nucleus
-Edinger-Westphal Nucleus
(both are near the midline and in the midbrain)
What nucleus is associated with CN IV?
The trochlear nucleus, which is located near the midline in the midbrain
What nucelus is associated with CN VI?
The abducens nucleus, which is located near the midline in the caudal pons
Where is the oculomotor nucleus located?
midbrain at the level of the superior collculus
What do the two pathways of cranial nerve II do?
-one controls the size of the pupil
-one controls lens accommodation and convergence
What is the consensual light reflex?
-response in opposite eye when light is shone in the other
What pathway is associated with controlling the size of the pupil?
-occurs in bilateral neuronal pathway involving the pretectal area and the iris (pupillae muscle)
What is the direct pupillary light reflex?
The response of the iris directly stimulated by the light
What are the first and second order neurons in the pupillary pathway for pupil constriction?
-first order neuron: bipolar neuron
-second order neuron: ganglion neuron (which forms the optic nerve)
Lay out the pathway of the axons in the pupillary pathway for iris constriction.
-bipolar neuron
-ganglion neurons
-synapse in the pretectal area
-neurons then project bilaterally to the Edinger-Westphal nucleus
-neurons then project to the ciliary ganglion which projects to the pupillae muscle
Where is the pretectal area located?
rostral end of the superior colliculus in the midbrain
What is the effect of the bilateral projection of the puliarry pathway for iris constriciton?
The pupillae muscles of both eyes constrict even if light is only shown into one eye.
(because neurons from the pretectal area project to Edinger-Westphal nucleus on both sides)
Is the cortex involved in pupillary constriction?
No, the information travels to the midbrain
What are the pre and post ganglionic parasympathetics to the pupillary constrictor muscles?
-Preganglionic: parasympathetics from teh E-W nucleus
-Postganglionic: Ciliary ganglion
How is pupillary dilation accomplished?
-pupillary dilator muscle sends info to the carotid plexus
-Travels to the superior cervical ganglion then to the inferior cervical ganglion
-Through the white rami communicantes of T1 nerve root
-Up spinal cord to the autonomic regulatory nuclei of the hypothalamus
Outline the pathway for lens accomodation and convergence.
-Visual info reaches the visual cortex
-neurons from the visual cortex project to the pretectal area
-The pretectal area projects axons to the oculomotor nucleus in the E-W Nucleus
-Oculomotor nucleus causes contraction of the medial recti muscles (causes convergence)
-E-W Nucleus projects to the ciliary ganglion which causes contraction of teh ciliary muscles to adjust the tension on the lens
Which cranial nerves have parasympathetic fibers?
CN 3, 7, 9, 10
What cranial nerves are needed for the pupillary pathway for lens accomodation and convergence to work?
CN 2 and 3
What happens for accomodation to occur?
-At rest, lens is thin
-Upon contraction of the ciliary muscles, tension is relieved from zonule fibers, and the lens thickens
What cranial nerves are associated with eye movements?
CN 4 and 6
Where is the trochlear nucleus located?
midbrain at the level of the inferior colliculus
Where is the abducens nucleus located?
In the pons
What does PPRN stand for?
parapntine reticular nucleus
Where is the PPRN located?
in the brain stem
What is the function of the PPRN?
-center for organizing input from CN 3 and 6
-there is one located on the left for moving eyes to the left and one on the right for moving eyes to the right
Which side is the input to the PPRN from?
-The PPRN recieves input from CN VI on the ipsilateral side, via the abducens nucleus
-And input from CN 3 on contralateral side, via oculomotor nucleus and abducens nucleus
What muscle does CN 6 carry information from?
Lateral Rectus
What muscle does CN 3 carry information from?
Medial Rectus
What are MLF?
Interneurons which carry input from CN 3 after the oculomotor nucleus to the abducens nucleus