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81 Cards in this Set

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Light Microscopes - Brightfield
The specimen is illuminated by a beam of what kind of light? Focused by a substage lens called?
1.Tungsten light
2. Condenser
Light Microscopes - Darkfield
specimen looks
specimen is bright against a dark background
Light microscope - Fluorescent
fluorescent dyes absorb UV light at 1 wavelength and reflect back light at different wavelength
Light Microscope - Phase Contrast
refract light through the cell components which vary in
density and thickness

- edges of the specimen more refractile
- used a lot in urine specimen
Light Microscope - DIC
separates the light into 2 beams which recombine and are out of phase with each other
what form of light microscope forms a 3D image via light?
Differential interference contrast
what form of light microscope forms a 3D image via optically sectioning the specimen with lasers?
Confocal laser scanning
Instead of using lenses, the electron microscope uses
instead of light, the electron microscope uses
electron beams
In gram staining what is the primary stain?
crystal violet
what fixes crystal violet into the cell wall
Gram's iodine (mordant)
What does 95% ethanol do in gram stain
1. destains gram-negative bacteria
2. dehydrates and locks in the crystal violet with gram-positive bacteria
What is the counter stain in gram staining?
what step in gram staining is the only step where gram negative and gram positive act different?
Step3 - Decolorizing agent
Step 1 of gram stain and the reagent used
primary stain
- crystal violet
Step 2 of gram stain and the reagent used
-Gram's iodine
Step 3 of gram stain and the reagent used
decolorizing agent
- 95% alcohol
Step 4 of gram stain and the reagent used
- safranin
Acid Fast Stain is used primarily to ID ?
(high content of mycolic acid)
what is the 1st step in acid fast stain?
heat fix thin film of microorganisms
what is the 2nd step in acid fast stain?
flood slide with carbofuchsin
what is the 3rd step in acid fast stain?
rinse, flood slide with acid alcohol
(to destain non-acid fast microorganisms)
what is the 4th step in acid fast stain?
rinse, counterstain with methylene blue
what is the primary stain in the acid fast stain?
carbol-fuchsin (red)
What is the counterstain in Acid fast stain?
Methylene Blue
what will a capsule stain look like?
capsule will not stain, leaving a halo around the bacterial cells
what stain is used in staining endospores?
malachite green
(use steam heat to allow penetration)
Endospre stain -
1. Spores will appear ?
2. Vegetative cells will appear?
1. green
2. pink/red
What is the general purpose of culture media?
- grow most microorganisms
- do not contain growth inhibitors
Most common culture media?
blood agar medium
gelling medium
liquid culture media
selective media
favor growth of certain groups and favor others
PEA agar
inhibits gram-negative microorganisms (use when looking for gram positive)
differential media
disting microorganisms having a defined metabolic activity over others that lack it
Simmon Citrate Agar
pH indicator that turns from green to blue when citrate is used as the sole carbon source
Mannitol Salt Agar is an example of
selective/ differential media
mannitol salt agar is selective:
7.5% salt inhibit all but staphylococci
mannitol salt agar differential:
staphylococcus aureus ferments mannitol
(pH turn from red to yellow)
Phenylethyl alcohol agar with blood supports? inhibits?
supports- gram positive
inhibits- gram negative
Columbia CNA blood agar
support? inhibit?
supports- gram postive
inhibits- gram negative
Tinsdale Medium is the primary isolation medium for
Corynebacterium diptheriae
(form black colonies surrounded by dark-gray halos)
Egg Yolk Medium used to detect what type of microorganisms?
Thayer-Martin Agar is selective for
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Neisseria Meningitidis
MacConkey Agar Medium "Mac" select for
Gram-negative bacteria
-ferment lactose (E.Coli) change to dark pink to red
"Mac" contains ___ ____ that inhibit grams positive bacteria
bile salts
Hektoen Enteric Agar is used to differentiate between ?
Salmonella and Shigella
(isolate bacteria in enterobacteriaceae family)
Hektoen Enteric Agar contains thiosulfate which
salmonella reduces to hydrogen sulfide (black precipitate)
(if not black then its shigella)
Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate agar primary isolation of
salmonella and shigella
-H2S production in Salmonella and its black
"MAC" agar gram -negative ferment
lactose (E.Coli)
changes the neutral red indicator to a dark pink/red
Eosin Methylene blue Agar (EMB) favor
favor - gram negative enterics

(contains lactose which allows differentiation btwn lactose fermenters and nonfermenters)
Hektoen Enteric Agar isolates
Enterobacteriaceae family
particularly salmonella and shigella
Hektoen Enteric Agar contains ___ which salmonella reduces to hydrogen sulfide
(black precipitate)
Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate Agar primary isolation of
salmonella and shigella

(H2S production distinguishes salmonella from shigella ..get back preciptate)
Bordet- Gengou (BG) agar medium is selective for
bordetella pertussis
Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract Agar (BCYE) is selective for
(key ingredient is alpha-ketoglutarate)
Thiosulfate Citrate-bile salts (TCBS) Agar medium is selective and differential for
Vibrio sp.

(causative agents for cholera)
Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN) agar is selective for
Yersinia sp. (Plague)
Lowenstein-Jensen Agar is an ___-based medium
Lowenstein-Jensen Agar contaminants inhibited by
malachite green
Lowenstein-Jensen Agar isolation of
Mycobacterium sp
MES (Ureaplasma Agar) used for isolation of
Ureaplasma Urealyticum
MES (Ureaplasma Agar) contains
Horse serum
- supplies cholesterol needed for stabilizing these microorganisms which lack a cell wall
enzyme breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen
staphylococcus- positive
streptococcus - negative
ability to bind fibrinogen causing agglutination of microorganisms

(if positive staphylococcus aureus)
Oxidase Test (Neisseria) detects activity of the
cytochrome oxidase enzyme
Oxidase Test (Neisseria) purple end product

(end product purple if oxidase positive)
Indole Test (escherichia coli) detects activity of the
tryptophanase enzyme on tryptophan

turn red if positive
Urease Test produce
ammonia which changes the pH creating a color change to pink

-Key characteristic or proteus
Citrate Utilization Test
ability to use citrate as sole carbon source
- Increase in pH turing bromthymol blue indicator from green to blue
Bile esculin test used in
Group D streptococci can hydrolyze esculin

(by products react with iron salts to changes the color from orange to black)
Optochin Test P disc is the presumptive test for
streptococcus pneumoniae

- is optochin sensitive
- alpha hemolytic zones around colonies)
A disc is used to
differentiate group A streptococci from other groups of beta-hemolytic streptococci
Fungal studies use what type of solution?
- direct microscopic examinations
KOH is used with ________ (fluorescent dye) for fungal studies
calcofluor white
Indian Ink (fungal studies) is used to examine
CSF for encapsulated yeast ( Cryptococcus neoformans)
Grocott-Gomori Methenamine-Silver Nitrate stain
-stains fungal elements____
-used to stain fungi such as :
1. Black
2. Candida, Histoplasma, Blastomyces
Giemsa Stain detects
histoplasma capsulatum in blood or bone marrow
( stains yeast a purple-blue surrounded by clear halo)
Masson - Fontana Stain
melanin in the cell wall a brown color
PLFA can be used to determine
-dead vs. live
(phospholipids degrade after cell death)