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55 Cards in this Set

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Abnormalities in the structure and function of body organs and systems, or malfunctioning or maladaptation of biologic and psychophysiologic processes in the individual is the definition of
As members of multidisciplinary teams, anthropologists can contribute useful points of view needed by professionals working to solve health problems. __________________________________ is NOT one of these perspectives.
cultural reification
Arthur Kleinman proposed that health care systems generally have three overlapping sectors referred to as
folk, popular, professional
Ritual communities centered on possession by spirits that cause illness of misfortune are referred to as
cults of affliction
The most accurate definition of an ethnomedical system is
A community's ideas and practices related to health and illness that often work in messy, chaotic, and indeterminate ways
Which one of these concepts can encompass the other three?
The biomedical tendency to pathologize otherwise normal bodily processes and states is known as
The field (or sub-discipline) of medical anthropology has roots in multiple academic disciplines, including (select ALL correct answers):
ethnomedicine, psychological anthropology
Patterns of health seeking may be influenced by (select ALL correct answers):
Accessibility of services
Characteristics of the seeker
Characteristics of the provider
Characteristics of the sickness
Contexts of cultural, ecological, economic, historical, political, religious/spiritual, and/or social processes occuring at local, state, regional, and/or global scales
Indicate the methodological approach(es) that anthropologists could use to gather data on how people experience sickness (select ALL correct answers).
This concept has been described as a way of experiencing and expressing one’s sense of social value by living in one’s body.
Ethnographic research has shown that the implementation of anti-retroviral therapy for HIV/AIDS can create the social conditions to produce (select ALL correct answers):
docile bodies, problematic persons, therapuetic citizens
Medical anthropology makes use of a number of theoretical perspectives, including (select ALL correct answers):
In social conditions shaped by medical authorities, modification of people's thinking about and knowledge of 'healthy' and 'appropriate' behaviors and relationships
Medicalization of life
Expansion of the power of medical experts, extension of biomedicine into new areas of social life, and pathologization of otherwise normal bodily processes and states
Misrepresentation of experiences and expressions of suffering as symptoms of disease located in the body of the individual, making invisible the social origins of suffering and suppressing possibilities of protest
mystification of sickness
Bodily, mental or existential practices, driven by expert-inculcated desires for self-development, through which individuals represent their own ethical self-understanding to themselves
technologies of the self
Stigmatization of patients diagnosed with a disease or disorder, which intensifies the subjectively experienced suffering from illness
second sickness
Empowerment of patients who gain biomedical understanding of their bodies and therapeutic processes by appropriating therapies that enable them make claims to certain rights and responsibilities that they can use to further their own agendas
therapautic citizens
true or false.

Illness may occur in the absence of disease.
Healing and curing are necessarily coextensive.
true or false
Culture, embodiment, and the social interactions comprising medical systems are all indeterminate.
true or false?
When informants tell stories about sickness to medical anthropologists, the anthropologist controls the interview becuase s/he is considered the expert and knows what kind of information is relevant to his/her study.
true or false?
What Foucault calls 'the gaze,' a way of seeing among biomedicine practitioners that looks into the body of a patient and focuses on what is individual and abnormal, is a somatic mode of attention.
true or false
what people actually do when face with affliction, illness, or vulnerability to mishap and misfortune
health practice
a patient’s relatives and neighbors who control the therapeutic process by choosing among many therapeutic options
therapy management groups
consumers have the right to purchase health services
neoliberal approach to health systems
a model of health behavior that assumes that behavior is determined primarily by the 'beliefs' and rational decisions of individuals
health belief model
a large domain of activity that encompasses government financing and organizing of health systems, medical district personnel carrying out of the everyday tasks of running health facilities, neighborhood health committees vying for power over health funds, and the activities of people who are trying to cope with illness
health practice
constraints on behavior imposed by institutionalized inequalities in wealth and power creating vulnerability for the underprivileged
structural violence
universal free health care is a basic human right that governments must provide to their citizens
primary health care approach to health systems
the social production of indifference in the face of institutionalized brutalities and routine interpersonal violence
everyday violence
manifested and felt imbalances of power
appeals to "empowering" people to take responsibility for their own health
the mechamisms that lead those who are subordinated to "misrecognize" inequality as the natural order of things and to blame themselves for their location in their society's hierarchies
symbolic violence
the statistical probability of a particular outcome
epidemiological risk
a continuum of morally amibiguous, (state) structurally imposed settings, in which survival imperatives coerce individuals and communities to administer intimate cruelty to survive
grey zones
widening social process of citizens suing the government to provide health resources, including drugs that have been prescribed to them by doctors
judicialization of the right to health
historically situated ways of perceiving and engaging with the world that, according to Foucault, are constituted and confined by the categories of "expert" (e.g. professor, judge, psychiatrist, intelligence analyst) discourses
contingent and shifting interrelations of "segments" - institutions, powers, practices, desires- that constantly, simultaneously construct, entrench, and disaggregate their own constraints and oppressions
a model of prevention, treatment and care that blends vertical technological intervention that accounts for individual trajectories along with a horizontal focus on making health systems work by supporting patients' families and protecting clinical infrastructures
biosocial model
nonjudgmental, inclusive, pragmatic outreach strategies for working with populations engaging in high-risk behaviors with the hope to reduce the cultural and institutional barriers to medical services
harm reduction approach
processes, primarily organized around monitoring and regulating large population groups through intervention and institutions, that subtly and unconsciously shape a moral responsibility for individuals to impose an internalized self-disciplinary gaze on their bodies and psyches
redefinition of self and social identity based on genetics, risk factors, engaging in health promoting behaviors
Abnormalities in the structure and function of body organs and systems, or malfunctioning or maladaptation of biologic and psychophysiologic processes in the individual is the definition of
Medical anthropologists might study
Effects of stress and violence

Factors that contribute to human disease or illness

Ways in which human groups respond to disease and illness

Social aspects of medical care
Arthur Kleinman proposed that health care systems generally have three overlapping sectors referred to as
Folk, Popular, Professional
An approach in medical anthropology that studies how members of different cultural groups think about disease in cultural terms and organize themselves toward medical treatment is known as
A medical anthropologist who studies how political and economic factors influence health and disease is using this approach
Socially produced indifference in the face of institutionalized brutalities in interpersonal interactions and daily routines is known as
symbolic violence
The biomedical tendency to pathologize otherwise normal bodily processes and states
The claim that “health-related knowledge and practice are situated” refers to the notion that understandings of health and the ability to act on these understandings are shaped by
education level
The definition of health predominantly employed by global health actors and institutions is
A body with normally functioning organs and systems
true or false

Illness may occur in the absence of disease.
Illness may occur in the absence of disease.
true or false