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46 Cards in this Set

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irritable bowel syndrome?
a chronic GI disorder characterized by recurrent diarrhea, constipation, and/or abdominal pain and bloating
Manning criteria?
characteristic symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome:
-abdominal pain relieved by defecation or associated with changes in stool frequency or consistency
-abdominal distention
-the sensation of incomplete evacuation of stool
-the presence of mucus with stool passage
a weakness in the abdominal muscle wall through which a segment of the bowel or other abdominal structure protrudes
indirect inguinal hernia?
a sac formed from the peritoneum that contains a portion of the intestine or omentum
direct inguinal hernia?
hernia passing through a weak point in the abdominal wall
femoral hernia?
hernia protruding through the femoral ring
umbilical hernia?
hernia through congenital defect in muscle or defect acquired due to increased intra-abdominal pressure
incisional (ventral) hernia?
hernia through an inadequately healed surgical incision
reducible hernia?
hernia whose contents can be placed back into the abdominal cavity by gentle pressure
irreducible hernia?
hernia whose contents cannot be reduced or placed back into the abdominal cavity
strangulated hernia?
hernia whose blood supply is cut off by the muscle around the hernia
a pad made with firm material placed over a hernia to keep the abdominal contents from protruding into the hernial sac
minimally invasive inguinal hernia repair (herniorrhaphy)?
procedure to repair a hernia using a laparoscope
surgical reinforcement of the weakened outside muscle wall using a mesh patch
tumors arising from the glandular epithelial tissue of the colon
familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)?
an autosomal genetic disorder known to cause colorectal cancer
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer?
an autosomal genetic disorder known to cause colorectal cancer
cancer-causing substance
passage of red blood via the rectum
carcinoembryonic antigen?
an oncofetal antigen which is present in elevated amounts in people with colorectal cancer
Dukes' staging classification?
classification of colorectal tumors:
stage A- tumor has penetrated into but not through bowel wall
stage B- tumor has penetrated bowel wall
stage C- tumor has penetrated bowel wall and there is lymph node involvement
stage D- tumor has metastasized to any number of distant sites
bone marrow suppression, causing a decrease in blood cells (pancytopenia)
decreased blood cells
colon resection?
removal of tumor and regional lymph nodes
colon removal
abdominoperineal resection?
removal of sigmoid colon, rectum, and anus through combined abdominal adn perineal incisions
transanal approach?
tumor removal without an abdominal incision
surgical opening
mechanical obstruction?
bowel is physically obstructed
nonmechanical obstruction?
bowel is not physically obstructed but does not function normally due to a neuromuscular disturbance
strangulated obstruction?
obstruction with compromised blood flow
telescoping of a segment of the intestine within itself
paralytic/adynamic ileus?
nonmechanical obstruction caused by decreased peristalsis due to trauma or the effect of a toxin on autonomic intestinal control
no passage of stool
high-pitched bowel sounds
exploratory laparotomy?
a surgical opening of the abdominal cavity to investigate the cause of a disorder
Cullen's sign?
ecchymosis around the umbilicus
Turner's sign?
ecchymosis on either flank
Ballance's sign?
resonance over the right flank during percussion with the client lying on the left side
Kehr's sign?
left shoulder pain resulting from diaphragmatic irritation
small growths attached to the surface in the intestinal tract
internal hemorrhoids?
hemorrhoids lying above the anal sphincter
external hemorrhoids?
hemorrhoids lying below the anal sphincter
resection of the hemorrhoid
generalized flattening of the mucosa of the small intestine which interferes with the ability to absorb nutrients