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33 Cards in this Set

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a journalist who digs into a story to find the truth (by exploiting an organization)
a syndicated news company who provides unbiased news reports to many newspapers in America
Associated Press
sensationalized journalism technique
yellow journalism
ABC, NBC, and CBS; most of America watched these until recently with cable
"Big Three" networks
video clip of a presidential candidate speaking
sound bites
a false publication that damages a person's reputation
the expression of injurious, malicious statements about someone
prevention of a statement from being published
prior restraint
top secret papers kept about Vietnam
the Pentagon Papers
information sent out in order to observe the reaction of an audience, usually with news leaks
trial balloon
persuasion with words without making clear arguments for it
loaded language
if a station sells time to one candidate, it must sell equal time to another
equal time rule
if a person is attacked on a broadcast, he or she has a right to reply
right-of-reply rule
if a broadcaster endorses a candidate, he or she has a right to reply
political editorializing rule
broadcasters have to give time to opposing views
fairness doctrine
giving attention to something
selective attention
giving an endorsement to a candidate through an editorial
editorial endorsement
cable news network that shows unedited broadcastings of Congress
coverage of a normal public event
routine stories
an article that a reporter takes the initiative to investigate
feature stories
a story that involves a news leak; information not usually made public
insider stories
news that politicians give hopefully to gain recognition for doing so
news leaks
press that is suspicious of officialdom and wants embarrassing stories
adversarial press
on the record where the official is quoted by name; what the official says cannot be printed
"Off/on the record"
what the official says cannot be attributed to him or her; what the officials says cannot be attributed to anyone
"On (deep) background"
media’s excited activity around an issue or person
feeding frenzy
news becoming homogeneous where reporters are reliant on each other for news
pack journalism
newspapers could not be sued for libel unless they knew what they were printing was untrue
NY Times v. Sullivan (1964)
organization that regulates broadcasting media in US
change in regulations that had not changed since the 1930’s
Telecommunications Act
laws that protect journalists from revealing their sources
shield law
stories that matter based upon their location on the front page of the newspaper
"Above" or "Below the fold" stories
government information being made available to the public
Freedom of Information Act (1974)