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35 Cards in this Set

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Four Types of Communication

1) Intrapersonal

2) Interpersonal

3) Group Communication

4) Mass Communication

Intrapersonal Communication

within ones self


communicating something to another person

Group Communication

communicating info to two or more people (teaching, a lecture)

Mass Communication

communicating to a society, a large group of people who probably don't know each other through technology & news, symbols

Prior Restraint

legal definition of censorship, restraint prior to publication or broadcast. Preventing information from being released beforehand. Govt. can almost never do this and it is only used in extraordinary circumstances. Only the Judiciary can decide that information can be withheld. Most cases do not go through and are used only when something about to be released poses a threat to national security.

Dominant Mass Medium in the U.S. at the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries.

printing press, radio, juke boxes, television

News Literacy

the ability to comprehend the news and differentiate truth from fiction, being able to find sources you trust

Mass Communication

being able to communicate through symbols the method in which information is presented

Mass Media

the units expelling information such as a news channel

Four Interpretations of Free Expression

1) Authoritarian

2) State

3) Social Responsibility

4) Libertarian


govt has complete control, people are silent, news may not be true


Serves the purpose of the government

Social Responsibility

Serves as the fourth estate of the government (what the US follows)


Free press information, news, no limitations

Does the bill of rights establish a constitutional right to privacy

No. Louis Brandeis


Freedom of Information Act -allows journalists to be protected and release all information gathered

3 defenses that can be used against libel charge

1) Truth

2) Fair Comment

3) Privelege

Media Convergence

The technological merging of content on different mass media, such as songs being available on cell phones

Why is advertising not protected by the first amendment

Commercial speech,

The "Great Firewall of China"

CCP monitors what people do on the internet to prevent them from going to certain websites and obtaining certain information

The Storm Video

Information would not interefere with day to day activities (ex: glasses where info comes up but you can still see and function) information would be immediate and less disruptive

Five Eras in Communication History

1) Oral

2) Written

3) Print

4) Electronic

5) Digital

Oral Era

verbally spreading news or information, most people if not all were illiterate


events documented in writing most people were illiterate so information was reserved for royals/high class who were the only people who could really read

Print Era

Allowed for quick mass production of news so it could be spread, became cheap with newspapers and production of books, literacy becomes a norm

Electronic Era

information can be spread through television news reports and makes finding out info much easier/more accessible

Digital Era

modern media convergence, most information is at our fingertips, finding everything out on the internet you want/need, having many devices that make information accessable

Define Plagairism

using anothers work as your own, using resources without citing them

One standard central to all media codes of ethics

Truth! Be honest!

Miller v. California

supreme court rules that material can be ruled obscene if:

1) the average person applying community standards finds the material appeals to prurient interests

2)the material depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way

3) the material lacks artistic political or scientific substance

1st v. 6th Amendment

May taint the jury, gag orders prevent govt. officials from releasing or saying anything to sway government. To fix this a change of venue may occur, vior dire jury, sequestering the jury

New York Times/Pentagon Papers

prior restraint, court allows publication of secret Vietnam war documents, public has a right to know what officials are doing wrong

The progressive 1979

prior restraint works, automic bomb blueprint

Shield laws

designed to protect journalists from revealing sources producing raw notes