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89 Cards in this Set

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physi/o means?
what does physiology mean?
study of nature.
home/o means?
sameness, unchanging
-stasis means ?
standing still.
Define homeostasis.
maintaing internal stability.
the simplest building block of the body is known as the ____.
atoms bind together to form ____.
molecules combine to form large, non-living structures called ____.
Organelles form to make the living ____.
Once a cell is formed, they arrange in a manner to form ____.
name the four types of tissues.
1.epithelial tissue
2.connective tissue
3.muscle tissue
4.nervous tissue
a group of organs sharing a general function is a ____.
how many organ systems are there?
name the general function of the cardiovascular system.
transport substances to and from body cells.
name the major organs of the cardiovascular system.
major arteries, major veins, and the heart.
name the general function of the lymphatic system.
remove unwanted substances and recycled fluid to the blood.
name the major organs of the lymphatic system.
tonsils, thymus, lymphatic vessels, spleen, lymph nodes.
name the general function of the respiratory system.
exchange gases between the external enviornment and blood.
name the major organs of the respiratory system.
nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchial, right and left lung.
name the general function of the digestive system.
prepare foods for absorption into the bloodstream, and eliminate solid wastes from the body.
name the major organs of the digestive system.
pharynx, mouth, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, colon, gallbladder, and small intestine.
name the general function of the urinary system.
remove nitrogenous wates ans excess water and salts from the bloodstream.
name the general function of the male and femal reproductive system.
to provide for creation of new individuals.
name the organs of the female reproductive system.
mammary glands, fallopian tube, uterus, ovary, and vagina.
name the major organs of the male reproductive system.
vas deferns, testis, prostate, urethra, and penis.
name the general function of the nervous system.
control homeostasis by sensing changes in the enviornment, processing, information, and initiating body responses.
state the general function of the endocrine system.
control homeostasis by releasing hormones into the bloodstream, which alter body functions.
name the major organs of the endocrine system.
pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovary (female), and testes (male).
name the general function of the musculoskeletal system.
muscles allow movement of body parts, whereas bones and joints support and protect soft body parts , allow movements by forming attachments to muscles, store minerals, and form blood cells.
name the major organs of the musculoskeletal system
muscles, bones, joints, and tendons.
name the general function of the integumentary system.
to protect the body from fluid loss and injury.
name the major organs of the integument system.
hair, skin, nails, sweat glands, and subaceous glands,
a frontal plane is also called a ___
coronal plane.
a coronal plane divides the body into what?
anterior and posterior parts.
a sagittl plane divides the body into what?
right and left sides.
a transverse plane divides the body into what?
superior and inferior parts.
going from superior to inferior, name the 3 CENTRAL abdominal regions.
1.epigastric region
2.umbilical region
3.hypogaastric region.
to the right and left of the epigastric region are what two regions?
R and L hypochondriac regions.
to the right and left of the umbilical region are what two regions?
R and L lumbar regions.
to the right and left of the hypogastric region are what two regions?
R and L iliac refions.
appendages can also be called ?
name the 4 quadrants of the abdominal region.
right upper quadrant, left upper quadrant, right and left lower quadrant.
cavaties are lined spanes filled with what?
name the two main cavaties.
dorsal and ventral.
what two cavaties lie in the dorsal cavity?
cranial and vertebral.
what divides the ventral cavity from superior and inferior parts?
what are the two cavities within the ventral cavity?
thoracic and abdominopelvic.
what enloses the heart?
the pericardial cavity.
what cavity encloses each lung?
pleural cavities.
what does the mediastinum do?
protects the heart.
the abdominopelvic cavity is divided into what two categories?
abdominal and pelvic.
chondri refers to what?
pelv refers to what?
what is a pathologist?
a physician who specializes in the study of disease.
-gnosis means?
knowledge of.
dia- means ?
what is a diagnosis?
identification of a illness.
experiences from a disease are called what?
define a sign.
a finding that can be discovered bt an objective examination.
what is the medical term for a head cold?
acute coryza.
chronic is used for describing what type of disease?
long duration.
what is one of the most common forms of disease?
define prognosis?
a prediction of an outcome.
what are the non-invasive procedures called that are non- surgical related?
diagnostic imaging.
name the five types of diagnostic imaging.
2.CAT scan
3.PET scan
define endoscopy.
the use of a long flexible tube that can be inserted into a patient.
Define CAT scan.
it stands for computed axial tomography scanning that uses X-rays and computer enhancement to produce three- dimensional images of internal body structures.
Define PET scan.
it stands for positron emission tomography which is a procedure that detects the journey of a radioactive labled substance such as glucose.
Define MRI.
it stands for magnetic resonance imaging and it works by magnets that respond to hydrogen atoms in the body by sending signals to a computer.
define ultrasound imaging.
it is also known as sonogrpahy, and it is pulsating sound waves through the body that produce echoes and can be detected by a probe and then a computer.
what does a fixed pre-payment plan do?
offers subscribers complete medical care in return for a fixed monthly fee.
HMO's are what type of payers?
third-party payers.
What does PCP stand for ?
primary care physician.
MCO's stand for what?
managed care organizations.
What do MCO's do?
pay for and manage the medical care a patient recieves.
what does HMO stand for?
Health Maintenance Organization.
what does an HMO do?
it is a type of managed care plan which a range of healthcare services are made available to plan membersfor a predetermined fee per member, by a limited group of providers.
What does PPO stand for ?
Preferred Provider Organization.
What is a PPO?
a plan in which the patient uses a medical provider who is under contract with the insurer for an agreed fee in order to recieve copayment from the insured.
What does EPO stand for?
exclusive provider organization.
what does an EPO do?
it is a new managed care concept that is a combo of HMO and PPO concepts. in an EPO the selection is limited to a defined group, but the providers are paid on a modified fee-for-service (FFS).
What is medicare?
the federal program that provides healthcare coveage for three groups of people: disabled, people 65 and older, and renal disease victims who qualify.
what is medicaid?
a federal program implemented by the individual states with the federal gov't paying 57.3 percent of medicaid expenditures.
What is solo practice?
when a physician practices alone.
define partnership.
a legal agreement to share in the business operation of a medical practice.
define associate practice.
a legal agreement in which physicians agree to share a facility and staff but not the profits and losses.
define a group practice.
it consists of three or more physicians who share the same facility and practice medicine together.
define professional corporations.
managed by a board of directors.
the latin word docere means ___?