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85 Cards in this Set

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responsible for the release of a number of growth hormones that lead to the development of the genital organs and the functioning of the reproductive system


reproudctive organs and the structures located in the lower abdomen and pelvis

external and internal organs


external genital organs of a female


external area between the vulva (or scrotum) and anus

Bartholin's glands

located near the vaginal opening, at the base of the labia majora

mucous glands that keep the vagina lubricated


before birth

antepartum unit

part of a hospital's obstetrical unit

designed specifically for excpectant mothers whoa re experiencing high-risk complications

hypertension of pregnancy


pregnancy-induced hyptertension (PIH)

one of the most comon reasons for admission to an antepartum unit

Leopold's Maneuvers

methodical movements used in the processes of palpation and evaluation of the position of the fetus in utero

fetal position

the relationship of the fetus's body landmarks with their location or position within the woman's abdomen

assessed through abdominal palpation

fetal presentation

determination of which part of the fetus is entering the birth canal first

discovered through vaginal inspection

fetal attitude

posture of the fetus in utero during the last months of pregnancy

fetal heart monitor (FHM)

machine designed to monitor the fetus's heartbeat in utero

coposed of two sensitive elctrodes that are placed on the abdomen

nonstress test (NST)

an external and noninvasive method of monitoring the fetus

used to assess fetal heart rate and movement

uterine activity

contractions and any changes in the sound and frequency of the fetal heartbeat


the narrow passage that leads from the uterus into the vagina

becomes birth canal/passage

call bell

device found in hospitals and care facilities that is used to summon the care staff to the patient's bedside


pregnant for the first time


never given birth before


pregnant; heavy with child


a pregnant woman

a woman's status regarding pregnancy



maternal health

the health of the mother during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period


the length of time from conception to birth


the medical term for the stage of human development from 8 gestational weeks until birth



reproductive organ

provides a safe, protective, and nourishing environment for the grwoing embryo and fetus


organ reproduction that attaches the embryo or fetus to the inside of the uternine wall and, by doing so, is able to provide nutrients, remove waste products, and provide vital gas exchances that promote health growth




the process of giving birth

divided into 3 stages: dilation, expulsion, placental


the end point of labor, including expulsion of the placeta and its membranes


the act of being born

when the child passes through the uterus into the world


antibody screen

performed during last trimester of pregnancy




specialized proteins produced in response to foreign antigens being introduced into the body


proteins, glycoproteins, carbohydrates, or glycolipids found on the red blood cells

cause antibodies to react

Rh factor

classification system used to type blood for transfusion purposes


type of antigen (protein) found on the membranous surface of red blood cells

most important of 5 subtypes is D


water-soluble compounds in the body that are byproducts of the rbeakdown of fatty acids

excreted in urine


essential elements at all levels of the body

composed of amino acids

provide nourishment and energy

tested during pregnancy to rule out UTI and maternal kidney disease


cubic millimeters


milligrams per deciliter


measurements that can be used to compare any changes in the patient's status while they are being observed and treated

placental abruption

planeta abruptio

abruptio placentae

detachment of the placenta from the uterus


mass of blood in the tissue located under the distal edge of the placenta



increases in the fetal heart rate as compared with the baseline



decreases in the fetal heart rate as compared with the baseline that occur in relation to contractions and that are not normal in a non-laboring patient


measure of the difference in the beat-to-beat intervals of the fetal heart rate

read on the FHR tracing

vaginal discharge

secretions from the vagina

urine dip

urine test in whcih a dipstick is inserted into the patient's urine

identifies protein (albumin), glucose, ketones, blood, leukocytes, bilirubin, nitrite, pH, and specific gravity


uterine contractions

uterine pressure

pressure exerted onto the pelvis by expanding uterus

vaginal bleeding

type of bleeding that is not expected in a pregnant woman

amniotic fluid

fluid that gathers in the amniotic sac that surrounds the fetus, particularly by the second trimester

uterine wall

the outer edge of the uterus that separates it from the other organs in the abdomen

internal bleeding

bleeding that occurs within the body as a result of damage to an artery or vein

Cesarean secretion

surgical procedure in which the birth occurs through an abdominal and uterine incision

general anesthetic

drug that causes lack of sensation or a lack of feeling

completely knocks the patient out

left lateral tilt

position in which the patient's right hip is slightly elevated on the operating table

facilitates the maintenance of blood pressure and maternal-fetal blood gas exchanges

indwelling catheter

urinary catheter inserted through the urinary meatus into the bladder

sterile prep

preparation of the patient for sugery with the use of disinfecting agents and the creation of a sterile environment or sterile filed from which to work


sterile sheet made of fabric or paper

Pfannenstiel incision

incision that transverses the lower abdomen, including the rectus abdominis


the normal presentation for a fetus, with the head tucked down on the chest and the crown of the head facing the birth canal

cord gases

a blood test performed on specimens that are taken from the umbilical cord

identify the newborn's pH balance and detects neurological complications and hypoxia


lack of oxygen

controlled cord traction

the placenta is removed from the mother through a controlled procedure


process of reviving or bringing to life by providing air

respiratory effort

breathing effort

measured using Apgar score

positive pressure

forcing air into the lungs


nutrients are administered either through nasogastric or orogastric tubes


nose to stomach


mouth to stomach

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

lungs suddenly stop functioning

occurs when the lungs lack the ability to produce surfactant


substance needed to allow the lungs to expand properly after birth


use of a ventilator machine that pups continuous oxygenated air for a patient who cannot breathe on his or her own

continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)

machine blows oxygenated air into the patient at a prescribed pressure through nasal prongs

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPND)

chrnoic lung disases that is caused by injury to immature lungs

muscle tone

amount of tension or resistance present in a muscle at any given time

muscle tension

continuous partial contraction of a muscle

apnea of prematurity

result of neruological immaturity, particularly in the medulla oblongata of the brainstem

arterial ischemic stroke

rare event

most often seen in premature babies

anemia of prematurity

occurs because the premature neonate lacks the appropirate number of red blood cells necessary to carry adequate oxygen to the body

Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)

condition in which a short blood vessel that connects the main blood vessels that support the lungs and the aorta has not closed during fetal development

lead to heart failure



present at birth

Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH)

acute critical event in which a blood vessel in the brain bursts and floods the ventricles of the brain

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

retrolental fibroplasia

condition in which the eyes of premature infancts are vulnerable to injury after brith


the organ in the back of the eye that sense light and sends impulses to the brain that enable us to see