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46 Cards in this Set

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a surgical puncture
arthr/o/centesis: puncture of a joint space with a needle to remove accumulated fluid from a joint
arthr/o: joint
nourishment, development
dys/trophy: abnormal condition caused by defective nutrition or metabolism
dys- bad, painful, difficult
hepat/o/toxic: toxic to the liver
hepat/o: liver
narrowing, structure
arteri/o/stenosis: abnormal narrowing of an artery
arteri/o: artery
involuntary contraction, twitching
blephar/o/spasm: twitching of the eyelid
blephar/o: eyelid
arteri/o/rrhexis: rupture of an artery
arteri/o: artery
discharge, flow
dia/rrhea: abnormally frequent discharge or flow of fluid fecal matter from the bowel
dia-: through, across
bursting (of)
hem/o/rrhage: loss of large amount of blood within short period.
hem/o: blood
men/o/rrhagia: profuse discharge of blood during menstruation
men/o: menses, menstruation
hemi/plegia: paralysis of one side.
hemi-: one half
formation, growth
dys/plasia: abnormal development of cells, tissues, or organs.
dys-:bad, painful, difficult
neo/plasm: a new an abnormal formation of tissue, tumor growth.
neo-: new
hem/o/phobia: fear of blood
hem/o: blood
a/phasia: absence or impairment of speech
a-: without
eating, swallowing
dys/phagia: inability or difficulty swallowing
dys-: bad, painful, difficult
decrease, deficiency
erythr/o/penia: abnormal decrease in red blood cells
erythr/o: red
my/o/pathy: any disease of the muscle
my/o: muscle
lith/o/tripsy: crushing of a stone
lith/o: stone, calculus
trache/o/tomy: incision through the neck into the trache/o: trachea (windpipe)
instrument to cut
oste/o/tome: surgical instrument for cutting through the bone
oste/o: bone
forming an opening
trache/o/tomy: artificial opening through the neck for breathing tube.
trache/o: trachea (windpipe)
my/o/rrhaphy: suture of a muscle
my/o: muscle
surgical repair
rhin/o/plasty: surgical repair in which the structure of the nose changes
rhin/o: nose
fixation (of an organ)
seperation, destruction, loosening
thromb/o/lysis: dissolution of a blood clot
thromb/o: blood clot
excision, removal
append/ectomy: excision of the appendix
append: appendix
binding, fixation (of a bone or joint)
arthr/o/desis: binding together of a joint
arthr/o: joint
visual examination
endo/scopy: visual exam of a cavity or canal using a specialized lighted instrument (endoscope)
endo- in withing
instrument for exam
endo/scope: flexible tube instrument for observing the inside of an organ or cavity
endo- in/within
act of measuring
pelv/i/metry: act or process of determining the dimension of the pelvis
pelv/i: pelvis
instrument for measuring
pelv/i/meter: instrument to measure the pelvis
pelv/i: pelvis
process of recording
angi/o/graphy: radiographic image of blood vessels after injection of a contrast medium
angi/o: vessel
instrument for recording
cardi/o/graph: instrument used to record electrical activity of the heart
cardi/o: heart
recod, writing
electr/o/cardi/o/gram: graphic recoding of the electrical activity of the heart
electr/o: electricity
cardi/o: heart
neur/algia: pain occurring along the path of a nerve
neur: nerve
ot/o/dynia: pain in the ear, earache
ot/o: ear
hernia, swelling
hepat/o/cele: hernia of the liver
hepat/o: liver
dilation, expansion
bronchi/ectasis: abnormal dilation of one or more bronchi.
bronchi: bronchus
lymph/edema: swelling and accumulation of tissue fluid
lymph: lymph
hyper/emesis: excessive vomiting
hyper-: excessive, above normal
blood condition
an/emia: blood condition caused by iron deficiency or decrease in red blood cells
an-: without, not
forming, producing, origin
carcin/o/gen: substrance or agent that causes the dev or increases the incidence of cancer.
carcin/o: cancer
carcin/o/genesis: process of initiating and promoting cancer
abnormal condition (by something specific)
chol/e/lith/iasis: presence or formation of gallstones
chol/e: bile, gall
gastr/itis: inflammation of the stomach
gastr: stomach
stone, calculus
chol/e/lith: gallstone
chlo/e: bile, gall
chondr/o/malacia: softening of the articular cartilage, usually involving the patella
chondr/o: cartilage
cardi/o/megally: enlargement of the heart
cardi/o: heart
neur/oma: tumor composed of nerve cells or swelling of a nerve that usually results from compression.
neur: nerve
abnormal condition; increase
cyan/osis:dark blue or purple discoloration of the skin and mucous membrane
cyan: blue