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74 Cards in this Set

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what is the urethrovesical system made up of
bladder, bladder neck, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles
what vertebrae are affect in a paraglegic
what vertebrae are affect in a quadriplegic
what is the detrusor
mesh like muscle in the bladder
what forms the inner sphincter or opening into the urethra
bundles of smooth muscle layers at the base of the bladder
where does innervation of the bladder occur
from the sympathetic, parasympathetic and somatic nerves
how long is the male urethra
4 cm
how long is the female urethra
20 cm
when is the urge to void felt
when bladder is 150 cc full
when is the bladder full
at 400cc
what is hydronephrosis
swelling of the kidney form back up of urine caused by obstruction
what is hydroureter
distention of ureter form obstruction
what is reflux
increase pressure leading to backflow of urine, uretral dilitation, kinking and renal artery damage
what happens with obstruction in urinary system
urine will back up and put pressure on the kidneys. Long term effects will lead to kidney damage and failure
what are the manifestations of hydronephrosis
renal colic, changes in urinary output, hematuria, palpable bladder, hypertension, hesitancy, urgency, incontinence, post-void dribble, diminished urinary stream
how do you diagnose hydronephrosis
catheterize for residual, cytoscopy, BUN, creatinine, lytes, IVP, renal ultrasound, CT scan
what is an IVP
intravenous pyelography. Looks at kidney size, obstruction, cysts, stones, tumors, outlines renal pelvis, ureters and bladder
what is the treatment of hydronephrosis
dilation or removal of occlusion. Treat underlying problem
what is the cause of BPH
related to endocrine changes associated with aging process
what are the manifestations of BPH
initailly decrease in urinary flow. As obstruction increases- decrease in force of stream, hesitancy in initiating stream, dribbling upon completion, urinary retention
how do you diagnose BPH
history, use american urological association symptom index, digital exam
what meds to you take for BPH
alpha blockers-smooth muscle relaxation- doxazosin, terazosin, tamulosin
5-alpha reducase inhibitors-dutasteride, finasteride
what are the adverse effects of BPH meds
orthostatic hypotension
what are the surgical treatments of BPH
transurethral resection of the prostate, laser prostatectomy
what is urolithiasis
process of forming stones or renal calculi in bladder
what is nephrolithiasis
process of forming stones or renal calculi in kidney
what are the risk factors for kidney stones
men, familiy history, increase levels of calcium and uric acid, fluid loss, increase in protein , tea, fruit juice, inadequate fluid intake, sedentary lifestyle, UTI
what is the patho of kidney stones
urine saturation- high mineral salts, low urine volume
urine pH- increase acid in the urine will cause stone formation
Stasis- from dehydration
what are the types of kidney stones
calcium phosphate-form in acidic urine , usually men in 30's
calcium oxalate-most common, usually in men, also acidic urine
Struvite-from UTI, difficult to eliminate, seen in women
Uric Acid-seen with gout or high purine diet, seen in Jews
cystine-hereditary-also seen in teens
what are the symptoms of kidney stones
flank pain, vomiting, hematuria fever, chills
how do you assess a patient with kidney stones
pain-pqrst-flank pain=ureter stone, intense, spasms, colicky
nausea, vomiting chills, fever, GI symptoms, hematuria
what does urine look like in kidney stones
bloody or may look smoky or rusty, increase in urine
how do you diagnose kidney stones
urinalysis, culture and sample, microscopic crystals, Urine pH, elevated WBCs, Xrays- KUB/Flat plate if greater than 2mm, IVP, CT, renal ultrasound, renal stone analysis, uric acid serum calcium and oxalate
if urine pH is less than 6 what kinds of stone will you see
calcium and uric acid
if pH is greater than 7.2 what kinds of stones will you see
what are the nursing management's of kidney stones
control pain with narcotics or antispasmodics, force at least 3000mL to decrease solute in urine, void every 2 hours, dietary changes, strain all urine and send stones for analysis
what are the nutritional managements of kidney stones
depends on type, change calcium to 2 servings per day, oxalate restriction, decrease sodium, increase citrus, decrease red meat to 2 moderate servings per day, increase fluid intake
what is on an oxalate restriction
spinach, asparagus, cabbage, tomatoes, beets, nuts, celery, chocolate, coffee, tea
what surgeries do you get for a kidney stones
cytoscopy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy, lithotripsy
what are the indications for a surgical procedure
stones are too large for spontaneous passage, association with bateriuria or symptomatic infection, causing impaired renal function, persistent pain, nausea or ileus, patient unable to be treated medically, patient only has one kidney
what is required in post op care
strain all urine, drains, maintain fluid balance, pain control avoid infection, urine may be blood tinged but not frank bleeding may have foley, fluid status, ureteral stents-never clamp, penrose drain-require frequent dressing change, nephrostomy tube-drainage may promote skin breakdown
what are the lower UTI sites called
cystitis, urethritis, prostatis
what are the upper UTI sites called
what are the sources for UTI infection
usually introduced via ascending tract, urologic instrumentation, nosocomial infection
how does cystitis occur
compromised normal defense systems, stasis, loss of mucosal lining, bladder distention, bladder ischemia
what are the manifestations cystitis
burning on urination, frequency, urgency, inability to void, incomplete emptying of bladder, change in color, clarity or odor, blood or mucus in urine, abdominal or back pain, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting
what are the manifestations in the elderly with cystitis
confusion, irritated perineal area, not dysuric
what are the lab findings for cystitis
urinalysis-WBC, RBC, bacteria
urine culture- colony count greater than 100000 positive. if lower get another sample
what are the meds for cystitis
antibiotics-cipro, keflex, bactrim, levoquin
Urinary analgesics-pyridium
anticholinergics-decrease spasm-probanthine, urecholine
urinary antiseptics-urised, mandelamine, macrodantin, furodantin. may discolor urine
what diet should you follow for cystitis
Acid-Ash diet, increased fluid intake
what health promotion can you give to patients with cystitis
proper wiping, shower, cotton underwear, avoid pantyhose, increase fluids, spermicides increase pH, void immediately after sex
what are some causes of urinary incontinence
multiple child births, pelvic surgery, prostate gland, confusion, spinal injury
what can exercises can you do to help incontinence
kegel- 10 contractions 5 times a day
what are the types of urinary incontinence
stress, urge, reflex, overflow, functional, iartrogenic, mixed incontinence
what are symptoms of urinary retention
unable to empty bladder completely, bladder distended, fullness feeling, voiding less than 30 cc at a time
what causes urinary retention
prostate englarged, pregnancy, spinal injury, meds (antihypertensices, antihistamines, sedative, anesthesia), age, diabetes, neurologic disorders
what is the patho of pyelonephritis
bacteria enters the renal pelvis inflammatory response, edema involved tissue, scarring and fibrosis, renal damage.
what are the manifestations of pyelonephritis
high fever, chills, nausea, flank pain, marked tenderness over the costrovertebral angle, headache, muscular pain, may be signs of cystitis recently.
what are the diagnostic tests for acute pyelonephritis
enlarged tender kidney, urine C&S, CUB, IVP, cystourethrogram
what are the signs of chronic pyelonephritis
often found when screening for hypertension, may have azotemia, anemia, proteinuria, pyuria, acidosis
what are the treatments for pyelonephritis
PO antibiotic for 14-21 days, IV antibiotics in severe cases, increase fluid intake, find cause. For relapse- 6 week course of antibiotics
what are the nursing interventions for pyelonephritis
education, finish antibiotics, 8 glasses of fluid a day, rest
what usually causes chronic pyelonephritis
long standing UTI
fwhat is urethritis
inflammation of the urethra, most common is gonorhea
what are the symptoms of urethritis
burning dysuria
what is treatment for urethritis
antibiotics, fluids, avoid sexual intercourse
what do you ensure for pre-op renal and urethral surgery
ensure adequate fluid intake, normal electrolyte balance
what do you look at for urine output for post op renal and urethral surgery
monitor q 1-2 hours, should be 30-50 ml/hr, monitor color and consistency, never clamp or irrigate catheter without order, daily weight
what do you look at for respiratory status after renal and urethral surgery
removal of 12th rib, adequate pain meds, cough, turn and deep breath every 2 hours
what do you look at for GI status after renal and urethral surgery
abdominal distention, paralytic ileus, IV fluids until able to take oral
what is a suprapubic catheter
catheter is palced directly into bladder, placement is above pubic symphysis, temporary, strict aseptic technique with manipulation, ensure patency
what is a nephrostomy tube
inserted temporarily to preseve renal function if there is ocmpete urter obstuction. never clamp, watch for kinks
what do you do if there is an order to irrigate a nephrostomy tube
strict aseptic technique, do not instill more than 5 ml of sterile water/NS
what is an ileal conduit
urters are implanted into part of ileum or colon that has been resected from intestinal tract and stoma is created. Urine will have sediment.