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95 Cards in this Set

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Inner most layer of the alimentary canal
Layers of the alimentary canal
Mucosa - inner
Submucosa - connective tissue
Muscularis - smooth muscle
Serosa or adventitis - outer
Salivary Glands produce this much fluid each day
1-1.5 L
Regions of the stomach
cardiac, fundus, body, pyloric region
What are 3 barrier breakers to the cells of the stomach
aspirin, alcohol, and bile salts (from reflux)
Amount of gastric secretions per day
2-3 liters
Factors that increase gastric fluid production
pleasant thoughts, smell of food, mod. amounts of alcohol & caffeine, emotions, intrinsic factor (for absorption of B12)
When there is a blockage in an ileostomy, the pt. will get sick in how many hours
The small intestine secretes how much fluid per day? And reabsorbs how much fluid
7-9 liters. Reabsorbs 2 liters/day through the ileocecal valve.
How long is the small intestine?
16-22 feet
Length of the small intestine from birth to adulthood.
5 feet to 20 feet
Absorption surface of small intesting from birth to adulthood
950 cm to 7600 cm
An ileostomy can put out this much fluid per day
750-1000 cc
The colon is how many feet in length
5-6 feet
The sigmoid to rectum which is 6-8" long is called the
anal canal
The width of the color is
Feces are alkaline with a pH of what which irritates the skin
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Diverticulitis, Cancer, IBS, GI Bleed, GERD, Appendicitis, Peritonitis are diseases of the
GI Tract
This is reflux of GI acid into the esophagus and causes pain and changes in esophageal mucosa
These are foods that cause dec. lower esphageal pressure (gerd)
fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate, peppermint, spearmint, alcohol, tomato products
These foods do not cause decreased lower esophageal pressure (gerd)
low fat dairy, acidic and spicy foods
Symptoms of GERD
heartburn, regurgitation, hypersalivation, dysphagia and painful swallowing (odynophagia) gas
Diagnostic tests for GERD
24-hour ambulatory pH monitoring and endoscopy
A thin, pressure-sensitive tube is passed through your mouth or nose into your stomach. Tube is pulled slowly back into esophagus to test your muscles & sphincters.
esophageal manometry
7 Treatments for GERD
anatacids, prokinetic drugs, histamine blockers (pepcid, zantac) proton pump inhibitors(prilosec), smoking cessation, elevate HOB, don't eat before bed.
2 types of inflammatory bowel disease
crohns disease, ulcerative colotis
who gets IBS more often
western heritage, whites, jewish, urban.
Peak occurrence of IBD
15-25 years of age
Where in the digestive system does Ulcerative colitis occur and in what layer?
From the anus to the ileocecal junction. In the mucosal layer only
What are the clinical manifestations of Ulcerative Colitis?
diarrhea, rectal bleeding, crampy abdominal pain, weight loss, anemia.
Complications of Ulcerative Colitis are
hemorrhage, toxic megacolon (require emergency surgery), colon cancer (deadly)
Other manifestations of Ulcerative colotis
arthritis, pyoderma gangremosum, liver dysfunction, ocular lesions
Diagnosis techniques for Ulcerative Colitis
Barium enema, colonoscopy, biopsy
Management of Ulcerative Colitis
Medical mgmt. first. Corticosteroids, sulfasalazine, then surgical which is curative.
Clinical Manifestations of Crohn's disease
fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, steatorrhea, malaise, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, malnutrition, abdominal mass in RLQ, perianal disease - fissure and fistulas, rectal bleeding (rarely)
What layers of the bowel does Crohn's disease affect?
All layers - transmural
Where can Crohn's disease occur?
Anywhere from mouth to anus
What are the complications of Crohn's disease?
Perforation, strictures, abscess, fistula, perianal disease, malnutrition, hemorrhage, toxic megacolon
How is Crohn's disease diagnosed?
Colonoscopy, perianal evaluation, small bowel follow through or capsule endoscopy.
Treatment for Crohn's disease
Corticosteroids, immunosuppresant agents, antidiarrheals, salicylates, monoclonal antibodies, antibiotics (Flagyl), pain mgmt., surgery
Nursing considerations for Crohn's disease
Low residue diet, fistula formation, malnutrition, pain mgmt., risk of dehydration, sepsis, emotional support.
Crohn's disease is characterized by
transmural skip lesions
What surgical treatments are done for Crohn's disease
Relief of complications (fistulas, perianal disease. total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy if confined to colon, resectioning.
What complication happens when too much ileum is removed?
Decreased B12 absorption
What diet considerations are made for a pt. with an ileostomy?
low residue, low liquid diet
People with stomas can still pass this from the anus
Key points to assess ostomy
ileostomy functions in 3-4 days, colostomy functions in 5-7 days, assess stoma and skin.
Most important step before getting a stoma
Make area-below umbilicus, w/in rectus muscle, avoid folds, keeping stoma where it can be seen.
Nursing care for ostomy
initial marking, pouch emptying & changing, peristomal skin care, diet instruction, supplies
When should you irrigate on ileostomy?
Never. It is done by a trained healthcare provider
Foods to avoid with ileostomy
peanuts, popcorn, nondigestable fiber. No enteric coated meds.
Diet restrictions with colostomy
Types of stomas
Loop bowel and end-hartmans
Ostomy complications
Dehydration (ileostomy), peristomal irritation, peristomal hernia, peristomal abscess, skin disorders (both)
Nursing care for mucous fistula
vaseline gauze
How do you change a stoma pouch
Change regularly, use soap & water, opening 1/8" larger than stoma, protective paste around inner opening.
Why do you avoid ibuprofen with Crohn's disease
Crohn's is an autoimmune disease and ibuprofen is an antiinflammatory which is contraindicated in autoimmune disease patients.
Where does diverticular disease occur
90% in the sigmoid or L color
What is diverticulosis
Little hernias in the mucosa of the intestine due to poor diet
What is diverticulitis
Infection of the diverticulosa
Risk factors for diverticular disease
low fiber diet, age 50 and older, high meat or protein diet, chronic constipation.
Symptoms of diverticular disease
abdominal pain, tenderness in LLQ, swollen, hard abdomen, fever, chills, poor appetite, N, V, diarrhea, constipation, cramping, rectal bleeding.
Diagnosis of diverticular disease
colonscopy, barium enema, stool analysis, CT scan, blood work, physical exam
Treatment of diverticular disease
high fiber diet, bowel rest, antibiotics (flagyl, bactrim, septra, cipro), potential surgery
Complications of diverticular disease
perforation and abscess formation, fistula formation, bleeding
Surgical options for diverticular disease
Hemicolectomy w/ primary anastomosis, hemicolectomy w/ loop ileostomy, hartmans procedure, lap procedure.
Risk factors for colon cancer
50-80 years, low fiber diet, high animal fat and red meat, black men and women, fam. history.
Screening tests for colon cancer
Beginning at age 50: fecal occult flood test q year, sigmoidoscopy q 5 years, colonoscopy q 10 years
Clinical manifestataions of Colon cancer
rectal bleeding, bright red (lower), tarry (upper), change in bowel habits, fatigue, weight loss, pain, bloating
Diagnosis of Colon cancer
Colonoscopy with biopsy, H&H due to bleeding, fecal occult blood test, Carcinoembryonic antigen CEA elevated in 70%
Staging of Colon cancer
Duka A-penetrates mucosa
Duke B-penetrates muscular layer
B2 penetrates muscular wall
C1 penetrates muscular wall and ca in lymph nodes
Duke D-Mets to liver, lung, or bone.
TNM Staging of Colon cancer
Tumor, Nodes, Metastastis
Treatment of Colon cancer
Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy
Postop care for colon cancer resections and ostomies
NG tube, PCA, stoma assessment, wound management (abdominal, perineal)
Factors contributing to Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Aspirin, food allergies
Diagnostics of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Blood workup - normal, barium enema, flexible sigmoidoscopy
Nursing management of irritable bowel syndrome
Treat symptoms. Constipation-metamucil, diarrhea-lomotil, immodium, pain-anticholinergics or antispasmodics, antidepressants (elavil), stress mgmt.
Causes of GI bleed
Hemorrhoids, inflammation, colorectal cancer, colorectal polyps, diverticular disease, duodenal ulcer, varices, mallory-weiss syndrome (tear in lining of esophagus)
Symptoms of GI bleed
fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, pale, vomiting blood
Treatment of GI Bleed
stop bleed, treat hypovolemia, prevent dehydration, maintain fluids and electrolytes
Name 3 diseases of the liver
Cirrhosis, portal hypertension, hepatitis
Symptoms of hepatitis
anorexia, N,V, fever, fatigue, RUQ pain, dark urine, light stool, joint pain, jaundice, elevation of liver enzymes
Treatment of Hepatitis
Hi protein, hi carb, low fat diet. no alcohol or drugs, rest, universal precautions
Causes of Cirrhosis
Etoh, hepatitis
Effects of cirrhosis
portal hypertension, ascities, esophageal varices (caput medusa), coagulation defects, jaundice, encephalopathy, bacterial peritonitis
Nursing for cirrhosis encephalopathy
Lactulose PO or PR, Neomycin PO, NG, PR, Low protein diet.
Treatment of esophageal varices
tamponade, mallory-weiss tears - cauterization, embolization, vasopressin
Treatment of cirrhosis
paracentesis, Transjugular Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt procedure TIPS, organ transplant
3 risk factors for cholecystitis
Post menopausal women, obesity, high cholesterol
Symptoms of cholycystitis
RUQ pain, N, V, indigestion, gas, fever, jaundice, pain after fatty foods.
Where are the enzymes in the pancreas
In the head
What happens when the tail of the pancreas is removed
The patient becomes diabetic
How much bicarbonate is produced by the pancreas per day
Treatment of cholecystitis
Pain mgmt, fluid and electrolytes, percutaneous catheter, lap chole
Pancreatitis cause
calcifying from repeated bouts of acute pancreatitis from ETOH or Obstructive - due to cholelithiasis and bilary tract disease