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44 Cards in this Set

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this is the common cold; inflammation of the mucus membrane of the nasal passage
inflammation of the pericardial sac; can result from infection trauma or neoplasm
inflammation of the peritoneum; which is a serous membrane membrane that lines the abdominal cavity & organs
What are some S x S of peritonitis?
abdominal pain, rigid abdomen, fever & increased WBC
What can cause peritonitis?
ruptured appendix, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or a uterine infection
name some possible treatments for peritonitis
NPO, may need NG tube to remove the secretions from the stomach & decompress the abdomen & to rest the intestinal tract, IV antibiotics
inflammation of the covering of the cartilage?
what is synovitis?
inflammation of the synovial membrane (the covering of a joint cavity)
list some s x s of synovitis
painful swollen joints
what are some causes of synovitis?
exposure to cold & damp environments, injuries such as sprains
what are some interventions for synovitis?
aspiration of excess synovial fluid, alternating ice & heat, antibiotics
any abnormal growth of cells is a
what is another name for a tumor?
neoplasm (new growth)
what type of tissues could you locate a tumor?
any type
which type of tissue is it rare to find a tumor in_______ what type of tumor is found in this tissue?
muscle tissue; fibroids
these tumors are confined to a local area; relatively slow growing, & does not metastisize (spread)
this benign tumor grows in the epithealial tissue as a projecting mass an example is a wart
this tumor grows in or about a gland. It is benign & made of epithealial tissue
this is a benign tumor of the connective tissue; a fat tumor
this benign tumor originates in bone & is made of connective tissue
this is a benign tumor in the muscle tissue
benign tumor of the small blood or lymph vessels
this is a small skim tumor; they are normally harmless but can turn malignant
nevus or mole
a benign tumor of the cartilage cells it can develope in the cartilage or move to the joint space
Tumors that invade & destroy normal tissue
the process of dispersion of tumor cells & the resultant seeding of new tumors at different locations
The study of cancer
this malignant tumor originates in the epithealial tissue; some common sites are skin, mouth, lung, breast, stomach, colon, uterus, prostate; spreads by way of the lymphatic sustem
this malignant tumor originates in the connective tissue & spreads through the blood stream
malignant tumor of the connective tissue that originates in the bone
this malignant tumor can originate in a mole (nevus) or a birthmark, in the pigmented a area of the skin; skin cancer
Melanoma "bad stuff"
cancer of the brain & spinal cord it is a connective tissue & has a "gluing quality"
this type of tumor is slow growing, remains localized, usually encapsulated, smooth, well defined, movable when palpated, resemble parent cell, crowds normal tissue, rarely fatal, can be removed surgically
benign tumors
This type of tumor has rapid growth, metastisizes, rarely encapsulated, irregular shape, immovable when felt, little resemblance to the parent cell, invades normal tissue, fatal without treatment, treatments surgery, chemo, radiation
malignant tumors
spread of cancer into adjacent tissue
direct extension
spread of cancer through______ & ________ systems can go anywhere
blood & lymphatic
CAUTION refers to what
early warning signs of cancer
sudden unexplained weight loss is a _____sign of cancer
general wasting of the body is called
what is the odor associated with cancer patients from
death of normal tissue
this is the key to successful treatment of cancer
early detection
this is the only definative way to diagnose cancer
what is apoptosis?
scheduled cell death
The most common carcinogens in our society are those present in _______smoke