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21 Cards in this Set

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Impaired coordination of movements.
muscle hypertonicity
S/S of MS
Ataxia, spasms, tremors, tinnitus, vertigo, dysphasia, blurred vision, diplopia, nystagmus, bowel and bladder dysfunction, fatigue, depression, weakness, limb numbness, pain.
What is autonomic dysreflexia characterized by?
Severe hypertension, bradycardia, severe headache, nasal stuffiness, and flushing.
What usually causes autonomic dysreflexia?
Most often caused by a distended bladder or constipation.
What are immediate nursing actions for autonomic dysreflexia?
Contact a HCP, sit pt. up in high Fowler's, remove noxious stimulus, loosen tight clothing, check for bladder distention, if pt. has a foley check for kinks in tubing, check for fecal impaction & disimpact if necessary, assess environment, & monitor vitals.
What is angina almost always associated with?
Obstruction of a major coronary artery.
S/S of angina
Pain that may radiate to the shoulders, arms, jaw, neck, or back; dyspnea; pallor; sweating; palpitations and tachycardia; dizziness and syncope; hypertension; digestive disturbances.
Management of angina
Nitrates, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, antiplatelets and anticoagulants, and oxygen administration.
Nitroglycerin nurse administration
Administer sublingually; Assess pt's response (relief of CP & effect on HR/BP); If CP is unchanged or lessened but still present, nitroglycerin SL administration is repeated up to 3 doses; If pain is significant & continues, pt. is evaluated for MI. *Always check expiration dates.*
Self-Administration of Nitroglycerin
Make sure mouth is moist, tongue is still, & not to swallow until tab dissolves; Carry med at all times & keep secure in original container; Med is volatile & inactivated by heat, moisture, air, light, & time; Renew every 6 months; Med should be taken in anticipation of any activity thay may produce pain; Recommend pt. to note how long it takes to relieve discomfort; If pain persists after taking 3 SL tabs at 5min intervals, seek emergency medical services.
Side effects of Nitroglycerin
Flushing, throbbing headache, ↓BP, and ↑HR. Sit down for a few minutes when taking to avoid hypotension & syncope.
Patient education for angina
Nitroglycerin administration, diet modification, exercise program, and smoking cessation.
Interventions for AAA
Vital signs; Recording I&O's; B/L comparison of upper arm BP; Peripheral pulses; Motor & sensory function; Temperature & color of extremities; Capillary refill.
What are indications of a rupturing AAA?
Constant, intense back pain; falling blood pressure; decreasing hematocrit; ↑HR.
What are risk factors for developing an AAA?
Age (>50), male sex, tobacco use, family history, & hypertension.
Risk factors for pericarditis
MI & following a respiratory virus.
S/S of Pericarditis
SOB, friction rub, pain relieved when sitting forward, fever/chills, malaise, fatigue, & chest pain.
Risk factors for endocarditis
Valvular dysfunction, body piercing, degenerative valve disease, hx infective endocarditis, IV drug use, mitral regurgitation.
Interventions for endocarditis
Monitor the patient closely; Watch for complications; Dyspnea, ↑HR, crackles, and edema may be present.
S/S of endocarditis
Chills, fever, painful lesions, fatigue, murmur, petechiae, weight loss, anorexia, night sweats, & back/joint pain.