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58 Cards in this Set

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List four common symptoms of pneumonia the nurse might note on physical exam

Tachpnea, fever with chills, productive cough, bronchial breath sounds

State four nursing interventions for assisting the client to cough productively

Deep breathing, fluid intake increase to 3 liters per day, use humidity to loosen secretions, airway to stimulate coughing

What symptoms of pneumonia might the nurse expect to see in an older client

Confusion, lethargic, anorexia, rapid respiratory rate

How does the nurse prevent hypoxia during suctioning

Deliver a hundred percent oxygen before and after each endotracheal suctioning

During mechanical ventilation, what are three major nursing interventions

One of your clients respiratory status and secure connections, establish a communication mechanisms with the client, keep airway clear by coughing and suctioning

When examining a client with emphysema, what physical findings is the nurse likely to see

Barrel chest, dry or productive cough, decreased breath sounds, dyspenia, crackles in lung fields

What is the most common risk factors associated with lung cancer


Describe the preoperative nursing care for a client undergoing a laryngectomy

Involve family / client in manipulation of tracheostomy equipment before surgery, plan acceptable communication method, refer to speech pathologist, discuss rehabilitation program

List five nursing interventions to implement after chest tube insertion

Maintain a dry occlusive dressing to chest tube site at all times. Keeping all tubing connections tight and taped, monitor clients clinical status. Encourage the client to breathe deeply periodically. Monitor the fluid drainage and mark the time of measurement and fluid level

What immediate action should the nurse take when a chest tube becomes disconnected from a bottle or suction apparatus what should the nurse do if a chest tube is accidentally removed from the client

Place the end of the tube in a sterile water container at 2 centimeter level. Applying an occlusive dressing and notify healthcare provider STAT

What instructions should be given to a client after radiation therapy

Do not wash off lines; wear soft cotton garments ;avoid use of powders / creams on radiation site

What precautions are required for clients with TB when place on respiratory isolation

Mask for anyone entering room, private room, client must wear mask if leaving room

List four components of teaching for the client with tuberculosis

Cough into tissues and dispose immediately into special bags. Long-term need for daily medication. Good hand washing technique. Report symptoms of deterioration, such as blood in secretions

Differentiate between acute renal failure and chronic renal

Acute renal face: often reversible, abrupt deterioration of kidney function. Chronic renal failure: irreversible, slow deterioration of kidney function characterized by increased BUN and creatinine

During the oliguric phase of renal failure, protein should be severely restricted. What is the rationale for this restriction

Toxic metabolites that accumulate in the blood ( urea, creatinine ) are derived mainly from protein catabolism

Identify two nursing interventions for the client on hemodialysis

Do not take blood pressure or perform venipunctures on the arm with the AV shunt, fistula ,or graft. Assess sites for thrill & bruit

What is the highest priority nursing diagnosis for clients in any type of renal failure

Risk for imbalance fluid volume

A client in renal failure asks why he is being given antacids. How should the nurse reply

Calcium and aluminum antacids bind phosphates and help to keep phosphate from being absorbed into the bloodstream thereby preventing rising phosphate levels and must be taken with meals

List four essential elements of a teaching plan for clients with frequent urinary tract infections

Fluid intake 3 liters / day, good hand washing, void every 2 to 3 hours during waking hours, take all prescribed medications, wear cotton undergarments

What discharge instructions should be given to a client who has had urinary calculi

Maintain high fluid intake of 3 to 4 liters per day. Follow up care. Follow prescribed diet based on calculi content. Avoid supine position

What are the most important nursing interventions for clients with possible renal calculi

Straining all urine is the most important intervention. Other interventions include accurate intake and output documentation and administering analgesics as needed

Following transurethral resection of the prostate gland (TURP), hematuria should subside by what post operative day

Fourth day

After the urinary catheter is removed in the TURP client, what are three priority nursing actions to be taken

Continued strict I&O's. Continued observations of hematuria. Inform client that burning and frequency may last for a week

After kidney surgery, what are the primary assessments the nurse should make

Respiratory status (breathing is guarded because of pain), circulatory status (the kidney is very vascular, and excessive bleeding can occur), pain assessment, urinary assessment (most importantly, assess of urinary output)

How do client experiencing angina describe the pain

Squeezing, heavy, burning, radiates to left arm or shoulder, transient, or prolonged

Teaching plan for the client taking nitroglycerin

Take at first sign of angina pain. Take no more than 3, 5 minutes apart. Call for emergency attention if no relief in 10 minutes

Parameters for hypertension

140 / 90

Differentiate between essential and secondary hypertension

Essential has no known cause, or secondary hypertension develops in response to N identifiable mechanism

Teaching plan for the client taking antihypertensive medication

Explain how and when to take medication, reason for medication, necessity of compliance, need for follow up visit while on medication need for certain lab test, vital sign parameters while initiating therapy

Describe intermittent claudication

Pain related to peripheral vascular disease occurring with exercise and disappearing with rest

Describe the nurse's discharge instructions to a client with a venous peripheral vascular disease

Keep extremities elevated when sitting, rest at first sign of pain, keep extremities warm, change position often, avoid crossing legs, wear unrestrictive clothing

What is often the underlying cause of abdominal aortic aneurysm


What lab values should be monitored daily for the client with thrombophlebitis who is undergoing anticoagulant therapy

PTT, PT, Hgb, HCT, and platelets

When do PVCs premature ventricular contractions prevent a grave danger

When they begin to occur more often than once in 10 beats, occur in twos or threes, land near the T wave, or take on multiple configurations

Differentiate between the symptoms of left sided cardiac failure and right sided cardiac failure

Left sided failure result in pulmonary congestion due to back up of circulation in the left ventricle. right sided failure results in peripheral congestion due to back up of circulation in the right ventricle, lower extremities

List three symptoms of digitalis toxicity

Dysrhythmias, headache, nausea, and vomiting

What condition increases the likelihood of digitalis toxicity occurring

When the client is hypokalemia which is more common when diuretics and digitalis preparations are given together.

What lifestyle changes can the client who is at risk for hypertension initiate to reduce the likelihood of becoming hypertensive

Cease cigarette smoking if applicable, control weight, exercise regularly, and maintain low fat / low cholesterol diet

What immediate action should the nurse implement when a client is having a myocardial infraction

Please client on immediate strict bed rest to lower oxygen demands of heart, administer oxygen by nasal cannula at 2 to 5 liters per minute, take measures to alleviate pain and anxiety , administer PRN pain medications and exactty medications

What symptoms should the nurse expect to find in the client with hypokalemia

Dry mouth and thirst, drowsiness and lethargic, muscle weakness and eggs, and tachycardia

What is bradycardia

Below 60 bpm

What is tachycardia

Above 100 bpm

What precautions should clients with valve disease who have the highest risk for adverse outcomes from the infective bacterial, endocarditis take before invasive procedures or dental work

Take prophylactic antibiotics

List four nursing interventions for the client with a hiatal hernia

Sit up while eating and for 1 hour after eating. Eat small, frequent meals. Eliminate foods that are problematic

List three categories of meds used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease

Antacids, histamine 2 receptor blockers, mucosal healing agents, proton pump inhibitors

What bowel sound disruptions occur with an intestinal obstructions

Early mechanical obstruction:high pitched sounds; late mechanical obstruction:diminished or absent bowel sounds

List 4 nursing intervention fir postoperative care of the client with a colostomy

Irrigate daily at same time; use warm water for irritations; wash around soma with mild soap and water after each ostomy bag change; pouch opening should extend at least 1/8 inch around the stoma

List the common clinical manifestations of jaundice

Icteric sclerae or scleral icterus (yellow sclera),dark urine, chalky or clay colored stools

What are the common food intolerances for clients with cholelithiasis

Fried, spicy, and/our fatty foods

List 3 classic initial signs of colorectal cancer

Rectal bleeding, change in bowel habits, sense of incomplete evacuation, abdominal pain with nausea, weight loss

In a client with cirrhosis, it is imperative to prevent further bleeding and observe fir bleeding tendencies. List six relevant nursing interventions

Avoid injections, use small bore needles for IV insertion, maintain pressure for 5 minutes on all venipuncture sites, use electric razor, use soft bristle toothbrush for mouth care, check stools and emesis for occult blood

What is the main side effect of lactulose,which is used to reduce ammonia levels in clients with cirrhosis


List four groups who have a high risk of contracting hepatitis

Homosexual males, IV drug users, those with recent piercing or tattooing, and health care workers

How should the nurse administer pancreatic enzyme

Give with meals or snacks. Powder forms should be mixed with fruit juices

What diagnostic test is used to determine thyroid activity

T3, t4

What condition results from all treatments from hyperthyroidism

Hypothyroidism , requiring thyroid replacement

State three symptoms of hyperthyroidism and three symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hyperthyroidism: weight loss, heat intolerance,diarrhea . Hypothyroidism: fatigue, cold intolerance, weight gain

List five important teaching aspect for clients who are beginning corticosteroids therapy

Continue medication until weaning plan is begun by physician, monitor serum potassium , glucose, and sodium frequency, weigh daily and report gain of more than 5 lbs / wk, monitor BP and pulse closely, teach symptoms of Cushing syndrome