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58 Cards in this Set

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Why is congestive heart failure or CHF termed like this?
because the body becomes congested with fluid
A group of drugs known as the __ ____ were found to reverse most of these CHF symptoms?
cardiac glycosides
Cardiac glycosides are what kind of agents?
positive inotropic
Both positive and negative inotropes are used in the management of various ___conditions
. One of the most important factors affecting inotropic state is what?
state is the level of calcium in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell
Positive inotropes usually do what?
increase the level of calcium in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell
negative inotropes usually do what?
decrease the level of calcium in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell
Positive inotropic agents increase what?
myocardial contractility
Positive inotropic agents are used to support what?
to support cardiac function in conditions such as decompensated congestive heart failure, cardiogenic shock, septic shock, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, etc.
Negative inotropic agents decrease what? What are they used to decrease?
decrease myocardial contractility, and are used to decrease cardiac workload in conditions such as angina.
Cardiac glycosides are composed of two portions? What are they?
a sugar, and an aglycone segment
The aglycone portion of the cardiac glycosides is what?
is a steroid nucleus with a unique set of fused rings, easily distinguished from the other steroids
In hydroxyl groups Hydroxyl groups: the ___ ____ is normally unsubstituted
C-14 hydroxyl
Hydroxyl groups: the C-14 hydroxyl is normally unsubstituted; however, additional hydroxyl groups may be found at ___ and ___
C-12 and C-16
Lactone ring: the size and degree of unsaturation of the lactone ring at C17 varies with what?
the source of the glycoside
. In most cases, the cardiac glycosides of plant origin, _____?
How do Cardenolides differ from bufadienolides?
possess a 5-membered, α,β-unsaturated lactone ring, whereas those derived from animal origin, the bufadienolides, possess a 6-membered lactone ring with two conjugated doublebonds (referred to as α-pyrone).
Digoxigenin and Gitoxogenin have one more hydroxyl than what?
Ouabagenin has additional hydroxyl groups and Strophanthidin has what functional group?
The hydroxyl group at C3 of the aglycone portion usually is conjugated to a ____ or ____ with what kind of linkage?
monosaccharide or a polysaccharide with β-1,4-glycosidic linkages.
most commonly found sugars in the cardiac glycosides are what 4?
D-glucose, D-digitoxose, L-rhamnose, and D-cymarose.
D-glucose, D-digitoxose, L-rhamnose, and D-cymarose. These sugars predominately exist in the ___ conformation?
Lanatoside A is composed of what? ITs connected to what?
Lanatoside A is composed of the aglyconedigitoxigenin connected to three digitoxose sugar molecules, the third of which carries a 3-acetyl group, and a terminal glucose molecule.
Lanotoside B and C have have what portions in common and what portions differ?
identical sugars portions, but differ in their aglycone portions
Partial hydrolysis of the glucose sugar and the acetyl group of Lanotoside A and C give us, what 2 cardiac agents?
Digitoxin and Digoxin
The medicinally used preparations of the cardiac glycosides are mainly obtained from what plants?
from Digitalis purpurea and Digitalis lanata plants.
Currently, _____ is the only cardiac glycoside commercially available for therapeutic use in the United States
To arrive at an effective plasma concentration what is given?
a large initial dose (i.e., digitalizing or loading dose) often is given
The purpose of this large initial dose is to achieve what?
achieve a therapeutic blood and tissue level in the shortest possible time.
Once the desired effect is obtained, the amount of drug lost from the body per day is replaced with what?
with a maintenance dose.
It generally is accepted that the toxicity of the cardiac glycosides results from inhibition of what?
the Na+/K+ATPase pump
It generally is accepted that the toxicity of the cardiac glycosides results from inhibition of the Na+/K+ATPase pump, which results in what?
which results in increased intracellular levels of Ca2+.
Hypokalemia(decreased potassium) can be an important factor in initiating what?
toxic response
It has been shown that low levels of extracellular K+ partially inhibit what?
Na+/K+ATPase pump.
A common procedure used in treating cardiac glycoside toxicity is to administer what?
potassium salts to increase extracellular potassium level
A common procedure used in treating cardiac glycoside toxicity is to administer potassium salts to increase extracellular potassium level, which stimulates what?
Na+/K+ATPase pump
A common procedure used in treating cardiac glycoside toxicity is to administer potassium salts to increase extracellular potassium level, which stimulates the Na+/K+ATPase pump, resulting in decreased what?
intracellular sodium levels and, thus, decreased intracellular calcium.
Concurrent use of compounds that are substrates for P-gp may affect what?
the therapeutic control of arrhythmias.
Digoxin is actively secreted into where? By what cell? Via what?
urine by the renal tubular cell via a P-gp efflux pump.
Quinidine competes for binding in the ___ ___ and reduces what? By raising what concentration?
renal tubule and reduces renal secretion of digoxin by P-gp, raising digoxin plasma conentration to toxic levels.
Verapamil inhibits what?
intestinal efflux of P-gp,
Verapamil inhibits intestinal efflux of P-gp, competing with digoxin secretion into where?
secretion into the lumen of the intestine
Verapamil inhibits intestinal efflux of P-gp, competing with digoxin secretion into the lumen of the intestine, raising what to toxic levels?
raising digoxin plasma conentration to toxic levels.
Rifampin, on the other hand, is an inducer of what?
inducer of intestinal P-gp expression,
Rifampin, on the other hand, is an inducer of intestinal P-gp expression, thereby increasing the __-__-___ ___ of digoxin
P-gp–mediated transport of digoxin.
Rifampin, on the other hand, is an inducer of intestinal P-gp expression, thereby increasing the P-gp–mediated transport of digoxin. This results in the lowering of what?
This results in the lowering of digoxin blood levels to subtherapeutic concentrations.
Absorption of digoxin after oral administrationalso can be significantly altered by other drugs concur-rently present in what?
gi tract
laxatives may interfere with the absorption of digoxin because of increased what?
increased intestinal motility.
Antacids, especially magnesium trisilicate, and antidiarrheal adsorbent suspensions also may inhibit the absorption of what?
of the digoxin.
Potassium-depleting diuretics, such as thiazides, may increase the possibility of what? because of what?
digitalis toxicity because of the additive hypokalemia.
Rifampin, on the other hand, is an inducer of intestinal P-gp expression, thereby increasing the P-gp–mediated transport of digoxin. This results in the lowering of what?
This results in the lowering of digoxin blood levels to subtherapeutic concentrations.
Absorption of digoxin after oral administrationalso can be significantly altered by other drugs concur-rently present in what?
gi tract
laxatives may interfere with the absorption of digoxin because of increased what?
increased intestinal motility.
Antacids, especially magnesium trisilicate, and antidiarrheal adsorbent suspensions also may inhibit the absorption of what?
of the digoxin.
Potassium-depleting diuretics, such as thiazides, may increase the possibility of what? because of what?
digitalis toxicity because of the additive hypokalemia.
Several other drugs that are known to bind to plasma proteins, such as what?
thyroid hormones
Several other drugs that are known to bind to plasma proteins, such as thyroid hormones, have the potential to displace digoxin from where?
from its plasma-binding sites,
Several other drugs that are known to bind to plasma proteins, such as thyroid hormones, have the potential to displace digoxin from its plasma-binding sites, thereby increasing its __ ___ ___ to a toxic level
free drug concentration to a toxic level.