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97 Cards in this Set

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Me gusta el gato. (3PPC)
The cat pleases me.
No te gusta el libro. (3PPC)
You don’t like the book.
Le gusta la casa. (3PPC)
The house pleases him.
No nos gusta el perro. (3PPC)
The dog is not pleasing to us.
Les gusta la revista. (3PPC)
The magazine pleases them.
Me importa la verdad. (3PPC)
Truth is important to me.
No me gustan las arañas. (3PPC)
spiders do not please me.
Me duele el estómago. (3PPC)
My stomach aches.
Me sobran los libros. (3PPC)
Books are left to me.
A ella le gusta el otoño. (3PPC)
The fall pleases her.
Me parece ridículo. (3PPC)
It seems ridiculous to me.
!Me encanta tu vestido! (3PPC)
Your dress is lovely!
Nos sobran diez dólares. (3PPC)
Ten dollars is left over to us.
Me disgusta tu actitud. (3PPC)
Your attitude disgusts me / I hate your attitude.
Me encanta el helado. (3PPC)
Ice cream enchants me!
Te falta un botón. (3PPC)
a button is missing to you.
Nos fascinan estas fotos. (3PPC)
These photos are fascinating to us.
A ellos les interesa la película. (3PPC)
The movie is interesting to them.
?Qué te importa? (3PPC)
What is important to you?
Me disgustan sus modales. (3PPC)
His manners disgust me.
Me parece egoísta. (3PPC)
He seems egotistical to me.
Me interesa la historia de los Estados Unidos. (3PPC)
History of the US interests me.
Me molestan las arañas. (3PPC)
Spiders bother me.
Me importa mucho mis estudios. (3PPC)
My studies are very important to me.
Muchos programas en la television me parecen absurdos. (3PPC)
It appears to me that many programs on TV are absurd.
Me duelen los pies ahora. (3PPC)
My feet hurt now.
Los libros de Stephen King me fascinan. (3PPC)
Stephen King's books are fascinating to me.
Me encanta la música de Rubén Blades. (3PPC)
the music of Ruben Blades enchantes me.
Me falta un botón en mi camisa ahora. (3PPC)
A button on my shirt is now missing.
No me interesan los politicos. (3PPC)
I am not interested in politics.
A veces me duele la espalda. (3PPC)
My back sometimes pains me.
Ahora me duelen mucho los ojos. (3PPC)
Now my eyes hurt a lot.
Normalmente, me sobra dinero. (3PPC)
Usually money is left over for me.
bastar (3PPC)
to be sufficient / enough to; to suffice
disgustar (3PPC)
to be repugnant to; to hate
doler (o->ue) (3PPC)
to be painful; to hurt
encantar (3PPC)
to be enchanting to; to love
faltar (3PPC)
to be lacking to; to be missing to
fascinar (3PPC)
to be fascinating to
importar (3PPC)
to be important to
interesar (3PPC)
to be interesting to
molestar (3PPC)
to bother
parecer (3PPC)
to seem
sobrar (3PPC)
to be left over to; to be in surplus
ocurrir (3PPC)
to occur / to happen
nevar (3PPC)
to snow
llover (3PPC)
to rain
costar (3PPC)
to cost
Me gusta esta idea. (3PPC)
This idea is pleasing to me.
Me gusta el chocolate. (3PPC)
Chocolate is pleasing to me.
Me gustan las fiestas. (3PPC)
The parties are pleasing to me.
Me gustan los deportes. (3PPC)
Sports are pleasing to me.
Me gusta nadar. (3PPC)
To swim is pleasing to me.
Me gusta comer. (3PPC)
To eat is pleasing to me.
Me gusta ir al cine. (3PPC)
To go to the movies is pleasing to me.
Me gusta escribir y leer. (3PPC)
To write and to read pleases to me.
Te gusta mi idea. (3PPC)
My idea is pleasing to you.
Te gustan las flores rojas. (3PPC)
Red flowers are pleasing to you.
Te gusta viajar. (3PPC)
To travel is pleasing to you.
A él le gusta el vino. (3PPC)
The wine is pleasing to him.
A ella le gusta el vino rosado. (3PPC)
Rosé wine is pleasing to her.
Nos gusta hablar español. (3PPC)
To us it is pleasing to speak Spanish.
Nos gusta comer en el parque. (3PPC)
To eat in the park is pleasing to us.
Les gusta la película. (3PPC)
To them the film is pleasing.
?A Uds. les gusta el café negro? (3PPC)
Is black coffee pleasing to you (all)?
A Sara y Enrique les gusta nadar. (3PPC)
To swim is pleasing to Sara and Henry.
A los niños les gustan los juguetes. (3PPC)
Toys are pleasing to the children.
A mí me gusta el café. (3PPC)
Coffee is pleasing to me. (emphasizing me)
Me agrada vivir en el campo. (3PPC)
To live in the country is agreeable to me.
Te duelen los dientes. (3PPC)
Your teeth hurt you.
Le encanta visitar España. (3PPC)
It enchants him / her / you to visit Spain.
Nos fascina el baile flamenco. (3PPC)
Flamenco dance fascinates us.
Me hace falta tomar unas vacaciones. (3PPC)
I need to take a vacation.
Me interesa ir a museos. (3PPC)
It interests me to go to museums.
Nos quedan veinte minutos. (3PPC)
Twenty (20) minutes are left to us.
No me queda mucho dinero. (3PPC)
Much money is not left to me.
A e'l le gusta el vino.
The wine is pleasing to him.
A e'l le gusta cantar.
Singing is pleasing to him.
A e'l le gustan los libros.
Books are pleasing to him.
A ella le gusta el vino rosado.
Rose' wine is pleasing to her.
A ella le gusta escribir cartas.
Writing letters is pleasing to her.
A ella le gustan las montan~as.
The mountains are pleasing to her.
A Ud. le gusta la cerveza.
The beer is pleasing to you.
A Ud. le gusta tomar un descanso.
To take a break is pleasing to you.
A Ud. le gustan las playas.
Beaches are pleasing to you (all).
A Fernando le gusta la verdad.
The truth is pleasing to Fernando.
A Mari'a le gusta bailar.
To dance is pleasing to Maria.
A Roberto le gustan los carros nuevos.
New cars are pleasing to Robert.
A la mujer le gusta leer.
To read is pleasing to the woman.
A Roberto le gustan los carros nuevos.
New cars are pleasing to Robert.
A Mari'a le gusta bailar.
To dance is pleasing to Maria.
A la mujer le gusta leer.
To read is pleasing to the woman.
Al hombre le gusta cocinar.
To cook is pleasing to the man.
?A Uds. les gusta el presidente?
Is the president pleasing to you (pl)?
A ellas les gustan los hoteles.
Hotels are pleasing to them.
A ellos les gusta dormir bien.
To sleep well is pleasing to them.
A los nin~os les gustan los juguetes.
Toys are pleasing to the children.