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58 Cards in this Set

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2. What condition is characterized by small clear vesicles, approx 1-5 mm in diameter, deep-seated stud the skin at the sides of fingers and on the palms or soles of feet?
3. When treating a patient with Common warts, how long and what would you use to freeze them and when would a patient need the treatment repeated?
- The wart may be frozen (avoid the surrounding skin) for 15-30 seconds with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is often curative, but may need to be repeated in 2 to 3 weeks
5. What is an Acute or chronic bacterial/fungal infection of the proximal and lateral nail fold tissues?
- Paronychia
6. What are circumscribed areas of hyperkeratosis, caused by intermittent friction, pressure and repeated trauma?
7. Which condition is characterized by initial lesions are superficial burrows seen as fine wavy dark lines up to 1 cm in length with a minute papule and secondary infection?
9. In dealing with Acne, which antibiotic regime is the most effective with the fewest side effects?
- Tetracycline
10. Which tumor arises in pigmented areas of skin, mucous membranes, eye and CNS?
14. What are the Four clinical infection patterns of Tinea Capitis?
- Seborrheic type; Inflammatory Tinea Capitis (Kerion); “Black Dot” pattern; Pustular Type
15. A chronic, superficial inflammation of the skin, frequently associated with a personal or family history of related disorders (hay/asthma). Other aggravating factors may play a role is known as?
16. This is a sudden loss of hair in circumscribed areas occurring in individuals who have no obvious skin disorders or systemic disease…. What class of medication would be used to treat this disorder?
- Alopecia ; Corticosteroid injections
18. This has excellent activity against yeasts and may the treatment of choice for many forms of mucocutaneous candidiasis.
- Fluconazole
19. Which condition has characteristic pink-red papulosquamous annular lesions with raised borders, expand peripherally and tend to clear centrally?
20. Which types of warts appears as soft, moist, minute, pink, red or velvety swellings that grow rapidly and may become pedunculated?
- Condyloma Acuminata (Veneral Wart)
21. What is an erythematous non-pitting edematous plaque that changes in size and shape? What is the most important cause of Urticaria?
- Hives or wheals; Histamine is the most important cause of Urticaria
22. This inflammatory scaling disease of the scalp, face and occasionally other areas, has symptoms of dandruff dry or greasy scaling and variable itching and has a gradual onset in Adults and can be affected by climate known as?
25. What are the causative agents in Acute/ chronic Paronychia? Which one is frequent in people whose hands are ALWAYS wet?
- In acute Paronychia, the causative organisms are usually Staphylococcus aureus or streptococci; Chronic Paronychia occurs almost always in people whose hands are chronically wet
26. This fungal infection may appear as a chronic non-inflammatory scaling, occasionally with thickening and cracking of the epidermis, it may extend over the sides of the feet in a “moccasin” distribution?
31. Define Lipoma
- Soft, movable, subcutaneous nodules with normal overlying skin
34. What is defined as a contagious and auto-innocuable infection of the skin caused by staphylococci or streptococci (or both)?
37. What is a common, contagious benign epidermal lesion assoc with HPV?
- Warts (verrucae vulgaris)
38. When providing education to a patient with Dyshidrosis what type of chores should they limit?
- Limit wet chores
39. Define Seborrheic Keratosis and state its etiology.
- Pigmented, superficial epithelial lesions that are usually warty, but may occur as smooth papules or plaques.
47. Empiric Treatment with antibiotics aims at Staph and Strep organisms is appropriate, since it is difficult to distinguish between both infections is a specific treatment for what condition?
51. What is the most common form of cancer and begins as a small, shiny papule, enlarges slowly and after a few months, shows a shiny, pearly border with prominent vessels (telangiectases) on the surface and a central crater or ulcer and should be treated by a specialist after biopsy and histologic examination?
54. Treatment with oral acyclovir (zovirax) 800mg po 5x a day for 7-10days, significantly shortens the period of viral shedding, accelerates healing time and decreases acute pain in which condition?
55. In the severe form of this disease, yellow-red scaling papules appear along the hairline, behind the ears.
57. Diagnosis of this condition can be confirmed by demonstrating the parasite in scrapings taken from a burrow, then mixed with any clear solution and examined microscopically?
(Also, using KOH and Heat will make the mites easier to see and destroy the feces)
- Scabies
60. When Herpes Zoster lesions spread to the area innervated by the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve may develop what?
- H. Zoster Ophthalmicus
61. What are the 5 I’s of Urticaria?
- Ingestants: foods, additives, drugs.

- Inhalants: dust, feather, pollen.

- Injectants: drugs, stings, bites.

- Infections: bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic.

- Internal diseases: chronic infections, thyroid, lupus erythematous
66. What is a cluster of furuncles with a spread of infection subcutaneously, resulting in a deep suppuration, often extensive local sloughing, slow healing and a large scar?
- Carbuncle
67. Prednisone may be necessary for treatment of kerions to hasten resolution and reduce scarring in what diseases?
- Tinea Capitis
70. What are pea-sized or slightly larger sharply circumscribed keratinous plug that extends through most of the underlying dermis and on paring has a glass core?
- Corns
72. What is a mild superficial Malassezia Furfur (Pityrosporum orbiculare) infections of the skin (usually on the trunk)?
73. Using epinephrine for the treatment of extensive disease and intolerable itching in what condition?
- Urticaria
74. What type of surgery should be used to treat recurrences of Squamous Cell Carcinoma?
- Mohs surgery
76. Bladder/bowel dysfunction known as Neurogenic bladder-sacral zoster is a complication of what disease?
- Herpes Zoster
77. The goal in treatment of this disease process is aimed at eliciting an immune response to HPV.
79. What is a slow-growing benign cystic tumor of the skin called, that contain follicular, keratinous and sebaceous material and frequently found on the scalp, ears, face back and scrotum?
81. What is the treatment of choice for head lice? And how is it supplied?
- Permethrin 1% cream rinse (Nix)
84. Use selenium sulfide and 1% Hydrocortisone cream is the specific treatment plan for what?
85. Removing Hyperkeratotic tissue with keratolyic agents (17% salicylic acid or 40% salicylic acid plasters) is specific treatment for?
- Corns/ Callus
87. A Patient presents with erythema and edema around the nail with an associated pocket of pus that develops along the nail margin. What is your diagnosis?
- Paronychia
88. What is a dermatophyte infection of the body trunk and limbs? What is the most common pathogen?

89. Patient presents with a scaling “rash” on the upper chest and back area, using a Wood’s lamp it shows golden fluorescence or pigment changes. This shows the extent of involvement of what condition?
90. What are sharply demarcated, rough-surfaced, round or irregular, firm, light gray, yellow, brown or grayish-black tumor 2-10mm in diameter and use cryosurgery for treatment?
91. What condition lacks a central plug and associated dermal changes and have a more even appearance?
- Calluses
92. What is a superficial slowly growing papule or nodule that derives from epidermal basal cells?
93. What type of melanoma constitutes 10-15% of all melanomas?
- Nodular Melanomas
94. Treatment of Acute infections are with hot compresses or soaks and Cephalexin if of bacterial origin in what condition?
- Paronychia
96. What is a diffuse spreading of infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue?
- Cellulitis
109. What is the treatment of choice in dealing with a bacterial folliculitis of a limited area?
- Topical 2% Mupirocin
110. What instruction mandates the management and disposition of Navy Personnel with PFB? What treatment phase has patients avoid
shaving x 3-4wks until all lesions have subsided while applying Vioform-HC?
111. What type of warts are smooth, flat, yellow-brown lesions occur more commonly in children and young adults on the face and along scratch marks through autoinoculation?
- Flat warts
112. What appears in a “Christmas Tree” pattern along their parallel the lines of cleavage typically radiating from the spinal column?
113. Definition of Acne Vulgaris?
- Open and closed comedones are the hallmark
114. Treatment for Onychomycosis?
- Oral Terbinafine daily for 12 weeks is recommended for toenails.
- Fingernails, at least 6 wks treatment
115. Differential Diagnosis for Acne?
- Rosacea- looks like acne but no comedomes
- Bacterial or Yeast Folliculitis.-
- Keratosis Pilaris –pimples or pustules on arms
(Like the pregnant chicks get)
116. Three types of Alopecia?
- Involvement may extend to all of the scalp hair (alopecia totalis)
- Rarely, all the body hair may be lost (alopecia universalis)