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26 Cards in this Set

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17. types of hydatiform mole:

important USMLE
Partial molar pregnancy: =

Complete molar pregnancy: =
There is an abnormal placenta and some fetal development.

There is an abnormal placenta but no fetus.
18. Define Spontaneous abortion =
loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks of gestation without outside intervention.
19. Define ectopic pregnancy =


most common location of ectopic pregnancy =
Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the Fallopian tube (so-called tubal pregnancies), but implantation can also occur in the cervix, ovaries, and abdomen.

1.1 Tubal pregnancy
1.2 Nontubal ectopic pregnancy
1.3 Heterotopic pregnancy
1.4 Persistent ectopic pregnancy
20. Know mechanism of action (MOA) of methotrexate:
MTX interferes with the synthesis of ___ ___ in the body ie preventing cells from ___ , especially rapidly dividing cells,
folic acid

Methotrexate limits DNA and RNA synthesis by inhibiting ___ ___ and ___ synthetase,
dihydrofolate reductase

Methotrexate also competes with___ ___ in normal cells
folic acid

causes significant side effects such as =
abdominal pain
hair loss,
kidney damage
low blood cell counts
mouth sores
21. Know the symptoms of low platelet (thrombocyte) count:
Bruising easily,
Bleeding gums,
Petechia on legs/arms

– bleeding is more visible when PL <30 000/mm3
-especially when the number is around 10 000/mm3
22. Reason for stomach ache
MTX Tx (methotrexate):
Causes stomach pain

because it breaks down the stomach lining,

Can also cause severe liver damage
23. Know the signs and symptoms of gigantism.
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1)
GH hypersecretion.

Hypersecretion of growth hormone causes gigantism in
_________ =

_____in adults.

24. Know causes of gigantism, growth hormone (GH) synthesis: GH is a _____ that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by ____ cells in the=
polypeptide somatotropic

anterior pituitary gland,

And negative feedback for =
GH secretion: somatostatin (SS)

GH and IGF-1 (negative feedback on the pituitary and hypothalamus
25. Know the mode of action of GH: direct and indirect

a. Direct effects: =
GH binds to receptors on target cells.
i. Ex: Fat cells broken down into lipids

b. Indirect effects: =
stimulates liver to secrete IGF-1, which acts on target cells and tissues and causes them to reproduce and grow.
effect of GH deficiency in children
exaggerated jaundice...
both direct and indirect hyperbilirubinemia

bone maturation and puberty may be several years delayed. When severe GH deficiency is present from birth and never treated, adult heights can be as short as 48-65 inches (122–165 cm).
effect of GH deficiency in adults.
-Increased 5-alpha-reductase
-Reduced sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
-Reduced muscle mass and strength
-Baldness in men
-Reduced bone mass and osteoporosis
-Reduced energy
-Impaired concentration and memory loss
-Increased body fat, particularly around the waistline
-Lipid abnormalities, particularly raised LDL cholesterol
-Increased levels of fibrinogen and plasminogen activator inhibitor
-Cardiac dysfunction, including a thickened intima media
stimulators of GH =
regulated by the neurosecretory nuclei of the hypothalamus. These cells release the peptides Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH or somatocrinin)
inhibitors of GH
Growth hormone-inhibiting hormone
(GHIH or somatostatin) into the hypophyseal portal venous blood surrounding the pituitary.
Stimulators of growth hormone
-(GH) secretion include:
peptide hormones
-GHRH (somatocrinin) through binding to the growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR)[18]
-ghrelin through binding to growth hormone secretagogue receptors (GHSR)[19]
-sex hormones[20]
-increased androgen secretion during puberty (in males from testis and in females from adrenal cortex)
-clonidine and L-DOPA by stimulating GHRH release[21]
-arginine[22] and
-propranolol by inhibiting somatostatin release
-deep sleep
-niacin as nicotinic acid
(Vitamin fasting)
-vigorous exercise
Inhibitors of GH secretion include:
-GHIH (somatostatin) from the periventricular nucleus

-GH and IGF-1 (negative feedback on the pituitary and hypothalamus)



types of herpes simplex viruses
significance of genital herpes in pregnant women and the risk for newborn.
Neonatal HSV rates in the U.S. are estimated to be between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 20,000 live births. Approximately 22% of pregnant women in the U.S. have had previous exposure to HSV-2, and an additional 2% acquire the virus during pregnancy, mirroring the HSV-2 infection rate in the general population.[2] The risk of transmission to the newborn is 30-57% in cases where the mother acquired a primary infection in the third trimester of pregnancy. Risk of transmission by a mother with existing antibodies for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 has a much lower (1-3%) transmission rate. This in part is due to the transfer of significant titer of protective maternal antibodies to the fetus from about the seventh month of pregnancy.[3][4] However, shedding of HSV-1 from both primary genital infection and reactivations is associated with higher transmission from mother to infant.[3]
"ToRCH" is sometimes used in these contexts.[4]
Alternatively, the "O" is redefined as "other",[5] and the acronym is spelled out as follows:
T – Toxoplasmosis / Toxoplasma gondii
O – Other infections (see below)
R – Rubella
C – Cytomegalovirus
H – Herpes simplex virus-2
30. signs and symptoms of prolactinoma

Those that are caused by increased Prolactin levels are:
(infrequent in men)
Loss of axillary and pubic hair
erectile dysfunction

Those that are caused by mass effect are:
Bitemporal hemianopsia
(due to pressure on optic chiasm)
(most common tumor of pituitary gland),
classification on micro


tests and imaging to confirm the Dx.

> 1 cm
Tx: =
Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

Cabergoline (Dostinex)
sign and symptoms of Parkinson’s disease,
-Tremor at rest
-Akenesia (bradykinesia)
-Poatural Instability
appearance of Lewy Bodies

loss of Dopamenergic cells in =

Loss of astrocytes &
activate of microglia

- alpha-synuclein protein (missense mutation) ....

Leads to decreased thalamic excitation of motor pathways
Substantia Nigra
DDx (differential diagnosis) with
idiopathic tremor,
normal pressure hydrocephalus
treatment of Parkinson’s
MAO-B inhibitor and/or dopaminergic agent
with refractory tremor

trihexyphenidyl, amantadine, or deep brain stimulation
COMT inhibitor,
dopamine agonist,
MAO-B inhibitor,
deep brain stimulation