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16 Cards in this Set

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14. Know your respiratory brain centers:
dorsal and ventral medullary group

pneumotaxic area in =
- Pons (brain stem)
respiratory brain centers:

Brain stem =

Cortex =
(Pons & Medulla) ; Main Centre

Voluntary control centre.
The respiratory center (RC) is located in the
medulla oblongata, which is the lower most part of the =

The RC receives controlling signals of neural, chemical and hormonal nature and controls the rate and depth.
brain stem
The respiratory centersensors are located in the
Chemoreceptors =

aortic bodies are responsible for detecting decrease in blood =
carotid bodies


by carbon dioxide.
Expiratory =
Ventral Medulla
Antero- lateral part of medulla, about 5 mm anterior and lateral to dorsal respiratory group

Does What =

Nucleus ambiguous and nucleus retro ambiguous.
Function: It generally causes expiration but can causes either expiration or inspiration depending upon which neuron in the group are stimulated. It sends inhibitory impulse to the apneustic centre.
Insperatory =

Location: Dorsal portion of medulla
Dorsum of Medulla
Nucleus: Nucleus tractus solitarii

Function: =
causes inspiration while stimulated.


length of inspiration
pneumotastic =
Upper Pons

Does What =
Coordinates Respirations
types of brain herniation =

– big items for USMLE
1.2 Central herniation
1.3 Cingulate herniation
1.4 Transcalvarial herniation
1.6 Tonsillar herniation
1.1 Uncal herniation
1.5 Upward herniation

most common conditions leading to brain herniation
most common conditions leading to brain herniation =
traumatic brain injury,
intracranial hemorrhage,
brain tumor
a/Uncal transtentorial :
Leads to
compression of arasympathetic fibers running with III CN (occulomotor)
causing an ipsilateral fixed and dilated pupil due to unopposed sympathetic tone
Central transtentorial herniation -Less common
. Occurs with mid –line lesions in the
front or occipital lobes, or in the vertex.
Most prominent symptoms are =
initial bilateral pinpoint pupils,
bilateral Babinski’s
increased muscle tone.
Cerebellotonsillar herniation
. Occurs when the cerebellar tonsils =
herniate through the foramen magnum.
. This may lead to
pinpoint pupils,
flaccid paralysis,
sudden death
/ Upward transtentorial herniation
. Results from a posterior =
fossa lesion

leads to a conjugate downward ______ with absence of vertical eye movements, and =

pinpoint pupils
define gestational trophoblastic tumor
pregnancy-related tumours.

trophoblasts and come from tissue that grows to form the placenta during pregnancy.
Hydatidiform moles are, in most cases, benign,
Hydatidiform moles are, in most cases, benign, but may, sometimes, develop into invasive moles, or, in rare cases, into choriocarcinoma, which is likely to spread quickly
but which is very sensitive to chemotherapy, and has a very good prognosis.
types of hydatiform mole:

important USMLE
a/Partial molar pregnancy:

b/Complete molar pregnancy:
There is an abnormal placenta and some fetal development.

There is an abnormal placenta but no fetus.