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24 Cards in this Set

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What does chapter 2 cover?
Individual Preventive Medicine Measures
What factors can affect heat injuries?
Physical activity, clothing worn, warm weather, high humidity, sunlight
What does dehydration lead to?
heat stress, increased susceptivility to heat injury, reduced work performance, and degraded mission capability
Significan heat acclimation requires how long?
3-5 days
Full acclimatization can take up to how long?
2 weeks
Depending on heat/activity level, you may need to drink how much water?
1/2-1 1/4 quarts per hour
One salt tablet increases water requirements by at least what?
At least one pint *May cause vomiting*
What minimum SPF is recommended for sunscreen?
at least SPF 15
What are the two types of cold injuries?
Freezing and Non-Freezing
What are the nonfreezing cold injuries?
Chilblain, Trench Foot, Immersion Foot
Trench foot is usually associated with what?
Immobilization of the foot
The body loses large amounts of heat through what body part?
The head
T/F: Frostbitten areas can be rubbed to warm?
False...will cause more damage
What is DEET?
skin insect repellent
What is Permethrin?
clothing insect repellent
After treating an area with insect spray, how long should you wait to enter?
10 minutes for vapors to disperse
What are the water treatment methods?
Iodine Tablets, Chlorine Ampules, Emergency Water Treatment Kit(CHLOR-FLOC Tablets), Bleach, Boiling
What is the preffered method of water treatment?
Iodine tablets
What are the percentages of bleach?
1%: 10gtts clear water, 20gtts cold/cloudy water
4%-6%: 2gtts clear water, 4gtts cold/cloudy water
7%-10%: 1gt clear water, 2gtts cold/cloudy water
What are the occupational hazards?
Exhaust, Gases,Solvents, Greases/Oils, Detergents
What are the Industrial Hazards?
Compressed gases, Industrial solvents, Hazardous chemical waste, Materials in water treatment/sewage plants
What are the Biological/Radiological Hazards?
Medical waste, Medical research materials, Radioactive isotopes, Nuclear Power Plant substances, Depleated uranium
What does Chapter 3 cover?
Leaders' Preventive Medicine Measures
What are the heat categories?
1: 78-81.9
2(green): 82-84.9
3(yellow): 85-87.9
4(red): 88-89.9
5(black): >90