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79 Cards in this Set

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What is it called when endometrial tissue is implanted outside the uterine cavity?
Endometrial implants proliferate under influence of what cyclic hormone?
What are cysts within the ovaries filled w/ thick, chocolate-colored fluid representing hemolyzed blood and desquamted endothelium, also is associated w/ ovarian scarring?
What is characteristic triad associated w/ endometriosis?
dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia
What is difficulty w/ defecation?
What is associated w/ deep thrust penetration?
What are the physical exam findings w/ endometriosis?
no abnormalities, fixed and retroverted uterus, tender nodules uterosacral ligaments, tender adnexal masses, abdominal mass
What gives definitive diagnosis for endometriosis by direct visualization?
laparoscopy or laparotomy
What is the medical tx for endometriosis?
no treatment for asymptomatic, NSAIDS for dysmenorrheal, comb OCPs & depoprovera, GnRH agonist
What are the possible surgical tx’s for endometriosis?
abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, adhesion dissection, appendectomy, urteroplasty, small bowel obstruction repair
What is defined as excessive, erratic, or irregular bleeding in the presence or absence of intracavitary or uterine bleeding?
abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)
What is prolonged or excessive uterine bleeding that occurs at regular intervals, a loss of 80ml or more of blood per menstrual cycle or bleeding that last more than 7 days?
What is irregular menstrual bleeding?
What is bleeding between menstrual cycles?
intermenstrual bleeding
What is a diminution of the flow or a shortening of the duration of menstruation?
What is a menstrual cycle interval of more than 37 days?
What is frequent menstrual bleeding or, a menstrual cycle that occurs every 21 days or less?
What is frequent menstrual bleeding that is excessive and irregular in amount and duration?
What is bleeding that occurs more than 12 months after the last menstrual cycle?
postmenopausal bleeding
What are the 4 causes of abnormal uterine bleeding?
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), organic causes, iatrogenic causes, systemic causes
What is AUB that occurs in women of reproductive age in the absence of demonstrable congenital or acquired causes?
What is excessive bleeding associated w/ cyclic progesterone withdrawal?
ovulatory DUB
What occurs in the absence of the cyclic production of ovarian progesterone, bleeding is erratic and patient may have amenorrhea alternating w/ metrorrhagia?
anovulatory DUB
What are all the different causes of anovulatory DUB?
immaturity of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, hypothyroidism, hyperandrogenic states, hyperprolactinemia, eating disorders, strenuous exercise, and obesity
What are all the different hyperandrogenic states that cause anovulatory DUB?
ovarian or adrenal tumors, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, PCOS
What are the organic causes of AUB?
abdnormal pregnancy, leiomyomas, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia & neoplasia, adenomyosis, inflammation by cervicitis or chronic endometritis, and coagulopathies
What are the iatrogenic causes of AUB?
IUDs, hormonal contraception, tamoxifen, psychotropic drugs (TCA & phenothiazines)
What is key in determining the source of bleeding in AUB?
presence or absence of ovulation
What is done to determine ovulatory status?
Menstrual diary, charting of basal body temp (BBT), luteal phase serum progesterone level > 6 mg/ml, and secretory endometrium obtained on endometrial bx
What is done to rule out neoplasia in AUB?
endometrial biopsy
When is endometrial biopsy indicated in AUB?
risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia such as anovulation, obesity, and unopposed estrogen, also postmenopausal bleeding and over 40 years
What are all the imaging studies used in evaluating AUB?
ultrasound, sonohysterugrams, hysterosalpingogram (HSG), MRI, hysteroscopy
What are the medical tx for ovulatory bleeding and a normal uterus?
NSAIDS, progestins w/ oral contraceptives, progestin releasing IUD, danazol, and antifibrinolytics
When is surgery indicated for ovulatory bleeding and a normal uterus?
pts who fail medical tx, have contraindication to medical tx or do not desire to continue it
What are the surgical tx for ovulatory bleeding and a normal uterus?
D&C, endometrial ablation, hysterectomy
What surgery for ovulatory bleeding is adequate for tx of acute episode of bleeding and to obtain tissue diagnosis, but no long term benefit?
Which surgery for ovulatory bleeding has good longterm results and 90% success rate for tx of menorrhagia?
endometrial ablation
What is the most common finding after hysterectomy for failed endometrial ablation?
What are benign monoclonal smooth muscle neoplasms?
uterine leiomyomas (fibroids)
What are the most common solid pelvic tumor in women and leading indication for hysterectomy?
Which type of uterine fibroids is near the external or serosal surface of the uterus, cause a distortion to the uterus, may be pedunculated and usually palpable on bimanual exam?
Which type of uterine fibroid is located within the myometrium?
Which type of uterine fibroid is located near the endometrium and project into the uterine cavity and may be pedunculated?
What are the symptoms for uterine leiomyomas?
asymptomatic, AUB, pelvic pain, urinary frequency, increase abdominal girth, dyspareunia, constipation
What type of AUB is most commonly associated w/ fibroids?
What confirms diagnosis of uterine fibroids, location and rules out adnexal pathology?
pelvic ultrasound
What type of test for uterine fibroids is useful for evaluation of intracavitary lesions, and preoperative evaluation of submucosal fibroids?
What is useful in uterine fibroids to rule out diagnosis adenomyosis?
What is used as medical tx for fibroids?
GnRH (leuprolide acetate)
What is used before myomectomy or hysterectomies to shrink fibroid and uterine size?
What is used to induce artificial menopause to help correct anemia associated w/ fibroids?
What is GnRH effects on estrogen and so should be limited to 6 months?
decreases estrogen
What is a surgical removal of myomas w/ subsequent uterine reconstruction, used to tx fibroids?
What is a surgical tx that definitively cures fibroids and is the single largest diagnostic category for which it is performed?
What surgical tx for fibroids involves inserting a catheter into the femoral artery and polyvinyl particles are injected to occlude the blood supply to the myomas?
uterine artery embolization
What are the complications w/ uterine artery embolization?
infection, hematoma, ovarian failure
What is the benign uterine condition in which endometrial glands and stroma are found deep in the myometrium?
What are the 4 causes of adenomyosis?
heredity, trauma, hyperestrogenemia, viral transmission
What is usually hyperemic w/ thickened walls, the foci are frequently scattered diffusely throughout the myometrium, and may be more circumscribed with the formation of a distinct nodule?
What are the most common physical signs of adenomyosis?
diffusely enlarged uterus, and particularly tender during mestruation
What is done to diagnose adenomyosis?
history, pelvic exam, ultrasonography, serum markers CA-125 increase
How is adenomyosis tx’ed?
hormone therapy, and hysterectomy is the only surgical tx for adenomyosis
What is cephaled to line connecting the insertion of the fallopian tubes?
What are the lateral regions of the fundus associated w/ intramural fallopian tubes?
What is the portion of the corpus connecting with the cervix?
isthmus/lower uterine segment
What is the lower 1/3 of the uterus, at and below level of the internal cervical os?
What type of endometrial cancer is estrogen related, younger and heavier pts, low grade, background of hyperplasia, perimenopausal, and exogenous estrogen?
type I
Which type of endometrial cancer is aggressive, high grade, unfavorable histology, unrelated to estrogen stimulation and occurs in older thinner women?
type II
What symptoms do over 95% of patients w/ endometrial cancer report having?
postmenapausal bleeding, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, bloody discharge
What is the main diagnostic tool for endometrial cancer and gold standard sampling method?
D&C endometrial biopsy
What is the most common screening test for endometrial cancer?
transvaginal ultrasound screening (greater the endometrial strip thickness the greater the chance of cancer, normal 4-8mm)
What are indications for endometrial biopsy?
postmenopausal bleeding, perimenopausal intermenstrual bleeding, abnormal bleeding w/ history of anovulation, postmenopausal women w/ endo cells on pap, and thicked endo stripe via sonography
What are the different types of hyperplasia?
simple, complex, atypical simple, and atypical complex
Which type of hyperplasia has the greatest chance of progressing to cancer?
atypical complex
How is hyperplasia w/out atypia tx for childbearing age?
progestin or depo-provera
How is hyperplasia w/out atypia tx for peri or postmenopausal women?
provera or depo-provera
What is the tx for atypical hyperplasia for childbearing women?
complete hysterectomy (in pts wanting to preserve fertility medical tx can be attempted)
What is done prior to medical therapy for atypical hyperplasia to rule out endo cancer?
What is the medical tx for atypical hyperplasia in women wanting to conserve fertility?
megace, norethindrone; and it also says AH/ECA w/ progestins (hysterectomy after childbearing is completed)