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25 Cards in this Set

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1) organized
2) passionate
3) engaging
5) Understand the audience
6) Practice
o Organized
o Organized: look poised and polished, sound prepared, message well structured and clearly defined
o Passionate:
o Passionate: exude enthusiasm and conviction; persuasive energy
o Engaging:
engage each audience member; build rapport quickly, involve audience early and often
o Natural:
o Natural: delivery has conversational style; appear comfortable with the audience, appear confident
o Understand the Audience:
o Understand the Audience: more you know about the audience, more you can connect and engage
• Own the Room:
-total confidence
-maintains professionsalism
-open style of communication
-ensures audiences understands and remembers the message
• Organizing a Presentation:
o Structure: develop a structure that allows you to frame your objective, cover all relevant material, transition smoothly from topic to topic and finish strong
• Longstanding Presentation Structure: tell the audience what you’re going to tell them (opening), tell them (body), tell them what you just told them (close)
o Look Organized: if you don’t look organized, the perception will be that you didn’t care to enough to prepare (create a negative impression from the start)
• Attention Span
• Attention Span: average adult undivided attention span is 15 to 30 seconds; most people will forget 95% of what you say within minutes of hearing your message; keep your message short, focused, and relevant
• 5 Components of any Presentation (list)
1) Being with a purpose
2) Objection/ purpose/Mission/Goal
3) Position/situation/issues
4) End results/ consequences/benefits
5) next step/ POA/time line
• 5 Components of any Presentation
o Begin with a Purpose: identify the most relevant information in your presentation (complete the sentence- “If you remember just one thing as you leave here today, remember this…”); purpose statement keeps the audience focused on your key points and prepares them for what they are about to hear
o Objective/Purpose/Mission/Goal: identify what you will cover (after clearly defining your purpose; the agenda; does not include detail; signal to your audience that you are prepared, organized, and focused
o Position/Situation/Issues: outline issues, concerns, fears, expectations, successes or obstacles; ask the audience if anything has changed to make sure the issues are still relevant to your discussion
o End Results/Consequences/Benefits: benefits, ramifications, consequences, implications of taking or not taking action
o Next Step/Action Plan/Time Line: prepares your audience for what you expect of them and what they can expect of you
o Use these 5 components to tell the audience what you’re going to tell them (in the opening) and to tell them (in the body- will have more details, incorporate stories, personal anecdotes, etc.)
• Closing
tell them what you just told them by summarizing the main points
o Purpose Statement: end the presentation with a purpose statement that provides the key points your audience must remember as they leave the room
• Attention-Grabbing Openings:
• Attention-Grabbing Openings: more creative; quote, statistic, etc.
• 60/20 Rule
• 60/20 Rule: arrive 60 minutes before the scheduled presentation time; use the first 40 minutes to prepare the room, seating, notes, AC, etc; use the 20 minutes prior to your presentation for introductions, building rapport, etc.
Ch 5 Passionate
• Exceptional presenters radiate passion, conviction, and enthusiasm
• Passionate presenters are more persuasive

• Delivery: passion is expressed through our delivery in 4 skill sets
2) Gesture and movement
3) Voice Command
4) elimination of verbal graffiti
1) Posture
o Posture: posture and nonverbal communication affect our ability to communicate passionately; posture and carriage indicate one’s comfort level, confidence, experience and attitude
• Standing Base: keep hands at the side for one’s base position (shows the presenter is relaxed, confident, and open) and between gestures and movements
• T-Rex: most common presentation posture; arms don’t have a purpose; hands dangle in front of the body; hands flail, presenter’s arms are locked
• Effective Seated Position: keep your hands on the table; both hands must show (internationally polite); lean forward to add energy to your delivery; keep elbows off the table; keep hands at least 8 to 10 into the table when gesturing
• Square Up: square your shoulders to the person with whom you are making eye contact; personalize your message; stabilizes your feet and keeps you from drifting and swaying
• Presenting from Behind a Lectern: keep your head and eyes up, make eye contact with all parts of the room, stomach and lectern should not meet, use hands freely to gesture, stand tall, don’t lean over the lectern
• Fidgety Hands: make us appear uncomfortable; shows the presenter is nervous, uncomfortable with the topic or distorting the truth
• 5 Tips to Appear Relaxed, Confident, and Professional:
1) Stand Tall
2) Keep Hands and Eyes Up
3) Smile
4) Never Retreat
5) Move with Purpose, Energy, and Enthusiasm
2)Gesture and Movement
• 5 Effective Ways to Incorporate Gestures
1) Use the Claw: most versatile gesture, reflects professionalism, enables presenter to maintain eye contact with and keep her shoulders square to the entire audience
2) When Using Numbers: use the numbers one through five
3) When Using Comparisons: vertical gestures to depict vertical bar charts (on dollar amounts, percentages, numbers and revenue); horizontal gestures (demonstrate timelines, phases, stages of a project)
3) When Using Verbs
4) When Pinpointing Dates and When Using Timelines
5) Visual Aids: position yourself so you maintain as much eye contact as possible to fully engage the audience
• Keep gestures below shoulders and above waist
3) Voice Command
1) Volume: strong voice shows confidence
2) Inflection: dynamic voice is more interesting and engaging than a voice with a narrow range of inflection; dynamic voice reflects passion, excitement, enthusiasm, confidence, commitment; don’t be monotone
3) Pacing/Tempo: take your time; pause to make words, phrases, etc. stand out
-Practicing Voice Inflection: practice when you leave a voicemail, practice by reading out loud, read billboards out load
4) Elimination of Hesitation and Verbal Graffiti
• Add nothing to the effectiveness of our message
• Makes the presenter sound unprepared and unprofessional
1) Qualifiers: words that dilute your impact and sound timid; I think, I guess, etc.
2) Condescendors: words we add on at the end of statements to make sure the audience is with us (using “OK,” see, right); sound condescending when used too often; leaves the impression that the presenter is not confident in the listener’s ability to comprehend the information

• Steps for Elimination:
1) Gain an Awareness of the verbal graffiti you tend to use
2) Recognize your Pattern: “ums” at the beginning of the sentence, “and” serving as a connector to the next sentence
3) Anticipate that you are about to use verbal graffiti
4) Pause: resist the urge to fill, state your next word
Ch 6 Engaging

• 5 Ways to Alienate Yourself from Audience:
• 5 Ways to Alienate Yourself from Audience:
o Talk about yourself
o Avoid eye contact
o Don’t smile
o Read your entire speech
o Use inappropriate or sarcastic humor
• 11 Rules of Engagement (list)
1) Speak to Interests of your Audience:
2) Use Stories, Examples, Anecdotes:
3) Eye Contact is Essential Engagement Tool:
• Lock on to One and Connect with Many
• Share Eye Contact with All
• Don’t Gravitate to Friendly Faces
• Position Yourself to be Focus of Attention
4) Don’t Waste Time Talking to Inanimate Objects
5) Smile:
6) Use Names Early and Often
7) Get to your Feet:
8) Use Current Events and Periodicals:
9) Humor:
10) Read Your Audience:
11) Get Your Audience Involved:
• 11 Rules of Engagement:
1) Speak to Interests of your Audience: engage your audience by talking about what’s important to them; ask yourself “so what” after every piece of information
2) Use Stories, Examples, Anecdotes: stories bring presentations to life, make information relevant to listener; elicit a range of emotions and reactions from the audience
3) Eye Contact is Essential Engagement Tool: know audience (eye contact can be aggressive or disrespectful in some cultures)
• Lock on to One and Connect with Many
• Share Eye Contact with All
• Don’t Gravitate to Friendly Faces
• Position Yourself to be Focus of Attention
4) Don’t Waste Time Talking to Inanimate Objects: minimize eye contact with the object
5) Smile: eases tension and creates a warm environment; indicates presenter is relaxed, confident, approachable, prepared; nervous people do not smile
6) Use Names Early and Often
7) Get to your Feet: more persuasive on our feet than sitting down; 43% more likely to persuade the listener when we are standing up and presenting our information using some kind of visual aid
8) Use Current Events and Periodicals: creates the impression that your information is fresh and that you are on top of what is happening in the world; demonstrates your effort to bring current and relevant information to your audience
9) Humor: breaks down barriers, build rapports and disarm opponents
10) Read Your Audience: pick up messages being sent by your audience
11) Get Your Audience Involved: if you want people to remember your message, get them involved; encourage participation; audience members who expect to participate pay closer attention than those who don’t expect to participate
ch 8
-Understand your audience
• Rule 1=Understand Your Audience
• Tips to Learn More About Your Audience: talk with people about the organization, ask lots of questions, listen for information you can built into your presentation, browse their web site; research and study your audience so you will be better prepared to speak to the issues, concerns, goals and fears that are important to your audience
• Questions to Ask: who will be in attendance, what are their expectations, what do the attendees have in common; call the company to ask these questions
• Quickest way to connect with an audience is by demonstrating that you understand their business, their issues, and their concerns
Chapter 11: Using Nervous Energy to Create Positive Results
• Most People Get Nervous (Mikhail Baryshnikov- dancer, Helen Hayes- actor, Johnny Carson- Tonight Show)
• People are not hanging on your every word; if you make a minor mistake, your audience will probably not even notice
• Focus the Spotlight on Your Message and Your Audience: do everything in your power to help them understand and remember the message; enables you to direct your energy to bringing out the message
• Convert Nervous Energy to Positive Energy: pre-presentation nerves are what drive us to prepare more than we would if we were totally relaxed approaching a presentation
• Techniques to Control the Fear:
o Two-Minute Drill: memorize your first two minutes (not word for word); practice your first two minutes repeatedly until they flow smoothly; make sure message is clear and consistent
o Rehearse: rehearse out loud, visualize your audience in front of you
o Rehearse in 3 Minute Segments: work on each segment multiple times; work on transitions from one segment to the next; allows you to refine the material
• It’s Okay to Forget
• Don’t Try to Tell Them Everything You Know: audience doesn’t need to know everything; reduce your material
• Arrive an Hour Early: give yourself time to prepare; back to 60/20 rule