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36 Cards in this Set

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fate of Ag and organ distribuion depends largely on
the route of entry and
nature of material
usually bulk of Ag introduced into an individual is
degraded and eliminated as aa's and/or small peptides
foreign substances either may enter body
naturally or may be introduced artificially

most frequently, gain entrance through the respiratory or GI tract

although they may enter naturally through other body surfaces, including he mucous membranes and skin, or by transplacental passage
artificial intro of foreignness occurs by
surgical intervention ( transplanation )
Ag poral of entry and innitial lymphoid tissues involved
IV: spleen
respiratory: MMALT
skin or muscle: lymph nodes
Ag transport to secondary lymphoid tissue
free Ag internalized by resident APC's (blood and/or lymph node)

transported by APCs: mac or dendritic cells

langerhan's cell specialized dendritic cell resides in skin major unction Ag processing/presentation and Ag ransport to secondary lymphoid tissues
function of Ag transport to secondary lymphoid tissue
filter and concentrate Ag
activate specific and B cells and expand cell populations
generate Ab
generate memory
seed other lymphoid tissue
schematic structure of lymph node
collagenous capsule
subcapsular sinus- lined by endothelial and phagocytic cells
cortex with primary follicle and germinal center of secondary follicle
paracortex with medullary cords that extend into medulla
capsule extends via trabeculae bw cortex
hilus with efferent lymphatic and artery and vein going into high endothelial venule

afferent lymphatic goes into collagenous capsule
high endothelial venule b/c cortex and paracortex
T cell rich area in lymph node
paracortex/medullary cords
where are DC's found in lymph node
paracortex/medullary cords
b cell rich area n lymph node
makes primary and secondary follicles (GC)
organization of lymphoid tissue in spleen
has trabecular A and V in trabeculae
venous sinuses in red pulp

white pulp composed of periarteriolar lymphoid shealths: PALS, frequently containing lymphoid follicles
- surrounded by marinal zone which contains numerous macs, APC's, slowly recirculating B cell and NK cells

t cell rich area in GC of secondary follicle
B cell rich area in marinal zone
dendritic cells in PAL's
organization of M cell in intestinal FAE
lymphocytes and occasional macs in intracellular pocket
endocytosed Ags are passed via this pocket into subepithelial tissues

M cell b/w enterocytes
M cell has B and T lymphocytes

T cell rich area in middle and B cell outer
dendritic cells interact with
T helper cells
Langerhan's cells
reside in dermis and presents Ag
transport Ag to lymphoid tissue and present Ag

go to paracortex: cell rich and communicate with T cells (present Ag) through class II
class II presents peptide
must have T cell R, which fits into class II peptide

goes from skin to afferent lymphatic vessel to lymph nodes, spleen and MALT
structures found on surface of all cells and express peptides contained within their binding grooves

means of communication for directing T cell activity by binding their T cell R
- either CD4 + T helper cells or CD8+ cytotoxic cells
MHC class I with peptide activates
T cytotoxic cells though class I R

foreign promotes killing
normal maintains no activation
MHC class II with peptide activates
T helper cells through their T cell R
- Th1 and Th2

promotes "helperc cytokines"
Class I normal and foreign peptides
peptides generated within cell
added to class I molecules as they are synthesized
I and peptide transported directly to cell surface
become potential target for T cytotoxic cells
presentation of intracellular antigenic peptides by MHC
class I molecules

result of series of Rxns

1. Ag's degraded by proteasome
2. resuting peptides translocated via transported associated with Ag presentation (TAP) into ER lmen and loaded onto class I molecules
3. peptides-MHC class I complexes are released from ER and transported via olgi to PM for Ag presentation to CD8+ T cells
native MHC class ii molecules
found on APC's
expressed on cell surface
synthesized in ER
transported and stored in cytoplasmic vesicle (anchored in PM)
invariant chain "cap" on peptide binding region
Ag peptides binding and II expression
external Ag engulfed:endosome

protein - peptides

vesicle endosome fusion

II and peptides expressed on cell surface: ligand for CD4 T helpercells
Class II alpha and beta chains assemble in ER and form complex with
invariant chain: li

the li-MHC class II heterotrimer is transported through the golgi to the class II compartment, either directly and/or via PMM

endocytosed proteins and li are degraded by resident proteases in MIIC

class II assoiated li peptide: CLIP, fragment of li remains in peptide binding grooves of II dimer and is exchanged for an antigenic peptide with the help of dedicated chaperone HLA-DM

class II molecules are then transported to PM to present antigenic peptides to CD4+ T cells
T cell activation by
sees Ag with two epitopes
DC in T dependent areas produce IL1: T cell activator
increase T cel R and produce co stimulatory R with CD28 and B7 talk (2nd signal)= activated
Toll R's on APC; Ag internalized ; processed peptides; MHC II

upregulate IL-2 R; increases affinity and produced more
t cell sellected via T cell Rs
activated T cells express CD 28 ; match II peptide and CD-28/B7
T cell releases, produces IL2 and increases its IL2 R and affinity

this can produce a swollen node
produces CTLA4; increases affinity for B7
stop proliferating signal
B cells activated by
free Ag; makes Ab and becomes APC: DC, macs and B cells
surface Ig cross link Ag (epitope)
patch and cap Sig & Ag
internalizes complex into vesicle
processes into peptides; fuses with II vesicle & expressed on cell surface
expresses CD40, a 2nd signal T helper cells

now B cell needs T cell help and proliferate and make lots of Abs

T cell makes cyokines, IL4: B cell proliferation; make other cytokine R for switching

some go to plasma cells and make IgM; some cytokines make them switch to IgG

memory cells made too
Ab production
clonal selection of B cell populations in response to Ag is by surface Ig R and epitope recognition

Ab producing plasma cell produces and secretes AB with ONE specificity
primary and secondary T dependent Ag responses
clonal expansion of activated B cells and Ig isotype production

cytokines released by T helper cells induce isotype switching

activation. cell signaling : CD40-CD40L

expansion: b cell growth factors

maturation: Ig class (isotype) switch change isotype, NOT IDIOTYPE infuenced by cytokines "loop" out DNA (excise)

memory cells

if encounter IL-4: makes IgG1 and IgE
if encounter TGF-B: IgG2b, AgA
if encounter IFN-gamma: IgG2a and IgG3
Ig (isotype) class switching
human Ig heavy chain gene locus: IGH
initially, B cells transcribe a VDJ gene and mu heavy chain that is spliced to produce mRNA for IgM
under influence of T cells and cytokines, class switching may occurr
each heavy chain gene except CD (which encodes IgD) is preceded by a switch region
when switching occurs, recombination b/w these regions takes place, with loss of intervening C genes

plasma cell does not class switch! just selected B cells
Ab production in T dependent responses
lag phase (before you can mesure Ab in serum)

IgM (3/4 days) to IgG switch (about 7 days; peaks a 14 and hangs till 20 days)
- IgG has longer half life than M

idiotypic speciicity
- never changes; only ISOTYPE switch
Ab affinity with Ag boost
rapid increased EgG production

increased Ab affinity

select high affinity sig-expressing B cells

create high affinity memory cells

- affinity determined by 5 hypervariable regions that can bind epitope
with Ag boost, affinity of IgM response
is constant

affinity maturation of IgG response depends on dose of secondary Ag
- low Ag does produce higher affinity clones compete effectively for limiting amount of Ag
immunological memory
follicular DC's
- B cells with immune complexes (how handled by DC and create memory)
- Ag presentation
- follicular T cells (CD4+ Thf)
primary and secondary immune response to T independent Ag characteristics
poor Ab production

low affinity and short lived
Ag types in immune repsonse to T independent Ag
polymeric Ag's: polysaccharides and lipids

B cell activation
- cross link multiple sIg's
- not processed into II efficiently
- no MHC II communication with Th-2 cells
quality and quantity of Ab in T independent immune response
no class switching
no t cell helper cytokines
immunological memory in T independent immune response
little to none

no t cell activation by APCs: poor II binding

no B cell proliferation or memory cell development

secondary response same as primary