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10 Cards in this Set

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Which member of the US government was accused of spying for the USSR?

Alger Hiss

Name the husband and wife that were accused of spying.

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

What happened to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg?

They were executed in 1953

Which organisation began searching for spies in workplaces, the media, government and the movie industry?


Name one effect of HUAC

Many people lost jobs as the “disgrace” of being investigated was too much.

What was the loyalty programme?

FBI was allowed to investigate all government officials and sack any “security risks”

Name the Senator who used the fear of communism to further his own career.

Joseph McCarthy

What did McCarthy claim in his speech?

McCarthy claimed he had a list of 200 communists working for the government.

McCarthy lost his popularity by accusing who?

McCarthy accused 45 government officials who are respected in the USA.

Give another reason why McCarthy lost public support.

McCarthy couldn’t provide any evidence to back up his accusations.