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127 Cards in this Set

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motor end plate
region of muscle membrane that contains high concentrations of acetylcholine receptors
insulin promotes
1. glucose oxidation
2. glycogen synthesis
3. fat synthesis
4. protein synthesis
glucagon promotes
1. glycogenolysis
2. gluconeogenesis
3. ketogenesis
4. lipolysis
5. protein breakdown (long-term)
beta cells
secrete insulin
alpha cells
secrete glucagon
effects of insulin in the muscle
1. increased GLUT4 in membrane and increased glucose uptake
2. increase glycogenesis
3. increases glycolysis and decreased gluconeogenesis
4. increased protein synthesis, decreased protein degradation
5. lower glucose in the cytosol, increased glucose entry
effects of insulin in the liver
same as muscle except increased glucose transport by GLUT2 and increased lipogenesis, decreased lipolysis and decreased fat metabolism
effects of insulin on fat
same as muscle except increases fatty acid uptake and increased lipogenesis and decreased lipolysis
less excitable - high CA lowers excitability
making things more hyperexcitable
what are the things controlled by Ca?
1. nerve excitability
2. cell signaling
3. tight junctions
4. blood clotting
cells responsible for synthesis (secrete hydroxyapatite)
cells that break down bone, secrete acid enzymes, dissolve collagen, release calcium to blood
regulation of osteoclasts
PTH -> interstitial cells -> paracrine -> osteoclasts
Where is the most important version of Vitamin D produced
Response to high Ca conc.
1. decrease in PTH from parathyroid gland - main effect
2. calcitonin released from C-cells
3. calcium transport by kidney/intestine
4. decreases bone resorption
5. loss of Ca in urine/feces
constant force
pushing against a wall - generating a force that keeps a constant length of muscle
contraction that causes the muscle to get longer
long actin filaments
protein to help determine how long the filaments are; helps to align actin
long and wrapped around the actin; prevents myosin interaction
stuck on the tropomyocin and regulates it - when calcium comes along (increase in cytosolic Ca), it binds to tropomyosin and pulls on it to roll it out of the way
huge protein that provides elasticity and stabilizes myosin
motor unit
somatic motor nerve and all the muscle that's innervated by it
sits in the SR and speeds up the activity of the SR-ATPase pump -> causes the next release of Ca to be bigger
inhibits the Na/K pump and makes the Na inside the cell go up and consequently, the Ca also builds up -> makes heart beat stronger
pacemaker cells
make sure the heart is beating correctly
coronary artery
supplies the nutrients to the heart
Purkinje fiber
makes contact with the rest of the cells in the ventricle
contraction of ventricles (systolic pressure = peak pressure per heartbeat in major systemic arteries)
systolic pressure
highest pressure during the contraction
relaxed filling of ventricles (diastolic P = lowest pressure per heartbeat in major systemic arteries
diastolic pressure
lowest pressure happening during contraction
first heart sound
sound of AV valves closing as ventricles start contracting
second heart sound
sound of semilunar valves closing as ventricles stop contracting and ventricular pressure drops below pressure in the major arteries
stroke volume
the amount of blood that's pumped out during any one contraction
systemic circulation
variable requirements, many organs, highly regulated, high arterial pressure
pulmonary circulation
low arterial pressure, single function, little regulation
designed to withstand high pressure
high strength, thick walls
low resistance
have 4 kinds of tissue: endothelium, elastic tissue, smooth muscle, and fibrous tissue
smaller than arteries
designed for regulation
high distance
dilate and constrict depending on need
have endothelium mostly surrounded by smooth muscle
have one single epithelial layer, 5-8 um in diameter, thin wall allows diffusion
serve as reservoir
contains 2/3 of the blood
low pressure and low resistance
tendency of a fluid to resist shear stress
laminar flow
smooth, silent blood flow
squeezes the artery and is used to measure blood pressure
arteries function
distribute blood, maintain blood flow and pressure during diastole
arteriole function
regulate the percentage of blood flow, also has the highest resistance in the systemic circulation collectively so pressure does not decrease very much throughout the arterial tree enabling the arterial distribution system to maintain an adequately high pressure to all parts of the body with a large drop in pressure before blood enters the capillaries
increase in peripheral resistance; have to have an increase in mean arteriole pressure to keep the same cardiac output
causes a huge increase in CO, small increase in arterial pressure, total peripheral resistance drops
mechanism in veins to have blood flow upward
one-way valves in the veins of the arm and legs
capillary function
1. transport nutrients to and wastes from tissues: some by diffusion, some by transcytosis, much by bulk water flow through gaps (filtration at proximal end, then osmosis at distal end)
what are the two things constriction does?
1. reduce blood flow
2. increase blood pressure
Summary of effects of sympathetic nervous system on the blood system
SNS increases constriction, reduces local blood flow, and increase the arterial bp by increasing the peripheral resistance
What are the exceptions to SNS causing constriction?
1. liver - needs to dump out epinephrine with glucose
2. skeletal muscle - want to have blood flow here
3. heart - want to increase flow to heart so it contracts more
reactive hyperemia
reacting to the reduced blood flow by causing extra blood flow
exercise hyperemia
increase in metabolites leads to vasodilation and increase in blood flow; causes a reduction in total peripheral resistance
What are the effects of nitric oxide?
NO is an important regulator of contraction of smooth muscle
what is the mech. of action of nitric oxide?
NO activates guanlyate cyclase and reduces the myosin light chain kinase
atrial natriuretic factor
released from atria during increases in artrial pressure - causes vasodilation
released from posterior pituitary during reductions in arterial bp or in response to dehydration - increases arteriolar constriction
released from kidney during reductions in arterial bp or reductions in Na absorption by the kidney -> causes arteriolar constriction
released from mast cells during infections or cell damage - causes dilation and increased permeability of the capillary
venous blood flow regulation
muscle and respiratory pump increase venous return
Factors for determining arterial blood pressure
1. blood volume
regulates the amount of sodium and is regulated by angiotensin
regulates the amount of water absorption
type II cells (alveoli)
synthesize surfactant
type I cells (alveoli)
type 1 are for gas exchange
intrapleural pressure and why it's always negative
due to the fact that the chest wall tends to move out and the lung has a certain springiness to them.
refers to the ability of a spherical vessel to stretch out to a certain volume (compliance of a lung filled with air is less than one filled with water because air-water interface lowers compliance)
what is the purpose of the lung surfactant?
1. reduce surface tension, therefore increasing compliance and work of breathing
2. stabilize alveoli (due to law of laplace)
3. keep alveoli dry and prevent pulmonary edema
4. expands lungs at birth
increased resistance to outflow
dead space
portion of the lung with no air exchange
evolutionary strategy in respiratory apparatus
1. increase available surface area
2. decrease distance required for diffusion
two routes for possible fluid loss from pulmonary capillary
1. interstitum
2. alveolar space
chemicals secreted by neurons that diffuse across a small gap to the target cell
chemical released by neurons into blood for action at distant targets
satellite cells
support cell bodies
schwann cells
form myelin sheaths and secrete neurotrophic factors
form myelin sheaths
form support for CNS, help form BBB, secrete neurotrophic factors, take up potassium, neurotransmitters
act as scavengers
ependymal cells
create barriers between compartments and are the source of neural stem cells
Why are the channels localized to the nodes of ranvier?
1. adhesion interaction
2. exclusion model
3. selective transport
divergent pathway
one presynaptic neuron branches to affect a larger number of post-synpatic neurons
convergent pathway
many pre-synaptic neurons converge to influence a smaller number of post-synaptic neurons
choroid plexus
specialized epithelium that pumps the ions from the blood into the ventricles to create an osmotic gradient. the gradient promotes osmosis and transport
cluster of cell bodies
afferent nerve
nerve that brings information from the periphery to the CNS (ascending information)
efferent nerve
CNS to peripheral
frontal lobe
coordinates all the information from other areas of the brain - controls behavior, social etiquette, decision making
temporal lobe
important in speech, memory, and hearing
occipital lobe
responsible for vision
parietal lobe
contains the somato-sensory cortex
primary motor cortex
detects direct skeletal movement
gustatory cortex
information from taste buds and tongue
olfactory cortex
information from nasal epithelium and olfactory receptors comes in here.
center for the body to carry out homeostasis
receives information from your eyes, ears, spinal cord, and motor information from cerebellum
controls hunger and thirst
pineal gland
sets our sleep and wake cycle
pituirary gland
important endocrine gland
important for coordinating movements
controls breathing and coordinates breathing rhythm
important for memory and emotions
AMPA and NMDA receptors are concentrated here
Retrograde amnesia
loss of all the memory before the trauma
anterograde amensia
loss of ability to store memory after the trauma
Broca's area
damage to this area causes a loss of ability to speak
wernicke's area
can speak but it makes no sense
subset of somatosensory neurons that detect noxious stimuli
pain sensation to previously innocuous stimuli
in response to noxious stimuli, it feels much more intense
Pacinian corpuscles
nerve terminal that's wrapped by a specialized epithelial tissue called corpuscle
what are the 5 types of mechanoreceptors?
1. c-fiber and AM-fiber
2. D-hair cell
3. Merkel cell
4. Pacinian corpuscle
5. Meissner corpuscle
tonic receptors
slowly adapting receptors that respond for the duration of a stimulus
phasic receptors
rapidly adapt to a constant stimulus and turn off. fire once more when stimulus turns off
the structure in our ear that detects sound
layer that contains the photoreceptor
outside layer and is a specialized epithelial layer with all the free nerve endings as well as the C-fibers of the nociceptros. Impotant for protection
farsightedness; occurs when the focal point is behind the retina
nearsightedness; the focal point is in front of the retina
area in the center of the back of the eye and has the highest concentration of photoreceptor cells; highest visual acuity
night vision
color vision; three types of cones - blue, green, and red
involved in learning and memory