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16 Cards in this Set

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What composes a Follicle?
Ovum and Supporting cells
What happens to the Follicle during ovulation?
One of the two ovarian follicles ruptures to release an ovum which enters the fallopian tube.
Which two structures does the fallopian tube connect together and what is it the site for?
Fallopian tube connects the ovaries and uterus.

It is the site of fertilization.
Where does fertilization occur?
Fallopian Tube
What are the terms for the outer and inner membrane of the ovum?
Outer Membrane: Corona Radiata
Inner Membrane: Zona Pellucida
What happens during fertilization with respect to the ovum membranes?
The degradative enzymes from the Acrosome degrade the Corona Radiata and the Zona Pellucida.
What marks the completion of fertilization?
When the nuclei of the sperm and ovum have fused to form a zygote. (single diploid cell)
What happens with the zygote after fertilization?
It travels to the uterus to implant in the Endometrial Tissue.
Endometrial Tissue is the site for what?
Implantation of the Zygote straight after fertilization.
What is a placenta comprised of?
A complex mix of embryonic and maternal tissue which develops at the site of implantation.
What is transferred into and out of the Placenta?
1) Nutrients from mother to fetus.
2) Waste from fetus to mother.
3) Gases (O2 and CO2) between mother and fetus.
When does the Placenta develop?
During Implantation of the Zygote into the Endometrial Tissue
Corona Radiata exists in what type of organisms?
Mammalian eggs
Which structure allows for species-specific binding of sperm in amphibians?
Vitelline Membrane of the egg yolk
Plasma Membrane seen in human eggs?
Yes it encloses the cytoplasm
What is the Corpus Luteum?
The remains of the follicle from which the egg is released at the time of ovulation.